�R� t� `i1�'�j 7ti.����� ��, - • .• ip�ItAdkl�ll+':in+'i�{,. ,,1^v'."�' Nfi'.'1 �e,,._ �...,
<br /> Rs�]Y�:��`-
<br /> . _ . . ...".i.�!(�f�/1J�4'EMi}Il'a,. . '' -----__ . �. .
<br /> ��� - - n�'ti�Y1:e�� . . . .. _ _..,._ .�_ ._`_' .,..�
<br /> ...,... ;.y.a,.. - -- ._ _ ...
<br /> , .�.o... ..,.
<br />. � .— . --- � . _
<br /> � �-- - -^--r---- � � __ . .
<br /> � . . _ .; :� .: 92_ i��;�o o� -- _
<br /> _ _'.__• •?-�.� � � 17.Trnt�fer ot the Property or o Heneiiclal Interest in Borruwer. If uli��fZ[ny pan af the Property��r uny nterest in it
<br /> �'' `f ' i4 r,�ld ar t�nafcrrexl(or ii u beneficiul interest in&�ROwer i,M►IJ��r Iruo.fcrr��l und�n ruwur i.nut u nawral p�:nun�withuut - --
<br /> ,... r .., ,
<br /> � � l.enJer's prior wriucn con�cnt. Lendcr muy, ut it, npti�m. rcyuirc imnk�Jiu�c puymcnt in full nf ull +um��ccur��d by �hi�
<br /> '��� �' �s� � ' ` � ' • Sccurity lns�rument.However,thi�oplian shall nnt t+c cxcrcis:�l by L.en�ler il rxcrriu i�pr�ihihiteJ My 1►Yleral luw w uf ihe dute _�
<br /> �;�'��;��?'�' af this Securlty Inatrumem.
<br /> . M1 r.,- ,� �(L.ender exercfsez Ihis option, Lender.r•hall give HoROwer nrnirc uf urrclrratiun. Tbr i�uticc tihull pmvide u peri�►J at'no� _
<br /> B
<br /> ' a '�,.�,�,x�., ,.-. r Icss tNnn 30 duys from the dutc thc nntire is Jelivcrc�l ar muiled within w�hich 13��rrawcr mu,t puy ull ,unis,ecur��+l by �hi� �-.-----.
<br /> r.".�-. . - Snurity ln,trument.lf Borrower fails ta puy the�c sumti priur a►�hc rxpinuiun uf�hi��xri�xl. Ixiulcr may invukr uny remedicr� ---
<br /> �.,,,.,.,._:,.4m . permi�tcd by thia Security Ins�rument without funher nuticc ur dcmund un I��rrawer. —
<br /> • �!r 1$. Borrnwer s Rtght to Reiastate. If &irr�►wer mect. cenain ronJi�i�mti. Fi��rr��wer +hull huvc die right �u have
<br /> .. . � :,_ _ '
<br /> ,_...__ �-.__ cnf��rccmcnt of thls Sccurity lnstrumcnt discantinuc�i at any timr pri�►r h� �he carlirr�+t`. (a1 S duy, iur,u�•h�Hhcr �xri�xl a+ �---
<br /> ' ° applicuble luw muy specify for reins�atememl Ixti�re �Ir ut' th� Pr��peny pur+uum ��► uny �►wer ui .ule cnn�uin��i in this = �
<br /> . � -� Security In�trumenl:or Ib1 entry of a judgment cntiircinK�hi+Securiry In�trument. Tho.c condilium un thut Hurrower:lu1 p•rys
<br /> ,;.. ' Lcnder all sums which then w�wld be duc undc�this Sc�urity In.tnimcm und tlk N�►tc u� il ix► uccrlcrution had �xrurrcd; Ib) �,a,.._�___
<br /> � cures uny defuult of any nther covenant. or ugreementti; Icl payx ull cxpen+eti iikurrcd in enli�rciog �hi,Sccurity Irmtrunxnt, �_
<br /> ��':^' � including, but not limited to,rea.sonable uttomey5' feeti; anJ ldl lukc+,urh actian uti Lcnder muy rcu�onuhly rcyuirc�o:►ssure _ --
<br />. Ihat the lian of thiti Secu�iry Inctrumcnt, I..cndc�x right+in thc Prupeny unJ&�ROwcr'.ohligution t��pay ihe sumti+erureJ by
<br /> thiz Security Insteument shull cuntinue unchanged, Upon rein.ta�rnxm by Bur�uwrr, thi, Srcurity In�lrunxnt un�l �he -
