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�I�I��V' '.�__.--_ _—_ �.1'✓. 4 ....'V C� . � : �.. , '�•� 11 •(.�VJ. . <br /> , }}�1�1�1'yki'1M•.� _ ,'`, �i <br /> i��'__ .in.�_• � �.a.l�t'�. - <br /> � <br /> : . o � �� 92� 102058 _ <br /> . ..,o�:�.;�..�� . — <br /> i-:�;.�';-":.Y.. y.�,.,.' . <br /> ��%°''.'`;�!'C�'!'�'`�.�_ ' TOCiBTHER WITH ell ihe improvemcnts now aA„c�pincem nts wW nddition�h°I el�'be covcrcd by�[hl�Secu�ity —`°`°- <br /> " ;, ;w s �' and fiatu�es naw or hereufter u purt of the pmpeRy. <br /> ' ' "'`` '� Instrumenl. All oP the foregaing is r+ef�rrcd to in thiK Securily Ins;�tument a.r the"t'ropecty." <br /> ,,'Y� ,rtJ:....' � . .. __— <br /> , BORROWER C O V B N A N TS thut Barrower is IawfullY xeised aP thc estale hcn:by conveycd and hus�hc right ta grunt �-;T' <br /> �-�J�.dc'r4+dit�!+6�+�•� • and comey the I'�ropeny and�hut the Pn'PenY i*unencumbercd,except far encurnbrAnces ui record. Borrower wuRan�s und �•_- _ <br /> p <br /> -: will defend generally the title to the Prcipeny ngainxt ull cluima and demnnda�subject to uny encum6rdncec of rcco�d• <br /> �-- <br /> ' �' . , THIS SECURITY INSTKUMENT combine, unifarm covenants for nationul use and nan•uniforrn covenunts wu .�::-•- <br /> r ,n�y'�',Z -;�..- ,f�, ' limited vuriations by ju�isdiction to constiwtc u uniform security insttumeni covering rcel property �,—, <br /> �� �:��� '�� ''° � ; UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and ngrce s+s(ollows: �'.�.�,;_ <br />,�,,.•— I 1. Ppyment of Principol and Interesh Prepwyment and Lpte�men and I�e�he�gesld e nderiM:Not cn due Ihe _ <br /> � ,, principal of and interest an the debt evidenced by thc Note and uny prep y <br /> • • t. Ftinds inr 71�xes aod In�suraace. Subject ta npplicnble law or to u wrieten waiver by Lender,Bacrower shall pay to <br /> . � , I.ender on thc duy monthich na Auuin c avdtynove�his Security Infitrumen� len onithc Piropertyu lb)yenrly leu�ehald _ _ <br /> . ,,• t e x e s a n d a s s e s s m e n t s w h i y I� ��� h�,�d o r �o n i o s u r a n c e p r e m i u m s: ld 1 yeurl y Oood �=='= <br /> � • . payments or ground rents an the Property, if uny: (c1 Y Y P � y <br /> . insurancc premiumh, if uny: (el yearly mortgugc insurancc premiums, if ony: and (� uny sums puyable by Borrower to �.�n <br /> � accordunce with the proviaionx of parngraph R,in lieu of the puyment of mortguge insurance prem�ums. These �` <br /> . items are culled"Excraw Item�' Lender may,ut uny t�me,coUect and hold Ponde in un amount not to exceed the muximum ��-. <br /> �' �� � � amount a lender far a federolly r+elated mongage loan muy reyuire f�r Bormwer's escrow uccount urx5er Ihe federal Renl <br /> ' ,� "•'� Estatc Setdement Pracedures Act of 1974 as amended from limc to time,I2 U.S.C.§2b01 er seq.("RESPA"),unless Another �,.�: <br /> �r� -' � -- <br /> ; I law IhAt npplies to thr Funds sets a Icsxer amount. If ui.I.cnder may,at uny time,collect und hold Fu�ds'sn en amount nat�o <br /> ' ���• exceed the lesser umount. Lender muy estimnte the umount of Funds due on the basic of current d:;ta and�easonable �`'- <br /> ;;:;,:.ti„'; �.._ <br /> " „;;::;•::.. �', estimates of expenditures of fulure Escrow Items or othervvise in accordance witti applicuble law. <br /> � � The Funds shull bc hetd in un intititution whose deposits arc insured by a federul ugency,instrurnemali�y, ar emity �_ <br /> . (including Lender,if Lender�ASUna charge Borrower for h Iding and apply g he Fund.n unnuatl,vaanalyi ng t heyc c ow �_tl= <br /> � ' the Escrow Items. Lender y <br /> . .. pccounb or v�riiying the Escrow Ilemx,unless Lender pays BoRawer intereat on the Funds and applicable luw permits �'YA• <br /> � � ' Lender to make such a chu�Red b Lender in c nnecl n wQ hrth�I nn,unless�s��licable aw prog des othervvi e�Unlessean �-- <br /> estatc tux reporting yervice u y — <br /> I ogreement is madc or upplicable IAw reyuires intere�t to t�c pnid,Lcnder shull not be reyuircd ta pay Borrower nny interest or ��+ <br /> t, `' ez+mings on Ihc Fund.r•. Borrower anci Lendcr muy ngrcc in writing,however,ihut interest shull be puid nn thc Fundg. Lender -- <br /> whall give to Borrower,without charge,un nnnual uccounting of the FuaJs.showing credits nnd dehitc lo�he Funds und the <br /> ____ _ � _ I purpose for which euch debit to the Funds wus mude. The Funds are pledged as additionnl securiry for All surns secured by �„ <br />' 'Y : •.