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' �Y�.�.rY'.fn �... 'y_'.•.;�,-Y �Y y.,;l.,•Al..'p 'a'�,�.� ..r� ��� . ������..;: 4'•;4Y��! � �t�-.�,t�flhi-.f��u �-�bTif i;�r.•_ __" — — <br />— e.n.�. .l ;tw,n+ �•' � � � � n 1�v t �r� � - - <br /> �� , ', rF�3;�;4'n,v.°._...._.__ T - - _ � <br /> rj �a'N�i�w"� � .' ____ _ " <br /> .f... _.a •:�Y" . ' . <br /> � - . .;+,: li}�•li.- /J�'-��_ <br /> _. . � _� 1:�•"_ <br />. _.- — __ Y.J311Y� ___ '._. _ ..... <br /> � . ...+..�.✓.Tx . ' --____— . <br /> •-t� ' s <br /> � <br /> wiw..�,.�4i � �'C" <br /> �t^_',,,�. - <br /> , "' 2 10196� �:�+������.�----- <br /> Q ------- -- <br /> .• ;_�ti�..:a�tur�eu,�!s'� �7 +. -- _ -_- <br /> �__ �_�.:4:• .:,s d,o..t.a- — <br /> . n�.�..,,..�. '. �-47Ge_;'.-_'--___ <br /> �A.�r yc�,¢,�„�,M�w^', . p�y�ncnl�,which urc rofcrneJ u►in F'urugruph 2, or chungc�hc umuunt i�f�uch puymenix. Any cacex�procceds aver on �_;,�„f�.�,�£ <br /> , , ,��'�•'�.y omnun�mquireJ a�puy wll auttiumdin�indobtcdnea�un�k:r thc Notc urul thix Security inatn�ment�Iwll be paid to tho entity -- <br /> . leprlly enlUledlh�rctu. °-`"===�, <br /> ;:�y�''.���"'• N, Feesi. Lender muy collecl fees und chargex uulhori�ed hy the 5ct re�ury. —"���.,,,_��_ <br /> • � � 9. l:rounds fi�r AccelerAtlon at I)ebt. ' ���"�-'_-'�" <br /> , , ' Ipl lkbull. Lencic�rney,except ar limitcd by reRulution�iti�ucd by thc Secralury in Ihe cuxc of paymem defaults, ��^at"=�� <br /> .. <br /> ' ., �� e -�`"sa--..- <br /> � reyui�e immediute puyment in full�f all r�um�+ecured by thi�5ecuri�y Instrument if: '��'���'i�'�^-;- <br /> .. lil Borrower defuulin by fuiling�u puy in full uny monthly puymcnt myuired hy�hiti Sccu�ity Inv�rument prior ��.u.���_ <br /> �.�' ' � • toor un the duc doie nf�he ncxt manthly puyment,or ���`-`°-'----�-- <br /> , liil Borrower defauUK by fuilinQ,far u pe�iad of thiny duy.,ta prrform uny other obligations contuined in�hix ..���.:.iL,,:�,,�r,� <br /> ,_,� � ' . - Security ln�irumem, �.:,;��i:�<. <br /> •"-+ . • Ibl Sale Wlthout Credll AppravAl. Lender shall,if permitted by upplicublc luw und with ihc priar uppravLl of the �¢�:������_ <br /> �• � Secretary.require immediute puymeni in full of ull the�ums tiecurcd by thi�Security In��niment if: ____�.,_..u��. _,. <br /> . . (i!All o�part of'the Prnpeny.or a beneficiul inlere�t in u trust owning s+l l or pu n o t'i h e P r u p e n y.i s s a ld or .,,;,,,Y:_����1z, <br /> ' . . alherwise tmnsferrcd lMher�bun by devise or descent)by the Sorrower.uixl ._ _���_•,�«:��;•�',�..= <br /> , � � � (ii)The Propeny is not accupied by the purchaser ar gramcc os his or her principul�+i�ence,or�hc urchu�er �#�°°'-_- <br /> p "._R,.�.....,,:. � .�. <br /> o�• grnntee doa.r• so occupy the Ptapeny but hix or her credit has nat t�ren approved in accordunce �.�.��'��.c��,.:,�..