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<br /> , 17.Tranrfer ot the Property or o Benefkal Interat In Borrower. Ii ell ar any part af thc PrupeRy ar any inurest in lt �_-_N -
<br /> ' ia sold or transferred(or If a beneficiol intcrest in Bonowcr ia sald or Iranafcrral and Borrowcr is not u natural person) without
<br /> . _'• �� ��.�� I,ender's p dor w r ipen consen t. l.e n d e r m a y, a i c a a p t i u n, rcqu i rc i m m c d i a t e p a yment fn full of all sums secured by this ��•����;:r.tam.__
<br /> ,� , Secudry Instniment. Hawevcr,thia option aholl not bc cxcrcised by l.ender if exercise is�prnhibited by fedcr�) law ps of the d w t e ���-:°
<br /> ,.. ..' ; `. af this Secutity lnetrumcnt. z,-;:�.�._y,.
<br /> , � . • . If I.cnder exercisses this uption, Lender Rhall givc Borrower notice of accelcratian.The noti��c shall pmvide u period of not -,•�,r,�___�
<br /> t�� _-�
<br /> „ less then 30 deys from the dute the notice is delivcrc�i ar mailed within which Borrowcr must pay all sums securcd by this , �t��,—
<br /> these sums rior to the expjratian of this periai,l.cndcr may invakc any remedies ���:��:s�__��_
<br /> ' Secudty Instn�ment. If Barrower fails topa �_
<br /> �- � permltted by this Security Instrument withoul fuAhcr notPice ar demand on Borrowcr. � .,,•.-�I:-,,,--
<br /> :.r.� --t'
<br /> !g, Borrower's Rlght to Reinstwte. If Borrower meets certain cunJitiuns, Iiunowcr sha�� havc thc right to huve .:��r�_y
<br /> ° � enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time priur to�he earlier of: (a)5 days for such other period as t��__u`��_�
<br /> ;; applicable law may specify for xeinstatemenq before sale af the Pmperty pursusint to any power uf sale contained in this ��„l,��___
<br /> � � Securiry Instrument;or(b)cntry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instn�ment.Those conditians are that Barrower. (a)pays ,���}��s; �_��r,.�;��
<br /> l.ender all sums which then would be due under this Securiry Instrument and the Note a+ if na acccleration had occurne�l;(b) ,�,��r;,--w;,�„
<br /> � . ���., " cures any default of any other covenants or agrcements;(c)pnyx all expenses incurrecl in enforeing this Security Instrument, --.--.�.,�;�,��;�Y�_
<br /> �' including, but not limited to, reasonable attomeys' fecs:und(d)tekes such action av Lender muy re.�uonably rcquire to nssure � _y�
<br /> ° that the lien af this Secu�ity Instrument, l.ender's rights in the Propeny anJ Borrower's obligatian to pay the sums secured by _
<br /> � this Securiry Instrument shall cantinue unchanged. Upon reinstatcment by &irmwer, ihis Sccurity Instn�ment And the `� - �-
<br /> m . .
<br /> "' obligalions scx:ured he�eby shell remain fully efl'ective aa if no acceleration hud occurn:d. Nowever. this right�o reinstwe shall �.�`=� �--�-�-�
<br /> ' • not apply in the casc of acccicrntion undc�paragruph 17.
<br /> • .. 19. Ssde of Nale; Chonge af I.oan Scrvlcer. The Note ar a pnrtiul intcrcxt in 1hc Nou ltogcthc� with this Sccurity �i•� �-'
<br /> Instrumcntl may bc sa�d�mc or murc timc+withnuc priar nc�tirc a+&�rmwcr. A z;ulc muy n:xult in u chunge in tlu cntity Iknown .��:=`r�--
<br /> ug thc"I.nun S crv iccr"1 t hu t ro l lcc t n m�m l h l y p u y m e My duc undcr thc Natc und Ihir Scrurity Inxtrun�cm. Thcro uIM►rnuy hc unc ��=;�7.:,.-
<br /> or more chungeg uf the l.run�rvicer unrclm�Ki t�►L�ulr�►f�he Notc. If therc i„u rhan�c uf the lawn Scrvicc�. I��rn►wer will be =__�-•
<br /> . . ° givcn written notirc oi thc chungc in urr��rdunrc wilh purugraph 14 utwrvc und appliruh c tuw.Thc uulic�will +tutc thc namc and '�'�.� .,
<br /> oddrexw uf thc ncw l.�•rn Sicrvicrr und�hr aldrey+. lo which paymcnts Khiwld Ix� nwJe. 'ft��nulirr will aIM�c�mwin uny �Nhcr ,4it„+:
<br /> ,� inliirniutiun nyuiral hy uppliruhlr law. ---��=
<br /> 20. H�itwrdouR tiuMitwt��+. li�irmwcr �.hull n�K cuu�c or �xrniii Ihc prcuncc. u,c, di����l. ,���rugc, ur rcicow of uny '._;,:k,_-
<br /> Hwardoux Subrlu�x:c+ �►n ur in thr Pn��xAy. &�nuwcr hhull o��t J�►. nur u0nw onyunr clrr ��� du, unything utT�clfng thc _
<br /> Propcny thut i� in violuti�►n ul'uny hnvin►nmemal l.uw.Thc prcccding �w�� knt�nccti xhull n�H upply tu thc prescnr�,u�c, or ` _
<br /> xtorugc�m thc Propchy ��f xn�ll quumitics uf Nw.urJuus Subawncc�:�bu� urc gcncrnlly rcroynitcJ in txt apprupriutc to nom�al �:_;;;,
<br /> residcntiul us+cK and to muintcnunrc��f thc Prupr.ny. .'�'"
<br /> L L���•. .....
