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. -. .: . . <br /> _ �� y'i . . �. { '; i ��};'';l.i�r••µ:4� ���1 I I . -'��^.�� �4ti'�'�A �trdtllBl�liY c '- - <br /> ' ��-b I� `t .� �- _�ct��h � ,���Y �T "' , '_�: <br /> � }' � '�i��- <br /> R, <br /> �T . . i <br /> •) <br /> ' M1*..��+`.� . . •' ' __"— - <br /> --+Lrre�. _ _ '_"--' — <br /> ���nd��,��: 92�' 02058 --�.� <br /> ��.� ... , � ._�.:.� <br /> =�`.;���� . c�►ndemni�Uun��r ulher iukiu�ol'any part uf Ihe P�u�kny.ur I'nr ronveyuoce in lieu��I'c�mdenmu�iun,un i�rrhy uxxigned und - — <br /> ''�F'9� +.hull ix puid�a LrnJcr. <br /> :f ;•�:' '' In �h� evcM uf u lulul lukin ol' Ihc 1'�o rl Ihc r�KtcCd� +htdl h► u lietl lu Ihe +umti 4:currJ h Ih�+ Sccuril <br /> - 4-;�` ;='_�,t,�. .}, :� � r� r• � rr Y Y <br /> � . Inxbumcnt,whr�hcr ar nw then dur,wiU�uny r+cce,ti puid tu Hurruwer. In Ihe rvrnt�►I'u�,iniul luking ��t�ihr I'ru�xr�y in <br /> whirh�hr fuir murkc� v�duc ol'Ihc Ik���xrly �nutudiutcly tnfurc�hc �ukin�i�cqiad�n ur gre+i�rr ihan thr umnun�uf�hc num� <br /> ��. ' o ,..h.-+ ' nceurcd by�hiti Suuriry In,iru�mm immediu�cly ix�(�+rc thc lul�in�, unlc„liorrow�r und l.en�kr uthrrwi.r ngnu in wriling. <br /> '' ,�"'"�'"' -�' the.umw xrureJ by Ihiw tiecurily h�+lrumrnl tihsdl t+� rcduced by tlx u�M+un� ��I�hr pnxred, nmlliplied by thr tiiquwing <br /> M � � -- �: <br /> .�. ...-l�_'�`- <br /> frucUon: lul thc tutul umuunt ut Ihr�um�+ecured immcdiu�cly hcl��re�hr u�kin�:,dividrd hy Ih►!hc I'uu u�urM��vulu�uf Ihc °- ° _- --= <br /> ,�sru;;�.. ' �� : pr��p�ny immediuiely lmli►rc�hc wkln�. Any hulanrc xhull tx puid to BuRUwr�. In the cvent �d u puniul �oking ol'thc <br /> � ° � s ; propeny in which�hr fuir murkcl v�du.:of thc Pro�xny immrJiuicly IxiiKr 1hc luking i+Icr.�hun�hc umuuM i�f Ihc,wns __ , <br /> � ,. .ecurcd immcdiutely Ixti�rc �hc luking, unlc+� HoROwer and Lender athrnvise u�rec in wri�ing or unle.. upplicublc luw <br />'�. ,�,;.• . : � . othcrwihe provide,,the pnxecdti+hall Ix upplied to Ihe.ums secured hy thi+Security In�ctn�mem whelhrr ur n�u Ihe xums ure <br />, _ <br />�'., � .. .,,• fhen duC. =__:: <br />� , • � If thc Pro�ny i.uhundaned hy Bormwcr,or if.uficr n�►tire by Lcnder�o Borrow•rr thu�ihe rundemnor offrn to mukr �___ <br /> •,,. , . . un uwurd nr,culc a cluim Por dumagc,.Borrawrr fuils�o re,Emnd ui Lendcr within i11�luy+uiicr ttx J•rtc thc natice i+given. _�_,--_-_ <br /> T ",� � Lcnder ix uuthnriyed to c�llect und upply thr pr�xecds,ut itx optian,ci�hcr to re�torutiun or rcpuir of the Pm{kny or to the _:_- <br /> _ ,,, xums secured by thiti Seruri�y Ins�rumen�.whclher or noi Ihen duc. __ <br /> � ° ` Unlexs Lendcr und Barruwer othcrwi�r ugree in writing,uny upplicution oi'pnkeed.ia prinripal r:h•rll no� rxtend ar — <br />''�::�• f' � poctpone Ihe duc du�c of ihc monthly puymem�rcfcrrcd w in paraEruphs 1 und 3 i�r chunge ihe umoum ot,urh puymcntx. � <br /> , �'� 11. Bar�uwer Not Releasedt Forhearunce By Lender No! u Walver. Ex�ension of thc timr for pAyment or �;_,�_ <br /> ���'"�`� modificutian of umartization of,�cured hy Ihix Securiry Intitrurnent grumrd hy Lrnder to any m interest —_ <br /> - _.