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.��y,l(e... �'`����t� ���;' + 'i\�`�`.... .n.. .-.�.1... �.�z,',nr:�+'�'rd�b'•xcr�.��nduwsrtmrvk - _ <br /> ��� �S{�t�l..z�� <br /> . .�----�=s. —��...0 <br /> ..�ilAl� .� . \ R'.r, �.�n��.r � . _ '- ..:...�.F-_y..�r—_ <br /> y� . . .":N, il p �....t' - <br /> - � }' ,, �� .. _'. <br /> r�..t��2.�W�.� <br /> �.�� <br /> _ �..�Yw�-.. ��1'b'�r"-- <br /> • w��..-.� '"__ • �--_ <br /> __.:�._�. 92- 1�2 0 5 9 = <br /> -� -==- .. . � �j�:.-: _�-- ---� - <br /> . ' s� H�at�d�' p�.al�My l�curAncc. Borrowcr Khall kcep thc impruvcmcnts now cxixting on c�rea8cr crcctcd on the ��,_____ <br /> - � •�• ••; . � propeny inaureai a�einst lo�q by 8rc. hoiards includvd wi�hin thc tcrm 'cxtendccl cuvcrugc" und uny othcr hu�Ardc. including �=2-� ,�,.___ <br /> — ' ., flooda or fluoding, Por which l.rndcr requires in�urumc. This;in.r•urnncc�hall Ix muimuincd in thc unx�un�s un�� fiir thc pc�iods ._v_. <br /> that I.e�ulcr rcyuires. Thc insur�ncc rurricr pmviding thc insurunrc ahall hc chn`cn by &�rrc►wcr subjcc�to I.endcr's upproval <br /> �'`��� <br /> � whfcb rhull nnt bc unrcuxanahly withhcld. If&�ra�wcr failx lo m•rintain rovcrugc dcxrihc�i ulx►vc, L.endcr muy, ut l.cndcr's �__ <br /> .r �� " opUon. abtain ravcrugc to prutcct Lendcr'�:rights in thc P�apeny in accordancc with parugraph 7. �,=' <br /> �� " All insurance policicti und renewals whall hc ucccptahle to l.cndcr und ,hall include u stundurd man�ugc cluu�c. L.ender � T� <br /> „ , ahell have thc right to h��IJ the pollcicti und renewuls. If Lcndcr rcyuire+.Burruwer nhall prumptly givc to Lcmlcr all rcrriptx of�'` "�`;;, <br /> � � „ . � paid premiums and renewal notires. In the event of loxs,Borrower shall give prumpt natice to the insurance carrier and l.enJer. <br /> Lcndcr may makc pra►f of'lass if not madc pramptly by Bcirrower. __ <br /> �� ' •• Ualass Lender and Dc�rmwcr othenvise agrec in wriling,insurancc pnxcedti shull hc uppticd tu restora�ion ur r�pui��uf the <br /> �•--- - <br /> property dwnagcd,if thc restoration ar rcpair is ccanumicully fca.�ciblc and Lc:nder's sccurity is not Icssened. If thc restoration or �''� ._ <br /> repair is not economicully feas i b le�x 1.ender's security wnuld be Icssened, the insur�nre procccds shall be applied to the sums _ <br /> secured by �his Security Instrument, whether �x not then duc, with uny cxcesti paid to Borrower. If&�rrowcr ubandons the ��, <br /> L�F�:•wL:: <br /> . , properiy, ur does not answcr within 30 days n notice i'rum l.ender thut thc insurnncc currier has offered to setde a cluim,then _-- ___^ <br /> r.