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.�����v-'>•, l- �' •.�. .r�v� i�� �v{ i 1J�T�: "t , .... . '.�Lt j r .:+^,;�t J��' ' '—.r��T— <br /> �1�- .y.f �• �} � ..:r_�`k�i:�.�-�: � <br /> �� •''-�p <br /> a.. _ f PINl' w - _ " ,-_ _ .. --, <br /> � r�y� (r�1v - <br /> .�V <br /> I. <br /> •. <br /> ��, , .`1�7 n � .i{.. �+nf .",S. _ <br /> _ .M. y�� ,� .. - �•6 <br /> CS� <br /> w�.�.w�ro.I�..,..� .t.. . r: - .-....� <br /> • y. �� , , __.J.J..:..�-._..�._ __— <br /> � <br /> �� fdfll�h i�:..Y:-�_�.._� - _- - - _. ._ � --._. � <br /> :�E��.�r��=�= - 92 10205 <br /> '��M:�`{dJ�A`f• ��� 8 _,-- <br /> jt�; ' _ <br /> ��`'�'�-�'-� - periods thut I.ender requlrea�. The in�urnnce carrler providing the inaurunre xhA11 be cho�en by 8arruwcr yubject w l.enJe�k �`�""'`- <br /> ' upprovul which shull not be unreasonubly wi�hhcld. If BoROwer fuilx tu muinlain cov�ruKe de�cntn:d ubave,Lender muy,ut <br /> '1i1�� �-' :«..�. •. •1'' L.ender's option,obtafn caveruge to prarccl Lenderk rlgh�,in the Property in uccordunce with purugruph 7. <br /> �' � 'x All inwurnnce policirs und mnewnl�+hull Fx�ucceptuble�o Lender und.hall inrlude u r�undurd rnnrtguRe rluuxe. Lencier <br /> •�� — - <br /> '!�iT�"`^"' � ahull huve the nght to hald the policie�und mnewolti. If Lendcr reyuim�.Borrowcr xhull promptly�sivc lo Lrnder ull mccip�x =-- <br /> ,;;;�;`::�'�g•�;� of paid premiums und renewnl notice�. In the evenl�►f lusw,Horrower sholl give promp�n�nice ta the in+�urance curtic�And <br /> "� "°h • Lender. l.ender may muke pn�f of Imti if nnt mude pmmptly by B�ROwer. �_�_-- -.� <br /> � �i��~�r�''�"' Unlexs Lender und BoROwer alherwise ugree in writing,inwurnnce prcx:eeds shull l�upplird tu m,lurAtiun or rcpuir of "�-'----- <br /> ' � ' �°�`��' the ProQerty dumuged, if the restor+�tion ur �epuir is ecanamically fcu�ihle unJ Lender+ .ecun�y is �x�l Ich,ened. If the <br /> � � rc4toruuun or repnir is nat econamicully featiible or Lender. securi�y would be lesscned,�he inxurance praceeJs .rhull be �°�=` <br /> �:::�v=_ <br /> . , • . � upplied to the sums recurcd by this Security In�trument, whether or na then duc, wi�h uny excess paid to Bormwer, If �-_:--- <br /> - • - . � ^ . Borrower abandans the Property,ar does not unswer witbin 30 duyr a notice from I.enJer thut the in�umnce cumer hati �?:'°�'= <br />_="� �� • _ ,� offered to setUe a cluim,then Lender may collec�the intiurnnce praceeds. Lender may use the prcxeeds to mpair or rextore !"_"-=--= <br /> '"� `' . � ° the Pro rt or ta A sums secured b this Securit [nstrumem,whether ar no�then due. The 3(l�du riod will t+e in when <br /> Pe Y P Y• Y Y Y!'� s ��;-.:---- <br /> :;�� .>� ;�.,.. � i�,,,«.�����. <br /> �he notice is given. =�•.----- = <br /> •d >`��,� Unless l.ender and Barrower alhenvi�+e agree in writing, uny upplicution of praceeds�o principnl xhull nat exlend or �����-���,-�-� <br /> ' , r�i ;.` <br /> � � . postpone the due ds�tc of the monthly paymenls referred to in pumgrAphs I und 2 or change the unwum of ihe payments. If �L`-- <br /> �� .. • " under purngrnph 21 the Property is ucquired by Lender, Horrower's ri�ht to uny insumnce policies und proceeds resuUing �:';���=.