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.�� . . :.:W:�= <br /> �.�-=- . ..-,---- -- <br /> , ._ .. - �{ . -•— — -- - -•-- - --� <br /> _� r�-�-..^�- . . ' t�,�. ', -. <br /> , ,�,�,�,�r' ��. <br /> �' c .:.^ .�, <br /> �� - ---- �___ <br /> -� --_----�-- . - - - .- _ -- _ �o �� _ <br /> :.�.:.�� � � 200� <br /> �°?-���+�.� '•'� ' ments ma no lon er be re uired,at thc o ti�m of I.cndcr. if mon u �insuruncc rn , �1 n�hc+�m��unt urui fnr� e ri�xl <br /> .t�e� • � PAY Y Q 9 P 8 B' 8 P� <br /> " ° -`=�;���, tiwt Lender roquircRl P�vidod hy Wn inr�ure�app�uv�x l by l.r�x ler uge in I x���me�uvu f tu b le an d i5 o hta inc d. &irrowcr n h a l l pay —°- <br /> ��r ,, �hc premfum�rcyuir«1 ta muimain rr�►hQage insu�unre in effe�t,��r�n pravldr u lo��rcxrvc, until thc reyuiremcnt for nu�A�{u�{e <br /> -;�g:, . ►'^'��. -7`^''' iiwurance endx in a�:corJunce wfth un w�itten u rcern�m lx:�wcen&mnwer und l.rncicr ur u Hc�hlc luw. ��.�_. <br /> �°ns,,.�..�.,:�.�....._- Y B PP <br /> — -- 9.Inrpe�hlon. l.cndcr ur ite�ugcm muy mukc re�w�twble entrle.r u�m anJ in+Exrtlum uP thc Pru�rty. l.emler�hull Qive <br /> '_ �'� �.�t'�;'. Barrc►wer�x►ticc ut�hc�ina oi'ur prior u►un ins�pection e�xrifyin��c�►wmuhlc r�u�ii�r thc imp�ctinn. <br /> ��.�+��.• . 10. Condemnotbn.The prixacJ�M uny ��warJ�ir rluim ti�r dumugr�, dirrrt ur runscyucmiul. in ronncction with uny <br /> I, d . o`'--°.-- — <br /> _ �::ry:• ri;�' � carxlemnation��r othcr tukln�nf w�y pun of thc Pn�ny. or lur con��ryunrc in licu��1 comlcmnu�iun, urc lu�eby urxiytneil und �, <br /> CI <br /> ���r .;.� rtiull he puiJ 1u I..etxlcr. _ <br /> . _.< <br /> _ :... ..�....:��.._=d�_ ..» In thc evcnt of a a�wl wkin ��t'�hc P�u rt thc ro�ccd�.+hall tx�a lud�a thc tiumti,ccurcd h thi,Scrurit In�trumcnt. �''"-�"°� <br /> �� • Ps�� F Fk Y• P PP�' > Y r=-=-_- _�.. <br /> �„�,� a:�["",.�."� <br /> "�'-r:�"r;�, whclher or nut thcn due, with uny exce�w p•riJ tu&�rrowrr. In�hr evenl��I'u partiul luking��f Ihc Propeny in which the fair -� <br /> ... y .i...�.;.„.-_•., iic±�.r.,�s.--� <br /> o�,�., ,..,; � _ murket vuluc of the Propeny imm�xliutcly lxfi�re ihe�uking i.ryuul w ur greuter thun ihc um��um ol'thc,um. x�urcd by this _ -- <br /> n' ^'•- ' Securit I�strument immediatel befare Ihc tukln unlc.r&�m►wcr uncl l.cixler aUxnt�i`e u r��in wrltin thc�umx u�ureii b = <br /> . ;.,�,.. ..', , .. Y Y K� R B• Y -- - <br /> � �� • • ' lhix Security Intitrument shall be reduced by thc um�►unt of the pnk��c�1.r ntultipli��J by �he IiiUuwing fruction: lu) Ihe tutal �.•�a- <br /> _ , .kr _r. <br /> � � . Q Y . .