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<br /> ' k`•'',l upplicnble law mny apecify far reinstotemenq bePore sale af the Praperty pursuant to uny �►we�uf tiuk cumuincd In thix
<br /> . Secudty Inslrumenr or(b)entry of a]udgment enforcing this Security Insuument. Thux�condiUunh are ihut HuRnwer: lu)
<br /> „ ;•,..�,�•;;; pays Len�ler all suma whfch then would be due under this Securlty Inslrumem und the Note u� If nu ncceleration had
<br /> � "`�'"" occurred;(b)cures uny default of nny other covenants or ngreements;(c)pays alf expenr+eK incurred in enParcing�hfs Security
<br /> � � � � Instrumcnt. in�luding,bul not limited lo, reusonablc attameys'fee�; und (d)tukec such actian a� l.cnder may reuxonpbly
<br /> ,. . ��. ' ", require to assure that the lien of this Security Instrument.Lender�rights in the Praperty und Burrnwcr4�bligAtfo�io pay thc _
<br /> ' , �ums secured by this Security Instrument shall continuc unchunged. Upnn rein��u�emen� by Bortc►wcr, this Security
<br /> ' Instniment und the obligations secured hereby ghall remain fully effective as if no accelerution hud cxcurred. Howevcr,�hia
<br /> .. �� _ rigM to rcit�slate.hall not appiy in Ihe cnse of acceleration under purugraph 17. _
<br /> '• • ' l9,Sale of Note; Chaqge oP Loan Servicer. The Nate or a partial interest in Ihr No�r pogc�her wilh this Secunty
<br /> � . . , Instrument)mAy be sold one or mare times wlthout prior notice to Ban•ower. A�Ir m;�y re�ult in u rFwnge in the cntiry
<br />° • � Iknown as the"Loan Servicer')thut collects monthly poyments due under the Note and thi�Security Imirument. There alsa
<br /> � • , muy be one or more changes oi'the l.oan Servicer unrelAted ta u sale��f�he No�c. If there is u chAnge of the Lcum Servicer,
<br /> � � . Borrower will be given written notice of the chunge in ncecxdanee with�r:►graph Id ut�ve and upplicable lua•. 'The aotice
<br /> � will stAU the nume und uddress of thr new Loan Servicer und the addrexs to which payments should t�e m+�de. The natice will
<br /> . .. � also coNain any other informalion required hy npplicnhle la�ti�.
<br /> � • 20, Hazardous Substanees. Bom�wer shall nrn cauxe ar p►rmii the presence,use,dispo�al,xturuge,ar releatie of any
<br /> � '� ` Huxurdous Subs�unces on�r in the Propeny. BaRawer tihall not cla,nor ullow unyone elre to do,nnyihing affecting�he
<br /> • Property ihat is in violution of uny Envir�nmentul l.aw. The preceJing Iwa�entences tihall not upply to the presence.use,or
<br /> ' storagc an the Propcny af+mull yuuntitics of Hnxnrch�un Subslanccs Ihut arc gcncrully rccognixed lo t+c uppropriate to narmal
<br /> residenlial uses und to maintcnnncc of ihc Propeny.
<br /> ' Bom�wcr shall pmmptly givc Lcndcr writtcn natirc nf any invc,tigution,cluim,ckmunJ,lawsuit or uther uction by any
<br /> � . Fovemmental or regulutary ugency or privntc pany involving the Property and uny Huzurdous Substancc or Environmenlul
<br /> .' Luw of which Bortower hu+ uctuul I�nuwledg�. If Borrawer Icarns, n� is nolified by uny govemmentzd or regulatory
<br /> uuthority,thai uny removal ex other remrdiu�ion of any Hurardnu+Substunce uffeciing�he Propeny is necetiwry.Borrower
<br /> - . ; �:.`"�`� � � .hall pmmptly�akc�ill nccc�tiary remcdial actions in arrurduncr wi�h Environmemul Luw.