-- <br /> ` �" • , from dumuge ta Ihe Praperty prior to the ucyuisition shull pass to Lcndcr to the extent of the xumx ticcured by this Sccurity — <br /> `••.�:�:.::::' .'. .•�,;;�.,:. Instrument immediutely priar ta the ucyuixitian. _-- <br /> �;,;•.��;�`t::: 6. Occupancy. Preservatfon. Maintenance and Protection of the Properly; Bor�ower's Loan Appllcatlo�: "�`"-"' - <br /> • '- ''�r'� ' '� � - I.w�seholds. Barrower shall occupy,eti�ablish,uixl u�c thc Pruperty u.Burrowrr;principal rr.idence wilhin sixty duys after " � <br /> ��•":";;� ,: . � .,t•� . the execution af this Security Inxlnimem und.r•hull continue to accupy the Propeny as Borrower's principal re+id�nce for nt `�,�^'��- <br /> �'`�.;`i:�,`. • •�;�r'•:�i`�._: least one year ufter the dute of occupuncy, unless Lender othenvise ugrees in writing, which consent shull not be � :��: __ <br /> , ,. " unreusonubly withheld,ar unles�extenuu�in�;circ:ums�unrrs exist whKh are beyond Borrower ti cantrol. Barawer rholl not '� _ <br /> � destroy,damage or impuir�he Propeny,ollow the Property to deteriaru�e,or commit wutite on the Property. Borrower sh�ll �,.,,:,���,`-�— <br /> • ,' `' � be in defuull if any forfeiture nction or proceeding, whe�her civil or criminal,i�begun thut in Lender:goad faith judgment ,�.:'�Y-- �= <br /> . •" could reault in forfeiture af the Prapeny or otherwize muteriully impuir the lien creuted by thi� Securiiy lnwrument or �;;�;��:- - <br />. 4 0�'.' '."'"�• Lender's xecurity intere4t. Borrower may curc wuch n defuult und reintitnte,uz provided in pamgruph 1R,by cuusing the action ���_�- <br /> • �� � or pr�ceeding ta be dismissed with a ruling thut, in Lender's good faith determinotion,precludes forfeiture af the Borrower's ,,t�,,,, <br /> � " interest in the I'raperty or othcr male�iul impuirmerx of thc lien rmated by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry _�__ <br />" � interest. Borrower shall al4u be in default if Batmwer, during the loun applicution pracess, �nve muteriully fulse or 'Y�"�,� <br /> inaccumte infornwtion or c�atemems to Lender lor fuiled to provide Lender wi�h uny material infarmaiionl in cannection with �:��'�'� ' <br /> ' �' the loan evidenced b the Nate, includfn , but nol limited to, re rrsemutiom concernin Borrower'x occu unc of tiie `'+;�"� <br /> Y 8 p 8 P Y �'"��y� <br /> - Pmpeny ux a principol residence. If�his Security Instrument is an u leu.ehold,Borrower�hull comply with ull Ihe provisions ���L`, <br /> � of the leuse. If Borrower ucquirex fee title�o the Propeny,[hc leusehald und thc fee title.r•hall not merge unlexs Lender agrees �f--- <br /> o ��a�:'�__ <br /> . ta the mergcr in writing. .�.,:.,..,.:._ <br /> 7. Protectlon aP Lender's Rl�hts in the Property. If Bormwer fuil� to perform thc covenunts and agreements '•' •�• - <br /> •• ' con�nined in this Security Inxtrument, or there is u legul proceedin� �ha� muy zi�enificuntly uffect l.ender; righ�s in the �A: <br /> �.. �• Prnpeny Isuch us u prcxeeding in bunkn�ptcy,prohat�,for condemnation or forfeiwre or to enfone luws or regulatiom►,then `�:�=�"-- <br /> ,y• • l.ender muy do and puy for wh•rtever is necessury tu protci:t the v:►luc of Ihe Pn�perty und Lender:rights in the Pmpetty. ���"�`'"` <br />• Lender's uctionx ms� incluJe u in�un wm.ucured b r licn which hu, riorit over thi,Securit In.