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<br /> = � �`�r� . periadx Ihal Le,�der rcquires. 71�c ingurance curtfcr pr�viding�he in�:uranrc�.hall he cho�n by parmwer wbjcct to L.enderk �'�_��-_
<br /> —'���,r,� i , upprovul whirh xhall no�be unrca�onahly wllhheld. If�cxrower fuilr�u muintpin coveruge descrihed ulxwe,l,ender may,e1
<br /> '�'.�:.'��..•� L.enderk aplion.obtuin caverAge to protec�Lenderh rlgh�c in�hr Prapeny ln ucuirdunce wfth purugruph 7. — �
<br /> _�`.%t��rs� All lnxurance policies und renewul�xiwll tx:acceptable to LenJcr und Khull fnclude u slunJprd mungage cluuhe. Lender -�-�- -°--
<br /> shall huve Ihe rl ht ta hold the liciew und r+enewolK. �f I,ender rc uirex.Bnrrciwer xhull rom tl ive k►Lender all recef �c
<br /> --- �"� 8 Po 4 P P Y S p� ��.�.�:,�.,
<br /> of paid premiums ond renewul noticcz. in the event of lo�x,BaRawrr,hull Yive pmmpt noticc tu the inxurwxe c�rrier und -
<br /> :�� '�j: ',�,,�.<''`:�::" �' Lender. Lender may make praof of Ima if not mAde prumptly by Borrow•er. —°`"'-
<br /> ; � ,.: � Unlesq l.ender und Borrowcr whenvi�:e ugr�w in writing,in+u�ance puwced+rhull tx�pplicd to�r,toratiun or rcpuir uF �;��,;;�;,,�,;.�•r
<br /> ��+��''�' -'' thcProperty dumoged, If the restora�ion�r repui� i� ecanomicully fcu�ihle und Leixirrk �ecuri�y i. nc►t le�;xcned. If�hc 1
<br /> '• ''�-�" '�� ���' rcsroratian or repair 1+ not eronomlcully fcu�ihle or Lrndcr:scrurity would be Ic++ened. �he in+uranre prucceJs ,hall 6c
<br /> ..,. . : w. ..•�.: � �_:
<br /> ;•. .,.'. �.-'� upplied to the sums recured by thiti Securlty Imlrument, whelher ur not thrn Jue,wi�h uny cxcetir puid to Born�wer. If
<br /> �.k=—--
<br /> - ���� : Barrower ubsmdons Ihe Prciperly, or dar not answrr wUhin to duyy u naice from LenJer thut thr inr�urunce currier ha.+ �;,,,,.___..-__
<br /> �,_.; �=�J'�k- •�.� --
<br /> �. � of'Yercd to senle u claim,lhen l.ender muy collect Ihe in!curunce pnxred.. Lender muy use the pmceedr to repuir or re�tare - �
<br />� , `. t • ' '^�" the Property or�a p•ry sumy secured by this Secuti�y Ins�rument,whether ur not then due. The 70-day perial will t+egin when �����"'�--�=-�
<br /> '" y % �he notice ir given. �::3h:=_--==°�-
<br />� ��:.,:�'��� . •,
<br /> �' - Unless Lendar nnJ Borrower otherwix ugree in writing,any upplicli�ion of praceeJs to prinripul�hull not extend or �,;�_•.��
<br /> „-• ; .