�,_•- <br /> ��' `' with the mquirements of the Secratary. • � `�'� <br /> Ic)No Wwiver. If cinumslunces occur that would permit Lender�o rcyuire irom�diute puyment in Full,bu[Lender - J.,����ry� <br /> dces not reyuire such Paymenty,Lcnder daes not wurvc it+rights wilh respert to subscquent events. _�'�=�=�:�..- <br /> � (d)Re�ulationa of HUD Secretary. Im m�ny circumr:tancew regulations ixsued by the Secretury will limit Lender+ �_?�_';,;_- <br /> '• ' rights, �n the cuse of puyment dei'aults, lo reyuire immediate payment in full und foreclose if nat uid. This ��tia�::___ _ <br /> s;`i_,.'-- <br /> - � • Scrurity imtrument docs n.0 authori�e accelerat�on ar fon cla.ure rt na permiued by n:gula�ionx of�he ecretary. :�;,��.�____ <br /> � '� � le)Mortgage Not Inswred. BuRawer agrces that should this Security Imtn�ment and�he nate secured thenby not , �"�'bf�. y�,.... <br /> Garn the �- <br /> ' � " be eligibte far inaurance under Ihe Nationnl Housing Act within h � �k`" <br /> �., '. ,�.• 8 mont s :,a.��s�r__,.�__ <br /> ,, , `:,�,.••.. <br /> � • dale hereof.Lendcr muy,u�it.uption and notwiths�anding anything in Parugruph 9.require immediutc puyment in r,..<,,.�----. <br /> � ;�. �� •. .'` '. � full of all gumc secured by thiti Security Instrument. A written sta�emern of uny nuthorized ugen�uf�he Secretary ,r j';,#j����!'� <br /> • • �:ri�•;;• . datedsub,cyuent t� � months from thc dutc hcreof,derlining tn insure�hi� Security %=ir.f?,�.;`.';��- _�- <br /> . jr,,, . ������ <br /> ..7;. �. �:s <br /> ;�•,;,,,,� Instrument und thc nate secu�d th�reby,shull be deemed conclusive praof of.urh in�l��ibility. Notwi�buunding f,r!���";''""�� <br /> , , � the foregoing,thi�op�Mn muy not be exerci,ed hy Lender whcn the unnvuilahility of insurunce is xolely due�o �y�..:.,,,;-- <br /> }3� , ,+c <br /> � ..:.. <br /> � � : . . � Lxnder's faUurc to remit a mortguge insurnnce pmmium ia lhe Secn:tary. �•,,.::.•' <br /> 10. Relnstatement. Sartowcr hati u nght to be reinxtuteJ if l.ender huti reyuired immediate puyment in iull becuuse �.Y,,�,��}a. . : <br /> . .�,!: �� � ��':". , � of 8orrowcr� failure to pay an umount due under Ihe Note or this Sccurity Instrument. This nght upplicx even ai�er �'• ,: . �� 1 <br /> � �'�����'�` '°• foreclasure proceedings are institu�ed. Tb rein+tnte thc Sccurit Inxtrument, Borrower shull tendcr in u lump sum all ��;;�.:^,•���•��'! <br /> � _�.,_..:..+�_.._.•�� . y r�;, ; ,n�- <br /> '� .�.�7!��.�J°"����.;;, �. umounls r�eyuued to bnng Borrowerti tu:couni cuua��i iactad'sng,tn the extent they ure ohl+g��iio�.nf Borrower under thiti ,., , .,�.�,� <br /> :t' ' `:;�',(�:••'',`;'r•�:• Security Insvument, Poreclo4ure costs:u�d reatinnuble unJ customary apomcy+'fee.und expcn+e.properly►uctiociuted with <<,5� ,.�� ,�,�,� <br /> '�:�,.1 ; ;� •. :�,.,.�.. t.. • • , <br /> ;'��' •�r;, •• the forecbtiure proceeding. Upun reinstutement by Bormwer.