wrwr ,,ti
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<br /> �
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<br /> _.���,;.,�.�,. -�. 92- 1�l2Ui 2
<br /> :�� �
<br /> ;Lr,:�y�,E:, qA'� � perioda Ihut Lender reyuirex. Ths insurnnco carticr pmviding the inRUrance shull l+e chosen hy Barmwcr subJect to L.ender4
<br /> •�,;y;�,ri,,, upprovul which Yhall not bc unrcusonubly wi�hhelJ. If tiarr��wcr fuil�to muirnuin covcrugc dcwrit+ed ubove.Lendcr may.a� �
<br /> '.-�.:' - •�'�?�� Lcnder K aption,ohwin cnvernge tu proteci Lende���igh►+in ihe Pnipcny in uccordunre wi�fi purugruph 7.
<br /> •��� ' All insurunce policie�und renewulx shull he urc�plablc to L�nJer und chull include a xlundurd moAgugc clauxe. Len�ler
<br /> "` ;��%-r.�'i.r.��•�:'`� � '" �hull have�he right to hald the p�►licie�unJ renewulw. If Lendor rcyuin:s,Borrower shull prump�ly givc tu l.en�kr oll cc�cipts
<br /> - ,G,+i�.�'f�'' y" k• of puid premiums und renewul naticex. In thc evrnt uf luxti,Sortawer xhull �{ive prompt no�ice�o�hc in+urun�e rur�fer unJ
<br /> '•ti� �°'�� ,Y� Lcn�kr. Lender muy mukc pr�x�f uf lotis if nat mudr pmmplly by HoRUwer.
<br /> .�•^�'': Unles.r Lendcr and B�►rrawrr othcrwitic ugrcc in writiog,in+uruncc prc►cecd�:xhall he upplird w re��aru�i�m or repair uf
<br /> � `�'�`��*���' � thc I'rapcny dumugcd, if ihc rc,toruti�m or rcpnir is cconomicully fvu�ibla und LenJe�. Kcuri�y iz not Ic�w:ncJ. If the
<br /> c�.� . . .. ,
<br /> �` - - res�arution ar rcpair ia nin�wunumicully feu.iblr ur l.cndcr. +.:�unty wuuld Ix: Ic.r+cncJ,thc insur:�nrc pracedx shnll hc �_
<br /> � '�� '':"'7:�•:�:'�` • upplied to Ihe +u►n� ucurcd by :hix Securily In,trument, whr�hcr or nm then duc, wilh u�y cxcc�ti puid to Bum►wer. If
<br /> ol�YM �.hl..�.'� M h�'.. '
<br />__ - " ' Borrower ub�ndong Ihe Propehy.��r dcx�+ not unswer within �U Juy+ u nntice i'n�m Lender thut Ihe in�urunce currier hu+ __
<br /> J_„1�� '. -,.e fi'-�
<br />_.�:_��, ., a` uffered to seltle u cluim.�tu:n Lender muy a�Uect ihe imuruncc prixecd�, LenJrr muy une thQ pr�xeeJ+�o repuir�r rewtom —•-
<br /> ,,•y.
<br />:�';i=� '. � Ihc Pn►perty or ta pay zum+securtd by�hix Security Inrlrument,whether nr not thun duu. Tha 31NJay pericxi wlll be�in when �
<br /> '��'t� ' the notire is given.
<br /> ,, ..
<br /> . " - " Unless I.ender und Sortuwer atherwiu ugrce in writing,uny upplicuti�m.of pnxcedx to principul 4hull not ex�end ar �
<br /> - ,. ;,,Y: • po.tpcme the due Jute of tlx�mun�hly payments rei'errcd t�in purugruph�I und 2 ur chun�e the umount of thu psiymemx. If �-°
<br /> ��•„ ` • under parngrupb 21 the Propeny is acyuired by Lender. Bonowcr: right to uny inr:ur.�ncc �liric. und prcxecdy renult ing '!��
<br /> ' from damuge w thc Piropcny pri��r lo�hc ucyuitii�ion�hull pasz tu I.ender�o �he cxtent of Ihc�utnx xecurcd by this Securiiy —.
<br /> •• In,�rument immediately prior io the ucyui.i�Km. ��
<br /> ", ' ., ' ' ' b. (kcupAncy. PreservaUon. Maintenance und Protectlan ot the Property: Burruwer's I.opn Applicalion; _.
