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.�� y"y�+-„ � i . .. • <br /> � c .: -,� .�;. . � _ <br /> � "y .•���'' _,.i. Y �r.- ��,...y...... - - _ . _ =°.i3. � ^�-- . - _ _�_ <br /> �� ... .y.:�;,,� r .ct �....c. , _d' , ._.. --_ <br /> - . .– <br /> ° -r� `!a*�' _ —. <br /> . <br /> .r.�a�. <br /> :� <br /> .� LN�� <br /> . �urIW�1�rM_.� ._ _. ._ � <br /> � �i ,i y. 1 lJ�O�� <br /> f. .;l�:yrr:!"�{� ,r, :. ! <br /> l�. '. q2 <br /> � ;,.« �:n... - p�yments nwy no IonQcn c� requiroJ. �t Ihc uptiun of'l..cndcr. if m�lftRu��in�u�uncc c�werugc lin thc um��unt anJ far tiu perl�nt � <br /> ...,w�:.yg,,,,r,•,. , tlwt I,cndcr rcqulrc�l provideJ by un �nsurcr uppruo�Kl by L.cnJcr uRAin tnti��nxx uvuilublc aml i��+htAin��l. &�rn►wrr�hull{wy --� -_ <br /> .." . . thc premiums rcquircd io muimAin tn��rtguge inwrancc in ciY�t,ar t��pn►viJc u laxx rcxrvc,unul thc rcyuirenxm li�r n��iQu�e �, <br /> �-°�,''''t� " insur�r►ca cods in u�rnrdonce wilh�ny wrfucn ag�u�ment hetwea�n B��nuwer unJ L.cndcr ur upplicuBlr luw. �'n�" <br /> `•ti..�� T�� ••�` q,��p��on, l.�ndcr ur it+ugcnt nwy mAkr rcuwnLhlc cnt�ic,upun unJ inapcciiunxuf�hc Pra�ny. Ixiuter vhall�ivc <br /> �:r;'•..__..,._ <br /> � .��.� Borrowcr ncxicc ut �hc timc�►f nr priur�u un in�xwti��n rpccit'ying rcaxmuhle rauhc ti�r thc in,�x�tinn. '��'T" <br /> �,--_- : <br /> .�. .�..�A,L�.,.. <br /> "" � 10. CondemnAtlun. Thc pnxtxJ+��f uny uwurtl ur claim ii►r dwrugcti,dir��t or runkyucntiul. in c�►nncction with uny � -- .Yti--,—. <br /> . � � , ,�,,;-, rnndcmnutiun or rnhcr tukinY ol'uny pun ul'�hc Property. ur fur ranveyancr in licu�,f r��n�knma�i��n. ur�hcreby �.+rigni�l and � _- -- ,_, <br /> � .:; ;. .. shall he paid to l.ender. <br /> � In thc evem.�f u t�NUI taking of the Pruperty,thc pnxecds tihall t+c uppli��f�u the wmx+ecur�Kl by�hi.Scruriry Inti�rument. <br /> ^� � ,.��' whcthcr or n..t thcn Juc, wilh any czcess paid tu&�nowcr. In thc evcm ui'u p�niul�uking ul thc Pro�xny ir� which the fair <br />�, �. 6r:LY?�� ,. " . . <br /> • market valuc ui Ihc Properly immaliutcly lxfurc the taking is cyuul to itt grcutcr thun thc�miwnt ot'thc tiumw kcurcd by this W <br /> a;a�.` . ^ Security Inurument immediutely beforc the taking,unless&�nower and l.cnder otherwi�c ugrec in writing.thc sumti k'�ural by �'n,�,�_R-_ <br /> „ '" _. <br /> p � " this 5er.uri�y Instrument shall be n;ciuccd by the •rm��unt of the prcxcedti multiplied by �he fulluwinµ fruction: la1 �he�cual _ <br /> -�•,"� amaunt uf�he sums tiecured immafiutely heforc thc taking, JiviJ�ti1 by Ib) thc fuir murket vuluc ot� the Property imnkdfatcly <br /> beforc thc toking. Any halAncc shull be puid tu &�rrowcr, In thc cvcnt of u panial iaking of thc Pmp�rty in which thc fatr V <br /> markct vulue�►i the Praperty immeJiwtely bcforc the wking is Ies,thun thc umounc of thc sumx sccu�cd imnuKiiatcly t+ci'ure the ��- <br /> � ��" " taking,unlcss&�rrower und la:nder utherwise ugrec in writing ar unless uppllcable luw otherwise pravid�w, the pr�x��edx stwll <br /> � ,. . be applied lo the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums un:then due. <br /> ,.�,rt If the Property is abandaned b�• Bormwcr,or if.after notic�:by Lender to Bonva•cr that the con�kmnnr��i'fcr�a�make an <br /> � award or setde u clnim for damages. Barrower iails m respond to Lr�xler within 30 c1a��>after the dare the wtice iti given, t ��,� ^ __ <br /> „ . Lender is autharized to callect and vpply the proceed�.ut its��ptian,ei�her[a m,tur�tion o�mpair�i the Property or w the swns �.._.-�--- <br /> ` secured by this Security Instrumcnt, whcther�ir not then duc. ��.` <br /> �� Unlcss Lendcr und eormwcr .xhcrwisc agrcc in writing. :u►y app�iration �d' pr�x«.