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`��., ,y , .� .�--.. . :__ , '_ T <br /> � o,k„ <br /> y''li+A=:M..:...av..w..�..�sa-� - . .,.., . -a.. _. . _-- <br /> ..y 461 lS _ <br /> " . !j� uI�I _.... - <br /> 'r��RY•' ,. <br /> _-" `,y� . . ..^��_� `w��'_-'----- .. <br /> - -��=n'.d�'11/.M[�r�sc � � _ � wt <br /> �. _ <br /> ' __ _ <br /> - r:�f,.. �� �� �2- 10 2 0 0� = <br /> --,�,�*:;t+ "� ti.:� - �Y'`x TOOFTHEIt WITH all Ihe improvcmcnts r�aw ar hercaticr erorted on the propeAY.and all eacements.aPPune nces. and � <br /> �����•?.'�`` °.,�` flxture.4 nc�w �r hereai'ter u part of t6c propeny. All replacementK wid additianc xhall al�o be coverod by thiY Secudty <br /> - i..:.ya �,;�,,..z <br /> ..!°.�:�%�:°"�'��•:����..,�.�— <br /> ,, .�. . , Inatrument. All of the faregoing is referred ta in�his Sccu�ity In,trument�the"Pn,pcny. <br /> � BORROW�R COVENANT3 that Borrawer ia lawfully seir�ed of the esU►te hereby canvey��l+ux�haw thc riRh�w grunt wid ��-��� <br /> '��". .c:{'_.'_ �.I'.;"�"° rnnvey the Pmperty and thut the Propeny i� unen�:umhcrai.except f�r encumbrnncc.r ut'rcrurJ. F�►rtnwer wurrontx awl will <br /> ^"'•"3' �';�;c,�' � defcn�l genemlly�he tide lo�he Pmperty uguinrt uU claim�ond demunJs.�ubject to uny cncumMrancc���f mcurd. <br /> , ;�,�.�...,,. , <br /> • . t ��;����. THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT�omMi�K�unlfann c��vcnun�s far nutionul u.c unJ n�►n•uniti�rni covenumx with limftod <br /> : •;�"�`=-��•°<'��'�`• vwriwinn.r hy juriMliclion to conati�ule u unifnrm�ecurfty inhtrurnent coveriog real property• <br /> ,,., :; _ . <br /> � ,����::.�� -:, •. UNif'ORM COVENAN?S. li��rr�wer wxl Lencicrrovenant nnd ugrce as fo oW'x: r __ <br /> , ,°��-<<�;�:����.,;,.•• 1. Ps�yment o�IMncipW and Interext; Pre�ymeat and I.wle Cluirges. &�rrowcr +hull pn�mptly puy when Jue the <br /> - ' , ,, ` ' pri�xip•rl of anJ interest on the dcht evidenceJ by the Note and uny prepuyment unJ lutc churge�due unJer th�Nac. — <br /> • 2. Funds for TuxeR and In�urance. Subject tu o��licuble law�x�o a wriuen wuiver by l.eixler, &xmwer�.hall pUy ta -- <br /> .. � . � . l.erider on thc day monthly payments arc due under the NMe,undl the Notr is paid in full,u wm l'FunJs')ior.(+�)yearly twccs <br /> .;��� � and assc�ssments which muy uttnin priority ovcr this Security Instrument as u lien on the Propeny: lhl yearly Icusch��ld payments —^ <br />_;;,��; o"'�'-'"�' ' or gr��und rents on the Property. if uny;lc)ycurly hurard or pmpeny insurunce premiums;ld)ye�rly fl�1 inwrun�e premiums. _,._ <br /> "=,� ' ' � if ariy: le1 yeurly mongage iasurance premiums,if uny: and ifl uny sumr• payuble by&�rn�wer to l.ender, in uccordance with �:Y: <br /> ' the provisians of par+�gr'aph 8,in lieu of the paymcnt af mongage insurunce prcmiums.Thcyc itcros arc callcd "Bscrow Items." <br /> .:�' � ��a� � Lender may.ut any time, collect and hoW Funds in un amaunt not to exceed the m:ucimum amount� lender far a fodemlly — __ <br /> , . ' ' "' � re�u�ed moAgs�gc loan may reyuire ior Bormwer's escrow account under the federul Reul Estute S�ttlement Pracaiures Act of ---- <br /> "� ` � � 1974 as amended fmm time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 rr sey. ('RESPA"1,unless Another luw that upplie�,to thc Funds r•" <br /> r,,. . <br />"�"I'� ° ' ' seta a lesser am�wnt. lf�, l.ender may. ut uny time, cdlec� und hold Funds in un umount not to exceed the lesser amaunt. �.. <br /> - ' L.ender may e�timatc the umount uf Funds due an thc basis of current data anti rea+.onable e�tim�tes of expenditures of futur+c __ <br /> ,; "• �• E.scmw Items ar othenvise in acca�+nce with applicable law. --— <br /> • ��`" � The Funds shall be held in an intititution whose deposits are in.ured by u federnl agency, inctrumentality, or entity _._ <br /> (including Lrnder,if L.ender is such an institutioN or in any Fedcrul Home Loan Bunk. Lxnder shull apply the Funds to p�y the �.,_ <br /> . ' Escrow Items. Lender may n�t churge &►rrower for holding und Applying the Funds, unnually unalyzing the escrow acmunt,or —"' <br /> �' .