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- '-��•+ �t"���,:t�i.'•�-�:,uly y„�'fi;•��� � •.ti �i'�r.i+ .r <br /> :� I .. - ' � t';1:�.��'a �ij�i l 1y .. • '� _ _ , - ..�.... <br /> �r, � ','� ~��J `''1 �, y-:''Yir�t� ` ir���' , rf+!wc�� �`: '!:r <br /> �_ ,�� 'Ai���— _._ . <br /> y�� � <br /> .. - i' .lS.' �y�}r.Rf�M,M^^ •. _ • ._'T.!' <br /> y _ <br /> : ._�.. 1 .'.w��r�` .. —=i�.:. <br /> ... ��e . .i_=.J...�._..�� <br /> � .r <br /> . 1020�9 �.��;��u <br /> 9 4'r } *�k�,�jr';.,-a«-�— <br /> � ��'"_��� - _ <br /> :,y� a 'o a`. .:.•. ..:�.` .. ��— �_ <br /> � � �,,,. p�yme�te may no langcr be requiral,at thc optinn of'l.endcr.if mortBagc fnYUrnncc covcragc(in thc onu�unt and for Ihc peri�d `.3���- <br /> � .e'r�be�`'�,;, e•"''-_""' <br /> :`+ . i,,,�, ,ss�. .. , lhot Lendcr requires)pravided by un inKUrcr appr��vrd by L.endcr again Ix�umc4 uvuilabic und h abtuincJ. anrrowcr xh� pay �:�:Y•._�` � <br /> � the premiumg required to muintain monBaBe insur�c in effcel,ur to ptovidc u laxx rc�:rvc,until thc rcyuirumcnl fi�r mortgage .�-:'-"`��--- <br /> �-- <br /> �� � inwrt�nce ends io nccordence with any wrinen ugrecment bctwecn Burruwcr und l..cndcr or applics�blo luw• �L�LL_,_� <br /> - '"' r "-.'' ^ q.Inrpectlon�L.ender or its ugent may make rcusunwble enlrfex upun und in�pectian�af the Prc�pcAy. l.cndcr shall Kive � _ <br /> h�'�+.�i��K-� Borrower notice at the time of or prior to un in�pectiun�p��cifying rcu�onable cuut;c for Ihe inspectiun. � <br /> I L. L 1.2.4—_ <br /> � . � °" 10.Condemnwlloa.Thc procecda of uny uword ar claim fiir dumugc�, di�ect or c�mscyucntiul. in cunnatian with uny ���,�� <br /> . : �• <br /> ' • - n �r tiir convc u n cc in licu of cimdcmnuti�m. ure hcraby usgigncd and <br /> . ..-. ,,. ._.-� - � �ndemnatian or uther taking of any paR of the Pm{+e Y• y `;:�,44��;;;_,,,�;_-- <br /> . A . " eh�ll be paid ta l.ender. - <br /> ' " In the event oin tot�l taking oi the Property.the pra:ccds shull bc applicd to thc sums sccurcd by thfs Sccurily Instrnment, �,_��t-�._-_— <br /> f ° � whethcr or not thcn due,with any cxcess puid to Borrower. In the cvcn�of a partiul taking of chc Propcny in which the fair F� r �t'��� <br /> i._�. '�;:_-:;.''_ <br />�:.a �_, <br /> ° � market value of the Property immcciiately bcfore �hc taking ix equnl to or greutcr than tlx.nmount of the xums�ocur«i by thig Er;ean���-:..-��� <br /> • � ��.�.��=-�• — <br /> ,�__ • __ , <br /> Scxurity Instrument immediately before the takin�,unlers Borrower and I.cnder utherwisc aS�cc in writing. tha sums secured by R;_���_';i' ' �A <br /> ' ,..'`.,:�:.''. �. . this Securiry Instrument shull bc reduced by the amount of thc procceds multiplied by thc following frnction: (a) the total :�,1:,';k���••5y::: <br /> •.�.....,,.-: <br /> d i v i d e d b y (b) t h e f a i r m a r k c t valuc of the Pru p erly immediatelY ;,,.,.,,,,,;;,:; ;..,. <br /> �:�.:�;, t`�?;�• • amount of the xuma secured immediately before �he takin$, : ._ •... . .., <br /> `t,`�:;:_,:Si;;: . . '':' <br /> � ;, .,:,•„,.... . ,.,;;,;�.