•'�'�'� • � this Security Instrument. ��'°' <br /> �' '� " � If the Funds held by Lendu exceed the umounts permitted to be held by appiicublc luw. Lender shaU uccount lu �.-. , <br /> , . <br /> ° ' � Borruwer for the excess Fundc in nccorJancc with the requirements of applkable law. If the umount uf the Funds held by <br /> ' Lender n�any timc ic not sufficicnt to pay the Escrow Items when duc.L.ende:r may xo notify Borrower in writing,aad, in ��_ <br /> •� �'� such case Borrower shull puy to Lender the nmount necessary to muke up the deficiency. Borcower xhall make up the �,_' <br /> . r, — <br /> deficiency in no more than twelvc monthly puynxnts,at Lender�c wlc discretion. <br /> � Upon payment in full of all sums ucured by this Security Insttvment.L_ender xhull promptlY r or t dthe ac�uia uon or � <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under parugruph 21. Lendcr shall acyuire ar sell�he Property.Lender,p 4 <br /> sale of the Prop�:rty, shull upply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sule as A credil against the sums <br /> ' � secured by this Secunty Instrument. ` <br /> � 3. Application of Payments. Unlcss upplicuble luw• provideti otherwise. all puyments received by Lendcr under <br /> � puragrnphs I and 2 shull be rpplied:firsi,co uny prepayment churges due under the Note:second,to amounts paYable under <br /> , • ' por�graph 2;ihird,ro intcrest due:fourth,w principul du�:and lust,to uny late charges due under the Note. <br /> .{, Charges; Liens. Borrowcr +hull puy all tar�cs, as�essments, chugcr, fines and impositions uaribmable to the � <br /> .._ . 's Sccurit Instrument,and Ieusehold paymcnh or graund rents,if nny. Barrower �: <br /> ��'�' , w ich mu uttuin riority ovcr ih� Y orrower shull a them on <br /> Property h Y p <br /> . shall pay thcsc obligations in thc munncr providcd in paragraph?.or if not paid in that munner, P �-._:. <br /> '� �;:� time directly to thc per+on owed paymcnt. [3urrowcr,hall prompdy furnish►o Lender nl l nouccs of amoums to be paid under <br /> � : this parugruph. If Borrower mnkes thcse payments direclly. Bo�rower shall prompUy fumish to Lender reccipls evldencing �j <br /> ,, the payments. —- <br /> Borrower sh:�ll prunipdy dischnrgc any licn wh�ch has priority uvcr this Sccuriry Insirument unless Borrower:(a)ngt�ees — <br /> � in writing ro the payment of the obligution�ecurcd by�hc lien in a manner ncceptublc to l.ender,(b)contes�s in good fnith the �_. <br /> • lien by,or defends ugainst enforcement of the lien in.I�gnl praceedingx which in the l.ender�opinion operete to prevent the � - <br /> enioreement oi the lien:or(cl sccun:�fram the holder o(thr lien an agreement sntisfactory�o Lender subordinating the lien <br /> ,;;,,: to Ihis Security Ins�rument. If Lender deteimines that uny pan of the Property is�ubject to a lien which mny attain prioriry <br /> Y •;.;i�.;;�; • over Ihis Security ln.trument.Lender may give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Bottower sh�ll satisfy the lien or take = <br /> .�;•��!•• one or more of the actions set forth ubcwe within IU duys�f the giving of nairc. <br /> • � � 5. Nazard or Property Insurance. Bomuwcr�hull keep thc improvements now existing or herenRer erccted on the - <br /> ",. Propeny insured aguinst losz by fire,hazards includeJ within thr term°e xtended coverogr"und any other huzards,including � <br /> i�:"• , floodx or Flooding, tor which Lendcr rcNuires imurance. 'ihi+ in�urance.hull lx maintuined in Ihe amounts and for the — <br /> �: <br /> � I Fam 302N 9190 f/�uRa 2 nj6 pageal <br /> . f �.�. <br /> �� I � �_ <br /> . ' . . � .:+:I�llTi�l�•. <br /> 4 . , � . . . . . ,- �� • ,-:z�r_. <br /> ; <br /> ?.. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> f <br /> . 1 _ . _ _ . �. . -. _. __ — <br />