- _ .._ �('pp�wer shall not �K+eriuc to relenu�hr liubiliry of�he originul Borrower or Burrower;.urce+sc�rs in interexl. Lender �p ' ___ <br /> whull na1 be myuired to commence pnxeedings uguinst uny wrcr,sor in inleresl or refuse �o rxtend lime i'or puymeM or -------- <br /> ��.�-- <br /> � ` ��thenvise mc�dify amorti-r.ution of thc�umz sccurcd by this Serurity In,trumrnt by rcuson of uny demund mude by the original ���.__ <br /> � , .. Banower or Bnrrower:xucressi�n in imeretit. Any forl►rurnnce hy Lender in rxerciring zmy right or remedy shall not be u �•;- <br /> . �.. waiver of or prerlude tlk rxercisr af uny rigM i�r remedy. _—_.---- <br /> � �`��}', 12. Succe.ssors and Assi�ns Bou�d;,Ioint and tieveral I.iabiUty:Co•siqners. The rovenuni��md ngrcementti of�his __. <br /> - . _ • Security Imtrument shull hinJ and hencfit �he.ucccrs��n .�nd ux.i�n+��f l.cnder and Hi�rrow�r, .ubjec�u�the proviwionx af --� <br /> � purugruph 17. Burmwer's rovrnuntx und agRemen�. .hull fx:joint unJ uver.d. Any Barrowrr who co-signx �hi� Scrurity =___ <br /> �� lnstn�ment but dae+nnt exccutc Ihe Nute: (ul�-signing�his Securiry Inslrument only�o mortguge,Frant und convey thut —_= - <br /> � � . Bormwer's interr+�in�he Pr��p�:ny uixlrr thr temis of thi.Srcuriry In.trununr. (bl�t�xr.onully obliFuted to puy�he tiumx -- <br /> ' � secumd hy this Security Inxtrwmm:unJ�rl uErcr.�hut Lcnder und :�ny o�her Borrower muy,�grce ia ex�end,�naiify,fort►ear �-� � -- <br /> .• ; ' � or make uny ucromm��dutions with rcgurd to the trrm. ��f�hi.Serurity Instrument ar Ihe No�r without that BoROwer� _ _ <br /> ' con�em. <br /> . • -- � 13. Luan Chsr�es. Ii'thc laan srcured hy thi�: Scrurit�• Inr,trument i�: subjrct to � lau� is•hich �et, musimum loan --_-----_--__ <br /> ' ' char�es,unJ�hu�law i+iinully inlerpreted so that�hr imeres�ur��hrr Inun churg�.collccted or to ix collccteJ in r�mnection <br /> � with the laun exceed thr�xrmined limi��,lhrn: lul uny+uch loun charEr xhall lx reJuceJ by Ihe umount neceti+ary�o rcdure � <br /> „ , '. � thc rhur�c lo ihc�nnilted limit:und Ibl uny�um,ulrcady c��llertcd Gurn Borrower which�xccedrd Fxm�iltcd limitx will lx: ,.�— <br /> refundcd lu Borr��wrr. l.cnJer muy rhixi.c lu makc Ihi,rcfund h�•rrdurinE thr prinripu)��wed undrr Ihe Notc ar by making a �� <br /> ,. ' dimrt payment��►liurrowcr. If a nfund reduce�prinripal.ihc rcduc�iun will tx treuted u,u puniul prcpuynxnt withuut uny � •�x•,•;•,. - <br /> prcpuymcm rhsir�c undcr Ilx N�itc. <br /> Id. Noticeti. Any nt�li�e w HuR�x�cr pruvided ti�r in �hi.tircurity In.