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<br /> ;4 , .i,
<br /> Y
<br /> ��li�%�l.�l:V1'•1:�� .. l� �� ..._—
<br /> _—' 1 �•• '.(�.���� �'�`' . ��� ...� 1�..ar�iiY` .,_ �e7
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<br /> ... LK_ . . ;4�r1.iS
<br /> - • .u. � •.7�1' �___��. ___...
<br /> !,v/;.f..�•'1� .
<br /> • ��....`. l.. .1 __�_ ..__
<br /> "'�; ` ` �` 1, i'oyment ot Principwl�Inlerest end I.pte l'horRe. NnRUwcr vhull puy when�luc Ihr pnncipal ut,unJ in�en�i un,
<br /> -; �n+�� the dctw cvlilenccd by ihe Note und lu�c churgc�duc unckr�hc Nuic. -"---
<br /> d �� 2. Monthly pAymeMA of TWxcx.lnr►ur�nce wnd tlihcr l'hrr{�cr. Hun��urr tihull ineludc in caicl►mun�hly puymcnt,
<br /> " �.�^^ ' togclhcr wllh tlx prim:ipul und interc�t +i+�+cl li�nh in �hr No�c unil uny lu�c churFc., i►n intitullmcm uf uny lul wxr.unil _ _
<br /> � , xpeciul u.rx++men��Icvicd or�u hc Icvicd uguin��thc F'ru�xny.�hl IcuKhold puymrm+�a gruund nnl�►on�hr Pn+�•hy,und
<br /> ' �•��• ' .' lcl prcmiumy fur inxuroncc reyuired hy Puragruph A. _ -
<br /> .".,;:.�:�'y"}^'��'�+�°'�R�' E�h m�►n�hly in.�allment f�ir item� lu), IMI und Icl .huU equul onc•�wclf�h nf thc unnuul umuunt�, u� rca�mably
<br /> ��.�� �.
<br /> :•'•'':.,." � - eslimnted by Lcndrr, plu, an nmuunl .ufficicm io muimain un uddi�ionul b�dunrc uf nut mure thun unc-�izth oP �hc �- -_-_---
<br /> f ,', ' � estimuted amounlF. The full annuul un►c►unt fnr cach item �hull ix uccumulinrd hy LenJer within u peri�xl rnd�ng one
<br /> .�'��� ��" . , `�'� momh before un ilem would I�ec�me delinyuem. l.ender+hull hold the umount+�r��llccted in truy�to pay i�ems lol,(b)and �
<br /> , ' ' • , " (c►before they become delinquent. ��_..
<br /> .�� . �. � If ut uny time the total of'the pnyments held by Lcndcr tix itcmti(ul,lhl und Ic),aige�her with the fu�ure monthly _.�.,�a�,--
<br /> puyments for sucb ilems puyuMle to Lender prinr io tl�e duc dutc� of�uch itema exceeJx hy more �hun one-tiixlh thc
<br /> • • • ° " � • estimuted nmc►unt of puyments required to puy ruch items wi�n due. und il'puyments un�he Nnte ure curmnt.�hen l.cnder s�'�.�;'��=-
<br /> shnll either refund the excexx over one-six�h of the es�imu�ed pnyments or credi��he excrss uver one-�ixth ot'the e�timuted ��`' ��
<br /> � ' • pnyments to subrequent puyments by Borrawcr,ut�he option of Borruwcr. If the tatol of thc puymen�s muJr hy Burrowcr �° �__:°°---=---_�_-
<br /> '� � � . for itern la),Ib),or(cl is�nxuflicient to puy the item when due,then Bnrrower shull pay t�Lrnder uny umount necessary to °����'^
<br /> � make up the deficiency on or befare the dute the item becames duc.
<br /> As used io this Security Imtniment."Secrctary"mcans the Ser�etury of Fiou,ing und U�ban Ikvclnpment u�hi.o�her
<br /> � • designee. In any year in which the Lendr�mus�pay:�monFuge invurunre prcmium to�he Secretury,ench munlhl��pa)�ment
<br /> � • � shAll nlso include either: (i) an installment ot' the unnuul mohgAge inwrunre premium to br paid by Lender lo �he ---
<br /> � � • � Secretary,ar(ii)a monthly churge insteAd of a mortgAge insurunce p�emium if this Secu�ty Insirurn�nt i. hcld by the --�==
<br /> . � Secretary. Emch moMhly installmenl of the moAgage insumoce premium shall t►e in un umuunt sufficienl tu accumulate the �"=_
<br /> .Y� ��•'����� full annual mortgage insumnce premium with Lender one month rior ia the daie the full unnual murt�a e intiurnncc � -- - - --
<br /> '� •�4::����;':, P �, g -..