<br />� �'".:`•r==, � postpone the due ds►te of�he monthly paymenlx referred to in purugruphx I and 2 or chunge the amount ot'the paymenls. If ''-".�`�°=''"`=`
<br />�.`� . �� under purugrAph 21 �he Property i� ucyuircd by l.ender, Barmwer: righ� tn uny insurunce �licier unJ proceedti retiulting - -'---,
<br />=��^. •{'' � � from damuge�o�he Pmperty prlor to the acyuisition shall pas�to Lender to the extrnt af the sums�eeured by thix Security -
<br /> f. a�• . . f � Instrumenl immediately prior to the pcqui�ition. ���—
<br /> �°`''"�' ;�.:''�" � 6. O��cupA�cy. Preservation. Maintenance and Protection of the PropeMy: Borrower's 4oan Applicntiom, �!.,':;_:.:. �
<br />?� ' " " , Lea.geholds. Bmmwer sholl occupy,ewublixh,and use the Property ux Borrowcrti principal�exidence wilhin sixry dnys af'ter --
<br /> '`•• ' ••h �he esecu�ion of this Secu�lty Instroment and shall continue to occupy�he Property ac BoROwer's princip�l residence for ut
<br /> A � .. a leatit one year nfier the date of accupancy, unless Lender athNnvise ugrces in writing, which consent shall not be
<br />�~` -. .- �--,, ''. �' unreasonably withhelJ,or unless extenua�ing circumstunces exist�vhich ure beyond Born�wer's control. Borrower shall not °--- - _
<br />�`.� ' destroy,dumuge or impuir the Property,allow the Property to deterioratc,ur comrni�wusle an the Property. Borrower shall ,v.,, T
<br /> `. , , be in defnult if any forfel�ure uc�ion or proceeding,whether civil or crimioal, is ba�gun thut in Lender:s goad fnith judgment -_
<br /> � � could result in forfeiwre of the Propeny or othenvi+e muteriully impair �he lien creuled by Ihi+ Securiry Im�rument or � '��
<br /> � ° Lender's�ecurity interetit. Bormwer m�y cure such u defnult und r+einstate,uz p�ovi�led in purugroph 18,by causing the actian �
<br />::' -Y , tl� • , �� � or praceeding w be dismizsed with u niling that,in l.ender'.s good faith detertninution,prccludes forfeilure of the Borcower's �.,;�„_� }'��-
<br /> ' interest in the Propeny or other materinl impnirment of the hen created by this Security Instrumenl or l.ender's security =���� :
<br /> • ', intercsl. Barrower shull ulso be in deiault if Borrower, during the losui application process. gave materiully fulse or ' �c�''`=:�`�_
<br /> t �•,:,>,.:�.. inoccurrte infortnation or su�tements to l.ender(or fniled to provide l.ender with uny ma�erial informntionl in connection with '�;�;;�;,;`_,
<br /> "�" � ' .� the loan evidenced by the Note, including, hut not limited to, n:presentutioas concerning Rorrower ti occupuncy of the =��-;�•:= ' --
<br /> •� �� '� ' Property nx a principal retiidence. lf this Security Instrument is on u lea�ehold,Borrower shull comply with ull�he provisions • * �_ -
<br /> � of the lease. If Borrower xquire�fee Iitle to the Propeny,the leasehold ond�he fee title xhall not merge unless Lender agrees _
<br />,i_ .. ta the merger in writing. ',;y;'�_::--_
<br /> '::.i.,,;s...��--;4. _ � — —
<br /> - 7. Proicwtiun uf [.endnr'ra Righia in ihe Froperiy. ii Bort�ower iniis to pertbrm the cavenuntti und agreements ____ ---
<br /> ' ' �: � comained in this Security Inspvment, or there is a legal proceeding thut muy aigni�canNy ufiect Lenderz rights in the �=-
<br /> " i Property(such as u praceeding in banknrptcy,probate,far condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce luws or regulutions),then ��:--
<br /> . Lender may do und puy for whatever iti trecessnry to pr�iect the v�lue of Ihe PiropeAy und Lender s rights in the Property.