�his Securiry Inr�rument anJ the c�blig++tinns that it secure. .,., �'•• •5�,;_- <br /> � ' ' shall remain in effect us if Lender hud n�►t reyuired immcdiute poymunt in fulL Nowcvcr.Lender i+not required to Permit ' :�•:::.��_ <br /> . � reins�utemem if: (i) Lender hu; uccepted reinstutement aftcr�he commrnr�ment of ti►recloxun:prcxeedfng�with�n two + ���� <br /> . yaur:s immediatel� preceding the commrncemrnt ot' u currem litterlo.urr pr�xecJing. (if 1 n:instutemenl will preclude �•r,�_ <br /> � foreclosurc on Jiifc�rnt�rour�lz in thc t'uture,ur liiil rcimlu�cmrnt will advcnrly ulllect the priurny uf Ihc licn created by T,� <br /> thiti Scrurity InstNment. � ..a: > <br /> 11. Aorrower Not Released: Morbe�runce bv I.ender Not a Wuivrr. Ez�enxiun ut' ihc lime uf payment or ,, . r <br /> , <br /> mc�dificutiun of amurtiiution of�.rrumd hy th�ti tierurity In.irumrni gr:m�rd by Lcndcr u�uny�uccrs,ur in int�re+t , , , . <br /> • of Bormwer xhull nnt operale�o nlr:ne Ihc lii�hiliry ol�hc oriEinal Nurcuwrr ar Hum►wrr;�uccc.�ur in intere.rt. Lender �,... � <br /> - � shull nut be reyuiRJ tu curnmenre pnxerding�aguin,t uny ,ucrry.��r in inwrc.i i�r refu+r w exiend�ime tiK paym�m or ,.•. ..�---- <br /> �Nhcrwixc maiify urm�rtiiati�m of ihc tium. +ecurcJ by thi+ ticruri�y In+irwnrm hy mu+un ui' uny JemnnJ madc by the •1=�. <br /> � original Borrower or Borrower..ucce+���r,in intrR+t. Any forh�:arunr�hy LrnJrr in rxrrcixing uny righ�ur mmedy shutl ;. '�,_ <br /> not be�waiver uf i�r preclude iha exerci+e ul uny ri�ht ur rrmedy. �.�u";:_ <br /> ' 12. Succeswrs and Ar.d�ow Bound;Jnint and tieveral l.iabilily:('u.tif�ner+. Tlu c��vcnantti and agreemen�s of _ <br /> this Security In�trument tihull bind and txneli��hr.uccrr.rur.und u.+igm of LenJer anJ Burre�w�r.+ubject w�he p�►v ision. � - <br /> of P�rugruph 9.h. Barmwer+rovenum� unJ ugmemrnt+ ,hull Ix juint :►nJ ,c�•rrul. Any B��m�wer wh��co-.igns Ihis <br /> � Securiry Imtrument but J�x�not exrcutr the Nute: tal i��o-�i�ning thi�Srrurity In.trumcnt only to mortguge. gmnt and <br /> .. . convey thut Burcowrr+interect in Ihc Prii�x:rty unJ�r the t�nns ut'thi,Srcurity In.trumeni:Ih►is nol�xxnunully obligured to <br /> . puy Ihe wrn�srcurrJ hy Ihi�Securily In.trument:and Icl a�,me� �h.n I.rndrr and:ui�•othrr Rorruwer muy ugrce toextend. <br /> modify,fortieur ar makc any accumm�xlutions wi�h m�ard lo�hc tenns ot thi+Scrurny In.trumrnt ur Ihc Nule witlwut Ihut ! . ..�°�_ <br /> '' Borrowcr's con.ent. � �.�'�`:T`` <br /> . IJ. Notices. Any nolicc tu Bc�ROwcr proviJ¢d fix in thi� Sccunly In.