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� ,.,n.r•9..,..t.�.-- �n . <br /> + � ,•.:� <br /> ae. : <br /> �. I i . <br /> � � 1 <br /> �:;�.. �..._�� 92- 1 U2012 <br /> _�� _: _ �_L��r <br /> ��� � cundemnation or othcr tuk ing of any purt of�he for canvcyuncc in lieu al'cundcmnution,urc hereby assiYned ond <br /> �'"�� xhull be paid to Lendcr. <br /> `���-T�'�'� In �hc event of u tatul tnking of�he Prupeny. the procccdti shull be upplicd to thc xumv securNd by Ihi�Security <br /> ,.�.:.��y�,y.�;�'� Inctrument,whcthcr or not then due. with any excc4s puiJ to Sorrawer. In�he evcnt of u�aniul taking of the Pmperty in <br /> -_ ` wbich the Fuir mwckel valuc of the F'ropcAy immediatcly befaR thc tuking is cyual ta or greu�cr than�he umuunt oP ihe sumx <br /> ='•� �' ���.j� '�i'� xecured by this Securi�y In�lrumeni immediately beforc thc luking, unle++ Barrawer und Londcr othcrwi�e ugrcc in writing. _ <br /> ;•a Ihc auma ucured hy thi. Sccurity Intiuument�+hull be reduccd by the umount uf thc pnxceds multiplicd by Ihc fullowing <br /> �.,; Guction: la)the totul nmount of the xumti secured immediutely befum the tuking.divided by Ib1 the fnir murket vAluc uf'thc <br /> .=���`�� ` :- property immcdiatcly lxi'orc thc tuking. Any balnncc shull lx� puid to Bom�wcr. In the event of u purtiul taking uf the _ <br /> ___ '"�� ` � Piropeny in which �he fui�murl:et value oi�he Pmperty immediu�rly lx�fure thc i�Ic�s ihun thc amuum��t'�h�tium� � <br /> ., ,r,""L.y�,:. <br /> ;., �,,. '} '' r�ecurcd immedintely t►efore the tnking,unless Borrower und Lender othenvise ug�e in wdting or unlesc upplicable luw <br /> , , ;�,,� . '• o�herwise provide+,the proceeds shull he s�pplied to Ilw tiums�ecured by thi�:Security Instrument whether nr not�he sumx ure <br /> ' 4r,;. .j• Ihendue. <br />�, ,:��;.�..,;.;.�-7.,K, �f�he propetty is Abandaned by Borrowcr.�if,ufter na�ice by Lender io Iiurrc►wer thut the condemnan offcr�to muke <br /> —� �" �'`'";���°''� � � an uwnrd ar sc��le u clnim for dumuges.Bonower fuflfi to oeti�xmd tu Lender within 30 Juyh nlicr the dute the n�nicc ix given, <br />�,-�� ^� • , . � l.ender i�outharized to colkct und upply Ihe praceedr;,ut itx opiian,eilhur lu ress�arution ar repuir of the Prnperty or tu the ` <br /> �ums,ecured by thic Securi�y Inxlrumem, whelher or no�then due. <br />�� ,.., . , , . � Unless l.ender And Borrower otherwi�e u�rce in writing, any upplfcttlion of proi:cedK lo principul xUnll not exlend or _ <br />�� :�,••e�.;•' .Y.:; �'. �. poatpcmc the due du�e of thc monthly pnyments refemcd to in purugruphs I nnd 2<�r chungr the umount of�uch puymcmn. -- <br /> � .� <br /> w� ���'°•'. r.. 1 l. Borrower Not Relea.gedi Nurbearance I�y Lend�r Not a Waiver. Extension of the time fur puyment or - <br /> ti� � .'