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<br /> -- ---- —= � applicablo law muy apecify tor rcinatutcment)befare sale of�he Propeny pursuont to any power of Rule cantained in thia —
<br /> —_ =�"� gecuriry iqswmem; or(b)cnuy of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Thasc conditions are Ihat Borrower: (u) _
<br /> ��,���;.L� ppys Lenckr all sums which then would 6e due under thia Sccuriry Inatnimenl and ti�e Note as if no accelcradon hnd
<br /> a��� accurred:lb1 eurea any default oi'any other covenonts or ugrcemems:(c)poys all expenr+es incurred in en(orcing this Secudty
<br /> t• �`' lostrument,inclwling.but not Umiled to, reasonable Attomeys'fees: und Id1 takew such action as Lender may nensonably
<br /> :�. �� �"�''" rcyuire lo ussurc thut the lien of Ihir Security Instrument.Lcnderk dghta in the Property und Borrowcr;obligution to pay the �
<br /> Ruma Recured by thia Security Instrument ahall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security
<br /> . .L . instrument and the obligationa secured hereby.rhnll remoin fully eifeclive us if na ucceleru�iun hud occurred. Huwever.this
<br /> - riQht to reinstute ahali nw uppiy in the cuse uf ucccicratiun under parugraph 17. _
<br /> ' �"�' 19, 9�1e d Noki ChAaRe of Lown Servker. The Note or u partial Interc�t in the Nae (taBethcr with this Secu�fry —
<br /> -�,.�.-�,,,:="�',� ; Inbtrument)may he rold one or mare Umes wiihout prior notice io Barrower. A wde mny reault in a change in the entity
<br /> ���,t, , (known as the "Lown Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securily Insuument. There ulso
<br /> .�.,���.,�� y .� � rooy be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated Io u nale af the Note. I f t h ere ia a c hange of the Low�Servicer, �_
<br /> a;.wr:n�ti:�:� Bo�rower will be given written notice of the change in accardunce wilh purogruph t4 ubove nnd applicable law. The nolice __
<br /> „� r
<br /> �.�;, I will state the name und uddress of the new Loan Scrvicer nnd the address lo which pnyments shauld be rnodc. 7'he notice will -
<br /> �''� "�..:'� • �Iso conwin uny other infarma[ion requirea by upplicuble luw. �
<br /> 20. Hazordoua Subatances. Borrower shall not cuusc or permit the presence,usc,disposal,stornge,or r�elease of any
<br /> ''—°...�;����,W,,�.,,!`��: � Hazurdous Substances on or in ihe Propeny. Borrawer shall not do,nor allaw anyone else to do,Anything Affecting�he —
<br /> �� ,•:: .: �� '�•, °� Pmpeny thet is in viola�ion af any Emironmental Law. The preceding two sentencex shull na apply to�he presence,use,or �
<br /> �'=��'�i��s��; � ,�toruge on the Propc�ty af small quantities af Hiv.urdous Substunces thot are generally recognized to be uppropriate to normal
<br /> —= ��.u_':.°Q "� rcxidentinl use�and to muintenunce of the Property.