<br /> � � Leaseholds. Borrowcr shall ixcupy,e+uiblish.u�xl use thc Pr��perty us Borrowrr+principul residencc within,ixty Juys af�er �°-;'
<br /> ^ the execmion of Ihis Security Instrumem und shull conlinuc�o�xcupy ihe Prapeny u+SoROwcr's priixipul rezidenre for ut �'-
<br /> . - leust one year +�fler the dute of occupuncy, unlexs Lender othenviu ugme+ in writing, which con�nt xhall nut 6e �_
<br /> '' ,;;� unreutianubly withheld,or unle.s extenuutinE circumstunce�exitit which arc txy�►nd Sorn�wrr;runtr�►I. Borrower tihull nW
<br /> • ,. �,�, dextroy,dumage or impuir the Property,ullow�he Prop�:rly to detcriorulc,or commit wu�tc on�he Propeny. Borrower shull �:
<br /> lx in defuult if uny fo�l'eiture aciicm�ir pnxeeding, whethrr civil ar criminul,i.begun Ihu�in Lender's gucxi fuith juJgment --_
<br /> . ' could rewlt in forfeiture i�i'ihc Pro{xrty ur �nhcrwix mulr�iully imp•rir tfic licn creuted by �his Securiiy Inxln�mcne ur �-•
<br /> •.�'�.t�' � .. Lender's.ecurity interest. Bam�wer may curo+uch u defuult und reinstu�c,us proviJed in purugruph 18,by causing the actian �"
<br /> . • or prcxceding lo bc Jismitixed wi�h a ruling thu�, in l.cnder ti g�xid faith Jctcrmmution,precludeti f'ortciture af�he Borrowcr: _
<br /> , � • � imere,t in �he {'ropeny ��r wher muteriul impuirment of�he lien cn�:��ed by thiti Srcurity Imtrumem or Lender; securily =-
<br /> , imcrest. BoR�wer tihull ulso Ix in Jcfuult if Burmwcr, during �he k►an upplicution pnxc��, guve mulcrially fulx: or —
<br /> � ; inaccurmc inf'omiulion�tt�alemenl�to l.rnJcr lur faileJ�o pruvide Lcrxler wi�h any mutcriul informutionl in cnnnection wilh �_
<br /> ,.•• ; the loan evidencrJ hy [he Notc, inrluding, hut n�� limited �o, mpresentatiun+ concerning Burrower+ cxcupuncy uf Ihe �'-
<br /> .•. . ' �,''`�:'�; '. .. , Piupeny us u principal residcnce. If ihi+Scruriry Inslrumen�is un u Iratichold,suROwcr�hull comply with ull ihe pmvision+ �-
<br /> �' ',. �' oi the Irutic. If B�xr�►wcr urquirex tice titlr to�he 1'rapeny.�he Icusehald und tl�1'ee�ide shull�wl merge unlesx Lender ugrces _
<br /> � - .,�—�---'J�'- iu(�ie Ii1�P�2�i'iillitlilti(�.
<br /> r`.:;,", . 7. Protecllqn uf I.ender'� Riµhts In Ihe Propertv If Borcowcr i'uilti to �xrtixm thr covenunts and ugr�emc:mc �y:
<br /> �� rnntuincd in Ihi� Scrurity Inslrumrnt. i�r IhcrL i+ +� Ie�ul pnxeedin� thul me�y signilic•rntly uFfect Lendrr: right,in the �'
<br /> ' '.. �. Pm�xny(such us u pnx:eeJing in hankruptcy.prnbulc.fur condemmni.m ur forl'eiturc or to enfurcc laws ar re�!ulutionxl,t hen ��-�
<br /> . ' l.endcr muy do anJ puy for whulevrr i� nccr,+ury io prolcrt thr valur nf the Pruperly und Leixlcr�righ�. in thr Prup�ny. _ -
<br /> ° L.ender:ac�ion+muy includc puying uny �um.+ecureJ By u lirn�vhich hus priority over tl�ix Scrurity Insirument,appearing =__
<br /> • � in ruurt,puying reuwnuMe aaonicy.'Icr�+inJ rntrring on the F'ro�xrty ia muke repuirx. AUhough Lender muy tukc uction ��
<br /> . � under thix parugr.�ph 7.L�ndcr d�x+nui huvr to do�o. �•
<br /> . Any umounh di�bur,��d by Lrnder under this purugraph 7 �hidl heconu addilionul drUl ut'Borrower ucured by this �y,
<br /> Securiry In.�runkn�. Unlr,.Norrowrr mid Lrndcr ugrcc tu o�hcr�enn.o(paymcnt.thr�r umuunt+shall Ixur inlcrest tnan the �`_
<br /> ' dutc of di�hunemcut ut ihc Ninr rulr und.hall ik payahlr,with intrrexl,up�m nrnicr Yri�m l.endcr to Borrvwer reyucsting —_
<br /> ., . . paynunt. —
<br /> � 8. Murtgake Insurunce. If Lrndrr rcyuircd mort�agc imuranrr ati ,cuixlitiun ul making thc luan ucurcd by thi. —
<br /> . , Securiry In+trument. Borrower.hall p�ry the premium, rryuircd to mainloin 1hr mongugr insur.mre in ritcct. It'. far unY —
<br /> reutiun. Ihe moqgugc insurancc ruvrrugr rcNu�rcd h�� Lcndrr I��p,r, or �ra,c. tu Ix in rl'frct. Bnrn�wcr shull pay the g:::
<br /> , , . prcmiumti rcyuircd to ub�uin cuverage �uhstumially e��uiv;dem w thr mor�gagr in.uranc� prrviously in effec�. a� u �ust e,,
<br /> ' , substuntiully cquivulcnt iu thc ro,l a�Ni�rrnwrr ol'thr m�mg��E� inun�ance prcviuutily in cffrrt.fmm un altemu�e monFuge �.
<br /> , in.runr approved hy l.ender. U'.oh�tumiully ryuivaknl mortg�igr in.ur.uxe ruvrra�!r i.not:rvuilahlr.Borcuwer+hull puy�o —
<br /> � Lender emh nwnth u,um rqu.d w unc-�wclfth ul'ihe yrurly nwrtgagr in,urancc pmmium i+cing puiJ by Burtuwer when the =
<br /> - . inxuruncc rovrra�:c laptird ur cruxQ tu Ix in.I lert. Lrnder«ill urrcpt.uu unJ relain Ihcu puymenl.u,u la,.r��erve in licu �,-
<br /> • ° uf murtgugr in�urancr. l.�»+rc�enr pnrm�m, muy nu I��n�:cr Ix rcyuired.at ihc��plian ul'l.rndcr.it'm�ingugc insurunrr _
<br /> • covrroge lin thr amuum mid liir Ihr�xri�id iha� l.rndrr rryuirc,►proviJed hy an imurcr sippru�•rd hy Lenel�r again txcarnc+
<br /> , uvuiluMe und i+ohlaincd.13urru��cr,hall pay 1hc premium�r¢��uircd li�nt:iint�iin murl�u�e inwrimrr in cl'f'ert.or ta provide u rtT:
<br /> . ' '. lo��resrrvc,until 1he rcyuircmrm t'�ir mon�u�e in.urainr rnd,in acrarJwic��vith am•��•rillrn uLrcenknl txlween Barmwer �-
<br /> • �` � cmd Lrndcr or upplicaNlr I;i�v. '�
<br /> ;F 9. Inspec t ion. Lrnd�r��r ih:�g.n t m;i� ma F.�rca.una Mr r n u•ir,u p��n:i nd i n.prr i i u m u f t h c P n,�x n y. l.�n d c r�h a l l =�-
<br /> givr Burr��wcr nu�irr:i�ihe iim�uf ur pri��r w:m in,�xcn�m,�xrif�ing rca.on:iMr eau.r li�r thr in,�xrtiun.
<br /> • � 111. Condcmnuliun. 'Ihc�rorrrJ,��I am a�•ard��r rl:iim I„r dam;��...dircri�n:un.r��urmial.in runncrtion wiih any �_
<br /> �-.
<br /> , timElc I.nud� F+moM�I��NPrrddfe\1:�c 1\IPIIN�I I\SI NI�IM:\P l mtunnt'.��ro.un. 4i�N1 q���e�•?�qr,p.iec�� �_-
<br /> � �arai L�rv&��W��•hm�r.6k��
<br /> . 1���N�4ti 1.dl I�IYNlSIIM1.19:1 i'F 1\UII.7�11•II:11
<br /> 7 . . .-.._. . . � '�
<br /> 1
<br /> �
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