<br />: � .�,..��'�:l.;.r..i�; ..•.� . °A:=- -
<br /> � , ;�,, premium is due lo the Secretary:ar if thi+Security Ins�rumenl is held b�the Secretury.each mcmlhly churgc.hall be in An .�TT� _
<br /> '��, 5f 1��� + ;, r '�•
<br /> � • t;, amaunt equal to one-twclf�h of one-half perrcnt of the outstunding princ�pal halunre due on the Nrne. '�•.�3�
<br /> � ,: ••.�s,�� ,�. � . �. �� •f+° ._�.—_.
<br /> ,:�• �� ' :, •,.., .• • � 1f Bortowcr tenden 10 l.cndcr the full paymeM oi'ull sum�xerured hy thi+Security lotiirumcnt.BoROwrrk uccaunt 'C,' ` . , ___
<br /> �' ' •:,;;,7;,.:�'•�' '..:.'���:.��,':; shall be credited wi�h the balance remaining far cdl inKtallmem�for items l u),Ib)und Ir)and uny mohgage insurunce _.�€t+���-�
<br /> •�"i�''�_ ° �� ' G'�'•,:; ;+;� � mium installmeni thnt l.ender hus nn�hecume abligutrd to pny���the Secre�ury,and LenJ�r�hall pramptly rePund any �~
<br /> `''�`, .� �ti,.r. P� —I��b::=e'.:�:.
<br /> �����r�'�'-� •� excexs funds to Borrowe�. lmmedialel rior ta A faredo�ure xule ol'Ihe Pra{xrty or its acyuitiition by Lender,Barrawer c �.______
<br /> t ';,!;,..,'.,��.;.,,:(+.,�., • YP �
<br /> • ° � , � -. account yhall be emdited with any bulunce remaining fur all inswllments for item�la),(b)und Ic).
<br /> ' ' '"���`� "'���'��,'�"'��� '" 3. A licatlon aP Pa ments. All a men�s under Paru ru � 1 und 2+hull be a licd b L.ender us follows: ���"�'�.�=
<br /> i,�.�..��,, a ; �,, ;. P Y P Y , � F�• PP Y ��?
<br /> ' � •`'+:�"' "� ��. ' ' �'��� � �Io Ihe mangAge insurnnce prem�um ta be paid by�Lender to the 5ecretary or to the mnmhly charge hy the �r.:s:'.���:�•?.
<br /> � I•� '' � '•�'• `� �'�� 5ecret instead of the monlhly mangagc insurance prcmium: ' ��'���
<br /> ' �� ���-`� A ,to any taxes,special uxsessment�,Ieusehold paymems o��aund rents,und tirc,fload und other haxurd �
<br /> , � ���;;�
<br /> insurance premiums,as reyulred; •'�A��j� ,�,�
<br /> — ---- tu i�drrr�t Jue unGar the�vaie; �'� _�yyt�Ly�� ° _
<br /> . �� '{�'�J7.O:W6Mi�F.__--- —
<br /> FOURT1-i,io amoni-r.adon of the principal uf thc Notc:
<br /> • to late chor e�due under the Nule. lh %!'`�.;:"
<br /> �, � �' j��f`��;��. -�
<br /> � 4. Fire, H'lood and Other Hau►rd Insurunce. Iiurmwcr shall intiurc ull improvement,�m�hc Propeny.whethcr now ' ����i,�____
<br /> • . in eaistencc or subticyucntly erccted,aguinnt uny h;uurd�,ra�uultics,uud cumfngenrics,including line. ti�r which Lendcr ,, b.,,r°•_--
<br /> • requirex innurance. Thin ia+urunce�hull he maintuinul in thr umountn�nd li��the periude thiu LenJer rcyuiRS, kic►m�wer `a�"`-`c�"-_ ,_
<br /> tihull uls�inrure ull improvemen�.un�hc Nni�xny,whr�her nuw in rxi�;tence�rr sut�uyuently erccted, uguinsl losti hy tluads rt•+�„r, �
<br /> � „ to the extent requircd hy thr Secrctury. All in.urunrr.hall Fx r.vrircl wilh cumpunies upprovcd by I.�nder. 'I'he inyur•rnce �
<br /> pnlicies und uny rrnewul� +hall hc hrld hy Lrnder :md .hall irkluJc loss puyuNle duu�c, in fuvor M', and in u 1'urtn ��_;{;.�;.=�� �
<br /> „ � �ccepwblc w. Lcndr�. . .�
<br /> (n the evrnt��f lo+ti. Born�wrr.hidl�!ivc l.rnder immrJiatr nuiirr hy muil. LrnJer m•ry make�x�w�(uf luy.it'nal ��3'
<br /> .z':=
<br /> madc pramptly by Rurmwcr. l:arh in�ur.�nrc cumpany conccrnrd i.hrrchy :iuthoriirJ:mJ Jircrlcd to makr paymcnt li�r ;:,�:
<br /> • wrh lo+�directly�o Lrndrr.imtcud�►f ta Ni�ROwc�anJ tu l_aiJ�r ju�ntly. AU ur any purt ot�thc inwrancr proccrJ+muy lx ' .,.��_
<br /> upplied by Lender,at i��up�ion,citlxr(u)tu Ihc rrduc�iun ut ihr indrhtcJne�� undcr�hr N��t�und Ihi�Secunty In.trument. � -
<br /> fint�o any delinyuent umount. upplirJ in thr orikr in F�,�rugrurh .�, tmd ihrn�u �payment uf principal, ��r Ibl lo thc „ �
<br /> � restorution or rep•rir��f�hc dumuucd propenv. Any applirutiun ul ihr�r�xced.io thc prmripal+hall ni��extcnJ��r Fui+tpnne - �---
<br /> M"_f��"-:-.
