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<br /> �� �.� Se�� 1 Q R�,,��J 3 �_.::��— --
<br /> �..^',. •� ,� '�" �ownnce. Burrawcr�:iall kcep the improvemcn�c aaw cxisting on c�rcuftcr crected an the �__�._._
<br /> �. ket.,r�� �� S. Hwrd or PropeKY
<br /> '�' � Propcny insured a�ainst I��cs by fire.huwrds inc�uJcJ within thc tcrm'cxtendcJ covcragc' unJ uny uthcr hazurds, including ,�-�r,•,__
<br /> �°,�._,-- -
<br /> _ � a .. .;' "� _ flaods or f�oading, fur which l.endcr rcyuirea inwranc�.This insurancc yhall t+e m+�intainal in thc wnuunts and for the periods -
<br /> ° � •g that L,endcr requfres.The insuroncc rurricr pmviding tlu inauroncc shall t+c chu,en hy Borrowcr�ubjcct tu lAndcr'+approval ��.-
<br /> ' � which cl�all nnt bc unreasonably wi�hhclJ. If&►ROwcr fails to maintuin rovcrage dexrihed ui��vc• L.cnde�maY•at I.en�e��a ����`
<br /> •,'�' :: option.obtain coveraQc�a protect Lendcr's righta in ihe Property in arconiumc with parLgruph 7. _„� .,.__--_
<br /> : �
<br /> ° All insurnnce p ulicics und renewuls xhall be wceptoble to Lender und tihull inrlude a�tandard muAgugc �lausc, l.cnder �
<br /> d�.� -. shall have the�ight tu halJ Ihc policies and rencwnls.11'Lendcr rcyuir��.B urruwcr ti ha l l p ru m p t l��g i v c t u L r n d e r i d l r c�w i p t+��f �_- _----
<br /> •�" `' � ��"�• paid p�cmiums und rcnewul noticcs.ln the evcnt af'loss,Bormwer shall give pmmpt notice to�he inaurancc cuRicr and Lender. __
<br /> •• " ' • Lender muy nwke proof uf losr if not macic prompUy hy&�nawer. ___ _
<br />: ' . � " Unless l.endar and Bormwcr uthcrwise agn�e in writiog,insurancc pr�xecds shall t►c uppli��i tu restoration or repair uf thc —' �
<br /> � n °i property damaged, ii the restarution ar repair ix econ�xnicully fes�ible und Lendcr's security ia n�t Ic++ened. If the restoratiun ur �:...—_
<br /> ° rcpair is no�ccanomicully feu.tiiblc or L.cnder's u�urity would be lessencd.thc inr�uranc� pr�cc�ts'�hv��t�c vPP�ial�°�he sums �_
<br /> � � securcnl by thix 5ecurity Instrumcnt, whcthcr or n�x thcn due, wi�h uny rxccs+p�id to &�rri�wer. If&►rrower abaml�m�the __,�. _—
<br /> � '' ' ,�"� y��' Property,ar does na anxwer within a0 duys u notice from l.ender that the inwranee currier has offered to settle u cluim.�hen �_�__
<br /> °. � ., l.ender nwy collect the insurance procecds. Lender may use the proceeds�a repui�or restare the Property or to pay sums �.-.
<br /> `t• • ° ' secured by thia Security lnstrument,whether or not ihen duc.The i0-day pericxi will hegin when the n�tice i�given. �.-___--
<br /> Unless l.ender and Bc�rrowcr athenvise agrce in writing, any app�ication af puxeods to principal �hall not extend or
<br /> � , pustpone thc duc date of�he manthly pnymems referced to in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or change thc un►ount af the payments. lf -
<br /> � :: under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by l.ender,Borrawcr's right to any insurance policie.r•und prac��eds resulting from �o_`� "�
<br /> .,• , dwnage to the Property prior to the ucquisitian shall pass to l.ender ro�he cztent of thc sums sewrcd by this S�urily Imtrument =__._.
<br /> • •� immedis►tely prior to the acquisitian, �_-
<br /> b,pccupancy�Preservation.Ms►intenance and Protection aP the Property;Bon'ower's I.oan Application;I.caseholds. _�
<br /> � � Bomnwer shall accupy,eswblish,und u.r•e�he Property as Borrower's principul residcncc wi�hin sixty days after the exccution of �Y;•_:
<br /> . , . this Security Instrument wid shull continue to nccupy the Propeny us&,rrower',principal residence tor at least ane year after
<br /> �� ° the date of accupancy, unless Lender cHherwise agmcs in writing, which conu:n�tihull not Ue unreasonably withheld,or unless __
<br /> � ���
<br /> •• ° extenuating circumstances exist which are bcyond Born�wer's .antrul. &�rrower shull not des�roy, dumage or impair the ___
<br /> • ' PrWxrty, nllow thc Property to dctcrioratc, or rommit wastc on the Property. Burrawer shall he in default if any forfeiture �^
<br /> .N"�• . " - action or pmcceding,whe�hcr civil i�r criminal, is beFun tha[in Lendcr'.r• ga�fuith judgment could result ia fo�feiwrc of thc �''•-��_
<br />