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•r����f'�7� 'S�w*;�,r.�. ' t`�. "';Y; �r„r'. .•i� RI Yt�rrr�.�-'�'�,' 1 it,:{biN[iq.7!7���,�,,,:— _ - <br /> �: �f� <br /> M. � t �, � ' <br /> ' �%��� - . .. .. f�i�� ' --. <br /> .q• � <br /> ' . •n.nY,», 't�vw . .. <br /> �'�.. " <br /> . ..._..r.:w,..�s...,._. . <br /> � : � ...�:�.,.. <br /> . 92_ 1020 58 <br /> �r..�wK�w?,a►» a.,.'. <br /> -�I,��':•�_�_ appiicublc luw may r�xcify f�+r rcintiluirmcntl hrf�m +a�c �d��hc f'ro�'r1Y Purruanl lu any ��wr�uf sulc conluineJ in Ihi� __ <br /> i.°'°"�'�• Securily Inxlrumcnl:��r lti)cn�ry uf u JuJgmrnl cnfurcing�hiK Security Inh�Nmcnl. 1M+�c ron�lilinnr an ihui Norrawer: lul <br /> - �k��•-'�*r� payK Lemicr ull �umH whirh then w�wld hc due undcr thir Sc�urily In��rumrnt uud Ihe N�Nr u. if nu ucccicruU�m hud <br /> . ;, •`i:� � 'b'� e►ccurred;lbl curcK uny�:fuuU�,1�uny�dhrr cuvenwn.or uKrecmeni+:lrl p+�y�+ull rxpen�es incuRrd iu rnli�rring Ihiti SecurUy <br /> � � � Instrument, including, hut nol IimilcJ lu, rcorunuhlc uu�►rncy+'Icc.r:und Idl lukrti +u�h urtion uti I.cndrr muy rcutianuhly __ <br /> • ,. � •,','; .';:• rcyuin to ux�urc Ihat Ihc Ifen of Ihi.r Securily In�irumrnt,�kr K rlghty in Ihc 1'ro�xny unJ NuROwcr;ohligu�iun to puy�hc _ <br /> , .r. sum� secureJ hy Ihi.r• Securhy In+lrumrnl �hall cumfnuc unrhanged. U�xm rrin�wtement hy Bom�wcr, thi� Srcurily <br /> _ - - � - � • � _ <br /> d,:f:. ..oR ,� ..� Instrumcnt und Ihe oblig�ali�Ht.r�►ecured hcrcby xhall rcnu�u�fully eff�wiivc u+if nu�cccicratiun had ixcumd. Huwever.� w _ - _ - <br /> �•ri� • right to rcina�ate xhall ncN npply in the coxc uf ucccicrutiun undcr paragruph 17. � <br /> .;� a�� "� 19. SAk of Note;ChanRe ot l.oan Serrker. The Note or u purtiul intcrest in the Notc lu►gcthcr with this S�ru�i�y — <br /> — �_ .� � " � � In�:trumentl moy be+old one or marc timcs withaui prio� n��ticr u► BoROwcr• A sok may msult in u chungc in thc rnti�y ��,. _.�___ <br /> .. y:1u�1�e.r��•• <br /> • �� ,�,� (known av ihe'Lonn Servicer")thot collect+monthly payrnontn due unJer�he Nute ruxl �hi�Security Inwirumenl. Therr <br /> . mnv be one or mare changex of the l.oan Srrvicer unrelutad�o u,ulc nf'the No�e. If ihere is u rhAnge of tlx Loan Servicer. __._. <br />'� ' � Burrower will be given w�itten notice of the chunge in uccardance wiih purugruph !4 ubuve und upplicublc law. The notice �Y�•j°T- <br /> LA � � wi11 slute the name und address of thc new Luun Servicer und the uddres�ta which puyments,hauld be mucie. The nutice will vY--._ <br /> ' � alr+o contain any other informutiun reyui�ed hy upplicublo luw. _- - <br /> °�� �� 2Q. HA7ardous Sub�tancea. Borrowcr vhull nnt raunc or�x:rmil thc presencc.u��.Jitip�nul,storugc,ur releu+c of uny _ <br />� � � Hazatdous Substunces on or in the Prupcny. Borti�wM shull nw do,nor ullaw sinyonc el�c to do. uny�hing uffecting [he -� ---- <br /> .� .' � Propeny thut is in violutian of any Environmental Luw. The preccding two scntcnces shz+ll not uppty to the presena:e,usc,or �.-:_--- <br /> : • . staruge an Ihe Propany of timall quuntitius�if Hsut+rdous Subsluncc.thut urc generully n�cognized to tx:uppropriutc �a normal __,,,.-r`— <br /> • rexidantinl uses and to maMtanuncc of tho Propeny. <br /> ! �..._ . - Borrower tihall pmmptly give l.cnder wrinen notice of uny inves�ig�tion,cluim,demund,luw.uit or other action by any ��:'�'-= <br /> �,.;�. � govemmemul or regululary ogency ar privnte party involving the Propeny und uny Haxardous Substuncc u�Environmcntal --.- <br /> ,;,(:. • Luw af which BnROwer hus actuul knowledge. If Barrower Ieurns, or ix notit`Md by Any governmental or regulutory �;���,„__: <br /> ;,�•;�,•;I''ti'� authority,thut uny removnl nr o�her remediution oP any Hazurdous Substanrr affectinR the Propehy is nece,sary, �om�wer {- � <br /> ' .