<br /> the due date�f�hr munthly puymrni+whic��arc rrtercrd tu in Nnrugraph?,ur rhan�r the amount of+uch puyments. Any
<br /> excess in+urunce prcxeeJ+ovcr un :unuunl reyuircd tu p:�y all oulst:mdinE indehtrJnr..undrr the Note and thi� Security -- .
<br /> ' Insuumcnt shall ik puiJ t�►the rmity Icgully rnutlyd Ih�rctu. , � '�e'`�'-�"�`
<br /> In thc cvent of forccloxurc uf�his Scrurily Imlrument or�xhrr tran+ler uf ulk tu Ihr Nn�peny that cxtinguishes�he ; ---
<br /> indebtcdnc��.aU righl.titlr anJ intcrrst uf Bunowrr in and to inwri�ncr puliur,in t'urr�•,hal I pati.�u th�purch:�,�r. y• �' '._,� T -__,-
<br /> 5. (lccupancy. Preservalion, Muintenance und Prnteclion oP Ihe Property: Korrowe�'ti I.oan Application;
<br /> , Leasehalds. Borrower�hull �xcupy,c�tubli�h. �nJ u�c�he Pro�xrt� u, Nnrruwrr;prinrip:d re.iJrnce within+ixly duy.r f ' ��;-
<br /> s ' ufter the execulion of this Securily In�lrumcnt and�hall continuc tu �wcupy the 1'ro�rt�•a+ Hurn�w�r+principal r�ziJence [ —�-"i-'='��'``
<br /> ,, : for ut leu,t one ye•rr afier the Jatc ut�xcupunry,unk..the ti�rrciary Jrtcrn�mc.thi,rrywrcmrnt will�au�c u��Juc hrrdship � •.
<br /> • ` for Borrower. ur unles� exlenuuting circum��anrcti rxi,t ��•hirh :�rr tkyimd Horro��cr,runlml. Borco��•rr �hall nolif�� � .
<br /> ,, Lcnden of uny rxtcnuuting rirrum+�uncc.. BuROwrr,hull n�►t ruinmil wa.tc��r�k.tru�•. damagc or,ub�lanti�lly chungc ! .
<br /> the Property ar allow•Ihe Pn�(xtrty m de�crioratc.rc•rxmaMr�rcar an�l�car c�rcp�e�l. LcnJcr may imExrt the Pro�ny if thr •
<br /> � Property i�vucnnt ur ubundoncd or�hc loan is in defaull. LcnJrr m:�y tak�rcatiunahlc arti�m�o protcrt anJ prc.rrvc,uch •
<br /> vacnnt or ubundorn:d Pro�xrty. Borru��•rr.hull ul.0 ix in dct'aull il�RurroH�rr.durin� �hr lu:in applic•r�iun pnxr... �uvc
<br /> m�+terially ful�c �tt inarcuratc intimnaliun ur .talrmcnl. to Lcnilcr �ur t:ul�d iu pru�idc LruJcr �vilh any matrnal
<br /> � informutioo► in connechon wi�h�hr I��an�viJcnrrJ by thr No�r.inrluding, hul nui IimilrJ w. rcprr.cnta�iun.runcrminE
<br /> Bi�rn�werti�xcupanry of the Pruprn��:i.a prmripal rc,idencc. U�hi�Scrunt� In.tnmiem i�un a Iea.ch�►Id.B��rrower�h:dl
<br /> comply with tlx pn►vi�ion�uf thr Ir:�•r. II'R��rc����•cr arytum. tcr I�lli Iu Ihr Nru��rrt)�.Ihr Ira�ehi�ld �IIx1 ti�tiU��hall nul
<br /> Ix mer�¢ed unle�.Lrndcr agnr+lu thr nur�;rr m�vnung.
