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„i=* i�., �.v...:.�a� i�,.:..':, . . .,�.:,;i:_ ,:�.! �;,{;: .. . ,4.� .c;Hr o .• � . ..+:.�.. a......KR,. � r.n �r .,F�t.: - ' <br /> � '.;S!• 1 � ( It�f I �i iV� -5)i � 1 '-I.�'i '1 � +l �4� � ..,: .ti � .'"!; .��' _s�.{S�%.i.oi�..i E.�4QC%' ” <br /> y} � s .� �.5,.i1 ..'I !11 , t '`� � f� '1 �r� '.: 1�;.��.:.��,�1� <br /> �{7 ��' rt+I:,. '�jY�'' ,"����' ..�V f �I•:. tf1{ �'��� .i��: M1�..3`•�n �,f�,,.i" ___ ' _ re►�.t:rm5,^il wa�o�,. <br /> ��:,in Y t.N: '{w(���� <br /> i•� p•�^'ri� ��1� � -_- <br /> r •�'6B1Flt�'^.^34Y`�'�y!' ` ' .. <br /> ��.-.Cn'�3iFLU�- � . . . . _ <br /> . ' .•rC:'..n.��•�. ., . . .� — - <br /> ,.n��sti�GakdLtiL...sht... ��.: —' �Y`L'� ---'- <br /> : � - '- ---�...--_-=-- ----- ._ <br /> . .., r i <br /> . �x_�--''___. ..._. <br /> ,f � � . � .� . � 0208`�,' �;- -- - <br /> : 2� i �: ��.- <br /> • " �:,'���"':� �"..� �rioJa thut l.cndcr rcyuirc�. Tlic in+uruncc cuRicr prnviding ihe intiunmrc,hull hc ch�►un hy Hnrn�w�r,ul±��ri a�I.cndcrti �""'�iO1 <br /> ""^"�~" � '��;"�`' uppnwal which hhull n�►�h�unmutii�nr�hly wi�hhrld. 11 H��rrowcr (aila lu muinluin ruvcrugc dc+critxJ utwwc.l.cndcr muy,ut _-�___-- <br /> �"" "'.��:4T{•a,;'�.:_�x LenJerk opti�►n,oMtuln a+rvcrugc lu pro�cc�l.endrr± thc I�n��r1y in ucc��rduncc wilh prruuruph 7. ---- - <br /> ; ,- •• ; � A�I in+uruikc�dlcie,und reoewul��hull Fx uccepiuhlc t�►l.�ndes und�hull include u+Iundurd mm�g+�µc cluu�. t.enJer <br /> '' ° tihull huve �hc ripM tc�h.r1J�hc�x►licicn LnJ rencwul+. 11'l.�ndcr rcyuimx.Uorrowcr�hull promptly�tivr lu I.�nJcr ull rcccip�� �Y-�•y�_. <br /> ,�, � , ° uf paid prcmium�unJ rencwul noticrs. In�hc cvrn� �d In.,, NutTUwrr+hull givc pr�►mp�n��ticc to�hr in�urun�c cumcr und _- <br /> ��+q��,:.-,..:;�� Lrmkr. Lender muy muke pr�x�f uf lo.ti if'nut mude pn�mpUy hy ��rcawer. -- <br /> • Unle..LenJcr uMl Bnrrower otherwi�r ugrec in wriung,inhumncc pr�kecd�.hull tx uppliccl to resturutinn ur repuir oF q <br /> „ - - thr 1'ra�xrty dumugeJ, if�ha retiwrmiim or rrpuir i�.crunomKUlly fcu�iblc and l.cndcr±�ccurity is nut Ictixncd. If ihr �'°__ --- -_ <br /> � •:'� '� " n�turutfun or ropair M nai economically feurible ur Lendcrt ucurity woulJ be I�,xned, the insuruncc prcxcedti ,hull be ��r:_;_-_ <br /> upplied�a tho wm�: +ecurod By this S�:cu�ity Inslrument. wheiher ur nrn then duc,with uny exce.ti puid u�Barrower. If �•�.�%�»�•�-= <br /> . ,. Sorrower ubundons �he Pmperty, ar doew nat unriwer wi�hin 30 duy�u noticc from Lcnder thut the in�:uruncc. currier ha+ ���c��,Y,,,-.,�,-_ <br /> ' ' , ` '� offered to settle a duim,then Lender muy collect thc inxurunrc Exocceds. I.ender muy u�c the prcxeeds to repair or restore „�,�„._ <br /> • • '„ . the Property or�u puy sumx secured by this Security Instrumenl,whethcr or not then du�. The 30-duy peri�xl will I�egin when j�''-�----- <br /> �.�..'�?�:�-�:� <br /> • . the natice ia givcn. �:-�_ � _ <br /> . ,. °�' •' Unletis Lendcr and B��rrower othcrwitic agrec in writing,uay uppliwiiun uf pnx:eedn to principul�hall not cxtend or -v�--r-•a <br /> �;;.s.