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���+���T 4 Y9' vy.JyC�Y:� _.. '��-.�..-. ..�_ • ' x " <br /> _ ..'.�M� l�rri�.��.. . ' <br /> ... - w..... �.�� ... ...-.-_ -- _...."_" �.��.. <br /> � � . - 92� 1�2082 r.. <br /> ° '�� W1� coniknuuiliun��r ulhrr�uling ut uny part al Ihe I'ru�krly.�x'ti►rrnnvcyunrr in hru ol can�kunwl���n, ur�hcnby u��igikil und _ <br /> � ,� ,. �h�ll Ix puid lu I.rndcr. —�.� <br /> ,.,: .:�+:•,,_.. In Ihr rvrn� �►t ;i lulul �ul�iuµ �d �he 1'ru�krty. �h�• ��nkrrd� ,hull tx ��ppliud m �hr ,w��,ticrurrd hy �hi, tircurny � <br /> o " la��nmirn�,whrlhrr ur nnl Ihcu dur. K�Ih uny rxccti,p;u� i�� Nnrru�v�r. In�hr cvcn�uf a panrd�ukmE ul�h��Pr���riy in —_ <br /> ; ^ . .. .. . , which�hc 1'uir uuirke�valur uf Ihe I'nqkny inmiediulrly Ixlum�U�i+�l.iiiµ�r rq�ad�a i�r�er�ulei Ui�m tlir unN�um ot �hr tiumti <br /> . � ,rrur.�d hy thi•tirrurily Imuonunl imnu�dii�lrl�•Ixturr�li�iiilw�,unlc,+ Hurruw•cr:md Lcnd���dbcr���.c;i�srr��n wrilfnµ. _ <br /> �he �,umr ,rcurrd by dii.ti��rurily Inr�rumrm •hi�ll ix rcdured h,v�hu nmuun� nl ihr pr�k.•rd. inullipNed hy �hr IoUuwin�: <br /> ": Irikliix�: I�U Ihe tutul umuu�N ut'dk ,um��rl'1111tI Illlllll'1IU11CIy Iklllh•tlK uikinµ,dividrd f+y Ih►11� fair itiiurkct v�duc af�hc — <br /> --__ , _ 1'ro�xtty' iitt�urtli��lrl)� fx•li��e�he•�. Any h:d�����•r �hnll Ix �r.iid l0 11urr�iwcr. I�►Ih► cvrn�uf��pi�niul �ukinE ol�thc � ,� <br /> •� � Pm�xrty in whirb Ihe tiiir murkc�vuluc nl'tlu F'ru�hy ixli�rr Illl'IUI�111�!1\Il'�ti Illilll Illl'111111111tl1�II Illl' ,um� �-- <br /> � .ccund i�nmrJiutrly Ixli�rc Ihc unlc,. B��rrnwr��md Lrndcr o�hcru•i.c uErcc in wntin�!��r unlr+, upplicuMc law <br /> � • uihcnvitic pr�rvidc�.�he paxced.+hull Ix upplird�o thc.umx ,rcured hy ihi,Sccurity Imtrumcn� whe�lkr or m►���ur� � <br /> ` then Jur. — <br /> If ihc Pro�rly i�uh:►nihmcd hy H�►nu�vcr.or il'.nliu nuiicc hy L.en�lrr lu Harruwcr ihu�ihc condcmnur�Nlur.r io rnulc �`° <br /> un,iwurd ur+c�Ue u cluim li�r dumuKc.. B�►rrowcr fuil.ln respnnd w L�nJer wilhin�II day+ul'icr dic duic �he nuticc i,�:iven. <br /> �,' <br /> . , . Lcnder i+ au�horiicJ�u rallecl unJ apply thc pr�kreds.i��ilti apti�m,rilhcr to rc.tor+�ti��n nr np+�ir�il'�hr I�r���xny��r lu�hc �,� <br /> � <br /> � ,um�+ecured hy ihi+Security In.�rumeni.whethc�or no�tfwn duc. <br /> � Unlr,ti Lcndcr und Bi►RUw•cr utlxnvitic ugmr in wri�ing.