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.j _ ' + :r^ �i'"' �".'•s't ':;.i�',•Ff'„[�.•�� r ,-y. �•� -•�i�,; ' ��f,'f'?',I{�1 ' ^��•4i�'?�S� �'�� ��l�i rxwc <br /> i�;,: <br /> ;;t �:,L "r ►c A�,:1�n�;: ,�'�,,� �_ - - 5:�.., ;,i�,.^'ni�'.�.. <br /> _-t: �I�NU I �•N .*... •�....__°��_ ^ -° �--- <br /> 1a.� �7f.�if��� �' <br /> _ �.. . . .r. � ...7,__ <br /> i=. . ..:}fi.� .'' <br /> :as' ,. <br /> ,� � 'rC: .... � -. ' _.__ <br /> , .,-.wr.rw__,. . "___ .____`_— <br /> , .� ______ -- �`.. �...�_ _� <br /> 92— 10�053 --— -- <br /> a��. _ �_ -- _ <br /> ' � --�° TO(381'HER WITH�il�ho impmvenient�naw or hereafter ercctod on�he propeNy.And�II e�reaoent�.«�pwrte��w�x� �_ <br /> . ee <br /> • • � �.:�°. tiatunes �►ow or hercafler a put of the prapeRy. All replacements and �Iditians shull alsa be cover+ed by thir Secu�ity �`♦-�-_ <br /> ��. ,h,�..�..;`«� � �, larttument. All of the forcgoing is rcfcrrod ta in thia Securiry Instrument as the"Property.' <br /> � � a � �"_"� _. _ <br /> • � BORROWER COVENANTS thot Barmwer is lawfully scised of the estate hereby conveyod and has thc�igh�to Brant und - <br /> : • " � , canvey the Property and tiwt the Praperty ia unencumherod.eacept fi�r encumbrancer:af record. Burmwcr wunantr ud will ��-�°-- <br /> " " - defend generafly the tiUe ro the Pmpeny aguin�t all claims and demands, subject ta uny encumbran�:es of rocord. <br /> :� ' � " ' TH1S 3ECURITY INSTRUM�NT cc►mbiaes unifurm cavenant�for nutionul use und non•unifann cavenants�wi�h limj�ed r T-�""m- <br /> .} �--;Y::: <br /> ` ' ._ ' viuituiana by ju�isdiction ta canxtiwte u uniforni Kocurity ins�tniment covering rcal propeny. <br /> . .. _._ � ,-y T n.•_ <br /> ,! - UNIFORM COVENANTS. Born►wer wx1 lw:ixlcr covc�wnt+u►d agrcc as fu ows: �v_-`�- - _ <br /> „ -..'.� �':... 1. Payment af IMndpal and Interest; Prepoyment And I.rte Cfwrges. BoROwcr shull promptly pay when due tM� <br /> _a�i _�., , principal of end intercst on the debt evidenced hy the Nate and uny prepuyment und lute charges duc undcr the Note. �.=`°;,�� ____ <br /> --- 2. �ndo Por Taxes ond lesorance� Subject to applicablc law or ta a written waivcr by I.ender,Borruwer shdl pAy to �f,-.�� <br /> � �,. Lender on the day monthly payments arc duc under the Note.until the Note is paid in full,u sum("Funds")for. (o)yeudy texes �•;=----- <br /> � - and as5essments which may attain priority ovcr Ihis Security Instrumcnt us u lien on thc Praperty:(b)yearly Iensehold payments �,,�•;'�Y— <br /> or ground rents on the Propeny,if any: (c)yeady hnierd or propeny insurance premiums:(d)ycarly flond insurance prcmiums. �i.�-- __ <br /> 7'�_— <br /> •�• . • � if any;(c)yearly mongage insurnncc pi'cmiums, if nny;and(�any sums puyuble hy Borrower to lsnder,in acmrdance with �-'==-'--� <br /> �,. the provisions of paragroph 8, in lieu af the puyment af moAgage insurance premiums. These items are calk,d "Escrow Items." "�'" ___ <br /> " Lender may, at any time, callect and hold Funds in un iunount not t��exceed the nwximum amount a lender for o fedemlly � _, _ <br /> •• ," related mottguge loan may require for &►rtower's escrow accaunt under the federal Rcal Estate Settlement Pracedures Act of �_.__ <br /> "' �' �� ' •• 1974 es arr�ended from time�o tima, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 ct seq. ("RESPA"). untess anothcr law Ihat applies ta the Funds - <br /> �,,.r <br /> • sets a lesser amount. If so. Lender may, at any �ime,mllect and hold Funds in an umount not to exceed ihe lesser amount. ___- <br /> ��. Lendcr may estimate the amuunt oP Funds duc on Ihc basis of currcnt data and reasanublc cstimatex uf cxpenditurea of futur+c cy_.�� --- — <br /> . ' � . Escrow Items or otherwise in accordunce with applicable law. "'�"�'-`'" <br /> The Funds shall be held in an instilution whose ileposi�s arc insurcd by n fcderal agency, instrumentality,or cntity �-�- <br /> , (including I.ender,if I.ender is such an institutic►n)or in any Federal Homc Loan Bank. Lender shull Apply the Funds to pay the =..