<br />!; ' •' , Yr, ubligations.e�ured hereby +hall remain fully et'fectivc us if nc� ;K�tilcrution h•rd�krurred. Huwever. �hi� ri�!ht�ii reimtute shall ��'a'-t1Pi�'!4�'�"-
<br /> ., a � not apply in the cuse of xceleration undcr paragruph 17. °�
<br /> �� • 19. Sale ot Note; Chanqe oP Loan Servicer. Thc Notc or li paniul intcrc,t in �hc Notc I�ogcthcr with Ihi� Sccuriry ��
<br /> • ' � Inctrumcnti mnY hc+old�mc or mucc timcs without prio�noticc iu&�rruwrr. A.ulc may rc,ult in a rhun�c in thc cntity Iknuwn -�.�___
<br /> , u � as Ihe"Lo;u�Servicer")thut collec��immthly payment�due under ihe Note and ihi, Sccunty Imtrumrnt. Therc ul.ro muy be i►ne ==--
<br /> _, ° or mi�re chunges of�he I..oan Servicrr unrelAted to a sale uf the N�te. If there iti u chungr��f�he Luun Servicer. &�m►wer will he ��'='
<br /> � given wriuen n��tice of the chanRe in uccordance with pura�ruph 14 utxwe unJ appliruMr luw. The nutice will ,iute�he num�and ��..
<br /> • " " - addre+s uf thr nrw I.uan Scrvicer And the address to which payments .hnuld he m:ule. The nntire will ului �nntain uny uther �''�'-= --- -
<br /> � � inf'ormation reyuireJ by applicuble law.
<br /> ' 20. Hazardous Substanees. BoROwer+hull not cause ar permit thr presence, u+c. Ji�p�isal. ,�urage, ur rele�+e nf uoy �'� �
<br /> • � ' H�urdiws Suhstanceti ��n ar in thr Property. &irrower rhall nat Ju, nur ullnw anyonc rl.c �o Jo, unyt4in� •rffecting �hc --
<br /> �. • Propeny thut i� in violation uf any Envirunmentul Luw. The pr�w�ding iwii ticnlencc� �hull nnl upply t��thc prc+cncc.u+e. or �,o,,,,
<br /> .� ' storugc�m the Property��f smull quunti�ie�ot Hazurdous Sub��ances that are gencrally rcr�i�!nii��l ti►he appr��►riutr to nurmAl �
<br /> . � residential uses and io muinlcnanct of thc Pruparty. �•�����'�
<br /> &�rrowcr shall pr��mplly givc Lendcr a•riucn Mitirc af uny invrsti�tu�i�m, cluim, dcma�xl, luw,uit ur o[Bcr ac�iun by any t'��^`�
<br /> �.�•,
<br /> guvcrnmentul or regulauxy ugency or privute pany inv�ilving thc P�uperty anJ uny HwurJuu�Sub.tunrc or EnvirunmNmal l.uw �,;._,�;:,_
<br /> of which Borrower hu+actuul know�IcdFe. lf BoROwer Ieums. or i,nn�iticd By uny�nvrrnmrntal or rc�ulatury auihuri�y. thut «w:;;:':.-- --
<br /> ' uny r�;movul or ather remediation of uny Hvr.urdcwti Subslance uflccling thr Pro�xny i.nec�+zury. Borrowcr�hul I pn►mplly takc ""`-`-""'
<br /> • ull neceswry reme�iial ucli�m�in accord•rnre with Environmrntul l.aw. ,'4 a°e�`=,
<br /> • A� usMl in this pA�uFraph '!0, "HuznrJouti Subswnreti" ure tho��+ubNUn�c�dcfin�tl ��� loxic ur h.v�rJuus .rub�lutk'es hy '��-
<br /> - - ---- Environmcn�ul Luw auJ thc f��il��wiiig .ubst.�iice�: ��tiuliric. kcro.cn.. uthcr tla:nmablc j�r tc�xir pc�tr:elca:l� prculucts. lu:ir � --_`='-'"�-_-
<br /> ,� pesticiJes and hcrbicideti,v�ilutilc sulvcntti,matrriul+runtaining u�lk.tu.or IiirowlJcliyJc. •rnJ ruJin.icuvc mutcrials. A�uticd m ��.t, : '
<br /> • lhis paragruph 20. 'Environmrntal Law" means I'ed�rul luw+ und luw+uf�hr.juri>Jiction whrrc thc Propeny iti I�xalcd thnt ,��i