�k am��unt of the sums secured immediAtcly befi►ra thc �uking,JiviJarl by Ib► thc fuir murket vuluc of the Pnip�:ny immc�liutely ��r��.. <br /> " . � . , before the ta{cing. Any balnnce shall be paid tu Burruwer. In the cti�ent of u partiul tukin�; uf the Aroperty in whirh the fuir �����:,� <br /> `� market vnlue of the Pmperty immediutely befi�re�he�uking i.lerti thun the umuum of the�umti,erur�l immediately tx�fore the =_-�-�-_ <br /> _,� ' � ' ..u. _• �a,��c"_.n,- <br /> t�king, unless BaRO�ver and I.ender otherwik agree in writing or unle►ti upplicublc I•rw atherwir�pravides,�he procceds shall <br /> tu <br /> II=�� � . ;, �< ' be lied to the sums secured b thie Securit Instn�mrnt whether or ru►t�he,ums ore then due. ;�='"`'T <br /> . aPP Y Y �.: . <br /> � � t ��;�� If the Propeny is abandonad by Burrower,or if,uftor noticc by Lender to BuRC�wer thut�he ccx�demnnr offe�s to muke un ,� <br />`��' '" '`' � " ' ' ' award ar settle a claim for damugea, Borrower fuiln u� respond ai Lender within 30 days uRer the dutc th� nrnice ix given. <br />'`.�� •� � � Lender is authorized to collect nnd apply the proceals,ut itx optiun,cither to r�storation or repair of the PropeRy or to the suma ����'` <br /> . -. ' -' �`"'.�� secured by[hic Secur�ty Instrumen[,whether or not then due. � <br /> ���'' ' Unless Lender anci Borrower otherwise agrec in writing, uny applicution uf proce��is w prinripal shull not extend or ���-` <br /> ��� � .. p�stpane the due dnte of Ihe monthly puyments refeRCC1 tn in purugrnphx I und 2 or chunge the umount of such payments. �— Y <br /> ,,. � � I l.Borruwer Not Relersed; Forbe�rnnce By I.ender Not w WAfver. Extensi�m of thc�ime far payment or modificutian .��'k"�-- <br /> , " of umortixation of�he sums secured by thi+Security Instrument grvnied by Leiuler to uny succe�u�r in interest of BoROwer shrll �`'�C <br /> . � not aperute ta rcicusc thc liability af thc originul &►rrowcr nr Bunower',surcesu�rs in intere,t. LenJcr rhvll ncit be required to :?P�:t_:' <br /> commenre proceeding�uguinst uny succesK�r in interest or refuse ta eatend time fix puyment or otherwise madify amonizution '�"�='' <br />� , ,._. _- <br /> . �,p'`� of the sumx secured by Ihis Security Instniment by reu.u►n af uny demund mude by �he oribinal Bormwer nr Bnrrawer's �� <br /> . .. successon in intcrest. Any forheamnce by Leruler in exerci�ing any ribht or remecly shall not he a wuiver of�x preclude the - <br /> � •• exercise uf any rfght or remedy. ��..�-. <br /> 12. Successars and As.gigns Bound: Joint and Several Liabflity; Co-si�ne�. The covenants and agrcementx of [his �--�� <br /> ' ` �. • Securiiy inairumnni .rhuli bind and benrlii Q�c wccc�uir� and u+signa ui ixnder �iJ &►nower. .rubjert to Ihe pruvisinns aF ��L��'•Y— <br /> _ _ _ _ - __ _ - � �. <br /> � ...��. <br />� �:,.;;;_ ' paragraph 17. BoROwer's covenants vrnl agreement� ,hull be joint anJ several. Any &�rrower who co-signs this Security ;`';;;°'?F'�~��. <br /> Instrument but doe.r• nat execu�a the Nate: 1•r► is co-tiigning thiti Security Ins�rument only to mongage,grant und convey that "iv��t���`"==— <br /> 4 . �;,��,��'.;;�`. . �';{---=-,oW <br /> . . �•;.