�•. � : mcxllficuiian of umurtizatian of�he rumr� wc�ured by this Security Instrumem�rnnt�d by Lendnr ta an�•successur in intere+t - <br /> •,r.� �;.�,•; of Bnrrower shull not operute ta relea�e the liubiliiy of�hc ariginul Borrower ar Barr��wcr's succeszun in imercrt. Lendcr <br />,._;�,� � ++'�J�'�'';','. �� shull nat bn required w commence prnceedingti uguinst uny nucce,scx in intereM ar reltis�to extend time f��r paymenc ur <br />, - � � ' ` ulherwise madify umanixution of the sumr�srcurecl by this Securiry Instniment by reuu�n of uny demund mude by the original - <br /> �, ., �, ' �� ' Bum�wer or Borruwer+succesu�n in fnterest. Any forbeurnncc by l.ender in exercisin�t+u�y�ight or remedy�hull nut be u <br /> • �?��,�;�� !� wuiver af or prcclude the exercise af any right or remedy. <br />'' � "` � " ` l2. tiuccc�.sors and As.giRns Bounde Jain1 and Several LlabiNly;Lu•Rigners. 'I'he covenants und n�reements of this _ <br /> :,., � �. , Security Instrument yhull binJ und beneCu the succe+�on und usxigns of Lendcr und Born�wer,xubjec��o the provirions af _ <br /> '{'.`.': .""" purugraph 17. Borrmver:rnvenuntr; and iigreementx slwll be joint unJ xeverul.Any Barcower whu co-xigm thix Securitv <br /> " � Imuument hut dces not exccutc the Note: 1i�1 is co-signin�thi�Serurity In�trumcnt only to m��rtguge,grnnt und cix►vey thut _ <br />' 8onower ti intcrest in lhc Pmpuny under the temi,of thi+Security Instrumenr, I b►i+not penonally obliguted to puy the vumx <br /> - _ -,�. �.,. ' r,ecurcd by chi�Securiry In.ln�menl; ancl(cl ugree.thut l.ender anJ uny other Borrower muy agrce to extend,modify.Porbear __ <br /> , � � ' or make uny accummodudcx�s wilh mgunl �o thc terms of Ihis 5ecurity Instrumeiu or the Notc without that BoRawer ti <br /> o .. coment. �� <br />- � l3. Loan Chprqes. If �he loan sccured by this Securi�y In,trument i, ,ubject a� a luw which sets muximum loan __- <br /> ' � churg�s,und�hut law is tinully interpmted.o�hat Ihe inlerc,�or other loun churgex collectcd or to tx collecled in connection <br />� . - � .. - ' with the loun exceed�hr �xmiif�rJ iiioil.,ihen: ta1 any�.ucli losn chtuge shnll�rrduceJ hy the umoum necessary to reduce <br /> • �he chu�e to�he permiueJ limi�:und Ibl any tium�alrcudy coUected fram Bi�rcower which exceeded pem�itted limit+will be <br /> refunJed ro Borrowcr. L�nder may ch�Ni�:e to ms�kc thi+rel'und by reJucin��hc principul oweJ under thc Note or by muking u <br /> � � direct p•ryment to Bon�►wer. If u rcl'und Rduceti principul.�he mduction will Ix�rcu�ed rx a puniul pmpayment withouc any <br /> .