<br /> 6. CharRes to Bnrrower und Protcction uP Lendcr'z Ri�htx in the I'ruperl�. li��rr����rr�hal I pa� all�.o�•emmrniul
<br /> or municipul rhur�c..linc+:md im�x►.ition.Ih:�� :uc nw inrludrd in I'aruErarh=. NnRU��cr+hall p:►y ihc,c uhliN:uwn.un
<br /> limc direc�ly w�hr rntity �vhirh i,u�vrJ thr p�ymcnt. II�I;�ilum tu p;n•���uuld aJ��ncly aflrr�I.rndrr'. intrR.� in �hc
<br /> Propeny.u�xm l.rndcr:rryu�+l liuin�w�r,hall prumptly lun�iyh w I.cndrr rc�ript.c�idrnr�n�thc,r�,a�m�nt,.
<br /> ; . lf Bum�wcr lail.to muAc thr.r piiy�mrnh �x�hr p.���mcnl�rcyuireJ hy i:�ragruph '.ur t:iil. tu prrliimi am� ulhcr
<br /> covcnunts und agreemcnt+rontainrJ in thi.tirrurm• Du�nnncnt.ur Ihcre i+:� Iegul pnxccJin�th:u ma�•.iEnilir:mtly atfrcl
<br /> ... . . c_ �.._i., r. .i.. d: lo nJ�ui�m.l
<br />- -�- -...- 1 Ll't1Ul'f 1 f1�:Ul�III IIIC r1�1�K11� 1�u�11.1��i�ditiii�uufi. iii vuun. '�.n�....i:::'i. �i:7::::::::.::: ��:..:r�_ ._v.nr n.�^........ ..
<br /> � �hcn Lrn�kr muy du m►d pa�•whatr�•rr i.nrrr,.an tn protec��hc�•aluc uf ihr Pru�xny:mJ�l.�nd�rti riEht�in Ihr F'n�(km-.
<br /> ' 1 including paymcm ui'taxc,.hat•rrJ in.urunrr:mJ olhrr itrm.mrmiunrd in Par,�graph�.
<br /> I Any nmaunt.di+hunrJ bv Lrndrr undcr thi.ParaEr:�ph�hall h�rumc;�n;id�iiu��nal drM uf H�►nu��rr anJ Ix•+crurcd
<br /> ' by thiv Securiry In�trument. '1'Fk.r amuunt,,hall Ix�r mtrm,t from Ihe dutr �,1�1i�Muncmrnl..0�hr N��Ir r.�tr.und at thr
<br /> ' , option u(Lender.�hall Ix immrdiutely Juc and pc►yahlr.
<br /> 7. Condemnatian. 7'hc pnxced�uf anv a��•rrJ ur cl�im tbr d:nnagr�,dircrt ur ron.ryucndal. in r�,nncrtinn��•ith:m�
<br /> condemn•rti�►n ur uthcr takin�ul'any pan uf ilu F'ra�ny.ur I��r��mv.�;►nrc in pl:�rc i,l cundrmnau�m.;irn c�rrb�•a..ignrJ
<br /> unJ,h�ll he paiJ�o Lrnder tu�hc rr�cnt of the t'ull umuunt uf the indrhtcJnr..that rcmain.unpaiJ undcr thr N�ne:md ihi.
<br /> Sccurity In.tnimcnt. L�ndcr.hall a�l�•,uch pnxrcJ.tu�hc n�durUun ul ihr mJrhicdnr..undrr Ihr Nulr and thi.Scrunt�
<br /> Inxtrumcnl. I'ir�t m any Jclinyucnt amuwtt� applicd m Ihc��rdrr pru�•idcd in Par,i�raph !. .md then tu prepa�mint ul
<br /> princips�l. Any appliratiun uf Ihc pnxccd� li� Ih► pnnripul �hull not cxlend ur�x��IFxmr th� Ju� Jatr uf lhr ntunlhl)
<br /> � ��a,rr:������,,�,•.i
<br /> 1 I
<br /> n
<br /> '
<br /> _ -_-
<br /> _
<br />