<br /> . ' !�'•;�:��:��� A+u.ed in thi�puraEraph ''0,"Haiardoux Subx��mre."arc thotir.ubstuocex defined ati loxic or huxurdous�ubslancec by
<br /> ..,�. . :�,.�:.,�
<br /> ,� . : , :,.: Envinmmerwal Luw und�hr G�Uowin�suh.lancc.: gasolinc, kcmxcnc,o�hcr Ilummahlc or toxic pc�rolcum products,toxic
<br /> , ,. • , pesticick, and herhicidr., volutilr .olventx, m;urrial. cantuininF a.lxx�os ur form•rldehyde,iind rudiciuclive materiuls. As
<br /> ' �+ '' used in thi�purugrnph 211."6nvironmentul L�►w"mcanti f�derul luwx anJ luws uf thc jumdic�ion wherc thc Prapeny is laculed
<br /> .� �; .,�
<br /> �: :� thut rclule ta hcuUh.�ufety or environmcn�ul pnxrrtinn. _
<br /> • � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bi�rrower+md Lendcr funhrr covcnuntunduFrce us follows:
<br /> � , 21. Acceleratian; Remedies. I.ender Shall give noUce to Borrower priar ta ncceleration Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> ' breuch af apy covenunt or u�reement in this Security lnstrument Ibut nut prlor fo acceleralian under parA�raph l7
<br /> " <' :;'�: ' � ��;1: . II unkss appUcable law provides otherwisel. The notice,hull wpecify: lal the defuult;lbl the actlon requlred to cure the
<br /> • `�!,:__,�.:..�,::•,; ' " 11 dePaull;lc1 e date.not less thun i0 duys Prom the dute the noNce 15�iven tu Bnrro�ver.by which the dePault musl be
<br /> ' ������ �'• `• �I cured;and Idl Ihat failure M cure the dePuuU on or hePore the date�pecifie�i in ihe i�if�e iiia,r resuli lo acceferailun of
<br /> �� "•.��'��'"! the,umc tiecured by Ihis Serurity Instrument und sule oP thr Pr��perty. The autice shall Purlher iniorm Borrower oP
<br /> � ' the riRhl to reinstalr ofler ucceleration und Ihe riRht to brin}t u court uction to essert the nan•existence oP u defAUlt or
<br /> � uny oth�r dePenxe of Burrower tu ucceleratiun und tiale. !f the default ix not cured on or before the date speciFied in
<br /> the n��tke,l.ender ut its option muv reyuire immediute peymenl in full��f vll sum�secured by tbi�Securily Instrument
<br /> • I withnul furlhrr demund und muy im•��ke thc pu���cr aP salr und unv olher remedies permitted bv applicuble Iqw
<br /> � I.rnder shuM I�enlill��d to collrct ull erpenses incurred in pursuinK the remedirs provided in thic pu�ugr�ph 21.
<br /> includinR.hut not limited tn.rcutionuble aUorneps'fees und cusls of litle evfdrnce.
<br /> If the p��N�er��f'.rule i�im oked.'1'ru�ler shull recard u notice ol'defuult in ruch raunly�in which any prrt uP the
<br /> Pruprrly i�I�KUICd und+hull muil copie�nP�uch notice in th�tnunner preticribed b}•upplkuble luw to Bnrrower and to
<br /> the otNer per+ons pre�cribed b} upplicublc lu��. Af'ter Ihe �imc required by upplicable luw.Trutitce shull Rivr public
<br /> nuNce i�'tiule to Ihr per+on�und in the munncr prc+rribed b� upplicuMc lu«�. 'I'ru.rter.aithoul demand on Burrower.
<br /> shall scll t he Properly ut publir uuclion lo�hc hi�;he�t bidder ul thc lime und plure und u�der Ihe termx deslqnated in
<br /> the nulkr��f sulc in one or mon puncls und in s�m order'llru+lcc dctermfncs. 7ruslre muy putilpone rs�le of All ur uny
<br /> parcel��'the Pro�xrlv M• publir unnouncement ul Ihe lime und pluce uY un��prevfouyl}•xcheduled+ule. Lender ur its
<br /> ' desiunee rnay purchuu thc I'rupert�•ut um•sule.
<br /> Up��n receipt ot puyn�ent uP the price bid, 'I'rutilee.huU dell�er lo the purchuser'IYustee'ti deed conveying the -
<br /> Pruperly. 'I'hr redlulx in Ihr 7'ru�t��r'ti decd shull bc primu fucie evWence ut'Ihe t�uth oP the titulements made therein. _.
<br /> '1'ru.rteeahull upply Ihr pr�KCed�.of Il�c tiulc in Ihe Ii�Uu��inu urdcr: lu1 tu ull ro►�, und expcnscs oP rxcrcisin�;lhc poNer
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