•d+ to p�inripal shull not cxtcnd or _ <br /> � " . postponc the due dutc��P thc m�mthly paymcnts rePcrrcd ta in pacagraphs I und 2 ur changc the amount of such paymcnts. <br /> ll. Borrower Nol Released:F'orbes�rAnce Ry I.ender Not a Waiver. Extension of the timc fi�r payment or maliiication _ <br /> • of amortization of thc sums,crured hy this Sccurity lm�rument gruntcd by l.endcr to uny tiur��c�su�r in intcrcr�M'Borrowcr shall �,.,�,�M <br /> ' � nw oper�te w rcicasc the liubllity of the originol Borrower or&xrower's sur�rsson in interost. l.ender shall not he rcyuired to _ <br /> _-- - <br /> � • commence pmceedings ogainst uny xuccessiir in interest ur rcfuse tu cxtenJ timc for puynxnt��r otherwise madify umonizution e�. <br /> • , � of the sumx secured by this Securiry Instrument by reuson ��f any demand mud� by thc original Borruwer or &�nower's �.,_�_.f� ' <br /> '. • succcssor.s in interest. Any forbwrance by l.�:mlcr in exercising any right or rc:mniy xhall not be a w�iver af or precludc the <br />� . exereise of uny right or remcdy. ----- <br /> • 12. Successors and Asqignc Baund;Joinl and Several I.iabNity: Casipne�. Thc covenants :ind agreemcntti nf this ��,,_� <br /> ' , Securiry Instrument shall bind und t►enefit thr �urrc.son unJ ussigns uf Lender und Borrowcr. �ubj��ct to Ihc provisions uf ___ <br /> purugruph 17. Borrowcr's cuvcnantx a�x1 ugrccment+ ,hall hc joint und scvcral. Any Burrowcr whu ro-signs this Se�:urity ��.2.�, _ _- <br /> � Inxtrument but d�xti �wt excrute the N��Ic: lul i,cu-.ignin�s �hi.Sccurity Inxtrumcnt onl�to mortgugc. grunt and r�mvcy �hat �.:� _ <br /> • Borr��wcr's imcrcrt in Ihc Properly undcr thc tcrni.uf�hi�Sccurity Instrumcnt: Ib) is not pt rsonally obligutcJ tu pay thc surns � `+� ^_ <br /> . sccurcJ by this Sccurity Instrunxnt; �nJ(cl ugrccs that l.cndcr unJ nny o�hcr Borrowcr may agrcc to cxtenJ.malify,ti�rbcur or ___ <br /> mukc any uccommai:�tions with rcgard to thc tcrni.of thi,Security Imtrumcn[ or thc Nac without thut e��rr��w�r'.r��nu:nt. ��,,;,,�.�_ <br /> 13.I.npa ChWrySrs. II'thr luan+ccured by thi�Security In,trumcnt iti ruhject to u law which scts niaximum loan charges. Y- <br /> unJ thut law ia tinally interprct��l so�hu� �he inicre.t«r other I�ian chnrgcs collected ur t��be collected in connccti�m with the ''�;•_.�' <br /> ' I��an exceed the pennincd limi[+.then: 1u►any .uch loun rhurEc shull he reduced by the amount necestiury• to reduce the churge , _ <br /> °, to thc pern�itted limit:und(hl any �ums ulreud�� coUuteJ frum Borr�iwer which exceeded permincd limit�will lx: rci'und��l to i <br /> &�rrowcr, lxndcr may �h�xisc lo mak� thi+ rcl'und by rcducing Ih� prinripul ��w�d undcr thc N�uc ��r hy making u direct �- . <br /> • pnyment to &�rrower. 11� a refund reduccs prinripul, th� reductiun will hc ircaccd as � partial prcpuymcnt withi�ut any _�;-= <br /> �i_, � .�.�; <br /> �. . prepaynunt churgc unJcr thc N�nc. <br /> � l4.Notic�s.Any noticc to Burrowrr prc�viJcd fi�r in this Scrurity In.lrumcnt sh•rll tk givcn by Jclivcring it ur by muilinF F :- <br /> it by tirst cluss mail unless upplicuMc luw rcquirc,u�c ol'anothcr mcthi�d. The ni�[irc�hall Ix JircctcJ 1�►the Pro{xrty AJJress <br /> � ��r any uthcr aaldrcti�Burrowcr dcaignatc, hy natirc ti� Lrndcr. Am• notirc u� l.cndcr .hall Bc givcn by iirst �I;u+s mail to <br /> � . lw:nJer'x adJrcs.statcd hcrein ur any �Hhcr uddres+LenJer J�.iFnateti by n��tirc i��&�rrower. Any notice pr�wideJ ii�r in this � _ <br /> Security lnstrument ,h•rll Ix dccmeJ ta havr Ixen given�a&�rrower ur LcnJcr a•hcn gi��en as pn�vided in thix pur•rgraph. ;;_ <br /> �• • � � . I5,GovernlnR,r. Thi.Scrurity In.trunx:nt �hull hc Eavcrncd hy fcdcrul law unJ thc law of thc <br /> � � � jurisJiction in which the Prupertp iti I�xatcJ. In the�vrnt thut any pruviriun��r rlaus� i+t thi�Securit�• Imtrument or the Nute � <br /> � contlicts with upplirahlc luw. �urh rnntlirt,hall nnt al'f'crt uthcr pr��vi.iun.ul thi,S�rurit� Instrumcnt or the Nute which wn bc <br /> 2 �ivcn cf(cct withnut thc conllirnng prvwi.ion. T��thu rnd thc pn���i.ian+uf�hi�5crurm In.trum�m und �hc Notc arc dcclurcd <br /> `r tu hc�cvcrahlc. <br /> ' 16.Borrowcr's l'up�•.liurr�,w�r,hull bc gnrn„nc c��nlurm�d cup� ut thr`��t�enJ�,t Ihi,ti�ruriiy In�trumcnt. <br /> Fonn 30�8 8/80 <br /> Peya 4.��1: . <br /> � ' . <br /> R <br /> 1 <br /> ' <br /> i <br /> • + � _ _ <br />