�iny upplicu�ion ol'pr�kcrdti �o prinripal .hnll n��t extend or <br /> , � �x�rl�mc Ihr Jur du�r of ihe munthly p;�ymrnt,refrrreJ a�m parugraph+I:md?or chun�!e the i�mount of.uch puymrm.. �:� <br /> ) 11. Har�owe� Not Rcleused; Forbearunce By I.ende� NM a Waiver. Ex�en+ian al' �hc �imc li�r puyment ��r ��• <br /> nuxlificution ui'umuniculiun uf dx,um+,crurcd by�hi. Srrurity Inelrumenl�!ranted hy LeMlrr tn any.uccr,tior in in�emtit �, ;; <br /> ��f Bnrrowcr shull no� opertnc to reka.r ihc liuhili��•uf thr urigin•rl Bonowcr i�r B��rrowe�'s succc��nrs in in�cres�.Lc►xkr =_ <br /> �hull n��t be required �o cornmcnce pnxreJin��u�uimt :xiy succe++or in interetit or refusc w exteixl�ime 1'or puyment or =-_ <br /> . utherwix mixlii'y umonizuiion of�he�um+xrcureJ by Ihi.Seruriry In,�rwrnnl by reu.un�►f uny Jrmuixl m�uk hy the nri�einui <br /> • •' Burrower or Borrowrr� im�r�st, Any 1'ort�arance hy Lendcr in exrrci�ing uny ri�M ar remedy shull nat l+e u ',; <br /> .,': '' . ''�' wpiver of or prerludc�hr exrrci.�nt'any riph���r rcmcd��. =� <br /> ;'�'• r;�'.;;,; 12, tiuccesxnrs and AsviRns Bouod;Jnint and tieverul I.labllilv;Cn-si��ers. Thc cavrnant�und ag�cemem�of thi� �`^ <br /> , �.'�' � . Serurity In��n�ment �hull hinJ iuiJ txnclit Ihe .uccc,siirs and ux�igns of LetKlcr und Bo;TC�wcr, subjeci to the prmisians of i�.••.z <br /> ' `f''�"�;- ara ra h 17. Banc�wrr�rovrnumti anJ���r�cmrnts ,hull hc 'oint und scvrrul, An Sorrower u�ho co-,i�n+ Ihi. Securi� �+"u <br /> �,. � r � ,, , y E � y - <br /> �.. � : � In�trument hut dcx.r not rxecute�he Note: lal i+cc►-xignin�thi+5ecurity Ins�rument only to monFuke.gram und convey�hut �c_,�, <br /> B�ircoucr ti imere�t in thc Property unJer�hr term�nt'thi�S�curity In�tn�mrnr, �M1 ix nrn persanully nbllEutrJ to puy the,um� � ¢`_: <br /> ' .ccurcJ by ihis Scruriry Inytrumcm:und ic 1 ugrcrs thu�Lcndcr unJ any o�hcr B�xrower muy ugrce to cxlcnd,madify,forbcar �._ <br /> • ; , . � ��r mukc uny ucri�mmoJu�ion+ with R�!81'lI (0 thc Icrmz oi' this 5eruriry Insaument or the No�e whhc�u� Ihut Bartower� �:, <br /> '.,,,.;,! . <br /> . �. ';;., conxent. _-- <br /> . • 13. I.uan ChurRes. If�he loun +erurcd hy �hix Secu�ity Imtrumcnl i, subject to a low which sels muximum loan -- <br /> chur►�e.,und that luw i+linully interpreted tin thut tlx intrreu c►r i�ther loan churgex collecteJ or to he callceted in connectic►n =__ <br /> � wilh�the loun exceed the permiued limits.�hcn: lu)uny xuch luan chnrge.hull lx rcduced hy the amount necessary to reduce -- <br /> the churgc io�hr permiaed limit:unJ Ib►�my+um�ulrei�dy rullcrted from Borrowcr which rxcceded pemiined Iimils will be ��" <br /> refunJcJ tu Bonowrr. Lender muy rh�x,se�o mukr�hi.rciund hy rcducin��hc principal uwcd undcr the No�e i�r by mal:ing a r� <br /> �I,�� <br /> Jircri puyment io Burrowcr. II'a rrfund reducex prinripal,thc rcduction will bc trcatcd us u punial pmpuyment wi�hout any —_ <br /> prepaymrn�rhurgr undcr Ihc Noic. —` <br /> ld. Notires. Any n���irr to Borrua'cr pruvidcd far in thi. Scrurity Instrumenl�hull hc given hy delivering i� or i►y <br /> • muilin�it My tir+i clu.