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<br /> ,; ' ,}��•� TC�ETFIER WITN uU the impruvenxnt� now�rr herculter crrcied an �he pru�xny.m►d uU ruuute�il�.+�ppunenancu+. - --
<br /> � "• • , �. ' und fixtures naw on c�rcuper u pun of�hc proprny. All rcplucrmcnlh+mJ i�ddilfun�+hull+ihu Ix rnvrnd hy �hi� Se�uriiy —
<br /> " � Inxtrwncm. All ot'thr li,rrgoing is rcfcRCd tc�in thi�Srcurity In��rumcnl ux�hr"Pn►�xny."
<br /> � •� . . .. BpFtRUWER COV�NANTS ths►t Bnrruwcr is luwl'ully ti�i�eJ of Ihr c,lu��herchy runveyrd;u�d h+ir�hr r�µln �u E��uiq —
<br /> • anJ convcy thc Pro�.ny und�hut�hc Pro�xny i. unrnrumFkrcd,.rcept liir�nrumhrtmrc.nl rrc�►rd. li�ttr��wrr wurriini�unJ
<br /> r � . .,' , .. will dcfend ucnerally the tiUc lo thc Pr��peny uuuin.rt aU cluimv�md�km�md�,�uhjrrt in any cnrumhrnncrti nl n�r��rd. r'�''=
<br /> � � ` THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT r��mbinc� unii'nmi cuvrnum. li�r nntinnul u�� ;md nun•un�ti�mi covenunt� wi�h �
<br /> „ • IimiteJ vu�iu�iunti by juriadic�ion ta cum;;wtc u umlurm,rc�m�y in��ruincni cuvrrin�e reul pru�kr�y. _ .--- — �=— °
<br /> .�; . UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrow�r und Lendrr covenunt imd n�rer u,lidlow,: ����" �
<br />, I. Payment of Principal and Interest;P�eps�yment and I.ule('hWr�rR. B�mowcr.hull prumplly puy wlkn Jur Ihr —_
<br /> � � ' . principul of und interest on the deht evidenceJ by�he Nole und:my prepuynk m und luie churges Juc under ih�Nc►Ic. -_
<br /> Z Funds i'or'Ibxes and Insurance. Subject to upplicahlc luw ur to u wri�kn wuiver hy l.rn�lcr.Borrowcr shull puy tu
<br /> Lender on the duy mimthly payments ure dur under thc Note, until tlx Nu�c is p��id in 1'ull,a +um C'Fund�'I li�r:(ul y�urly �
<br /> � taxes und assegsment�which muy auain priority uvrr�his Sccurity Inslnimenl us n lien on thc Pro�xny:�b)yearly Ieu+chuW �_ —
<br /> paymcros or ground rem� on the Ropen�•, it' imy; (c1 ycurly huzurd or property intiuruncc prcmiums; Idl ycurly Iluacl
<br /> �'�'� inxuronce premiums, if ony; (el yearly monFuge in+urunce prcrniums, if am•: and lll any +um� puyuble by Horrower to
<br /> "��'" Len�k�, in uerordance wi�h�he rcwisianx c►f .�ra�ru h K, in lieu of�hr vmrm �H'm�•rt•a�e in+urnncr r�mium+. These
<br /> .. , p P' b p 1�. b , p � .�
<br /> � ••i;�.�:r,' �.� items are called"E.icmw Item+.' Lencicr may,ut nny�ime,c�lkci and hold FunJ.in an umnum not to exceed�he muximum °
<br /> . �• ' umount a Icnder far A federally rela�ed mortgagc loun may require for Borrnwcr ti cscr�nv ucrount under �he fcderul Rcul —r,��: �
<br /> �,-': . 1 Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 us umended from timc to time. 12 U.S.C. ;4?Gtl l e��sry.l"RESP.4"1,unle„un�►thcr --
<br /> •^ � , ' . ' '�•, IAw�hat uppliex to the Funds sets a lesser amoum. If sa.Lender may,ui any time.collect und hold Funds in un amount not to ,>�:
<br /> �� ��„,• ezc��rJ lhr lesser umount. Lendcr muy cstim�tc thc am�wnt�i Funds Juc on thc t►i��is ��f current da�a amd ms►mnublc • ',__�,_
<br /> � ,.� J; ; .. • ;':`s%.' estimwtes of expenditures nf fu�ure�xerow ltems or atherwise in uccordance with applicable law. "'�`'�
<br /> • The Funds shall be hcld i�an institulion who.r•e dc sitti arc imured b u tcdcral u enc ins�rumentalit•. ��r enlil `' "` °"°
<br /> ;, .., F'a. Y R Y� ) Y ...r:..:
<br /> ' �' �' (including Lender,if Len�icr i,su�h an imtilutionl ar in any FrJrrul H��mc Loun B•rnk. LenJer�huil upply thr Fund��o pay `�
<br /> �, .i �.,
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may nnt charge Borr��wer for holding und �pplying the Fundx,annuully analy�iog the c�crow . ��.:�-� `
<br /> - �+=��d�::':
<br /> ' . uccaunt,or venfyin� the Escrow Itemz, unless Lender puys Borrower intere�i nn ihe Funds and up�licuhle luw �Cnnits � •- _
<br /> Lende� to make such s�charge. Howcver,l.ender muy reyuire Bonower to puy u one-time charge for an inde�xndent real ..,,��;± `
<br /> • es�ate tax reponing�ervice u�ed by Lender im m�nection with �his loan,unlesx upplicuble Inw provideti otherwitie. Unless an 3';.'�r�';�:'"�
<br /> , ��..
<br /> agreemenl is mude or upplicublc law reyuires intcrest to bc paid,Lcndcr shall not be requircd�o pay Borrower uny intercst or ���� '{,,;
<br /> � • ' , carningti on Ihe�unds. Borrowrr und Lender may ugrcc in writing,howevcr,lhut interest.hull t►c puid on thc Funds. l.endcr ,` 3�� '''..��
<br /> tihull give ta Barrower.witlx�ut churge,un unnual s►ecoun�ing of the Funds, showing creJnti anJ debits to the Fund,unJ the ����-'•��-?
<br /> purpose for which euch Jebit to the Funelti wuti mude. The Funds are plyd�ed as uddilfonul securiry for aU sums�ecurcd Ny ����5�i,�.,y. �_ `
<br /> this Security Intitrument. �,�
<br /> - -- If the Funds held hy Lender exceed thc umounts permined w ix hcid 6y a�licublr luw, i.�+ider .ha1i accaunt w ��'�'=�_ =`•".''���.
<br /> Bnrrower for the excess Fundz in uccorJuncc wilh Ihe requm:m�ms uf upplicublr luw. U tlx�amuunt ul'the Fuodti held by € . � . ��,•�'a��
<br /> ' Lender ut uny time is not sufticient to puy the Escruw (tems whcn duc, l.ender muy so notify Bom�wer in�vriting,anJ,in
<br /> such cuse I3orrower ,hull pay tu Lendrr the onwunt nece.sary w muke up the deliciency. Borrowrr.hull�mukr up �hr � ;,�,_„�
<br /> ' � cieficiency in no more than twclve m�mthly puyment,,ut LenJcrs ,ule diticretion. �
<br /> ' Upon puyment in full ol'all.umti,ceured Ny thi.Scrurity In+trumrnl, l.encicr�hull pmmpUy RfunJ to Borrower uny � ��
<br /> Fundx held by Lcncler. If,undcr puru�r.�ph 21. Lendrr�hall:�ryuirc or ticU thc Pro�xrty.Lendrr,prior to�hr acyui.iiian or ; �
<br /> �ule�►f' �hc Propeny. .hull upply any Fund� Ixld by LcnJcr ut thc tinx of uryui.itian ur+ulr us a credi� ag•r�mt tlx,um� t �; ;,
<br /> ,ecurcd by this Sccurity Inxlrumcm.