� verifying the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays Horn►wer interest on the Fund�und applirablc law permits L.ender co make such �__ <br /> • � � a churge. However, l.ender muy requirc Barn�wer ta pay u one-time rhargc for an independent resl eswte tax reporting service � <br /> '. ,, . . _ ^ used by Lender i� mnnection wi�h this los�n, unless applicuble luw provides athenvise. Unlesx an ugrcement is made or <br />,�� , ' � npplicable luw requires intere+t to he puid, Lendcr shull n��t lx requlreJ tu puy Borrower any interest or evrnings on the Funds. _ <br /> � ' Borrower and Lender may+�gmc in writing, howevcr, that inlerest shall he pnid on thc Funds. [.ender shall give to Borrower. o _ <br /> .n without churgc, an unnual uccounting of the Funds,.rhowing credits und debits �o the Fund+and thc purpuse for which earh vT_. <br /> ,..��_ <br /> debi�to the Fuuda wu� uwde•Thc Fundh an p!.°clged as xdditional u'�urity for all sums secureJ bv this Securiry Instrumcnt. <br /> . ' , If Ihe Fund.held by Lender exceed the amounts pem�itted tu he held by applicuble luw. Lende�shull account to Bormwer _ <br /> '' � fi�r thr exce++ Fund�in ucrordanre wilh thc requircmena of applicnble law�. lf the umount of the Funds IkIJ by Lender at any <br /> ' , time iti not sut'ficient t�pay the Escrow Itemti when Jue,Lender muy so n��tify Borrower in writing,and, in such cuse Bc�rrawer =-- <br /> "- � shull pay tn L.ei�ler�hc amount necessury ti� n�kc up the deticiency. &�rrower shull make up the deficiency in nc► more than <br /> • ,. ' � ' twelve monthly paymenl�+.ut L.ender'�si�lc diurction. <br /> ' �� � Up�m payment in full uf ull +um� �ccur��l by this Security Inxtrument. Lend�r shull prompdy retunJ to Borrower any 6 ^ <br /> � �� ' Funds helJ by I..endcr. If, under para�ruph?I. Lender .hul l acyuire ur sell thc Propeny. LxnJer,priar to Ihc acyuisition i�r sule _ <br /> : of the Prnperty,shull apply any FunJs hclJ by lxnJer ai[hr tinu of ucquisili�m or sale as u rredit uguinst the sum.t secured by =- <br /> . ,. � this S��curity Imtrunxn[. �'"' <br /> 3.Applicatiot�nf Paymcntti.Unlc�ti+�pplicablc law pri►vidc�oth�nvi�c,ull paynknts rcreiv��i hy I.c:ndcr unJcr para�;raphs <br /> • I und ?shull lx upplied: fint, u�uny prepuyment churgc� duc wxlcr Ux Notc: �econJ, tu amnums p�yahlc under paragraph 2; _ <br /> thinl,to intcrctit duc: prinripal duc;and la.l, �n uny lutc rhurgc�dur unJer th�N�itc. �_ <br /> , 4.CharRes: I.lens. 8anowcr shall pay all wxc+. as,cssmcm.. chargr+. tine.anJ imp�»i�i�ms aaributablc to thc Pra,perty �._ <br /> ' � • which may uttain priorit�� �wer thi. Scrurity In,trwixnt. anJ Iraseh��IJ paymcnt.��r�round rem�. if uny. Borr��wer shull pay <br /> the+e ohligatic,n+in Ihe munner pruvideJ in puru�ruph 3.or iF not paid in thal manncr.Borru�+•cr�hull pay thetn on timc dirertly- � <br /> ' tci ih��xr+nn ��wcJ payment. B��rn�wcr.rhull prumptly furni,h tc�Lendcr ull natirc.ul imx�untti tu hc prid undcr thiti para}!raph. <br /> • , If Bortnwrr m•rkrs thr�r paymcm�Jircrtly. Borruwcr�hall prompU� furnixh tu Lcndcr reccipt+r��idrncing the puymrnt�. �:_ <br /> •�• • " &�rrowcr shull promptly Ji,chargc any li�n whirh Iw.priuril� ���•.r thir tirrurit� In,trumrm unlc�,B��rrux•rr: 1 al agrcc+ in �.-�- <br /> . writing tu ih�puyment of the ohliga�iun,rcurcJ by�he li¢n in u mannu urreptable tu I.endcr:IM c�mte�t. in p�xx1 failh the licn �ti; <br /> � ';;� . " by, ur Jcfendx again.t cntiircrnunt u( thr lien in. I�gal procrrJings whirh in thr l.ri�lcr', �,piniun uExrzuc U� prevcnl the <br /> �, , enforrement of thc lirn:or Irl +ccurr.frum Ihe hi�Wcr��I'th� liru an agrcrment tiati�fartun• tu L�nJer suhurdinatin�Ihc licn te� � <br /> thi+Securi��� Imtrumcnt. If Lcndcr Jcicrmin��thut an� p:u1 ul'thc 1'r��pen� i, ,ubjert a,a lirn ���hi:h ma}•�nain �riurity ovrr <br /> thi.Scrurilp Inurum�nl. I.rndcr n�ay gi�•c Rorm�vrr a nntir� idrmil'�ing thr lirn. [3urruwrr.hall ,ati.l� �hr lirn nr takc one or <br /> more nf the acti�m.,et tiirth ahuae wilhin 10 Juy.ul�lic gi��ing�,f n�,iirc. � <br /> Form 3028 8190 <br /> i. <br /> v,y,f,��� - <br /> � . <br /> i <br /> i <br /> 1 � <br /> 1 <br /> i <br /> I <br /> q �.�1. J <br /> � ! .. _.. . . _ _ _ _ . - <br />