�.,_—__— <br /> � ' �� " �v�pone the due date of�he monthly puyments rcferred to in paragruph� 1 und 2 or chnngc thc umount uf the puyments. U �"r=�"""�-"'""""-' <br /> . �, . � „ under purugruph 21 the Prt�peny is ucyuired by I.ender. Eiarrower's righ[ to uny inxurnnce policiex und proceeds resulting �;`� <br /> from damuge to the Pmperty pria�to the ucquixi�ion shall pass�a Lendcr�n�he extent oi ihe sums,ecured by Ihig Securiry ��t� <br /> , � '. ' Ins�ln�ment immediutely prior ta the urquisition. ��l��v+ - <br /> �f(v�i:�r,� <br /> ' •' , 6. (kcupancy, PreservAtion� Maintenance and Protecllun of the Property; Borro�ver's Loan Applicaho�: ��5�-��-- <br /> ',�� �'" ' r.; Leaseholda. Borcower sha�l occupy,eslnblixh,und usc the Propeny As Sonower:principal residence wilhin sixry ds►ys afte� ��--` <br /> . ' .4.;.��>r;. <br /> •.;....i•;., �cu.-:------ <br /> ':::;;r:'?.'' '.`.•.��'�• ' the executian of tbiti Securi[y Inswment and xhall continue to occupy�he Property ax Bmrowers principal residence for ut <br /> , �,�.::::�:,;.�., ��j=�_�:• _�_ . <br /> � ..��;,`;;,;•: • , . • �� Iens;t one yeur aRer the date of occupancy, unless Lender o�herwice ngrees in writing, which consent shull nat be �X_�,�__� <br /> ' ��'ti'•;;�%�}�rI'.,�.:_�•,-,,;,,.•� unreu�onably wiihbeld, or unles+extenuu�ing circums�nnces exi.t which are beyond Borrower's rantrol. Barrower xhall not r�,,;, <br /> ,'�4G�j�'.:._ <br /> , ..r.:�„�;�, , � . �,-� -- <br /> .,,,, ., , dc�tmy,dumage or impair the Propeny,ullow thc Propeny to deleriorate,or commi�wustc on the Piropeny. BoROwer shall ,,, __ <br /> ''��"�' be in defuult if any forfeiture uctian or praceeding.whether civil ar begun thm in Lender+good faith judgment ,;;�;;;�t�r�• <br /> '•:�i,�':::'� a..r�;__tc, � <br /> ;:�.•,�., ,: cauld tesult in forFeaure of �he Propeny ur othenvise materially irnpuir the lien creuud hy this Security Instrument ar ;,y.-;._�-_ <br /> " ' , Lender's security interetit. Sorrower may cure wch a defuult und reinstate,u�provided in p�ru@ruph 18,by c�using Ihe aclion •�+K�`'�'-�=°.� <br /> • or proceedin�tu be disrnis,ed with u ruling Lender:good fuith J�term�nulian,precludes forfciturc uf�he Borrower's "�-���•- <br /> �°=r:: <br /> � � interrst in Ihc Propedy or ullkr mulrriul impaimient uf the lien c�catcd by thi. 5ecurily Intilrument or Lender'.s security �;�;�;,.'•-- <br /> interest. Borrowcr �hAll also hc in defuult if Borrower, during the I��un upplicu�ion pracess, gave materially fnl+e or �.:,,F:�.,,,.�,. <br /> ; � „ inaccurale informu�ion or stutements to Lender lar failed ta provide Lender wi�h�ny muleriul informaiianl in connection with �� ,�,,�+:,_ <br /> � the laun evidenced by the NMe, including, but not limi�ed to.represemu�ionz concerning Borrower� occupuncy of�he N"---`� <br /> s'r�"�-'islwli;. <br /> � � F'iro n as u rinci al residence. If this Securit Instrument ix on u Iru�chold.Bonower xhull cam I with ull�he rovisians ��'=�° •,,, ;;:: <br /> !� Y P P Y pY P _,j� W.4��..: <br /> - _- -= of ihc 1ca�;::. !F Borrou•ez;uquirex fee title to the f'n�pett)�.the leuschc,ld u►id tBe fec lille�hnll not merge unless Lender agnees __ -- <br /> . tothe mergcr inwritinF. �is:�-..;�.