<br /> . 3. Applicetiun oP Paymenls. Unleti� applict�Mr la�v pnwidcti u�hcrwix. ull pc�ymcnt+ rcccivcJ hy Lcndcr undcr �
<br /> � paragruphs I und 2,hull Ix npplicd:fin�,a�uny prcpaynkni rhurgr+duc undcr ih�Nutv;,ccund,lu amounl.puy:ible undcr j . .
<br /> par•rgruph 3:Ihird.to imcrc+l Juc:ti�unh,to prinripul Jur:und la,t.to i�ny lutr rhargc+duc unJrr U�c Ni�te. ':•'"';,-
<br /> 4. CMar�es; Liens. Borrowcr +hull puy all luxc,, a»c�,mcnls, rharges. fincs and im�►si�ion. :uc��n���n����� thc � �.;�,�.-_
<br /> � Property which muy altnin priurity��v�r this Security In�trumem,unJ Ici►�ehuW payment,ur�r�iunJ mnt..if��ny. Harcowrr , .
<br /> shull pay thece c�hli�uti��n�in the munncr pnwiJed in puru�s°rph?,ur il'n�N puid in thu�manncr,Burruu�cr.hull pay thcm on , .
<br /> „ timedimctly io tlx{x:r.on uwrJ payment. Bom�wer�hull prornptly fumitili iu Lcndcr all nulire.�►f umuunt.to tx paid undrr •
<br /> thi,puragruph. If Borrower mukes�hrx�p:rynteiUs dinrctly.E3ormwer shall pron►rUy lumi.h �o Lendrr rereipt��viikncing ' . �
<br /> the p+yments. ' ?`:•�s`
<br /> Rorrowcr shall promptly dischargc uny licn which huti priiKiry o��cr thi�Sccurity In,trumcnt unlc+.Borrow�r.lalugrecs i •�!'-`-
<br /> . in writin�to llx�payment uf�hr uhligation�rcurcd by thc li�n in u mannrr acccp�ablc lo Lcndcr:lt►)rontcst,in��xxi faith thc ' ,
<br /> lien by,or defenJs ugi�inst enforcement of thc lirn in.Icgal prexrrJinE.���hich in Il�e Lendrr�upini��n o{xratc to prevcnt thc � ' `i���
<br /> �nfareenxnt of the lien;or Icl�ecures fri�m Ihr hold�r ol'the licn an:iFrrement�:uitifartup•tu LrnJer suborJinating ihe lien " , •
<br /> ' to this Security Inxtrumcm. If Lrndcr cktrrniinr,thui:my par�c�l thc Pri�perty i�.uhjcrt to a licn���hich may auuin priuri��, � .
<br /> ovenhi.Security Instrumcnt.Lendcr may Eivr Bi�rrc�wer a nntire idrntifying tFx licn. H��rcuwcr�hull�utisfy thc licn or takc
<br /> �xie or tnor�of the actions.et fonh abnvr�vithin IU Jay,i�l'Ihe Eiving��I'noUcc.
<br /> 5. Hazord or Propertv Insurance. Hurro�vrr�hall I.rer�hr imprnvcmcnt�n����� existin�.�x herci�ftrr rrec��d on Ihr
<br /> I Prc�perty insured:�guiml lo.ti hy lirr.I18L:IflI�Illl'IQIII'lI WIII110 lll�I�rni"cxlrnJrd r���era�c"and am•othcr haiurdc. incluJing
<br /> tloods or t'lcxxlin�!, ti�r which Lcndcr rcquires insurancc. Thi� in+uramrc �hult hr m;►intamrJ m thr am��unts and lor thc
<br /> : i
<br /> i
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<br /> I
<br /> • � � _ — - ' --
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