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<br /> �°—�--��--°-� S, Hwrd ar Properfy Iwwrance. 8�arn►wer ctwll kocp the Impmvemen�o now cxisting �r herwfter erated on the �
<br /> --__---=°°°='~'� Pn►pcny iiuucal ay�in�l i��Kr hy lirc, bur.��d� in�ludc�! wNhin the tcrm "exicmlal covcragc" unJ any ahcr hazard9, including
<br /> � "---�°`•`""�'`m flads nr flaxlin�.Wr which l.cnJcr rcquireb iiuurwa;c.Thiy insurunre ahull I+c muin�uln�l io the emuunts wui for the periads -
<br /> ___ �hu� LenJer reyuir��.The inxun�me currirr pnwiJing�hc invura�u:o shall l+c chu�n hy Fi�muwcr nubjcct �a L.ender'x approval
<br /> — = whid� riwll nW he�nrcau+nahly wl�hhcld. If linrrower f�ilti to maint�in cove�ugc dexrihed ul�ve, I.ender myy, a� L.ender's -
<br /> �'`• up�i��n,nbtuin coverage In pr�Hert l.cruler'r righ�w in�hc Propeny in ucrorJunrc with�rugruph 7.
<br /> �` All insurance policlew and renewule� xhali lx accepwble tn l.ender And rholl include a titundard mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> �°. ,. � ' nhall have the right to holJ the pulicie!�und renewuls. If Lender reyuire�,Borruwer�hall prampdy give tu Lender ull receipts of
<br /> =?�'-°-^�'�^� prid premiumH and renewul naices.ln�he event af lo.ti.Burruwer uhall Qive prompt notice ta the insurvu:e caMer and Leader. r
<br /> ��._..:.`.
<br /> • ��'�,��"� (.enJcr moy make prn�sf af loss if nnt m�de promptly by Borr�wer.
<br /> --.�:,�:.a::;;�. ;t Unlc��L,ender nnd&►rrower atherwlsc egree in writing,in�urunce pr��rcedti shull be upplied ta reswratian or repair of thc
<br /> `-=�rn����"" . PropeAy damaged.If the rcstomtian or repuir is economically feasible and l.eiuier's xecurity is not lessened.If the restoratian ar
<br /> -s�.=._�„�_-*...
<br /> �� '*���� repair is nat c�a►nomM�lly fensible ar Lender's xecud�y would be Ie�sened, the insurnnce praceeds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> �. . , �,;•
<br /> b{,S'e���«i,�rr.�-, :
<br /> �w:���s;,G,:�,�., secured by this Secu�ity lostrument, whether or nat Ihen due, wilh any exccws paid to BoROwer. If Borrower Abandons the
<br /> s; T Propeny, or daes na answer within 30 days u natice from Lender lhat the insurxncc carrier hsu offered to settle a claim, then
<br /> n
<br /> � �`�"� l.ender may collect ihe insuranre praceeds. L.ender may use the proceeds to repuir or restore the Property or to pay sums `
<br /> � ` �� ' r`` � secured by�his Security Instrument,whethcr or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when the notke is given.
<br /> ' •�..u�;;,.i:�:�„y�'� Unless L.ender end Borrower atherwise Agrec in writing, any npplication of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> -�_ � w.."•:.s�,;a�=:+; postpoac the due due of the monthly paymentx referred to in paragrephs I und 2 ar chunge the umount of the payments. !f --
<br />_ -�-ti;�'�'�y;� .:,._, under pa�agraph 21 ihe PrAperty is acquired by L.ender, Borrower's right ta any insurance policies and prnceeds resulting from ---
<br /> --- � �{•,;.,�+ ..�^:+r, . . . damage to the Property ptiar to the acquisitian shull pass ta Lender w the extent of the sums secured by�his Secudty Inswment �'
<br /> --"��,�b�1�" immedintely prinr toihe ocquisilion. =
<br />--��_�� �° ' " - b.Oocups�ncy.Prccervallon.Mwlntenpnce and Protection ot the Property;Borrower's l.oan Applkatian; I.easeholdc. -"
<br /> ��# Borrower shall accu establish, end ure the Pra rt us Borrower's nnci al re�idenre within sixt da s aRer the execution of
<br /> PY• Pe Y P � P Y Y ��
<br />��-_��' , ' '. �_" �his Security Inslnament and shall continue to occupy the Propeny as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after ��
<br />-`"`. _ ^ ' ' ' the date of'accupancy, unletis l.ender otherwise ogrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless —
<br /> _ ' �' extenuating circumswices exist which nre beyand Bormwer's cantml. Borrower shall nw destroy. damage or impair the �
<br />~,;;;. � � Property, ullow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Pn►peny. Borcower shall be in default if any forteiwre --- -
<br /> •34�1�,�''QSh�• .
