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,�� �� � , .. .,......,w..._.... .,..._.._._..._-� ..... „ :r. -_ <br /> �-- __ _... . <br /> ,,,,. , <br /> ,�'_� _ _.. �.-�. . - - .- <br /> ; .. _ _ -� :~�,. .rF����•.1.�'.`._�. . '_�_�'� . <br /> � <br /> L.- <br /> 1 <br /> --�' - -- <br /> ..�' �. <br /> ..�: <br /> -��-� � 92-101982 <br /> .���,��; <br /> -------_ '-� �� <br /> - ___v��� cnndemnAtinn or athcr takin�oi uny purt of thc Prup�:ny.ur for convcyunrc in licu of ccHxlemnati��n.u�c hcreby ul.ri�{��J u�u! �Y y- <br /> � �ha116c paid to Lcndcr. <br /> "�� �'' In the event of u tatnl taking oC the Pmpeny.ihe pmceedw +holl ix upplied �o�hn sum� +:ecumd by thiy Security _ __ <br /> _-._�;�p� Ins�niment,whether or ncH�hen due,with uny exrc4.r•puid to Barmwer. In thc event of u{+w7iul tuking of'1hc Propcny in <br /> ;�y5�;� which the fuir murkc�value of'the PrapcAy immcdiately bciarc ihe luking ix ryuul lo or grcutcr�hun thr umaunt oi�hr xumw <br /> -�y; •� I �secured by this Security Insirument immediutely befor�the tuking,unlr.s Barn�wer und l.ender atherwise ugme in wri�ing. <br /> ---�'����+'+�'�1... � ! the sums secured by lhir Secudty Instrumenl�:hull tie rcducrJ hy�he umiwnt ui�the pnxceds multiplied by�he falluwing ��_ <br /> �� �---�';,;.�:��:. I froctian: la)the tutul umcwnt af tMe humx xrcured immeciiately befom�he�uking,divided by Ib)the t'uu murke�vulue of the �_=�-- <br /> "'���.�.��-• . pmpeny immediatcly tx:fom the tuking. Any balunce rchull tx: pufd to Borrowcr. In�hr event af u puniul tuking af the <br /> —� �;�w�;�.,;��� ' Property in which Ihc fnir murket value of tlx Pru�ny immcdiutcly lxfurc thc tuking i+ Ic���hun tlx arnoum of�hc+um+ _ <br /> -?�`„�;�::i�• �ecured immedintely hefare the taking, unlex+ Born�wer+u►d Lend�r �xherwise agree in wriiing ur unleti+ upplicable luw <br /> ��'���'��`" �. . othenvise provides,the pmceed►aNull tm upp�ied to the�um�+eaured by thi�Sccurity Inx�nmm��whethcr or not thc xums ure <br /> �••- <br /> ��`�"�`: then due. 6i..--- <br /> "�`''` ':,'� ' If the Propeny is obundoned by Botrower,o�if,ufter no�icc by Lende�tn B�x�wer thut the a�ndemnur offcn�o make _ <br /> - ,..}�,. � �_m..-.o'_ <br /> �-:�?-;;It�;;�,tt�,,f�, an awArd ar se�de u clnim for dumugcs,Barrowcr t'uilx to respond to Lcnder within 30 duy.aflcr thc du�c�he nntice i� �iven. <br />_� '' Lender is uuthorized to colMct and upply the procreds,al it+uptiun,eilher to reswration ar�puir of Ihr Property or w the ��+.i <br /> �.. 1'''�i� '�,' `"'' I suma secured by this Security Inxtniment.whether ar not then due. � <br /> ,•.*t�,�.;.;.`.. . — !� <br /> : . : Y., . Unlesa Lendcr nnd Banaw�r otherwi.e ugree in wming,uny upplicntion of pnx��eds to principal .hall nat extend ur � <br /> ;�,,::;;,,•��.,�,:,�•�" pactpone the due da�e of Ihe monthly paymemti�efeRed�o in p•rru�rap hs I und 2 or chunge Ihe umount af tiuch payments, _� <br /> P Y ���� <br /> ,�:_�•�. .,; �,,.