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Howcver,�his aption ahall not he cxerciu;d by l.ender i(cxerc�se ix prohibitcd by fixierul law ux uf thc dutc ..�.__.. <br /> ., of�his Security Instrument. �----: : -+�f�,.�_ — <br /> If Lender ezerei�e�this aptian, L.ender shall give Rc►rn�wer nnticc uf urccleration. Thc notice.hall pmvide u�ri��l ot'nut <br /> .,,.. ,_ <br /> ' • less thsui 30 day� Prom the clutc the notice is delivercel ar muiled within whicb &�rruwer musl pay all ,um.ucureJ by this _� <br /> su <br /> ' Scxurity Instmment. 1i Bonower fails to pay thcsc sums prinr lo�he cxpirution�►f Ihir��xri�xl,l.endcr muy imukc any rcmalies �r.�.:;�v�-:-��_� <br /> p�:rmitted by this Sccuriry Instrument wi�hout furthcr noticc or Jemand on&�rru��vcr. T _._ ..._ <br /> . �• 18, Borrower's Idlght lo Refnct�te. If eorruwer mects cenain cunditionti, Burmwer �hull h:�ve �he nght tu have _--�.,,.�,:;�^`.,�: <br /> " enfurcement af �his Security Instrument di�continued at any time prior to the curlier uL• (ul 5 duys Inr surh i�thcr periid as •r=' -'_ <br /> .. . applicablc law mey specify fi�r rcin4tutcmentl bcforc `alc ut'�hc Property pursuant to any p�►wcr of wlc cnnwincJ in Ihis ;;;r,;r�:•-•�-���,� <br /> .:s.,M,.�.�i.:=:. <br />- • Secunty Instrument:or(b)entry uf u judgmcnt enPo�cing this Sccurity Inst�ument. Thok ronditions :uc thut RuROwrr:la) pays . •• '{��'�Y.- <br /> ° La:ndcr ull sums which then would Ix:Juc under this Scruriry Inhtrument+�nd tlx� Note as if nu u�celcration had �xcuRed;(b) �� <br /> • curcs Any deiault af uny other covenant, ar ugreements: (cl puy.all expenses incuReJ in enforcing thi+Sccurity Instrument, � , ._ <br /> • including, but nnt limited to, rcuWmAble uui�rneys' fccs: and (dl takcs such uction a.g l.cndcr muy rcu,anubly rcyuirc to utisure , <br /> thut the Ifen af this 5ccurity Instrumcnt, l.ender',rights in�he Property and Bnrrowcr's obligution to pay thc sums accureJ by � i <br /> this Scxurity Instrumcnt xhall continuc unch:u�gcd. Upon rcintitatcmcnt by Borrowcr, �his Sccurity In��n�ment unJ thc . <br /> . obligatiuns securai hereby shnll remain fully ePfective as if nu ucrelcrution hud�xcurrcd. Howcver, this righ�tu rcinsla�e shull • '�;��;;�! �;;, � <br /> �, <br /> na rpply in thc canc uf ucccicm[ion unJcr purugraph 17. ; `r _____ <br /> �,..�,;�::`�; . � <br /> 19. Ss�k oP Note; ChanQr oP Loan :+ervicer. The Nrne or u purtiul interest in thr Note(tagethcr with this Security t . , - ._,:�-_�.,- <br /> Instn�ment)muy tx:sold onc ur morc timcs without p�i��r noticc w Borrowcr. A wlc may rcrult in a changc in�hc cntiry Iknown ; , _-_.�='= <br /> n.ti the "Loan S�:rvicer'1 that rnllccts mimthly paymcnts Juc undcr the Ni�tc anJ this Securiry Imtrument. Thcre ulso may hc one � • • _"�''"--" <br /> ur mure changes of thc L.oan Scrviccr unrela►al to u sale uf thc Note. If thcrc iti n changc of'the Loan Servicer. Burn�wcr will be . :::r-.::��.;.� <br /> givcn wriucn nuticc af thc chnngc in accorJuncc with purug�uph 14 ubovc and upplicublc luw.Thc noticc wiU �wtc thc namc and ,. "yt.�,`.�„ <br /> uddress oF the new Loan Scrviccr and thc uddress�o which puymcnts sh�iuld bc nuulc. Thc r��ticc will also contuin any uthcr � -,! � T-v-� <br /> inPormation rcyuired by applicublc law. f • ,� •.��"`- <br /> 20. Hazardous Substantes. BoR��wcr shall nat cuux ur permit thc presencc, u,c, dispciwl, s�nruRc, ��r relcatic ul'any i , �• �_ <br /> �-Iazuaious Substnnccs on or in thc Propeny. &�nower shull no� do, nor ullow anyunc clsc �o d��, unything ot'fecting the .:: _� .: <br /> Property that is in viulatiim nf i+ny Envimnmentul Luw. The preceding tw�� sentences shull not upply tu�hc presence, usc, or i �±► - <br /> � storagc on thc Pmperty uf smull quun�itirs�if Hu��►rdouti Subuanccs thut urc gencrally rccogniuJ to bc appropriu�c ta nurmal E _ <br /> resiJentinl uscs und to maintcnunce ul'thc Property. � '- <br /> Burruwcr ,hull piumpNy gtvc l.cndcr wnttcn noticc of Any invextiPation,rlaim, demtmd. lawsuit �ir othcr urti�m by any � <br /> governmcntal ix regulutory agcnry or privule pany involving the Propeny und uny Hazurd�ws Suhstuncc ar Fnvirammntal l.:iw E '�.. <br /> ' uf which Borrowcr ha, uctuol knowleJga If Bnrrowcr Icums.or is nouPicd by uny govcrnnxntal ur rcguluti�ry auth�iriry,that • .: <br /> any removAl or othcr rcmediution of uny Harnrclous Substancc ul'fccting thc Property is nccessury,Barn►wcr shull promptly takc � ..y�,iyt <br /> _ — --- uli ncxe,�.