+- � • pnpuyment rhurge under�In Note. - <br /> " ' ld. Notice.r. Any t��licc t�� Bom�wcr providcd li►r in thi+Srcuriry Inntrument ,hall he given by delivering it or by <br /> � • �� muiling i�By iir.l cla+�nwil unlc�+uppli�ablc lu�v rcyuir�,use ol'unoth�r metluxl,The notice tihull he JirecteJ ta the Proprrty - <br /> Addn:s+or uny otlx:r uddre+, B��rc��wcr dc+ignin�.by nnticr lu LcnJcr. Any imticc w Lendcr shull bc givcn by fir.t cluss = <br /> � mail tu l.cnJcr's uddres,,�u�cd h�rrin or uny othcr uddre..Lrnder dc.i�nutr+by nutirc�o fiorrowcr. Any nolice proviJed for _ <br /> „ � in this Sccuri�y In�trumcro shull tx dcrim�J to huvr lkcn �ivcn to Botrowcr or LenJcr when given a+ pruvided in this F <br /> purogruph. - <br /> •• IS. GoverninR Severubility. Thi.Srrurii�� In�trununt .hull Ix• gov�med by federul lua• und thc luw of thc _, <br /> juri.diciirn�in which the Rapehy is lucatcd. In the event�hut uny provi+ion or cluu,e of thi.Srrurity In.lnro�ent ar Ihe Notr _ <br /> conflicl�witb upplicuMc luw..uch rantl irt,h:�ll nut ai7�rt other pru��i.ion.��I'thi+Security Instrumem�x�he Note which cun <br /> . lx givcn rffecl wiihout the conllirtin� pnrvi.ion. Tii thi.end �hr provi.fon> of thi. Securiry Intitrumrnt imd the Note are <br /> • declu�edto Ik severuhle. � <br /> . 16. Borrower's Copy. B��rrou•cr tih•rll Ix Ei�•en onc canf�mned rop�•ol'thc Nulr and of thiti Security Instrument. _ <br /> � � � 17. 71rAnsPer oP Ihe Propert�•or u Henef'iciul Inlcre�l in Norro�+•cr. II'all ur any pan of thr Pmfxny�►r uny interest in <br /> � . it ix.old ur trumfeRed l�rc il'u Ixnriici:d intrre,l in Borru�v�r i, .old ur Ir�m.lerred unJ B��m�w•cr ix not a nuturul�x:nonl � <br /> .. _ wi�hi�ut l.cndcr;nri��r���riucn runs�nt. LcnJcr m:n•. ut il,optiun. rryuirr immrdiutc paymcnt in t'ull ul'ull sumx sccured by = <br /> . . ;��',, thix Securily Instrumrnt. Ho�vevrr.ihir ��tion+hall nnt Ix exerci.rd hy t.endrr if cxrrci+r i,prohihilyd h}'fcderal luw uz of = <br /> � E . � thc dutc�H'thi.Sccuriry Intitrwmnt. _ <br /> ,,•. , . II'l.rnJcr rx¢iti.c�thi+uplii�n.l.cnikr�hall give liurn����rr n�nirc uf accrlcruii�►n. Thc n�,tir�shal)providc u�xricxl oi' _ <br /> • . not Irs.thun;0 duy,frum�hr dutr tlx nutir�i,Jrlivrrcd ur mailcJ��•ithin��•hich Harrowrr mu���uy:dl,wm ucuRJ By this = <br /> . Security his�rumem. II' Bnm►wcr fail. tu puy U►c.c wm� priur tu the rxpira�iun ul' �hi, �xriixl. Lender muy invokc •rny - <br /> ,, .;..� remcdic,�xrniincJ by Ihi.Sccuri�y In,u•ument withuul funlnr notirc��r d�manJ un Nurru��•cr. <br /> �� ' 18. Bnrroe•er's ltight to Retastule. II' Borruwrr m�ct,crrtain axidiiion,. Bun•����•rr ,hall have Ihc �igh� w huvr <br /> :��`�,,.. cnliircement i►t'thi.Srcuriry In+in�mcn� di,ranlinur�l ai am �imr priur a�ihe rarlier ul`. I:u S da��,lor wrh othcr�xri�Kl as _ <br /> " . tiio�lrlvmd� •b'unolr�lue�frcddlc�Iw1\IP(1N�11\5'I'Rl'�IE\f- l'minnn<'o��nant. 4i411 ip��erJ„/n�aiar�� <br /> �.� . ..:)'.:i.:7:.�' <br /> n ' <br />. -- . � } �_...-__:-.- . . <br /> v � <br /> 4 <br /> � . <br /> . � <br /> . , . � <br /> � _ - � - v._ _ __ <br />