<br /> • • Lender's actio�x may include paying uny�ums�ecured by a lien which has pric�rNy over this Security Ins�rument,appeuring ' ' ``
<br /> , ln court, paying reagonuble attome ys'fees und enterin g on the Pro p en y ta muke re pairs. Al�hou gh Lender ma y take�ctio n �.-I�--r_-. '��
<br /> ; .': under�his p:uagraph 7,Lender daes not 6avc to do so. r�'�'`*''�-
<br /> ,;:y�:.i, � , Any nmounts disbursed by I.enJcr undcr ihis parygruph 7 shull Ix�come additianul debt of Borrower sewred by this ��_r_:;•�- `"d
<br /> � ' Security Inslrument. Unlcss Barrower and Lendcr ngrcr lo uthcr trrni�of puymenl, ihe,c umoun�,,hull t►car interest from the ''T'•"""'?`'u '
<br /> ��--`�'�� _
<br /> ' �� dAte of disbuncmcnt s� the Note ratc and shull be puyublc, with imcrcrt, up�►n n��tice fmm Lcnder to Borcower reyucsting ���� �:`.`:�A• _�,�
<br /> � o. . ," puyment. „
<br /> • • S. Morlgaqe Inaurance. II'Lender reyuir�d mongugr inwrunrc u.u ronciiiion of muking the loun+erured by�his --• ^'` `
<br /> Securily Inslrument, Borrowcr .hull puy the premiums reyuired ai m�imain the rnonguge insurunce in effect. !f, for any �j���'="�'`
<br /> , ' ' . ' , reason, the mortgu�e insurutu�c covcrugc reyuireJ by LcnJcr lup+r� or ceu+cs to l+e in effect, Bixrower shnll u the ' =�-y'''"°��
<br /> P Y ,•:,��:,.�,�..
<br /> , premiums required to ob�uin covrru�;e .ub,tuntiully eyuivalenl �u thc mung��te in+urunce previously in effect, at u cost :�j.,;�,�..__
<br /> xubsluntially eyuivalem to�he ca�1 tu B�xrower of thr nwnEugc inwr•rn�e previou,ly in effecl,from un al�emule mortguge • ••• � `
<br /> inxurer approved by Lendrr. If+ub.tuntially cyuivalent mortgagc in+urarkr covcrugc iti not uvuilable.Borrower shnll pay to .
<br />" . . • •• Lender euch month•r sum eyu�l to one-twelfth of the yeurly monFc�Fe insuruncc premium hring puid by Borrower when the � ?� �.�'`
<br />- ,.r,�x.'. � insurnnee raverage lupsed or ceused to he in effert. l.cnder will arcrpt,wc and relain these paymen�ti us•r lotix re.ervr in lieu � :�.'•."'_�'-:
<br /> . ��, '� ��. of mortguge insurunre. Loss re,crve paymrrn�may no longrr Ik rcyuiird,at thc aptinn of LcnJcr, if monguge insurunce ---�- =
<br /> �'lY���: • coveru e(in the umount anJ for�hr --
<br /> 1 6 peri«1 thai LcnJrr rcyuirr.►pr�wideJ t�y an in�urer upproveJ hy LrnJer ogain 6ecomes --
<br /> : uvuilut►Ie und i,obwined.Borrowcr�hul l pay Ihe prrmium�rcyuirrd to m•rintuin mi�nFuEr in.uranrr in effect,or to provide u
<br /> • . losx retierve,until the rrquiremem for m�Ntgage insurunce ends in ucrordnnrr with any wrillen ogrcement betwecn Borrower ��
<br /> � und Lender�ir applirablr luw. � _
<br /> 9. lnspeclion. Lendcr or il� :�gent muy makc rea.onublr entrics upun unJ i n.perti�►m uf tlx Property. Lender zhull � .
<br /> , give BoRi�wer notirr at thr timc��f ur priirc Io an in��xclion.�cifying rca,onuhl�c:iu,c fur 1hr in��xrlion.
<br /> u. 10. CondemnAlion. Thc pnx�rd,ol':iny awurd ur rlaim t�,r dumagc,.dircr< <�r ron.ryurntial.in conncrtion with any .
<br /> tilnµle Fam�h ••tbnnle�1uc/Freddii��f�r 1\IF(1R�1 I�til'Rl'SfE\'1'..1'nd��mi Cu�caanl, 9/90 �p��i�•?n/a p�trv
<br /> i:rcat I.yr.Hu.id�.r F��tm.Inr � , -
<br /> . Tn IM�Ni I:aY IAOD!116P39�.^.VA.\fl11i7N1•1131 • ,"
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