�y r�medial acti�sns in accc�rdanee�:�ith Envirnnmcntal I;�w ..--- ":�`'.�3ti. <br /> As usecl in this paragraph 20, "HuwrJous Sub�tunces" urc thnse substances detine d ati luxK ur huiur duus ,u bx tunces b y � � ; <br /> Environmemal und �hc tollowing suhstunrcti: Fus�ilin�, kcroticnc, iNhcr tlammahlc ur toxic pcuolcum paxluct.. �oxic , � <br /> pcuirides unJ hcrbicidcs,volutilc solvcntx,matcri•rls r�mtaining ustkstus��r G�rnwldchydc, und ruJiusxlivc mutcrials. Az u�cJ in - 7 <br /> this parugrUph 20, "Environnxn�ul law" mrans i'edcrrl luwti und luws of thc juriulicti��n whcrc thc Proprrty is Icxutrd�hat ; •�� f= <br /> relate to hculth,safery ix cnvironmental protccti�m. ��'�•.�.� <br /> NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Bonuwcr and l.�ndcr 1'unhcr r�rvcnunt anJ agrrr•r�li�lluws: <br /> ' 2l.Accelcration; Remedi�w.l.endcr zhall uivc noticc tn Bnrrnwcr prinr to a��ccleralion fullowins Rnrrower's bres�ch : • <br /> of nny covcnant or a�rcement in Ihis krurity Instrumcot (but rN�t prior t�i acccleratinn undcrpa rasraph 17 unless ; � <br /> epplicable law provldes otFKrwise). The m�tice�hall�pecifj•: lal the defuult; Ibl the actlon reyufred to curc Ihe default; ; <br /> (c)a datc.nut I�s Ihan 311 days Prom thc datc lhc notice is�iven to Bnrrnwer.B�•which thc dciuult murt bc cunrl;and •- - <br /> (dl that fi�ilurc to curc the deFaWt un or befi�n the datc speciticd in thr notice may� revult in ycccleration of thc sums <br /> sccured by this Serurity Instrumcnt und swlc of thc PropeHy. Thc nnticc shall i'urthcr inform IWrrrower of the rf�ht to =_ <br /> , relnstAle aiter�ccelerudun and Ihe riRht to brinu u c�wrt uction lo ax.xrl the non-cxistence of a default nr any �Nher • <br /> • defense of Bom�wer to uccclerution und sule. IP the defa�dt is not cured un or Ixfi�n the date tipecii�ed in the nolice, - <br /> � � I.ender,a1 its option. ms�y requlre immedis�te paymcnt in iuU oP ull sums ci�cur�d by thiv ti��auritv lnrlrument wilhuut . <br /> . furlher demand and may Invoke the pnwer of wle vnd un}•nther rcmedii�permitted I►r�applicyble law.I.ender tihall 1►e • <br /> endtled to collcct ull expens�s imurr�d in pur�uin�;thc rem��dfes pro�•ided in thix parli#ruph 21. incUxlin�,bul nnt limited <br /> to,rcasonable xttorneys'Pc�.+and co�ts oi'tillc evidencc. <br /> It the pnwcr of wle is invok��d, 7'rustee shall r�ti�Kd a m�tice oi'default in cach county in K•hich unv part of the • <br /> pimperty is I��cated and shall mafl copi��of wch notire in Ihe manner pr�rcrilxKl b�� uppli�vl�le I�w lo Burrower and to : . . <br /> the other perwros pnwcrihed by applicahle law•.After tlK time reyuind by applicable law�. 'I'ruyt�r shrll�ive puhUc nntice <br /> oP s�le to the {xr!cons and in thc manner pr�wcrib��l by uppl{raMc law."1'ni+tce, µ•ithoW danu��d nn Bom�wer.shall sell <br /> the Prnperty a1 public uuctiun tu the hi};h��+t hfdder ut the time und place and under the terms d�xiknatetl in the notice��f <br /> sale in nne or more para�lti and in uny order'1'rusl�ti dctcrmiu�w. Truxtee man� ���tpone �ule ui uD or am•parcel oP the <br /> r property by public annnuncement ul the time und pluce uf u�n pre�•iousl�� �rheclul�yl +ule. Lender��r its deriun��a ms��• <br /> • purchasr the I'roperty at am• wle. <br /> Fo�m 3028 9�90 <br /> {'nh�i��.1 n . <br /> I <br />. ! <br /> i <br /> �� � <br />