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�'' + 'filj^'��1�ill�����:' •`'`� ��� '^ti�:.�'a, ..ac_..� <br /> n�f�i � — — ---- ._.�. _. . _- __. <br /> ;: <br /> ���a� - <br /> �...• ,�.�, -- . <br /> .� . .. , . .. ,3 r' t � _ <br /> , , :��"",�.., .... - <br /> • --- " " .-- - __.,.��=�.s__ <br />-_'� � _ — �.... — <br /> _�'� ;,. ,.r. 92,-i,\I�V S 2 <br /> ��������_..� <br /> :..�_...��... _ ,. G__. ._ <br /> ���"� �`���� � ' T0C7ETH E R W I T N a U t h e i m p r u v c m c n t.r n u w�►n c�r c uG�r crcctcJ un�hc pro�xrty.und uil cu+.:mcn�+. appu enu re . �__- <br /> Oi <br /> -��.`,.,,���� und�xwres now ur hereuflcr u pah oi�hc property• All rcpl�cmenlx und ueWltiun��hull ulxo tx covcr��l hy I h i s S e c u n t y . <br /> �••�'�'T�'�� "` Inclrument. All of�iie fw'cgoing ic rcfertcd to in Ihi�Secu�i�Y�n�lrun�cm u�ihc"Pro�xny" �-•� - �° <br /> `' ;�;:��v�y'� BORROWER COVENANTS�hul Hurmwcr iti luwfully u'i�cd��f�hr c+�u�c hcrchy cnnvcycd ond ha�thr�ighl lo grunt �-�•-�___,t��_F_ <br /> '- "�'. " „ and cc►nvey the I'�operty and thut Ihe Propchy i+unenrumlxreJ.exccpt for encum6runce+of'recard. Durmw•er wurcaM�nnd � <br /> , �,.� �_• <br /> . will dcfend generally thc iiUe�o thc Propeny ugaintit oll cluims and�kmand�.�ubjerl u�uny encumhrunrr+nl'rccurd. <br /> " '�•"'�,."�'� '�'t 'fH15 SECURITY INSTRUMENT cumMnes uniGxm c���num. fur nutionul u.� +ind non-unilorm covr�wm� with <br /> ` limited vuriatinnw by juri�dirtinn 10 cons�itute u unifurm tiecun�Y in+trument cuvering reul prupeny <br /> _ , � ___- <br /> •. ::� �. � '. UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8urrowcr and Lendcr covcnunt unJ u@rcc uti fotluw+: - <br /> ' .: 1. Payment ot Principsd and IalereW:Pre{wymenl and l.pte l:harges� 8orrower,hall pam�ptly pay whcn duc ihc __ <br />��� '� � , , " , principal of and intercsl on the debt evidencal by Ihc Notc uiul uny prepayment and lote churgc�Juc under ihc Note. <br /> ,�; + � 2. Funds for Taxes and Incurance. Subjcct�o applirublc luw or ta u wdtten wuivcr by Lendcr.B�xruwcr.hull p•ry to -- <br /> � �� °� Lender on the dny manth�y paymcnts arc duc under the Notc,umil �hc Notc i.paid in full.a�um 1"FunJ+"1 fur:lul y�urfy <br /> .,, .. --- <br /> ' tnxes und assestiments which muy�ttuin priant`uR cr�h1� curl n�h io d c rcpropenY�nwrancc pr m�iumh� dl yrurly,t��iod =�:°- _ - <br /> �• ° payments or gmund rents on dtie Pmperty. Y� �' Y Y >S°` ,°•�.- <br /> � ; � �asr;a°,:r...,,� <br /> insuau�ce premiums, if uny: Ie1 yeurly moAgagc in.urnnce premiums, if uny: and It)uny +um. p:►yuhl� „Y s�rtower tu � <br /> � Lender,in uccordance wilh Ihe provi+ionti of paruRraph it,in licu uf�hr paymem of m�xtguge inxurance p�Cmium�. 7'IMSC �.,,.,..^ .. <br /> � � items are cAllcd"E�crow��cmy' Lender may,ut any Umc,coUcct und hold Fund�in:u�amoun�nut to cxcced Ihc muximum �,�;��.Q,m=__ <br /> . � ' • ,. � amount u lende� for a frderully mlA�cd mangage loan may reyuire for BaROwert c.crow Lccount undcr �hc tedcrul IteLl �=�r------ <br /> 8state Settlemrn o�Fundti�ets u le y+er amo otn If.sor l.ender muy,nt�any Umc.c Ilect und h Id(Fund�Pn•.un amountnix►t tu �'� <br /> � low that applies t th �' <br /> �.."`'' ° exceed the lesscr amouot. Lendcr may estimatc Ihe amouot of Flmds due an the b�.+is of curren� �ta and reasonable _� <br /> � eslimntes of expenditures of iutum Bscmw Ucros ur othenvihe in uccorilunce wilh npplicable luw. �,.,�.. <br /> • ^ , The Fund� shall be held in un institulion wh f�en a'P�'h��f�'Hame Loan Bu k�Lcn cr shull upply he'Fund+unpuy � Z--4 <br /> 'on , � '`��_— <br /> � lincluding l.ender,if Lender ix such an intiutub ) Y y . y� � s._�_ <br /> ` Ihe Escrow Uemh. Lender muy not churge Borrowcr for holJing und applying the Fund+, unnuull .�nal iin� �h� c.crow _ <br /> uccount.or verifying the Escrow �tems, unle�s Lender pay� Borrower interr�t un the Funds und appliraMr law permit. ,�' '_,I, <br /> ' Lender to muke xuch a chsuge. Howcvcr.Lendcr may rrquirc Burc��wcr to pay a one•time chWgc for an independem reul '�uIN_u__ <br /> ' � estate tax reporting service used by i.ender in conneclion with Ihis loan,unless upplicvble luw provides oihurwi+c. Unlr++un _ -- <br /> � ugreement i�madc or applicablc Inw rcyuirc.intcrest to bc paid.Lcndcr�hull nu�bc reyuircd�o p•ry Barmwcr any interc.t ur ..,___ _ <br /> earning+on thc Funds. Sorr�wer und Lender muy ugrcc in writing.Ix�wevcr,lhut interetit yhall be paiJ on the Fund�. Lcndcr �' `�'' <br /> ���..' shall give to Borrowcr,without cherFund�,wa�umade.