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<br /> , ., applicablc Inw may specify for reinstatemenq befare sule of' the Property pursuant to uny power of sale comained in this
<br /> .;; ,.�.,, :;,� �_,��;;' Security Inatrument;or(b)entry af a Judgment enforcing this Sccurlty Instrumenl. Those canditions ure thet Barrower. (u)
<br /> .�•t�� �i,��, .rt• . pnys l,ender all xums wbich then would be due under thls Security Inalrument und Ihe Note ag if no acceleration had �
<br /> . accurced;(b)curea uoy defaull of uny other covenants or agreements;(c)pays all eapeoges incurced in enforcing Ihis Securlty
<br /> ' '. '� n � Instrument, including, but nol limited to, reasonablc ul�ameys'feex:und(d)tokes guch uction as l.cnder moy reaganably
<br /> h��.i�=� reyuire to assurc thut Ihe lien af this Secu�ity In�Irument.Lenderh rights in the Flroperty and Borrowerk abligatiun w pay the
<br /> � -• • , , sums secured by this Securiry Instrument hhall continue unchunged. Upon reinatAtement by Borrower, this Security _
<br /> . .... .;; ... Inxlrument und lhe abligations xecurcd herehy shall remain fully effective as if no uccclerntion had occurred. However,this
<br /> _n�_�,.. ' , right to reinstAte ahall not apply in Ihe cnse af ucceleration under purugrAph 17.
<br /> - •-- .--;,- ° . 19. S�le oP Notr; ChAage oP Loan Servicer. Thc Nntc ur u partiul imerctit in thc Note(tagether with this Securiry _
<br /> ' "�` . . � Insltument>may be sald ane or more times without priar natice to Barrower. A sale may resuU in a change in the entity —
<br /> (known as the"Loan Servicer")thnt callects manlhly payments due uoder the Nate und ihia Security Instrument. There also _
<br />--w�° '•' "� ,.� ' moy be one or more chc►nges of the l.oun Servicer unreluted to u xale uf the Nota If there lr a change af the Laan Servicer,
<br /> :�� - Borrower will be given written natice of the chunge in accordnnce with purugruph 14 nbove and upplicable law. The notice —
<br /> ? - ' will stAte the nume and address of the new Loun Servlcer und the uddress ta which puyments should be mnde. The notice will —
<br /> �° �� � also contain any other infarmation�equired by applicuble Inw. °
<br /> ' i';z:
<br /> >:�'�'•;...��. ,;:3 20. HAZardous Substances. Borrawer shull nol cuuse ur pem�it Ihe�rexence,use,disposal,storuge.or relen.ge oi uny
<br /> , '• '�' •- Huxurdous Substunces on or in Ihe Propeny. Bormwer ahall not do, nor allow Anyone else �o do.anything affecNng the _
<br /> � , + Prnpeny thot is in violaNan of uny Environmentul[.aw. The preceding two r.cntences sh�ll not upply to the pmsence,use.or
<br /> ' atoruge on the Piroperty nf smaU yuantitics of Ns�zurdous Substunces thut are gancrnlly recognixed to he uppropriute ta narmal —
<br /> • � � re�idernial uses nnd to muintenance of Ihe Propeny. —
<br /> .� ti •• • Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of nny inves�igution,cluim,demund,luwsuit or ather action by uny =
<br /> • �overnmental or regulatory ugency or private psuty invalving �he Propeny and uny Hazardous Substance or Environmental
<br /> „ 4 .��.''' ' . � _�, . Luw of which Borrower hu.� Actual knowledge. If Borrower Ienrns, or is notified by uny govemmental or regulntory
<br /> `':',�f:,, ' . • nu�horily, thut uny removul or olher remediation of any Huzurdous Subswnce atTecting the Propeny is neceswtry.Barrower _
<br /> `�� .;:�• - � , • ' shall pranpdy tnke all neces�ary remediul uctionx in accordunce with Enviranmentul Law.
<br /> . , ;�����.;� ' As used in this pAragraph 20,"Hazurdous Substunce.c"ure those substnnces defined as toxic or hazordous subslances by
<br /> • � Environmemul Law and the following substAnces: gasaline, kerosene, other flommable or toxic petroleum products.taxic _
<br /> •�w,�'^'•'�"""' , pesticidex and herbicides, vdutile solvents,muteriuls contuining ncbestos or formuldehyde,and rndioaclive materials. As
<br /> -• used in Ihis parugrAph 20,"Environmentul Luw"means federal laws und laws of the juriuliction where the Property ia located
<br /> •S"- " that�la�e to heal�h,sufcry orenvironmentul protection.
<br /> �• ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer and Lendcr funher covcnunt and ugree ax follows:
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Re�aedies. Lender shall glve natice to Borrower prlor to accelerAtlon following Borrower's
<br /> " . breach of any covenant or asreemenl In Ihis Security Instrument(bet not p�ior to acceleretton under paraQrAph 17
<br /> . , unless appllcable luw provides otherwisel. The nolice shall specify: (a)the default;(b)the actton required to cure the _
<br /> ,� default;lr)a date.not less than 30 days irom Ihe dAte the notke Is glven to Borrower,by whicb Il�e defAUlt must be
<br /> -- - - --:-���;;--„'�`== cured;and tdi tlss!failure!o c�re the default on nr before!he!Inte+s�ifiwl fn Ihe notice may result in acceleration of
<br /> • � • the aums secured by this Security Instrument And sale oP the Property. The notice Shall further intorm Borrower of .
<br /> • " the right to relnstate aner acceleration and the right to bring a court Action to acsert the non•existence ot a default or ,
<br /> `' �•' � any other deFense of Borrower to acceleratbn and!iele. [f Ihe dePault is not cured on or before the dAte specifled in �
<br /> `'�'� the notice.l.ender af its optlon may require immediate paymenl in full of all sums secured by lhis Securlty Instrumen! `
<br /> without furlher demand and may invuke the power of sale and any other remedies perm(tted by applicable IAw � ;
<br /> Lende�4ha11 be entitled m cnllect all expenses incurred ip pursuing the remedies provided in thls par�rapd 21, F
<br /> � including.but not Ilmited to,reasonable atlorneys'feex and costs of title evidence.
<br />: !f the power of sek is invoked,7Yuctee shall record a nolice of default in each caunty in which any paM of the
<br /> Properly is located and qhall mail capiec oPsucA nutice in the munner prescribed by ApplicAble IAw to Borrower and to �
<br /> � the other persons prescribed by appltrable law. Afte�the dme required by npplicAble law�'Ibustee sbAll give pablk
<br /> nulice oP sale to the penon.r and In Ihe munner preccribed by upplicable law. 'Irustee.without demand oa Borrower, g
<br /> -. .- - shull sell the Pruperly al public auctiun tu the hi�Ghest bidder ut the time and place and under the terms dessignoted in f
<br /> . the notke oP sale in une or mure parcels and in uny order'IYutitee determine4. 7lruslee may postpone ssik of all or any �
<br /> � ' parcel of the Property by public unm►uncement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. I.ender or ite �
<br /> 51 �..., designee may purchasc the Pruperty al anv sule.
<br /> • Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.'ll�ustee shull dellver to Ihe purrhoser'[Fustee's deed conveying t6e �
<br /> Prnperty. The recitals in tbr 7lruslee's deed shall be prirnu fucie evidence of the truth oP the slatements�rwde therein.
<br /> 7lrustee shall npplv the proceedc of Ihe suk in the PolMwiaR urder: lal to all costs and expenses oPexeretving the power ,
<br /> � ..
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