•;! �" ' shall promptly tuke all nece.r•sury remedi�l actions in uccorJance with Environmemnl I.uw. ��" <br /> . � As used in this pzuagrnph 20."Haxurdoux Substunces"ure those subslunces defined us toxic or huxurdaus subslance+by �-;�,�,,.R, <br /> ;.,�: Environmenlal Luw unJ the following tiubxtances: gusoline,kerosene, e�ther flammable or �oxic petmleum pruducts.toxic ���=' <br /> pesticides und hcrbiciden, volAtile solvcnls, materiuls carnuining uxbestos or form�IJchydc,und rudivactivc matcrials. As �'�_=���n.' <br /> ��o� <br /> used in this purug�uph 20,"Environmcntul Luw"mcuns fcderul lawx anJ luws of thc jurisdiction whcrc the Propeny ix locu�ed ��`T--- <br /> '' . ._ �hat rclute to heulth,tiufety or cnvironmentul prntcction. �5�..�:.=�' <br /> � ,, •• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und l.cnder lunher covenunl and ugrcc u+follow,: �__-_- <br /> 2l. Acceleration; Remedies. I.ender shall�ive notice to Bnrrower prior ro uccekration following Borrower'q --- <br /> � �'.���•��,� ', breaeh of any covenant ar a�reement in this Security Instrumenl Ibut not prior to accelerallon under parasraph 17 — _ _ <br />'__ �--- UiiICyS Aj1�ICA�IP Isii(ii'B��tICS i3ZIiCi'«'�':CI. The nolice shs!!speclfy: !H!fhe dePaxlt:Ib)the acNon reyuired to cure the �+ <br /> . " • default;(c1 a date.not lesv than i0 days Prom the date the notice Is�iven to which the dePaalt must be �'-_'°"°``°` <br /> ' cured;and(d1 that Pallure to cure the defauU on ur befare the date speci�ied in the notice may result in acceleration uP _______ <br /> ' the sums secured by Ihis Security Ins/rument and�ule of Ihe Properly. The natice shall Purther inform Burrower of _____ <br /> .0 <br /> .. the riRht lo reinstate after urreleralion and the ri�ht lo brin�a court action lo AsSert the non•exislence of a default or � <br /> eny other defeme of Borruwer to acceleratiun und sale. IP the defuull is not cured i�n ur before the date gpecifled in <br /> � , . the notice,Lender ut i1.s option muv reyuire immediute puyment in full uP ull hums xecured by this Security Inztrume�t <br /> ' wilhaut i'urlher demund und muy Invoke Ihe p���cer ��P sule und uny other remedte4 permitted by upplicable luw. <br /> �� l.ender shall be enlilled to rollect uU expen+ex incurrcd in purruin}�the remediex prm�ided in thix paruuruph 21. <br /> includinR,bul not limited to.reusnn�bk uUornevs'icez und costs oP IiNe e�•idence. <br /> " IP Ihe powcr of�ule is invuked,7lrustec tihull rccord u notice of drPault in euch county in w•hich uny ps�r!nf the �, _„�,., <br /> " ,. Property is I��cut�d und rhall muil cupiry uf ruch nolke in Ihr n�unner prescrilxd by applicuble luw to Burrower und tu --_-- <br /> '•. • • the olher perMms Nrexcrfbed by upplicuble lu�v. ABer the timc reyuired bv upplicublr Inw.Truster shall kive publlc '��=��"^-- <br /> ° notice of r,ale to the per+un�and in thc munner prexribcd by upplicuble luw. 'I�ustee. wilhuut demand on Borrower. <br /> shall sell Ihc Propert}•al public uuclion H�Ihe hi�hext biddcr at the time und plu�e and under the terms designated in � ....:�=� <br /> .. the noUce uf sale in one or more purcels and in un�•iNder 7'ruslee drlermine�. 7�u+lee mav postpnne wle oP aU or uny r� � �:. <br /> . parcel of the Property by public announcement ut Ihr time and pluce oi'anv pre�•iously scheduled sak. Lender or it9 °""j <br /> � desiRnee mAy purchasc the Propert�•at uny!ude. �T <br /> ° Upon receipt uP paymeM of Ihe price bid.7Ynstee xhull delivrr lo Ihe purchascr'IYuxlee's deed convevin�;the <br /> , Property. The recitals in the 71�utitee's deed zhull be prima facic e�•idence of the truth of Ihe statements made Iherein. ; <br /> � ~ 7lrustee shall apply the proceeds oi'the r�ale fn the foqowinp urder: lal tu all ro+Is und expenses oF rxerci�ing the power �� _T. _ . <br /> ,_r,;.;_..� <br /> . � ��,�:�: <br /> , ::,,w.�.• <br /> . '.';;.`F,H <br /> . �;• .. <br /> 1 <br /> i . i <br /> �' r <br /> Fi�rm J1121t 9�411 yti�ir c n�n�are���� � <br /> Y <br /> � <br /> } <br /> 1 <br /> _ ' r <br /> . I <br /> � _ . . . . - _- - _ _ ___ _ '_ <br />