<br /> relute tc�hculth,salciy or cnvironmcmal prutcrti�m. __—
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVGNANTS.B�m��w�r i►nJ l.rndcr t'unhcr ru�•cnant aixl ugrcc a�liillna•+: „'•„s=n=-
<br /> � 21. AccelrraUon;Remedi�w. I.ender shull kive notice lo Burro«rr prior to uccclerutinn i'oUohing Barruxer'+brcurh ���;;;�:__, _
<br /> :,, � ol' uny covenant or a�reement in this tiecurity Instrumenl Ibut �H►t prior In uccclerution under puragraph 17 unl�ws -,��f�t?�;���c•-==�
<br /> �;�,;°' �pplicable law provides other���ise). The n�iUce shall +p�rff�•: lu)thc dePuull;lh1 Ihe uctlon rcyuired to cure Ihe def�ult; '"�� •.y`��s;�,;,;:
<br /> � (cl a date,not I�s than 30 da�•s from the date the notice Is�iven to Borro���cr. !�} ::hich the dePuult mu+l Ix rur��d; und " ' ' •`�+
<br /> �� (d) that fuilure to cure the defauU �N� or hefnre the dute ti�iiied In thc rnAicc mu�• n�cult in ucccleraitiun oi' Ihe zum� ---
<br /> secured Iw, this tiecurity In�trument und+alr nP the 1'ropert�•. The nntice �hull furlher inPorm ti��rrm�•er of thc rlµht to �--
<br /> . reinstote ufler �cceleruUon and ttK riy;ht to hriuR u rourt arUon lo u+scrt the non-esititence oP u default ��r unv other -'a T
<br /> defe��e of Rorrmrer to uccelerudon und sule. If thr defaull i� not cured o0 or bePore N�e date zp�rffi�vl in the notice. ' '`x`°•
<br /> I.ender. ot ils uption. mu�• reyuirc immcdiutc pu}•mcnt in full ol'oll �um.��rured N� this ticrurih•In�lrumcnt �rithnut r '}.
<br /> further demund ai�d mu�• invokc thc�x►acr of salc und um othcr rcmcdi�y �xrn�itt�v! by�upplicuNlc lo��.I.cnder,hull tx �
<br /> �� � enUtled to callect u0 ex�xnKw incurrcd in purtiuinu Ihc rem�tili�w provid�d in thir puru}�ruph 21. includln�,but��nt limited �
<br /> to.rc�u�nable attorncys'fitiw und costs of litic e�•idencc. " -_
<br /> If thc pn�scr of sulc is invoked, Tru�tcc�hull r�rord u uoticc of'dct'uult in cuch ruunt� in a•hkh un�• paM of'thc ��,—
<br /> Propert}• ix lucuted and zhull muil copi�y uf�uch iN�Uce io the munner prexribed b� upplicvblr In�r to I��rrow•er und to ; ,�•,._'=`"�
<br /> • lhe other perum. prekrfh�d bp uppUcuhk lu���.Aner the lime rcyuired b� applicuble lu►�.'1'rust�r�hrll ul�•e public mNire , ;;:�!�:• .e__
<br /> of wk tn Ihc per�onti und in thr munncr prescrilxvl b}�upplicublc la��.'I'ruyl�ti.��ithout demund on Bnrn���•cr. .rBull�cll r,: � {.^, `:.:�-
<br /> � the Propertv�t public uuctian tn the I�ifihiwt bidder ut Ihe time und placc and under the Icrm�d��i{�nuted in the mNire of '''�" � ,�:'r"T
<br />• � • sele in one or more parcels und in um ordcr 7'ruxlee detcrmin�h. 'I'rutit�r mu� �w.tp�me.ulc of ull nr uny purccl of thc ""�
<br /> •• Propert�• b�• publlc Announcemenl s�t the time und plure ot'iun pre�iuu�l� ,nc�dnlcd .vle. Leo�Mr nr Itx d�yiµnM mu}• i
<br /> purchase the Property ut nn}•salc.
<br /> �
<br /> �� Form 3028 8/90 .
<br /> •�„• .. �
<br /> , • . •a'•.
<br /> •;;
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> ' • �J _ _ -
<br />