--- <br /> �� ':���•'� Escrow Iiems. l.endcr may not chargc&�rrowcr for holding und upplying the Funds,annually unalyzing the escrow aauunt,or __ <br /> � verifying thc Escrow Items, unlcss I.cnder pays Bormwer intcrext on the Funds and applicublc Iaw permits I.endar to mukc such ;_,;_�..,,:,,,, <br /> � • a charge. Howcver, Lendcr may rcquirc Borrower�o pay a onc-timc chargc for nn indepcndent real es�atc�ax rcponing scrvicc _ _ <br /> used by l.endcr in conncction with this loan, unlcss npplic�blc law providcs othcrwi.r•c. Unlcss un agrecment is madc or ����, <br /> applicable law requires intcrest to he pAid,L.cndcr shull not bc requircd to pay Borruwer any intcrest or camings on thc Funds. y •:�,, <br /> � Borrower and I..ender muy agrec in writing, howcver,�hat interest tihall bc puid nn thc Funds. Lendcr shall give to Borrowcr, j <br /> , •.'. <br /> �__�___ without charge, un a�nual uccounting uf the �unds, showing credi�s and debitc to the Funds und the purpose for which cach ' <br /> ` " debit to thc Funds was madc. Thc Funds urc plcdgcd ns udditionai sccurity for ui1 �uu�y,xtiur�J by this�ccur':iy ln�trursunt. --_-- --� <br /> If the Funds held by I..c.ndcr cxcecd thc tunounts permittcd ta bc hclJ by applicablc luw,I.ender shell accuunt to Borrower :-��,o,�;_ <br /> L...�.•'�,.:.� <br /> � for the excess Funds in accardunce with ihe requirements af�pplicuble I�w. If the amount of'the Funds held by Lc:nder at uny ,?�;� R <br /> time is nat sufficient to puy the Escrow Itcros whcn duc,Lcnder muy so notify Borrowcr in writing,und, in such cux Borcower ' .. i <br /> •� • shall pay to I.cndcr�lur amuunt ncccxwry tu mukc up�hc dcficicncy. Borrower shull makc up thc Jc�cicncy in no morc than �`.w�`£i,-, � <br /> , twelvc monlhly payments, ut l.cndcr'� u►Ic Jiurcliim. �+�~��'�G�—�—�-- <br /> � '-r;- °'=�--- <br /> Upon payment in fuU of all sums xu:ureJ hy thiti Sa:uriry Instrumcnt. I.endcr shall promptly rcfund tu Borrowcr any . ,•,x�� <br /> .�".' • � <br /> Funds hcld by Lcnder. li',unJcr pu�uFr•rph 21.L.cnJcr sh•rll uryuire ar scU thc Prc�perty,Lcndcr, priur to thc acyuisition or salc ' � <br /> . of the Property, shall Apply any FunJs held by l.cndcr ut thc time of ucyuisition itt tiule ux a creciit ugainst Ihe sumti sccurcd by � • ., � <br /> this Sa:urity Instrumcnt. , ' <br /> 3.Applkation of Paymenls. Unlcsx upplirvblc luw pruvidc.othcnvizc.ull puynknts r�wcivcd by l.endcr undcr paragruphs ! <br /> I and 2 shall be upplicd: tirst, to uny prcpuynknt churtir�duc undcr thc Nolc: ucond,ta umuunts payablc undcr Ewmgn►ph 2; � � ` <br /> third,to interest due: ti�urth.�o principul duc;anJ lu�t,t��uny iatc rh•rrgcs Juc unJcr�hc Notc. � - <br /> 4.Cha��.w: l.icns. &�rmwcr shull puy ull �ax�s,u�scs+mcnts,chur�:cs, finc�und imp�►si[i�►ns uqributahlc�o tlx Pmpcny i � <br /> ` which may attain prioriry �wcr �hix S�curity Intitn�ment. �nJ Ic•r,clx►Id paymcnt� or gnwnJ rcnts, il'any. Borrc►wcr rhull pay <br /> � thesc obligatians in thc munncr pruvidcd in pura�r+iph Z.��r il'nu1 puiJ m thut munnrr. Burrowcr shall pay thcm on tinx Jircctly ;� _� <br /> to thc pc:rson owcd puymcm. &ttruwcr shull pnimptly furnish tu L.enJcr ull n���icrc of anx►unts tu t+c puid undcr�his parngrnph. �' �,,.�t,.. <br /> !f Borcower mukes�hcu payments Jirecdy. Einrruwer,hal� prumptly t'urni+h t�i LrnJrr receipt.cvidencing thr payments. ' - :-•b..�- <br /> •. Borruwcr shull promptly di,rhorgc uny li�n whirh h•r.pri�irity uvrr thiti Sccuri�y In�trununt unleti�Bormwcr: Ia1 u�rccs in �„ ��=_: <br /> •. writing to thc paymcnt of thc ubli�atiun ucur�Yl by tlx licn in a munn�r acrepinblc lii Lcndrr,(b1 rumcst,in g�xxl tuilh thc licn �--••• • • <br /> ' by, or defcnds ugainst cntiirccmcn� ��I thc licn in. IcEul pr�xcrding, which in �hc LrnJcr'ti �►pini�m uperutc to prcvcnt thc ; ° <br /> • � �� � enforccmcnt uf thc licn; or Ic1��curc+ I'r�im thc hnldcr of thc licn un ugrcrment�ati,l'urtury 1u Lcnd�r+utxmienating the licn la , <br /> • � this Security Instrumcnt. If I.�nJcr dctcmiinc�that �ny pun ul'Ihr Proprn}• i.wl�jcrt lu a lirn which m:��•uttuin priorily over <br /> ' ' thiti Sccuriry Inrtrunum. IAnJcr may givc 13urr��wrr a natirc idrntif�ing �hr lirn. Harr����rr.hall �ati.f}� thc licn ur iakc onc nr <br /> . morc uf thc urtionx set I'orth uhavr within Il)duy+uf�hc givmg ol naU�C. <br /> Form 3028 9/911 <br /> rupe 1 at e <br /> i ' <br /> 1'1, . <br /> M <br /> � <br /> . 1 <br /> � <br /> . — �. .. _.. ----- . . .------ <br />