�rununt�hall t+r givcn hy delivcring it or by �r-� <br /> muiling i� by t'ir+t clu�� mail unlc„ BF/�IIII'illlll' luw rcyuirc, u+r �,f unuthrr mclh�xl. lln nuiicc,hall ix JirccteJ lo thr ` � . <br /> � , Prc�eny Addreti�ur•rny „ther aJdre�,Burruwcr Jr�.i�n+nc. hy nu�icc to l.rnJrr. :�m• nuticr t��l.endcr rh•rll hc Fivcn by ` <br /> . frst rlass mail lu l.rndcr'� uJdrr+. ��ated Ikn in or any aJJre.. Lendrr dr.i�! nu�icr io Rurrowcr. Any natirr <br /> provideJ t<x in this 3ecurily In,trumrnt�hull Ix decmrd to huvc h�rn pn•rn tu Kurruw•cr ar Lender w hen�iven u�provided ! <br /> in thix par.igraph. � ' <br /> 14. (�overnin�; tie�•erability. Thi. Sccurily In,lnimrnl tihull Ix�:o�crnrd by NcJrral law•anJ ihe IuM• of thc , . <br /> , jurirdiction in whirh Ihr Pn�rty i� kkutrd. In the c�•ent that :mr pn��i,iun ar rlauu�,f thi. ticrurity In.�rumeni or Ih� ; . <br /> , . Note runtlict. ��•ith ap�licahlc lau�. .uch ronllir�,h:�ll n�,l aticc� �rihir prnvi.i�,n. ��I Ihi. tircuri�y In�trumcnl��r�h�Notc <br /> which can FK�iven eflecl wiihuu�thr contliain�t pro�i,ian. 1i,11n,rnd thr pru�•i.ian.�+f ihi,tiecuri�y In.trumeni u�xl�he <br /> ' Nc�tr ure dr�larcJ tu Ix.rvrr,ihlr. <br /> 15. itorr��wer's l'up�•. Norruwrr.hull hr giv�n on.cont�,rnud rop} of ihi.tirrunty Imtrument. <br /> 16. AsxiRnment oP Renlc. BormN'rr un��unJiti�,naUy a,tiign,and iran.fer�a�Lendcr all Ihc rrnt+:uiJ rcvcnuc. i�i'Ihc <br /> Prc�xrty. Horro���cr au�h��riic�Lendrr�,r l.rndrr',a�!cnn a�rull�ri the rrni.anJ revenue.and hrrcM Jircr�.rarh tenant��f <br /> thc Propeny w pay thc rcnt.t�i LenJer ur Lendur;a�rn�.. 11�»�c�rr.priur i��Lcnder'.niNicr lu Rurro��cr ut 13„rrowcr; <br /> .. bnach ol'any ri���cnanl ur agrcrmcnt in Ihr ticruri�� In.trumrnt.f3unu��rr.hcdl rullrrt und rrrei�r all ren��:mJ rc�cnua i�l <br /> �hc propc�yy a��ru�Icc fix thc t+cn�lil uf L�nd�r anJ Hurru��rr. l'hi.:��•i�tnmcn��,f rcmti cun,litulcx un ah.nluir a„i�nmcm <br /> and not un a+�itinmcnt t'ur addili�mul ,rcunty�ml��. <br /> _ .,. ..0_ ...�►.., u...,,...,.�r.hnll Fu•M�dd hv Hnrrnwcr a� tru�lCc <br /> .- - - if i.�ndcr givc.nuiicc„i i,�ru.i��.�u��ii.�.:ii: :.:7.���.:�.�..^.':�::•.....� ....... .... .. <br /> .. f��r bcncfit of Lcndcr only. lu hr:��ri��d <<,�n. ,um. �:ccund I.y Ihc S�curuy In�trum�nl: Ih1 Lcnder .hall Ix emidrJ t�� <br /> cullcrl und rccrivr all��I'Ihc rcnt.uf thc F'nqxxrty:and Ir 1 c:irh�rnunt ul�hr F�r„prny�hull pay all n nh dur and unEiuiJ tu <br /> Lcndcr or Lcndcr:u�crn�m Lcndcr:writtrn dcmand��,th.t.nant. <br /> B�xr�iwrr hu, not r�cculed uny pri�tt u�.iEnmrnt of Ihc rcnl.and huti n�,t :u�d will nu� rrrli�nn uny acl tMul w•auW <br /> • prrvent Lcndcr from cxrrci�inE it.right�undcr thiti I'�ara�rarh Ih. <br /> Lcn�ler.hull nol tx r►ryuirrJ tu rntrr upon.tal.r ranlrol i�l'ur ntuintain thr I�r���kny Ixti,m nr:iftrr pivin�nu�irr�,f <br /> bre�ch lo Horruwrr. Hawever. Ll'111I1`f l)f L JUIIII'IqII)' Arr�llllll'lI I'l'l'Clt�f II1J)'lIO ��f ut am �iroc thcrc ix a hreurh. Any <br /> uppliraliun ol'rcniti.hull�u�i curi ur wai�•r any JeL�ull ur invaliJutr:�m uthrr rith�ur rrmed�uf Lrnder. '1'hi,:f„i�.nmrrn <br /> of rents of the I'ni�x:rty .huU�emiinulr when Ihe drhl�crund hy the 5rruril�•In>trumciu��pa�d in(ull. <br /> .{ <br /> � ��,��e�.r„r���,,a•,� <br /> , <br /> . , _ <br /> i _ <br />