<br /> L ..� o,:y.s.,s; action or praceeding,whether civil nr criminnl, is hegun that in Lencier's gaod faith judgment cauld result in forfeiture of�he °-
<br />"�r% � •� Property or otherwise materiAlly impair the lien created by Ihis Security Instrument e►r Lender's security interest. Borrawer may ---
<br /> ;�`•,� ,.',,y,;L,.L;..,,,,•;,, ' cuee such a default and reinstate,u.s provided in puragraph 18, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a niling �s�
<br />- _,:�,y__,..r •,:,_ .= thut, in Lender's gaad falth determination, precludes forfeiture af the &irnnwer's interest in the Pmpeny or other muteriril "
<br /> " _ � impairment of �he lirn created by this Security Instrument or l.ender'x security interest. Borrower shall also t�e in defauU if =_.__
<br /> �; Borrower, during the loan applicution process,guve materially false or irwccurute infornwtion o�st�tements ta Lender(or failed
<br /> , �o provide Lender wiih any mu�eriul informution)in cannection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited �-�'
<br /> - to,representationa conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property ati a principal residence. If this Security Imwment is on a �`'•=�-
<br /> ;�z:,_
<br /> leasehold, Borrower shall comply with ull the pmvisions af the lense. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property, ihe '�.i��
<br /> , n ,.�.., leasehald und the feetitle shull not mergc unlcss l.ender ugrees ro the mergcr in writing. �'<<�''
<br /> . 7.Prolection of Lender's RiglNs in the Propertv.If Borrower fails�o perform the rovenunts nnd agreemem�cc�ntuined in �""
<br />•. - . ' " •• ° this Security In�trument,ar there ix u legul prckeeding that mny signifirantly:�ffect Lender's rights in �he Propeny (such u�a �``~'-
<br /> �...�_'
<br /> � ° ' proceeding in bnnkrnptcy,probate,for condeimiuUon or farleilure or to enf'orcc laws or regulations), then I.ender may do und =�
<br /> �. . pay for whalever is necessary tu prdect thc valuc��f thc Propeny und l.cndrr's riRhts in the Prnpeny. Lender's uctians mny ,��;-•
<br /> rr� .
<br /> ' • �. indudc paying any wn�s secured by a licn which ha� priori�y uver this S��urity Instnament, appenring in coun, paying '�-•
<br /> reasonablc attorneys'fees und cntering on the Pruperty to makc rcpuirs. Althcwgh l.ender muy take action under this parugruph
<br /> .. .'•� , _
<br /> •=•�' ' • 7. Lender daes not have to do so. •-=--
<br /> u'�'.,"��"''� Any amounts disbursecl by l.ender under this par:�graph 7 slwll heromc vclditionul debt of Bonower xecured by �his �:��.,..
<br /> � :� Security Ins�rument.Unless Borrower and Lender agrce to utFxr tcrn�,of payment, thesr unx�unts shull bcar interc.t frum the
<br /> ' . ._ dute of disbursemem uc the No�e rate and shall be payable. wilh intcrest, up�m notire from Lender �o Borrower requesting
<br /> . �. ., payment. ,_�_,-
<br /> •. S.Mort�age Ins�rance. If L.cmlcr rcyuircai mong�gc in.ur•rnre o,•r cnnJition ul'muking the Inan xecureJ by this Securiry �:�=^�
<br /> � • Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums rcquired to muinwin the mungugc in+uruncc in effert. If, fiir uny reution, the '==
<br /> t ���`'�`'� mort a e insu�ance rnvcro e re uireJ b Lender la sc.or rca�cz to h�: in cffcct. Bi�nowcr.rhall -
<br /> ; . �'.•��`�°. S $ B 9 Y P pay thc prcmium�requircd�o _°'
<br /> ':,�,,�n „ , ' oblain coverage subslantiully equivolcnt ta thc mortgage in,uraixe previously in eff'cct, ut u r���t .uh�tantially equivalem to the ��_
<br /> � 'P • mat to Borrowcr of ihe mortgage inwrunrr prc��inusly in rffitit, t'r��m un nl�crna�r ou,rtgugc insurcr approveJ by Lxnder. If
<br /> �,1" " . �� substantially cquivulent rnonguge inxur�nce co�•cragc i+n��l availabl�. Burrawcr.hull pay�o l.endcr cach manlh�,um equal tu
<br /> one-twelflh of the yearly nH�rtg•rgr insurunre prrmium brinti paiJ h}�B��rrau•cr���hrn thc in.uranrr rovrr�gc lups�•d��r ceased to
<br /> be in effctt. I.ender will uccept,usc•rnd re�ain these p•rymemti •rti a lor. re+cr�•r in licu ut' m��ngage in�wrunce. Lu.. rr.crve
<br /> Form 3028 9180 � •
<br /> vau�•.i�a�;
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> a' � .
<br /> 1
<br /> t � �
<br /> � f ' .
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