�:•:,�� '� l.ender msiy collect the insurance proce��is. l.ender may use the prnceeds �o repair or resturc the Prapeny or ta pay sums _� <br /> =��;,��_ <br /> m <br /> . �����'���•�����••';• seruredby�his Secunry Ins�rumcnt, whMhcr ur not thcn due. Thc 30-duy periai will begin when the noticc is given. _ _�>_:� <br /> , -; ,�•� •..: <br /> `' �' '°' " Unlesa I..ender and Harrower uthenvise agree in writing, uny applicati�m oi' proceeds w principal shAll not rx�cnd or iY�; "�; <br /> t :.?'' ��_�` <br /> • �••�,'����,�'`����:�' postpone the due date af the manthly payments refcRed to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or clwngc thc umaunt of thc payments. If �,.,...._ <br /> Y , ;;:�'�.; ;,• <br /> ,::ic''`�::�l.• . <br /> .;,,�;.,. under parngraph 2� �he Propeny is acquired by Lender, Bnrrower'w right to uny insuruncc pcilicics und prc�cccds retiulting mm �. . <br /> ..... .,,; ,,. •� <br /> 1 � ..;���: . . damage to the Property priar to the acquisition shall pass tn Lender ta Ihe extent ol the sums secured hy this Security In,lrument , ., _ <br /> immediately prior to thc acquisition. '�.µ-�� <br /> 6,paupancy�prccervptiun.Malntenance and Protectfon of the Property;Borrower's I.oan Appllcation; l.caseholds. � � <br /> Borcower shell accupy,e.r•tublish,anJ use the Propeny ux Borrower'r principul residr.nce within.ixry duys ulter the execuiion of ,. ,_ <br /> �• this Sccurity Instrumcnt unJ rhall cnntinuc t�i�xcupy thc Prnperty u.+ Rorr�wcr',principal r��idencc lix ut Icast onc ycur uAcr .. � <br /> R <br /> .•�� <br /> the date af�kcupuncy, unlesx L.endcr uthcrwisc ugree+in writing. which c�insent�,hnll nut h4 unreuyunably withhcld, or uNess ",;�,:�, ,,� <br /> extcnuuting rircumstunres cai�t whirh urc Ixyond Hurr��wer'+ cuntml. Surrnwer ,hall n��t detitru�•. dum;�ge or in�p•rir thc :; •-�- <br /> :;��,. ;– <br /> � . � Propeny. ull�w thc Nr��ny w Je�crioru��. ur rammil wu,�c un �h� Pro�xrty. Bormwer ,hall Ix in Jetuult il'uny ti�rkiture :.-. f. <br /> tuti��n�►r pnk��ding, whclhcr rivil nr rriminul, is Ix�;un thut in I.cnd�r',g�xKl fuith.juJtimrnt ruuld re.ult in lurteilurc ol thc <br /> Pmp.:rty or othcrwiu nwtcri•rlly impuir thr li�n rrr•rtcd hy�hi�tirrurity In�trunx;m ur l.rndrr'.�ccurity in�crc��.Hurr�►wcr muy ;:,::,�4� <br /> curc tiuch ud�fuult and reimla�r.+iti pravidcd iu puru�ruph IH. by cuu�ing th�artiun ar pnM•�w�ling i��ix Ji�,mi�.cd with a ruling <br /> _ --- thu�. in l.cndcr'ti g�Nxl 1'uith Jcicrminulion. prc�ludc, I��rlcuurr uf tix [��rmwc�'� inlcn�i i�� thc Pr���rty .ir c�thcr matLria! -- , . �- <br /> impuirn�cm ut'thc licn crcutcd hy thi. S.�curity In,tnioicm��r I.cndcr', ticcurit�� imcrc,t. Hurr��wcr �hull al,a tk in dciuult if �,< <-�- �� <br /> H <br /> &�rrower.Juring thc luun applirutiun pr�xc+�.�;uvc mutcriully 1'ulse��r inuccurutc intimnati�m ur.�atement.�o l.endcr��rc iuilcd ' ' �,.�– _ <br /> � t.,. � .