��' 11. BorPOwer Not Releasedi ForbeArance By Lender Not a Waiver. Ex�cmian of �hc time fi�r a ment or <br /> ..r; d,�,r�,,;,����` modi6cation of nmonizution of the wum+.ecurcd by this Security Inxtrument gn�nted by Lender to uny succex,ur in interext ��'r�• �-° <br /> ':.•�-;;;....i-�-�•� I of Barrower shall not opemte to releuxe the liubiliry of�he cxiRinul BaRawcr or Borrower�.uccesxon in intem+t. Lender <br /> P Y �'s::�'_ <br /> ;;..�.,;,;���'�".r:.�,.; shnll aot 6e reyuired ta commence proceedings ugain+t uny succes.or in interest or rcfuxr to ex�end time fbr u ment or � <br /> _ -�':.s..:r ,.:;- otherwise modify amartixation of tl�e�am.secured by thix Security Imlrument by�uxon of uny demand mndr by!he uriginul .��,3 . <br />-�� "�`� �", . • .,,;, � � Borrower or Barroweri successon in imereti�. Any forl+eurunce by Lender in exercisinF uny nght or remeJy shuU not be a <br /> =_ � ''�;�� • � waiver of or preclude the exercise oi s�ny rigM or remedy. �'� <br /> ,�r� ,� K l2. Successors and Asslgns Bound;Jaint and Several Liability;Co-Rigners. Thc covenun�x und ugreement.uf'this --— <br />`��'�".' '�' �" �' '+L. ° Securit Instrument shall bind und ix:ncfi��he successon und usxigns of Lender und Bortower,subjrcl tu the pruvisionti uf__,__ <br /> � ::';.._'':�'�",.,: Y <br /> parugmph 17. Bortower's covennMx nnd uFreements shall be joim und sevrrnl. Any Borrawer w�ho co-�ign. this Securit}� _ <br /> ' ' ' Instrument but dces not execute tiie Nrne: lul is co•signing thix Securiry Instrument only to mon�:uge,grun�und canvey�ha� ��� <br />` ,� ' ^ Bortower a intemtit in the Property under the lem�s i�i this Security Ins�rument: lb)i+not penonully ubliguted lo puy the sum. v__ <br /> • .. • secured by this Securiry In�trum�nl:und(c)o�rees�hat L.cnder anJ uny o�her Born�wcr may ugrer to extend,mcxlify.i�xt�eur �;;�, <br /> � - ., � , or muke uny uccommodution+ wiih re�ard to�he �ennx of thix Securiry Inx�rumen� ar �he Nae wi�hout thu� Bu�mN•er, `�,_yy <br /> '• • 1 ° eonsent. �. J-� <br /> '�4:� '. - 13. Laan(:harges. If the bnn sccured by this Sccuriry In+trument i, subjeci�o u Inw which se�s muximum loan ��� <br /> chorges,und that luw ix fnully imerpreted.o that�he interert or rnher loan churgeti cnllected or to t►e collected in connectiun ��t <br /> ' ��'—T with Ihe loan ezceed�hc peruiiu�d{itttitis,thcn: taf any such ban!•ht�r£e chull be reduced by tbe umount necexsury to reduce ��W`u� <br /> �he churge ro the permiued limit:ond Ib1 uny sum�ulready rollected from Borr�wcr which exceeded permitted limi�.N�II be �F__^, <br /> .` " � refunded to Borrawer. Lender muy ch��e la muke Ihis rcfund by reducing th�principal owed undrr the Nate or by ma{,inc a ; - <br /> ;�..�,, • ., �3�' <br /> :;;�:.;r ,. direct puymem to Borrower. If A mfund reduces principal,the reduction will be trented c�.