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<br /> --��—`—�� ' TO(i�THER WITH all�he improvementa now on c�srcefter erccted on tho properly,nnd all easemente,appunenancea,
<br /> �"°""°��°'""���''�� and fixtuce�now or hercafter a pan of the propeAy. All repiacemen�s and additions Khall al�o be covered by thir Socuriry
<br /> --����fi�:.:�� In�trument. All of'the fbrcgoing fR refened to in thfR Secu�lty Insdument av the"Property."
<br /> ��.` ,.��, � BORROWER COVENANTS thAt Horrower is Inwiully sciaed of 1he estete hereby conveycd und has Ihe�ight to grant
<br /> :-i �-- � end canvey thr.Property and that tho Propeny Is unencumbered,except for encumbtance�af record. Borrower wArr�ente and
<br /> -•— ' ���• �••��� ` ". ' � will defend generally�he�itl@�o the Propeny againat all claims and demands,RubJec�to any encumbrances of record,
<br /> _��„��.)e?,:;'���; • THIS SECURITY INSTRUMEN7' combines uniform covenanta far netionnl use und non-unifarm covenant� with
<br /> �^�_���,��K�. '`���` I limited vuriations by jur�sdiction to canstiwte a unifarm security instrument cover�ng real propeny.
<br /> .°�^�►� `-�. �:.:.,�,�. ,
<br /> —��=r=-mm UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowerand Lender covenant and agrce as follows:
<br /> t.,.�r-r,:P'�"�...`;i,..i�. `-,• .
<br /> " •���'�a•.• ..-�.. I 1. P�yment otPrincipal pnd Interest:Prepayment aad Late C6arge�. Borcower shell promptly pay when due the
<br />��`p'�+'���'��-�?' principai of and intereat on the debt evidenced by the Note und eny prepaymant und la�e charges due under thc Notc.
<br /> ���t. � 2. Ftinds for'Ibxes and Insurs�nce.Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by L.ender,Borcower shull pny to
<br /> Lendar on the day monthly pAyments are due under the NotB,until the Notc is puid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yeerly
<br />�,.��.,� . : taxes and assesxments which may auain priority over this Security Instrument as n lien on the Propeny;(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> pAyments or ground rcnts on the Property, if any; (c) yeariy hnzurd or properry ineurance premfums; (d) yearly tlood _
<br /> insumnce premiums,if any; (e)yeurly mortgage insuR+nce pnemfums,if ony: and(�Any sums pnyable by Borrower to
<br /> ��' Lender,in uccordance wlth tha rovisions of uro ra h 8, in li�u of the u ment of mort a e Insurance remiums. These
<br />�: _..�. P P B P P Y 8 8 P
<br /> �3� , " ', � • items are called"Escrow Item�' Lender may,ut any tima,collect and hold FLnda in an nmount not to exceed the masimum
<br /> .,, , , I emount a lender for a federnlly relatad matgage loon muy requi� for Borrower's escrow account under Ihe federal Real
<br /> ��" Estate Senlement Pr�ocedu�s Act of 1974 na amanded from time to tima,12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless anaher
<br />''' •-rti�::.� � " law thet applies to the Funds sets a lesser Amount.�IP so,Lender may.At any timo,collect and hold Funds in un amount not to
<br />�• ` •''�'°''"�� exceed tha lesser amaunt. Lender may estimuta tha amount of Funds dua on the basis af current data end reasonable —
<br />_�.�: ;S.r,,�Yi �4... .� ..r ..
<br /> .�':3...... .. . .. .. . es[imates of expandi�ure�c af future F.scrow Dems or otherwise in accardnnce with applicahle law. _
<br /> ' Tha Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, inatrumentality,or entity =
<br /> ti • �:,�:���r,r�4.�r';' �. (i�cluding Lender,if l.e�der is such en instiwtion)or in any FedBral Home i.oun Bunk. l.ender shall apply the Funds w pay _
<br /> . , the Escrow Items. Lender muy not charge Borrower for holding and applying the fiunds,annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> . • � ; account. or verifying Ihe Escrow I�ems, unlc;ss l.ender puys Borrower interest on the FUnds atid applicable Inw permits
<br /> ' � • . '� . Lender to mnke such a charge. However,I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time cbarge for en independent real
<br /> -- `� '� estnte tax reponing service used by Lender in cannection with IhiH loan,unless applic�ble law provides atherwlse. Unless an
<br /> ' 4 , agreement is made or�pplicable low requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> , ._ ^� " earnings on the Funds. Borrower und Lender mny ugree in wrftinR,however,that interest shall 6e puid on the Funds. Lender —
<br /> �� ';, � shall give to Borrower,withaut chnrge,su�annual accaunting of the Funds.showing credjts and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> • ° ' purpose for which each debit to the Funds wus made. 7'he Funds are pledged as edditional security for all sums secured by —
<br /> •' ��" , • � �his Security Instrumenl.