�71�e Fundshure pledged�aWaddi io�rw�l utiunly f�r,all sumun ecu d`by � <br /> • purpose for which euch debil to�h , <br /> � � �his Security Instrument. <br /> !f ttse Fan!!� held by Lender exceed the amaunls permitted �a be held by applicable law. Lender shall accaunt lo . ; <br /> � '���' Borrowcr for the excess Funds in uccordunc�with�he requircmcnl.uf appiicablc law. !f ttse FsmouM ��'��Funds held by =_ `-__�_`_ a <br /> Lender ut uny time is not suf�cicnt io puy the Escrow licros when due.Lender may su notify Borrower in writing,und, in _ <br /> � such cuse Bortawer ghall pay tu Lender�he umount nece,sury to muke up the�ficiency. 8orrower shell make up the ' W ; <br /> �� det"iciency in no more than�welve momhly payment�,uy S cu ii y In,trume tt�Lender shull prumptly refuncl to Borrower uny � •� <br /> :�:���,... , , � � <br /> . ••.,,..•;•� Upon payment in full oP ull sums sccureJ by thi Y <br /> Funds held by Lender. If.under parugraph ?I.Lender+hall acquire or.ell the Propeny.l..:nder,prior io the acNui�itiun or <br /> �� ' � sale of the Property.xhull upply any Fund, held by L.rnJcr •rt thc time of ucyui+itian or�ale us a credit against the+um� �_:,�_;`�� <br /> " fr, � secured by this Security Inxtrument. <br /> 3. Application of Payments. Unlr„applicablc luw provideti otherwi�e. all paymeniti received by Lender under ` �_ <br /> ' paragrrphs I and 2 shall t�e upplied:tir,l.t��•rny prcp•rymcn�charge+duc under thc amuums puynble under ,..4. ;Y•'^--- <br /> ' puragraph 2:third,to intere+l due:founh,lo principal Juc:und uny latc chargc+due under the Nok. y,., ; <br /> ' : , 4. Charges: Liens. Bortower +h�ll pay all taxr.r. a,sc.,mcnts,churgc,, fine. and impo,itions utlributublr to the . �}F�,a::� <br /> 'k;,,', , Property which may att•rin prioriry ovcr thiti Secunly In�tnimrn�, and IcascholJ paymcnt+or ground rent+,if uny. Bnrmwcr _— __ <br /> ' � •�.':;:, .hull pay these obligalions in the munner provideJ in aur•rgraph?.or if not paid in tha�munner.Borrower shall puy them on �r. <br /> ° ' time Jirecdy�o�he penon owcd paymcnt. Barrower�hall promptly fumish to LcnJer ull notice�uf amounts to Ix paid under .y�._, <br /> y ° .;;,�° ' �his prragr.�ph. If Bortowcr muke,the�e paym�ntx directly.Borr��wcr xhull prompUy fumi,h to Lendcr receip�s evidencing , ,,' ',, <br /> , . . the payments. ,ie,.T�_� <br /> " Bormwer shull prumptly dischurge any licn which hu�priority ovcr thi�Securiry Imtrument unless BoROwer:(ul agrees � � r?i;;�'-:=' <br /> in writing to�he paymcnt oi the obligution tiecurrd by�hc lien in u manner ucceptablr 10 l.ender.(b1 contests in good faith the g•_.1,z;i7 <br /> , licn by,or defends against ent'orcemem a(the lien in.Ic�ul pnx:cedinFs W�hich in thr LenJcr:opinion opc�rate to prevent the <br /> enforcement oi the lien;ur lc)�ecurc+from�h�holdcr uf�hr licn un agrecmcn�satitifnctory to I.enJer suborJinating ttie lien _ <br /> �� to Ihis Security Instrumen�. If Lender detern�ines�hu�any part��f the Pmp�:rty i+.ubject to a licn which may�ttain priority i-��} <br /> • over this Security Instrument.Lcnder muy givr BnROwer�n�n«���ntiCying thc licn. 8orrower shall�atisiy the lien or takc � �.., i <br /> .,�: one or morc of thc:wliuns.M furth a��vc within 10 Jay�of 1hc Eiving of noticr. : <br /> �y;;:. , , 5. HAU+rd or Property Insurance. Bi�rroWcr.hall kerp the improvement�now exi.ting or hereaRer�rected on the 'r` <br /> propeny insured again.i lo�+by lirc,h:vard.includrJ within the tcrm"extrndrJ cuvcruge"unJ any other hu�ardr,including i. <br /> �' '� . floods or floociing.for which Lrn�kr rcyuire� in.ur:uur. Thi, m�urancc .hull tx muint.�in�J in�hc umounts und for the <br /> tbrm3o2N 9/90 ipuXe2oJn�,uges� ; ' .. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> :_� <br /> i <br /> .. I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i � <br /> . <br />