�u purtial prepayment w�thuut uny ���, <br /> i; �,,`• ' I prepayment charge under the Notc, �-�• <br /> „ , I 14. Notkes. Any natice ta Borrowcr provided fix in�hi�Sccuriry lnstrument.hull be gi�•en by dcliverin�! it or by .,y.,,�. <br /> • � ms+iling it by fint cluss muil unles,upplicuhle lu�v reyuins use ot'•rnnther method.The noticc.hull tx direr�ed to thr Propeny ���7 a: <br /> �' � . Address or uny other uddre�+Bormwer de�i�natc.hy noticr lo LenJer. Any notice�o Lendrr xhull be given by �ir�t clutix 4 <br /> � , mail to Lcndcr's uddres,titatcJ herein��r uny othcr uJdrr+s Lendrr de.ignutes By noticc to Burcower. Any noticr provided for �"��ti. <br /> ; � ., in thix Security In,trumen� �hull Ix Jrrnud lo huvr Neen �iven io Hcxr�iwer or Lender when Eiven n. providrd in this �� <br /> ■r��•�... <br /> . �` ,� ,�.,, .: p�ruFruph. - <br /> ' �' IS. Governln� Law: tieverability. Thi� Scruril� Imlrumm�t �hall Ix govrrned My federul la�� and thr luw ol'ihe ��",_ <br /> � " � jurisdiction in which the Property i►Iixu�eJ. In the event thut uny provi,ion�K clau.e oi'Ihiti 3eruriry In.trumrn�or thr Notr <br /> �,_...... <br /> � con0ict+with upplicablc law.xuch ronflict�hall nat uf1'rc�uthrr,rovisi��m al�hi.Scrurity In�trumcnt or thc Notr which cun �y���. <br /> t' ; � be given efi'ect wilhout�hr c��MlwtinF pravi.ion. Ti�thi. end dx pmvixion.of thi�Security Imtrument and the Note ure `�r�: <br /> �r•,��. ,� • ^ .. declured to lx+�verable. '`t:."` <br /> �;'►'. �� � 16. Qorrow•er's Copy. Born�wcr�hall ix�.iven onc runl'��rnud copy of the Notc�nJ af Ihi�Scrurit)�In�trunxnl, , <br /> 17. 7Yansfer of the Properly or a Bencficial Interest in Norrower. If ull or any pan ol'�h�Propeny�x uny intcrcst in <br /> ' ,� it i�sold or trun�fcrced lor if a henrliriul intrrc.t in B��rc�.w�r i+solJ ar truntifcrrcd und Borrowcr i+not •r numral persunl <br /> ., . wiihout Lender's priur wriu�n c��ntirnt.L�ndcr may.u�it.opti�,n.rcyuirc immrdiat�p�yment in full of,.rerured by � <br /> . . . " thir Security Inxtrument. Huwrvcr.thi.option sh:�ll na1 he errrri,ed hy Lender iY cxcrcisc i+pmhihiled hy icderul law•r.uf ��+,'�;�_ <br /> • � thc dutr oP thi.Sccurity Instrumrnt. <br /> � If Lender rxeni,rs�hi,op�K�n.Len�kr xhull give Sorro���rr n��tic��ol'arcrl�r:uion. Tlx n�,tice.hall provide u peri�xl oi' <br /> I nol Ic�s Ihun ili Juy+from thc dalc tlx nrnirr i�drlivcred or m:�ilyd«•ilhin��hirh 13urruwur mu.t pay all .wn.�ccurcd by this ;,��-•: <br /> , c �•�:...' Sccuriry In.lrument. If Bom�wer fail. w p.�y the.r ,um,priur to tlx expirutiun uf�hi, �xriixi. L�ndcr m�y invol:e unY ;;.�♦ <br /> '> • remedicti�xmiiucd by�hi�S.r•uriry In.�rumcn�v►•ithuut(urlhcr nutkr ur�kmanJ�m Burruwcr. . r� <br /> " . . Iti. Borrower's RiRht tu Reimtute. It' Born,acr mrrt�crnain rundiiian.. BuRO���r .half havc �hr right �o h•rvc <br /> � . enforcemcnt of thi.Securi�y In.irurncnt di.rantinued:u anc time pri��r tu Uie carlicr ut': lu1 5 day,(ur,uch other peri�xl a� <br /> Smglc F�nnil�..Frnnie�fae/Frrddk�1nc l�IF'I/N�l l\ti'fRf�IF:�'f..l�mlam�l'���cnrm. 4��J0 �/a�er J„►n�r�.r���i <br /> r . . <br /> , � _ .. , <br /> . � . ..� . .. <br /> . <br /> • •• <br /> •. <br /> „ ' � <br /> .� , <br /> 1 <br /> _�._l , <br />