�'� <br /> &�ROwer's interest in the Propeny under the�crms of lhis Securiry Instrument:Ibl is nut persimally ohliKated to puy the rums rr,:. <br /> �. , •;-F�- r,erured by this Securiry bictrument:und Ic)ugrec�thut I.ender unJ uny other BoROwer muy ugrce to extend,m�xlify, forbear or --- ^� <br /> � •i� "' �;'`��•`���� � muke any arcommociations wi�h regard to the temis of this Securiry Ins�rumen�ur tlx Nute without that &►rrnwer's cunsent. r•��'��•- <br /> �:;:',.,..:;`,':' . <br /> ����:•�- 13. I.oan Chw�es. li'the loan srrureJ by this Security Instrument i subject ai a law which xts maximum loan charges, �;,.:_�� ' -° <br />; ' and thut IAw is finally interpreted .o thut the intcrest ur i�thrr loun chargeti rull�rted or i��t�collecteJ in cannection with the �=-��K==: <br /> :. , •• loan exceed 1he permiued limi�,, then: Iul uny surh luan charge shull hc reduceJ by the;unnunt neceswry to reduce the charge �'-T'��� <br />: " . �'i�y`- <br /> � ��' ta the permiued limit:und�b1 any sum�ulreaJy r�►Il��ted frnm [�irrower which exr�r�cJ permitted limits will lx ref'uncled to <br /> • � - .: r.,..:--- <br /> ' • Bormwcr. l.cnder muy cl��sc to make this rrfund by reJucinE thc prinripal oweJ undrr �hc Natr �ir by making •r direct i��� "'•. :;__ <br /> .�•;�;;,�,;�,,;,; , • payment to Borrower. If u rci'und reJuces prinripul, tFxe reduction will he treated ns u puniul prepayment without any ��•;����r:;,•_`� <br />. 'tif ,; . prepayment churge undcr thc Note. ' ,,, � � <br />. � „ .•• ". ` l4.Notices.Any noti�e to Bnnowcr pmvideJ fur in thi� Securiiy Instrumrnt xhall hc given by delivrrirg it or by muiling � `�°=' <br /> . �' �t.,.. <br /> , ,.;:� it by tirst cl�4�ti mail unless upplicablc luw require+use uf uMnh�r methcxi.The nntice sh•rll tx directed to the Pr�►perty AJdress ,..,,,..:— <br /> "';•'.:�:;+-; � or any nther s�dJres, &irmwcr designate+ by n��tice to l.cndcr. Any noticc ta Lender+hull be given h�� first clutiti mnil to ' <br /> . , , • Lender's uddresx ,�ated herein ar uny iHhrr aJJrr., LenJer Jc�i�n•r�eti hy ncnire ta &irrower. Any n�►tice pmvideJ ti,r in this -•.-.�--=- <br /> , Security lntilrumcnt shull tk d��meJ tu havc t,cen givcn to Barruwcr��r l.rixlcr whrn�ivcn a.pruvid��J in thi.parugr•rph. �;,;�,��:_;;� <br /> , , 15.GoverninR Ls�w•; tievcrs�bUity. Thi+ Seruriry In�trumrnt shull hc g��vrrneJ hy feJeral lau• anJ thc law of the • - - <br /> " � jurisdiction in which thc Prnpeny i,lucated. In thr rven[ th•rt any provi,ion�►r clauu uf thi�Srrurity In��rument or �he N�ne `,' <br /> . conflicts with upplirablc la�v, such c�mtlict,hall nut at'fert uthrr pr�►vi.ian.��t'�hiti Securi�y Intitrunxnt ur�hc Note which cun be • � ' <br />' ' given ct'fe�:t witlx�ut the confli�King pr�wi.i„n. To thi.rnJ the pr��vi.iun,ai this Security�ment anJ the Note are�lar� ��:;,i" ,, , <br /> , " to be severable. <br /> t6.Borrower's Cop}•.Bomiwcr.hull Ix given�mc ranti�rmcd a�py��f thc Natr und of thix Scrurit}•Imlrumcni. <br /> ' Fam 3U28 9/80 i � <br /> Pw10 J�,�u I <br /> . � . <br /> � , `�..�, <br /> . ' <br /> _ -.�-.r.��'_ " __.. ., _ l ,. <br /> � <br /> � 1 <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> I � . . . ' _ ____" <br />