��:-_ <br /> 7. ProtecHon of Lender's Ri�hts in the Pruperty. IF Burrowrr f•ril, ai p�:rl'orm ihr covenunts und ugreemcnls - <br /> comuined in this Security Inxtrument, or ttxn i, u IeFul pr�ke:��ling that muy tiignificantly uffect Lcncier:rights in the l�:������� <br /> Propeny Isuch as u proceedinE in bunkn�ptry,pruhulc,li�r runikrnnution�►r ti�rtcilurc nr�nrntiircc luw,or regulationsl,tlxn �"`�------ <br /> Lender may do und puy for whutevrr is ncre�.ury tu pmtrcl Ihc vulue ul��he Prupcny und Lenderti rights in Ihe Propeny. �_�.;�,��hr:� <br /> • � Lrnder+uction+muy include paying uny�umti+ecured by:►licn �ahich hu.priuriry ovrr thi+Serurity Imtrument,appeann� __.��� <br /> in roun,pvying rcu+onabk u�tomcy.'Icc.unJ rntcring�m thr I'nryxny t��mukc rrpair..Althiiu�!h l.rndcr muy tuke ac�inn �"`�+•' ..� <br /> . under thix parugr.�ph 1.Lender J�x�not hu�•r io d��,u. `�"- - <br /> ,� Any amounh di�hunrd hy Lcndcr undcr thi.r�����:�:��i,� ,hul)I+�con•: additinnul Jrhi oi Hurruwrr ,ecurcd by this ' �- _--- <br /> . ;; Srcuriry Irn�rument. lhile.�Harruu•rr anJ Lcndrr aErec tu uthcr�rmi,uf�,a}•mrm.thc,r.unnunh�hall Ixu�inlercxt t'rnm the , '. . _ - <br /> dute uf di�hwxement•rt Ihc Nu�e ra�r anJ .hi�ll Ix p:i�•uMc. wilh intcrc.t.u�ni n��tirr f�r�x�t l.cndcr�o N�,nti�wer rryuc.�ing . <br /> . puyment. <br /> � 8. Morlga�e Insurence. If l.rnder mquircJ nH�hgu�c in+urcmcr a,a ronditiun uf mnkin�:�hr lai�n �ecured by ihis • .� _ <br /> . Sccurily In+trumcnl.Biirrowrr tihull rvy �hc prrmiurn� requir.d io mainluin Uic monga�c in+uruncr in ci'1'cc�. If. fc►r uny - <br /> • , rcusun. �hc mongu�e intiurancc roverutir rcyuircd hy Lcndrr I�ip�c+ or reu.r+ �u tx in eftcrt. Borruwrr +hull puy thc • - <br /> premiums reyuircd �o �iMuin cuvers��r +ub.tun�iully cyui�-:dem tu the m�m�ugr in,uraixr previou,ly in rticrt. a� u cos� � . <br /> subxturNiully cyuivulent �o the cu.t to Borrowrr��f�hc m�mgugr in�urancr in cftiri. from un alternutr monguEe ` ,,. <br /> , • insurer upproved by Lendcr. If.uhs�untiully cyuivalem nwn�a�r in,urnncr ravcrugc i+ iM�t availuMr.B��rrower+hall pay la - <br /> LenJrreuch mix��h a+um ryual lu onr-�wrllih uf Ihr}curly monga�;r inxur:oicr premium t►�in�;paid by H�irrowcr when the � . •�--_ <br /> . inxurancr coveragr I:�ptied or cea,eJ�o ik in eftcr�. Lrndrr will arcrp�.u.�and rr�uin�hc.e{�aymrnl.:�,a lu.�rc.rerve in lieu :���: <br /> ot'mc►n�uge intiurancc. Los+re+rrvr paymm�t, may no lon�:rr ix rcyuirrJ.ut ihc ��ptiun�►f Lrndrr. if m��rtgage inwr•rncc • <br /> ' . rc►veragc(in�he umaunt unJ for the�xrioJ that Lrnder rryuin�l pruvidrd hy:�n imurer;ippr��vrd by LenJrr:iguin Ixromca ( <br /> � ' avuiluhle und iti obluined.Bcirrowcr�h:dl pay�hr premium,rcyui red tu maimain mung:��r m,ur:mrr m rf'fcct.or a�proviJe u <br /> lo�s rescrvc,unlil thc rrquircment fiir nwrtp.i�:c in,ur:uxr rnd,in arr��rdanrc��•nh uny�vrilt�n agmrmrnl txtween Burcower ` . <br /> � .� +mJ Lrnder nr applirahlc law, a <br /> ;�ti . 9. Inspection. I.rnder or it.a�!enl m:iy m:�l�r rca,on:ihle rntrir.upon and in,�xrlion.uf thr{'r���xm•. l.rnder�hall , <br /> give Bnrr��wcr noiire at Ihc tim<<�I�ur priur lo an imp�rli��n.peri(�in�rr:►�un;�hlr�':iu+u 1'ur Ih�imprcli��n. <br /> 10. Condemnat���n. Thr pr�xcrJ,�,f:�m uw:ird��r.laim I ur�I:un:ipc,.�lurc�„r r„nnrriiun w•i�h um• <br /> . . tiu�pkl'vuul�•-F'unnlr�furiFYiwldl.�lucl\IFIIR\ll\SI'Rl�1F.\I �1'od�nail'a� 4n111 r�aipr t,qn��,ie�•�. <br /> • ��n•.d I.�►�•Ru•uh�.•4��m..Inr � � <br /> L.unMT I.dM I�tM1D5.11L1r,tN:1 f.p,�t��Ib�7'll�l ldl <br /> � <br /> ! <br /> i <br /> � <br /> � _ . 1- <br />