+muil unlc,.applir;�Mr lu��•rcyuirc,u�r nf unotlxr mr�hixl.Thr nuticc.hull hc dircctcd to the Propeny = <br /> , AJdn��ur nny utltrr addrr,. liurruwer de.i�n:nr,h�•nulirr to I.�ndcr. Any �x,�icr lo Lrnder �hull Ik given by tinl cluss <br /> muil w Lrnder'.:iddrr...i:UCd hcrein ur am•uthrr addm.,Lcndcr dc.ignutc.hy nuiirr ia Born�wrr. Any noticc providrd for --.._ <br /> in �hic S�curi�y In.�rumcnt +h�dl Ik dr�mcd lu huve Iken Eivc�� lo Borrow•rr or Lemicr when Fivcn u�pruvidcd in this -- <br /> , pura�ruph. _- <br /> IS. Go�erninK�; tie��ernbUil}. 'I'hi+ tirruriiy Im�rununt .hull Ix EovrmcJ hy fcderal luw anJ Ihc luw��f thr _ <br /> juri,diclion in�vhich�hr I'ru�xny i. I�kalyd. In�he e�ent ihut a�ny pruvitiiun or cluutir ol'thiti Srcurity Intitrumrnt ur�hc Note � <br /> ri�nllie�.with:�rri��:�ni.I,ia.,uch c�ndlir�.h.dl nw atlrct othrr pruvi,i�m,ol thi,ticrurity In,trumenl nr the Nute which ean '°•'�` <br /> Ix givcn rffcrt �vilhout Ihr rantlirlin� provi�ion. 'li��hi.rnd ihr provi�iim.uf Ihiti tirrurny Ins�rumem anJ�he Note are �,�� <br /> Jcclurcd to Ix,rvrruhlc. - - <br /> 16. Bo�ro«•er's('np}•. li��rrm�.r�h;dl Ix•�ivrn unr ronl�mncd r��p�•ul thc Notr and uf thi.Scrurity Inslrumem. °' ' <br /> 17. 'IYunxPer oP the P�nperl�•or u Bcncliciul Inlerc,t in BorroH�er. II':dl��r am part ul'�hc Pro�xrty ur uny inlercs�in <br /> it i..old ur Ir;m�fcrrrd lur il':� txnrf+ri;il imrrr.l in li�.rnn�cr i. .old ur Ir,m�lrrrrd :md Rornnvcr i�nut u nulurul prrsonl <br /> � w�th�mt Lrncirr:priur«•rincn r��u.rnt. Lrndrr ma�•.ai i�,u�itinn. rryuirc imo�rJialr paymim in (ull ul ull+um+�rcurcd hy �.. : <br /> Ihi.Srcurity In+irumrnl. I(u�acvrr.�hi,��plion,hall n„1 Ix e�rrci�ed {�r LrnJrr il i�rrritie i�pn�hihi�cd hy I�derul law u�of '° - <br /> • tlx dwc of thiti 5ecurily In.trumcnt. _� <br /> If Lrnikr exrrci.e.�hi,��p�ion. Lendrr.imll�n�•I;�n•rnw�r nuiire nf:�crrl.rauun. 'ihr muice.hall provide u periixl of -- <br /> not Ic,�than;Il day�t'r��m�he J:u�Ih�no�ire i,Jrli�•rrcd ur rn:iilyd���Iliin��hich 13urru��cr mutil pay,rrureJ by Ihi, �s� <br /> Srrurily Inxlrumen�. If Hi�rrowcr t:iil� tu p:�y Ihe,r .um+ priur a� thr.•�pir:uiun „1 Ihi. �x�ri�id. Lcnder mirv inv��k� uny �'-s <br /> rcmrJic,�xnniucJ h� �hi,Secm•ii�� In.tnunrm��i�huu�furllirr nuticr urdrro:utd„n lii,rr���cer. �' ` <br /> IS. Barrowcr'� Ri�;hl to Neinxtutc. II B��rnmrr m�ri. �•rr�ain r��nJiliun�. Hnrr����cr .hall h;i�•r dta right m h:rv� <br /> cnti�rccmrm�,1'thi.ticrurit��In.trumcn�Ji,.•ununurJ.0 :m� imir pri��r io ih.�e:irhrr uf: ial 5 il.y, �ur.urh u�hrr�xri�xl a. <br /> ti�nrlrl.muh F,mnk�lue;Fre�lAle\Wa•l\II'lIR\11��INI�IF:\I liu6nm(' 4.'411 ���d¢rd.��n�a��r�� � <br /> . � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ' ' .�1 - — — <br />