� <br /> to providc l.cndcr with uny motcrial inliirniuti��n�in runncc�i�m wiih thc luan cvidcnced hy thc Notc. including.but not limi�cd . <br /> to,represcntatianr conc¢rninF B�xruwcr's�xcupunry of ihc Pruperty us a prinripal rcyidcnrc. If Ihis Sccuri�y Instrumcnt i.r on a 't��:. c <br /> �� Icus�:hold. Bc�ttnwcr tihall run�ly with all thc pruvitiiom uf thc Ira+c. If Burrnwcr �xyuire� fec tidc w thc I'ni�xrty, thc .. . '■ <br /> ,'� ° . <br /> leuaehold ond thc 1'a:titic+hull not mcrgc unlcs, lAndcr u�trrc�ti�Ih�nxr�cr in writing. • • <br /> 7,i'rntectinn of Lender's Riy�hts in the Prnperty.11'Burr��w•cr t'aila tu�xrG�rni thc cuvenants und agrecment�:mntained in �_ 2, t� <br /> thix Sccurity Inrtrument. or thcrc i.u IcFul pr�xccJing thut muy tiignitirandy afl'ect l..cnJcr's rights in thc Pmperty (.uch as a �:� .�� . <br /> prcxeeding in bankruptcy.pruhate, li�r rundcmnatiun or tixfci�urr or ta cnforcr luw•� ur regulations),then L.�:nder msay do and 7i__.:=• <br /> pAy fnr whatever is necessary la prutcrt lhc vuluc of ihr Pro�xrty �nJ Lendcr's rightti in the Pmperty. L.cndcr'.actions may �• <br /> includc paying any xumz �ccurcd hy u licn which hu. priority ovcr Ihi. Scruriiy Instrument, ap{x:aring in cnun, puying 4-.�,,_ <br /> rcaxonablc attorncy+ fttis un�rntcring on thc Property to makc repuin. Alchough l.endcr m•ry tnkc action undcr this parngraph ��,� <br /> 7. L..cndcr d��cs not huvc to d��+u. ���� x " <br /> .,�..:- <br /> ,1ny urni�unts di,burscd hy Lcixlcr uixicr thiti parugraph 7 ,hall hcrunu adJitiimal JrM af Borrowcr se�ureJ by this <br /> Security Instrumen�. Unlctis &�rraacr und LcnJrr ugrec tu�nhcr�crnn uf paymrnt, the+� amoums s ha l l h ear interc�t from t h e <br /> datc of dishursement •rt thc Notc ratc and xhall Ix: p•ryaMc. ��•it h intcrc�t. up�m nn tice t'rom I.cndcr to Borrowcr re yucsting ri`ir�j:+-� <br /> paynxnt. �, :,�.(h <br /> � s:s�lA�i <br /> 8. Mortgap{e In.�urancc.If IAndcr rcyuircd mungagc in.urancr a�a ronditiun of mrking thc lo•rn sccurcd by thi,Scrurity �. :;�k,.;„n,;,��. <br /> � � InstNmem, &�rrawcr tihull pay thc premium. rcquired lu ntuimain thc nwnuug� imuranr¢ in clTcct. IL 1'or any rca�i�n, the „ ' <br /> mor�gs�gc in.uruncc r�wcru�:c rcyuircd hy Lendrr lap.r.or rr�.rs to Ix in.t7cct. Borruacr.hall pay thc prcmiurn� ►cyuir��d ro <br /> ~ � obl�in covcragc �ubuuntiuU}• cyuiv:�lcnt to thc murtg+iEc intiur•rnrc prcviuu,lp in rfl' u cu�t+ub�rrntiolly cyuivalcnt tii thc <br /> ^! c��st to Borrowcr of thc nH►n�:agr in.uranrc prcviuu,ly in cttcrt. 1'rom un ultrrnatr nx,rt�a�c in.urcr upprovcd h}• lAndcr. If , <br /> subsiantially cyuivalent martg•rEc insuranrc covcra�c i,nal u��ailahlr.Burru��rr�hall pa� Ia LrnJcr cach munth cyual tu <br /> nnc-Iw�lfth of th�ycarl� nu�rlgaR�in.uranrc prrmium hrinE paid h� Rurru�ecr��h�n thc in.urunrc ro��cragc IupscJ�x rcay�d w <br /> be in ct'feci. l.enJcr will acrcpt,usc vnJ rctain�hc.r p:�}ment.a+ a lu,. r�.crv��n liru ��f monEagc in.uranrc. Lu.. rc.crvr <br /> Fo►m 3028 8190 <br /> vnye e u�s � <br /> 1 _ <br /> ss <br /> ' • � <br /> � ; <br /> .` <br />• J . _ . ._. -� <br />