<br /> Borrower shull promptly givc Iw:nder wrii�en M�tice ��f uny inve+tigution,rlaim. demand, luwnuit ur nth�sr action by any - _,_
<br /> govcrnmantal or regulutory ugcncy or privutc purty invalving thc Property unJ uny Hu•r�urJ��us Substum:c��r�nvimnma:ntul l.uw �:�� � _'
<br /> � of which Borrowcr has nctuol knuwlcdgc. It'&xrowcr Icurn�:. or ix notificd by uny guvcrnmcntal itt rcgulatory authorfty,that : :_, ,_ __
<br /> any removal or othor rcmediatiun��f any Huzardnus Sub�tuncc vffecting the Pmperty ix neceti�ary, Borrower�hull promptly take ,._.
<br /> - .--- =__ - at! necct::,aty remedful actions In�rorclunce wi�h Envinx�menlul l.�w. _�._��3;,_�`-- --
<br /> As used in this puragmph 20, "Hu�.urJous Substs�nces" are �h��se substunees detined as toxic ur hacur�luu� aub,i�:ea by �;���,y
<br /> Environmental Law and thc Pi�llowing yuhstanccs: �asulinc, kcrosenc. othcr 1lummuble or toxir pctroleum products, toxic .4_�. ,�,_
<br /> pesticidcs and hcrbicides,volutilc xolvcnts,mu�crials c�mtuining ushesios or fixmuldehyde,und rudioactive matcrfuls.As usal in t . =.�;,
<br /> this paragraph 20, "6nvironmcntul la►w" mrans fcd�:ral luws and luwx of thc jurisdiction whcrc thc Property is lorated that � F,,<<_;.,= ---
<br /> nelate to henith, safcty or cmironmcnwl pnxcclion. '�"''�''� "`
<br /> ���a��:;:':-:.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Burcc►wcr unJ l.cndcr i'urthcr cuvcnunt and ugrcc us follows: J:.��.R' ._
<br /> 21. Accelerution;Remedi�.w. l.ender RhaN�ive notice to Borrow�r prior to accelerAUon PollowinR Borrawer's breach ,;•��
<br /> oP Any covenant or agreement in tAis Securlty Inslrument (but not prinr to acceleration under parwgraph 17 uoless ,_;_-_
<br /> '' � applicable law prnvides atherwise). The natice shull rperify: (A)the default; (b)the aMlon t�equired to cure the defaull= ..,
<br /> ; . ° �'`-•
<br /> (c)�date, nat les.4 then 30 days frnm the dsNc the notice is�Given lo Borrower.by which the deiault mu�t be cured;and
<br /> (d)that failure to cure the dePauU on or betore Ihe datc xpecificd in the nutice may result in acceleratlon oP the sum4 � '"°�`:��,
<br /> secured by this Security Inctrument and sale of thc 1'roperty. Thc noUcc shall Purthcr inform Borrower of thr rlght to 1. • _ �
<br /> reit�state a�ler acceleralion and the riRht to brinR a court action to asseM the non-existence of a default or any other ,'u.;,�
<br /> defense oP Borrower to accelcrelion und sale. IP the defaull Is not cured on ar befnrc thc dalc specffied in the not{ce� . .
<br /> l.ender, at Its opNon, may rcyuire immediate poyment fn i'ull ui all sums secun�d by this Security lnslrumcnt wilhout „
<br /> iuMher demand and may invoke the pnwcr of xuk and any other rcmedl�w prrmitt��d by appli��ablc law.I.endcr shall be
<br /> . eMitkd to collect All expemes Mcurred in punuinp the remedies pruvided M thig para�ruph 21.fncludina,bat not limited n
<br /> to,reasonable altorncys' lecv and cnsts oP title evldencc. • -
<br /> If thc power of sule ix invoked. Trutitee shall nYUrd a notke oP default in each county in whfch any part of the
<br /> " property is locuted and shall meil copicx of xuch nutice in the munner pr�wcrilu�d by appllcable Is�w ta Bnrrower r.nd to __
<br /> the other persom pre!jcribed by appllcablc luw. APter thc limc rci�uir�rl by applicable Is�w.Trustce ghall gfve publlc��olice � _ _
<br /> � of sale to the per3ons and in thc manncr prevrrllwd by upplicehlc law. Trutit��a, without demand on Borrower. shall scll i_-
<br /> the Properly at public auction to Ihc hiahest biddcr at thc llme and pluce and under thc terms d�wiqnated in the notke of �,-:_
<br /> sale in onc or more parcels and in any�irder Tnitite�determin�w. 7'ruxt�r ma�• po�tpom xu�e of all or any parcel of the .
<br /> Property by public announcement ul the timr und place of am•previuusl}• uheduled sule. I.ender or il� dawipace may `'
<br /> .;• purchasc/he Property at any +alc. t
<br /> t
<br /> Form 3028 8190 `
<br /> I�.t4r�.��t 4
<br /> � -.. .
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