�rumrnt ,hull Ik �i�rn by drlivrrin� i� ur hy <br /> • � mailing it by tirol cla�,mciil unle�.:�rri��s�ni�ia��rcquir..uu ul'an�nhrr mrih�Kl.Thc noiicr,hall Ix dirrrtrd t�►�hc I'n►�xnY ; <br /> " AddR•„ur►my uth�r:Iddre�+ liurru��rr dc.i�!naic+hy ni►�ir�lu I.��kkr. AI�)' noU�e la I.�nd�r�hall Ix gi�•iit h) lir+l �•li��� ��� <br /> �.,,..��: <br /> • ., ntuil lu l.eixl�r's udJn•�,�IatcJ herrin ar any olhrr ad�lrc..Lcnd�r�l�.i�:nate•,hy nuticr Iu Hurn���•rr. An� nulirc proviJcd li�r <br />' � in ihi.r Srruriry Imlrumrn� �hull Ix drrmrd 1�� havr Ixen �ivrn tn liorraa•rr ar Lrndcr w•hrn �ivcn u. pruviJrd in ihi, ��:: <br />- puru�ruph. �.��,,., <br /> �:��,�-n,��. <br /> � � 15. (:overninu Luw; tie�•crubilit�•. Thi. Scruriiy hi,�rw�k nt .hull ix �u�rmrd hy fcdrrul laK• anJ thc Inw ot'�he �.�,«:,,�.__ <br /> . juri+Jirlion in which thc Pr���ny i,I�k;neJ. In Ihc cvcnt Uial any��rovi.ion ur rluu.c ul'thi.tirrurity In.tnimcnt or tlx No�r - --r:�._*. .��- <br /> contlictti�vith upplirablc I:nv..uch�dl nul alliri uthcr pn»-i,iun.��f thi,Scrurity In.lnimcnt��r�hr N��tr uhirh run ": "� , <br /> Ix givcn effec� wi�huu�thr runtlictin�: provi,ion. li►thi.rnd�hr pru�•i,ic�o.i�t Ihi. tirrurily In.trumenl :mJ �hr Nixr arc '�:;�;+��,r_, <br /> declureJ t��t.��evrrublc. �'., r..:K•J-s <br /> i, :z M— <br /> ''�'.',�;--�- <br /> , . 16. Borrnwer's('opy. Rurrou•rr�hall M•gi�rn unr cunti�rni�d ru��}��I Uk hul�and of�hi.tiarurity hi�trwncnl. .. _ <br /> � 17. 71�ansPerol'the Property or u Benriicial lnteresl in Burruaer. If all ur any�pan ul�hr Pm�xny ur any imrreti�in <br /> it iy,uld ur tr:m+IcrrrJ lur i(a Ixncfici:d inlerr.I in N��rro�crr i+ .old ur iran,lemd:mJ Hurru�+rr i.nul a niuurnl�xr�nnl � � <br /> wilMwt l.cndcr:prii�r���riltrn con,em. l.rndrr ma�•.:u it.uptiun.rcyuire innrndia��pa�nun�in t'ull of all �um..crurcd hy '- <br /> � ` �his Sccuriry In.trmncm. Howrvcr.Ihi,option�hall niH Ix rrcrci.�J b}• Lr�klrr il'v�rrri.c is pr��hibit�d hy frdcrul luw•as ol' k .. ..+�-._:-: <br /> ,.-.�.__ <br /> � thr dut�uf Ihi�Srcurity In.lrumcnl. E � • <br /> . . If Len�lcr�xcrci+rti thi+uptiun.Lcndrr,h:�ll givc Bittrow�r n�►liir ul:�r�cIC1'ali�m. 'fhi'nulirc�hall prucid�u�xtl'itxl t�f - <br /> nut i0 day,tYom Ihc d:ur Ihr nu�irr i,dcli�•rreJ��r m:iilrJ ��ithin��I�ich Hurru�.rr mu�l ��a�,�erured M•thi� � <br />. i ' ' ' Serurity hi,tnmunl. II' Burnn�rr tail. ta p:iy d�c,r ,um,pri�tt tu the e�pii:ni��n ��( thi. prnuJ. Lrnder ma� mvi,ke un�• j <br /> t. • remeJirs�xnniurd hr thi,tiecuri�v hn�ruuum��nhuui furd�rr ouu�•r ur alemanJ un B��rra��rr. , <br /> 18. Borro�ver'h Ri�ht to Rcinstutc. II' Bun��,��er mcr�. r�n;un r��ndiuun.. 13orn�arr �hall �rivr di. right w havc ' <br /> cnliirrcment of thiti tircurity In.lrumrnl di,ruminurd :u:ui� tnnr�,rinr tn th�.�:irlirr„t: �:u�J.►�.i„r.urh�nhrr�kri�xi:�� <br /> . � Sw�lc I�emd) Fannlr\Iuc�Frcddlc�luc t\IFC 1H�1 1\�1'KI�1F:\1' �mlann�'���rn.m�. 9•411 y����r J n�r�/a�eru <br /> t <br /> 1 <br /> ' ( <br /> 1 . _ . _ .. . . � _ .... <br />