� before the taking. Any balance shall be paid ta Borrawer. In the event af A pnctfal taking uf thc Property in which the fau i`-`�L � <br /> • ' °" ',:'�';�' market value of the PropertY immediatcly beiorc �he tukin$is less than thc amaunt af thc sums secured imrnediatcly t+efore thc ��.'"__. <br /> ' taking,un�ss Rnrrower and I.ender othervvise o8rce in writing or unlesw applicuble law utherwise pravides,the praceeds slwll .��•.��'-���___, <br /> R <br /> be applied to the sums secured by thfs Security Instrument whcther or not the sums Are thcn due. �•, -- <br /> „ If the Property ic abandaned by Bortower,or if,after notice by L.ender to Barmwer that�he candemnor offe�s to malce an _,,,���.�� `.l <br /> � � award or scttle a clairn for damugc�. Barruwcr failh�o respond to Lcndcr within 30 days afler the Jata thc nnticc is given, ' _a � _ <br /> � �hc r�xcain,oc ith op�ion,cithcr t��rcRtorntian or repair uf thc Propcny u�w thc sums u,.,sy�,-_� <br /> " , Lender f�uuthoriacd tc�collert und upplY p °�.�;�'.._ <br /> � sewred by thi,+Security Inrtrunxni,whc�her ur nnt then Jue. ,�, <br /> Unlcrs�kr und ti��rr�iw�r othcrwik u�re� in wridng. ony upplicu�iun of pr�krcdti a� r�����nui �hull nut rxtenJ ur '. � ' <br /> ' potit{xmc �hc duc Jwc af the man�hly poymrnih rcl'crr��l lu in puru�t�uph. I und 2 or rhungr Ihc unu�wn ui'.urh puynknt,, .�,:y+ _— <br /> � 11. R�Mrnwcr Nd Reles►s►vli ForM�r+�nc�Bv I�cndcr Not w W�+iver. lia�cmi�m nl�I�r tink li�r puynk nt ur nk�111iruNun �. 'Vy..�- <br /> �d'umuniiutiun af�hc ,um.xrur�d by �hf�.tirri�riiy Im�runknl�rumcd hy I.cixlrr N�uny rurre���r in Inlcr«i ol H��rmwcr tiholl — --^ <br /> ,. " �,n o�x r a q e i u r clenw the liuhili�y �d��hc nri�tioul&�rruwcr ar liurruwcr',rurce.W,r�in fntr��,i. I.ciwler.hull nut ix rcyuircJ tu ..�:-�.-• _. <br /> o r�►mmcncc pnxc��ling�u�{uin+a uny*uccc.wr m inlcr��� ur refu,r tu rxten d�ink ti�r puyn k n t�►r u t h�r w i K n a+J N'y umaniiuU�m ',___. <br /> • ° i�f thc �um� �ecurcd by �hin tic�•urity In�trumum by rcuum uf uny drmund m;Hlc hy �hc uri�:inal d��r���wrr ur fi�►rn►wcr'ti :.,�^a^ <br /> • succeswr� in intercst. Any tiirM:�ronec hy l�:nder in exercitiin�t uny righl or rem��ly +hull n�K Ix u waiver uf or pnxludc thc <br /> �„'dut..� <br /> —. --—_ _ exerciec ot uny righ� ar rcmc�ly, •:•',;--_- <br /> Caxi ncrw. Thc ruvcnont+und agrccmonix oi thi� <br /> ,r<:°=�:.__��: <br /> ' " 12. Succes.sors And Ac�lgn.w Bound: J��nt pnd ticvcr�l l.iAbility: R <br /> �'15�1 •�__ <br /> � Securi�y Inxtrumenl ahull bind�nd bcncfit thc .ucrc+�urti anJ usxignti of L.endcr onJ &�rriiw�r, subjcct to the proviaions of tfr.,��� -y_ <br /> •� pArogruph 17. Bnrrowcr's covenuntx nnd a�reement� tihall bc juint anJ sevcrAl. Any Borrowcr who co-tiigns this Serurity _ <br /> • '. Instrumen� but das nnt exccutc the Nute: (•r1 iti co-siEning thi.r Securiry Instrument on'` t,�"ni6�+B�'gA``��°p+y�h��ums � <br /> ' „ &�rrower'ti intere�t in thc Pr��perty undcr thc tem��ui this 5ccurity In��rumcnt; Ib1 iti n p� Y <br /> secured by this Security Instrument:and(c)ugrces that IAndcr und rny ahcr Burrower muy ugr��c tu cxtend, m�xlify. forfx:ar or L,---��ya^_rs� <br /> ��;s�,w • <br /> make uny acci�mmodAtian�with regurd t��the tenn�of this Security Imtrument or the Nute wich��ut that &irruwer'�conscnl. r ^�_ <br /> 41� <br /> 13.l.oan Chat�es. If thc loun sccurcJ by this S�:curity In.trumenl ia subjcct to a law which+�:tti neuximum loan chArgcs. . . �y�. <br /> .•.,:.... <br /> and that law is finolly interpreted so thut thc intcre�l or�ithrr loan rharbes collected i�r to be coUec�ed in ciMn�Ytion with�he ___ <br /> ' loan excecd the pennittcd limitx. then;la)any xuch luun rharge shall he reduced Ny the um��unt neressary to reduce the char�e c'�,4�;' , ',�.R <br /> • to the permitted limir,und (b)nny sum�ulrcady cull�rted fr��m Born�wcr whirh exceeded permiucd limits will t+e refunded te :.:., <br /> �.L.___ <br /> : �: <br /> Borrawcr. l.cndcr rnay chixnc to mukc �his rcfund By rcducing thr prirkipul ow�cd undcr thc N�tc ur by mnking n direct . �,._ <br /> . payment to Borrowcr. II' u ret'und redurex principal. thr rcduction will bc tre:ned us a partir�l prcpuymcnt without any ,.;:4��T <br /> � prepayrncnt chargc undcr thc Nutc. -`--- <br /> �. r•:,.-� <br /> � ," 14.Notices.Any n��ticc to &ttr�iu�cr pmvid�d for in this Sccurity Invtrumcnt shall hc Fivcn by dclivering it or by mailing r __, <br /> ' it by i'irst clatis mai l unless applic•rblc lu�v rcyuir�s u+c uf unothcr m�:thal. Thc nuticc.hull lx Jircctal t��thc Property Address '`:.�.-^_ '_- <br /> � or any other uddress Barrowcr de.ignu�e. by nuticc tu l.cnder. Any natirc to L.cnJ�r ,hall Nc given My firtit cluss muil to _� <br /> Lencler's addretis stalcd hcrein ur any othcr a�1Jrc�+Lendcr Jc+ign;►tr.b}• m�ticc to Borrower. Any nMice pro��iJeJ for in this ;.:-�"'� <br /> S e c u ri t y I n s t r u n x n t sh ull bc decmc� m huvc h��cn�i�•�n la Burruwcr or Lcndcr when Eivcn•r�providal in this purngruph. y��_ <br /> 1S. Governing;S��•erabflit�•. Thi,Sccurit�� Inytrununl ,hall tx� govcrnc J by fc dc r a l l u w u n J [h c l a w a f t t�c ". <br /> jurisdiction in whirh thc Pr��perty is kxatcd. In thc rvent that uny provixiun ur rlausc ul'thiti Scrun�y Instrumrnt or thc Note i� , <br /> cunflictx with applicablc luw.such conflict shall nut utTcct uthar pravi.i��m of�hi.tircurity InxtrumcN ur ihc Notc which cun be � <br /> given effcct witM►ut�he conflictinN pmvi,iix�. Tu thi.rnd the pruvi.iun,uf this Sccuri�y In,trunkm and the Note arc declared <br /> tu bc�cvcrublc. <br /> 16.Borrower's Cnpv. B�xrow•cr tihull b�Eivcn unc cunl�,rnuJ rupy uf�hc yota unJ ul this Suurity 1O'�F'am 30�8 ole0 t <br /> . 1 <br /> ' Paye 4 nt 8 � <br /> L <br /> . � <br /> `._... ,.._ . <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> . �� 1 .� _ _ _ ` - - - <br />