�rumenl,a urin �����`�T-- <br /> Y P Y b Y� Y ' P Y Y ppe F �.• � <br /> in court,pnying reu.anuble aui�rneys'i'ce�unJ rmering un�he Pn�Fxny to mukc repair.. AUhough LenJer may tukr aciion ,�,,..�?;�'• `-- <br /> T��r --.�s—� <br /> : under Ihix purug�uph 7,Lendcr Ji►�s not huvc to Jo so. •---..��••-:_- <br /> , Any umounls Jixbu�xed by l.rndcr under thix parngraph 7+hall hecome uddi�ionul Jebt uf Bormwer secured by this •��r�� <br /> "' �� ' Securi�y Imwment. Unlexs Borrawer unJ Lcixicr u�rce tn�Nher trnm of puymrnt,the�e umuunt+shull beur interctit from thc ,' <br /> , , . dute of disbur.Kmcnt ut the No�e rute�nd shall t►e pLyablc,with intere.r•t,upun notice fmm Lender ta Bormwcr re.•yuesiing ,,._�,_.. -= <br /> puyment. . r.s. <br /> „ .. S. Morl�age Insurenre. If Lcndcr r�quirrd mortgacc in.ur�mcr a.u r�mditiun of mukinti the loun+erured by thi.r- •• ;:.,�_ �` ` <br /> i�„J�a.._�_ <br /> Security Instrument, 8omiwer�holl p•ry�he premiumx myuired w muintuin ihc mimgage imurunce in effect. If, for any •.',�-:__ <br /> •• rcu+on, the m�mFuge in+urnnce roveruge reyuircd hy Lrnder lapse. or rea�rx �o tx in M'frcl, Borrower shull pay Ihe • -_ <br /> •� „ � • premiums rryuircJ �u uhtain covrrugc sub.�un�ially equivalrnt lo the monguge insur�nrc previ�� in effect, u� a co�t a <br /> subsluntiully ryuivulenl to the co.t a► Biirruw�cr uf tlx mun�.a�r insurunre previuu.rly in rt'Icr�, fnim on oltemute mortgugc "��%`L <br /> insurer uppnweJ by Lcndcr. If sub�lunliully cyuivalent mungag�in,uranre ruvrragr i�nol available.Borrower ahull p•ry to --�----�_' � <br /> LenJer r�h m�mth��yual io anr-twrlfUi ul'ihr yrarly nwntiage in.ur.�nce prcmium I�ein�puid hy Borrower when the � --- <br /> , imurunce co�•rruge lupscd or cr�.ed to Ix in rlTrci. Lendrr will ucrepl.u.c anJ relain�he,c payment,a�•r(u„resrrve in lieu ;,-:,�;i,,=L o`-�— <br /> ! • �� uf martguge insurunrc. I.o+s rcxrrvc puymcnts may no lungcr tx rcyuirrd, ut �hc option uf LrnJer,if monguge inaurance ,�.,::___ <br /> �,� rovrr•rge lin�hc•rmuunt unJ liir Ihc�ri��l that Lcndcr rcyuirr+l pr���•idcd by an in,urer appn►veJ hy Lcndcr uguin hrromes . ' "*-. <br /> � �� uvuilublc und i+obluincd.Burn�wcr�hall pay�hr prcrniutm reyuind to maintuin munga�r in�urmxr in cl'frct.ur to provide u ' <br /> � '`'', lo.�rexervc,until the rcyuircment ti�r m�xt�ugc imuranrr rnd,in arrordunce«�ilh nny�erilten agmemcm hriween Borcnwcr <br /> und Lrnder��r applicuMc luw. <br /> 9. Inspection. Lender or il�agrnl may mal�.�mawnahlr entric�upuu and in,pection�uf th�Pruprny. Lcndcr�hull t <br /> , givc Bixmwcr nutirr at thc limr uf i,r prior li�an im�xcti�m.�xcil'ying rc:uonuhlr r:iu.r ti�r thc in.�cliun. <br /> 10. CondemnalNm. The pr�kerJ�ut'an}• aa;u•J„r cl:um 11,r damuge,.direrl nr run.equrmi�� ri�nnec�iun a•iih•rny • <br /> � tim�!k I•.awly-•tapnle\IueiFrcddk�Stw 1'\IFI1R\t l\til'Rl�1F.\'C•�t'mtum�t'.»cnam. 4%911 yaie,�t.�r n�ai�,•„ , <br /> ��n•A I.dnHmmn�lomir.lnr � <br /> - in�1nk(��JII I�I.I'4111:M'1 1-�F��N Ili.�f1l•111I <br /> � 1 <br /> � <br /> . � <br /> ' �. _ _ . —. ' . _ _ ._. <br />