<br /> 1r�!it.;l •. � �
<br /> _ ,�.�;�4, Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice ot'smy investigat�on,cluim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> -- _ -�` - governmentol nr regulatory ngency or private purty involving the Prapeny and uny Hazardous Substunce or Environmentul c
<br /> _��'� �'�"„ ,�� Law of which Borrower hus ucwal knowledge. If Borrowcr leurns, or is notitied by any gavemmental or reguluwry _
<br /> _� " uutho�ry,that uny removnl ar other remediatian of uny Hazsudoux Subs�ance uff�cting the Property iti necessury,Borrower _
<br />,: �� • - � shall promptly�ake UII nece�sury remediul Ac�ions in uccardance with Environmental Law. �
<br /> As used �n this purngmph 20,"Hnznrdous Subsiunce.s"ure Ihoxe substances defincd as toxic or huzardous substances by
<br />- ' ' ��h': �• � � Enviranmental Luw and the follawing suhs�unces: gasoline,kerasene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic --
<br /> peslicides and hetbicidcs, volutilc solvents,mutcrials wmuining rsbextos ar fortnuldchydc,und rudiou�tive mutcriuls. As __
<br />-`"; •• �� � used in this pumgraph 20."Environmenlal Luw"meunx fedcrul luws uml laws uf thc jurisdiction whcrc�he Praperty is located --
<br /> _ ,.j� :�, ,+_,� I that rclnte to heallh, sufery or environmentul protection. �
<br /> :�.��: NON•U NIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower nnd l.endcr further covcnnnt and agree as follows:
<br /> � 21. Acceleratiun; Remedfes. l.ender shAll give notice to Borruwer prior to nccekration following Borrower's =
<br />`-;,� . breach of any covenpnt or agreemenl in thls Secu�ity Inslrument Ibut aot prlor to acceleratbn uader paragraph l7 --
<br /> I :�.�.�j ,_*�, unless applicabk law provides otherwlsel. The notice ghall specify: la►Ihe defaalt:lb1 the action required to cure the
<br /> — �_� _ - I defau==� it��d�=P� n���,y t�34��y4 trot��he date the notice i�given to Borrower.by which the dei'ault musl 6e
<br /> �' ' cured;aad 1d11hat fAilure lo cure the dei'uult an or bePore the dute speclFied In Ihe natice may reRdt in acceleration of
<br /> � ••� � • "' the sums secured by thiR Security Inslrument and 5ule oP the Property. The notice shall iluMher Mform Borrower of
<br /> .0
<br /> `' � . the right lo reinstate after acceleratlan and the ri�ht tu brinq a cnurt actian to a+.5er1 the non-exiatence uP�dePault ur _.
<br /> �`' ' Any othcr dePense oP Borrower to acceleruUon and�tale. If the dePault ts not cured on or bePore tbe date speciiied in
<br /> '�%'�.:^h� the notice.Lender at ils opliun may reyuire fmmediate payment in i'ull oF all sums secured by Ihis Security lostrument
<br /> � without further demund and mav invake the puwer ��F wde and any othe� remedies permitted by applicable law. ___
<br /> � Lender sholl be enlilled to collect all expenses incurred fn purxuinR Ihe remedles provided in this paragraph 21.
<br /> � . including.but not limited Iu.reasonable uttorneys'fees und cuxls uF title evidence.
<br /> F ', ' " ° • U the puwer ��'sale is invoked.7Yuzter�hall record u notice of defuult in euch cornly In walch any part uf the
<br /> , . .. � prupertp h lucated and�hull muil ropi�r of yuch nntice in the manner prescribed by upplfcable Iaw lu Borrower und to
<br /> � the other perwns pre+criDed by upplicuble Iaw. Afler the time required bv applicable law.'I7ruslee shall�;ive public
<br /> � notice ut sule to Ihe perwns and in the munner prescribed by upplicuble lu«�. 7lrustee.withuut demand an Burrower.
<br /> shall sell the PropeMy ut public nuction to Ihe hiqhexl bidder�t the limr and place und under the terms designated in
<br /> ' ' the notice of sale in une or more pvrcels und in unv order 71�ustee determineti. 7Yustee may postpone sule of all ur any �•-
<br /> � .. parrel of the Property by pubNc announcement at the time and place of any prevNwsly xcheduled sale. I.ender or i1.g —
<br />_ ' desiRnee may pe�cbuse the Property ut unv�ule. _
<br /> .�!,�� ', Upon receipt of payment oi the price bid.'I�uslee shall delivrr tu the purchaser'I�ustee's deed convevin�the =
<br /> y Propertv The recitak in the'IY�uster ti deed xhull be prima fucie evidence of the truth oi tBe statements made therein. �,
<br /> 'I�ualee shall apply the prceeeds nf the wlr in thr Polluwin{��Mder: 1al 10 all custs and expenses of exe�cisins the powrr
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