<br /> .
<br /> `' ` • � If the FbndQ held by Lender exceed ihe amounts permitted to be held by opplicable law. Lender shall account to
<br /> -- , Sorrawer For ihc cxcess f'vnds in acc�xdancc with she reqairemcnss af appticablc law. If ihe amaunt of ihe Flinds heid by
<br /> _ • . . � Lender at�ny time is not�ufficiem to puy ihc Escrow ttems when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writtng,and, in
<br /> ��;V � I such case Borrower sqnll pay to Lender the am�wnt necessury �o make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make ap the
<br /> � ' deficlency in no more�han twelve monlhly paymente,ut Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> ' ' Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> ' Funds held by Lender. If,under pnrngmph 21,Lender xhull ucquire or sell the PropeRy,Lender,prior to the acquisition or �
<br /> snle of tNe Propeny, shall apply uny Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisi�ion or sAle as u credit against the sums —
<br /> ' ' • secured by tbis Security Instrument. .:
<br /> � ' � 3. Applieation oF Payments. Unlesz applicuble luw provides otherwise, ull puyments rcceived by Lender under °
<br /> parngraphs 1 and 2 sholl be upplied:fint,to uny prepayment churges due under the Note; second,to nmount4 payable under �
<br /> purugraph 2;third,to interest due;Pourth,to principal due;and last,to nny late chnrges due under�he Note. _
<br /> ' '�. 4. Charges; Lkna Borrower shnll puy all taaes, assessm�nts,cht►rRes. fines und impositions attributable to the
<br /> Property which muy attain priority over this S��curity In�trument,und leasehold puyments or ground rents,ff any. Borrower
<br /> shAll puy these obligalions in thc munner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thut mstnner,Borrowcr shnll pay them on
<br /> . ° i time direcdy to the peraon owed paymem. Borrower shull prompdy fumish to Lender all noticex of umounts to be pAid under �
<br /> ; I this parugmph. If Bortower makes these paymems dircctly, Bormwer shull prompdy fumish to Lender rec�ipts evidencing E
<br /> `� the payments.
<br /> ' . � Borrower shull prompUy discharge any lien which hax prioriry over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(u)ngrees �-
<br /> .,, i in writing to the payment af the abligation secured by the lien in u munncr acceptuble tu Lender,(b)contesls in goad faith the
<br /> „ " i lien by,or defends ugninst enforcement of tlk lien in, iegul pnxerding�which in the Lender'.s opinion opernte to prevent the =�
<br /> enforcement of the lirn;or(c)xewrex fmm thc halder of thc licn nn ugrcement xati,fartory to Lcnder subordinoting the lien !'-
<br /> to this Security Instrument, If Lender de�ermine.ihut any pun of the F'ro�xrty is.ubject to u lien which muy Attain priority �.
<br /> ,.��� . .,. over this Security Insttument,Lender may give Bort�iwer a notire identifying the lien. Borrower xhull satisfy the lien or�ake -
<br /> " „ one or more of thr actions set fonh above wilhin IOduys�if Ihe giving of nc►tice. [�:.
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Bo�rower shull kecp thc improvemenls�x�w existing or hereufter erected on the E
<br /> ' • i Property insured aguinsi lo�s by fire,h•raard+inrluded wi�hin�hc tenn"extended covrrnge"and any other h+uards,including �
<br /> Ifloods or flooding, fnr which Lender rcyuires insurunce. 'This insurunce shull lk muintuineJ in the amounts and for the __
<br /> Fbrm J028 9/90 l�wxr:�jA puResl �
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