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�.�w _ .�.�. .,. . , . <br /> �.:��!'`''`� , ' , - ._ <br /> �; - <br /> ;�' ,�� ., � . _------ <br /> --� , .. , � w: <br /> _ � . :� • �. -•'�-_,.,,.� <br /> ' �. _ _ — - _. - - -- - _—__ <br /> �� ' �� //� A <br /> ,....�'.:...�':�e,(�t� V i--" ���i Y�1�Ic <br /> m NON-UNIFORM COVHNAN7:S. 1lnrrnw.�r�aid I.rn�k�IuAtKr c�wenun�und ugfCC Ah�1IUpWb: <br /> N. �arecloRUre Pracedure. II'l.�n�irr rcyuireti ImnMdl�ic�wyment In 1'ull u�Hlcr puruyiuph 0,la n�kr muy inw,kc�hu <br /> power ot'swle and any alhcr�rmcdic��x.mducd by uppUcuMc luw. l.endrr hhuil lx�rnlillc�l tu c�+ll�•��oll eR�nv��Incurrcd <br /> in punsuing the rcmediex pmvlcled in thi�p,+ra�t�uph 17,including,hut M�I limhed��i,rcaMmuhlc uuurtky�'fecK wnd cu�lr M' <br /> title ovidencc. rt o�Iho <br /> --_ °- 1�the power at sple Is Invuked�71ru�tee xhpll rrcord a notico ot de�puU In ewch euunly in whlrh wny p� <br /> - ---=-==�"� Property is IocAted and shall m�ll copies ui xuch nMke(n Iho munne�prescribed by a ppIlc�ble Irw la H�►rrower wod <br /> fo other lf 11ruKlee ahwll Rive <br /> tUe pe�xona prescrlbed by oppIIcAUIe Iww. Afler Ihe timo requlred by app cwble IAw. <br /> _ - T-- public notice ot sAle to the peranns And in the m�oner presc�N�cd b N�IICMIlIL'IYW. 71ruAtee,withoul demwnd on <br /> .:yRmr�rs��r.,��a��A <br /> '=_° ___�-- __ -=--� Itorrower,shall seU the PropeMy A1 public euctbn tu tbe hlp�hrst 61 der at the timc�nd ploce pnd ander the terms <br /> desi�wted in Ibe notioe o�sale in one or mareparcelx And in Any order 7lrustee determines. 7tuKte�mwy pust ne <br /> - ��� sA1e of�11 or�ny parcel of the Property by public wnnouncemeni at the time pnd place u�Any prevbu�ly�c6 uled <br /> =:-�y���,.``:i��-�''� s�le. Lende�a�itv designee ri��yp urchwxe the P�aperty at Any ru�le. <br /> `°'="a""'"��:�t,:� , Upou receipt oT pAyment of the Price Did.'I�uatee slwll deliver to Ihe purchaFer'llruRlee's deed conveyinR the <br /> ;rf�.�. �,.;�,.;�y�;}, Property. The�ecitAls in the'IYustee s deed shnll be primw focle evidence ot truth oP Ihe xtatement�mAde thereln. <br /> �,�"- ��,•: , ��•• 7Fuslee shall Apply the proceeda af lhe sole in the�ollowfng orders Ia1 tu all cosis and expeoxeg ot exerciAing the <br /> _ ,4;�?� __ '� wer of sak,And the sale.includinp the payment of Ihe'IYustee's t'e�w s�ctua��Y incurred,not tu excced f i ve /. <br /> �,��=•�':��� ::(�A�;�� oT the pri�cipal amount of the aute at the time of the dcclArAtia� uf'd�4's�ult. and rea�noble attarneys'Peiw as <br /> _-;��� -.- "�::�,��' permittecl by law:lbl to nQ sums secu�ed by thla Secu�ity Instramen�;A��Ic)uny exces�!o ihe person or pe�►ns _ <br /> �.W� � -.; ,•.• IegAlly entitled to i� <br /> :;� r.':•- I8. Reconveyance. Upan puynu:nt of ull sums sccureJ by�hic Securiry Inslrumen�.Lendcr shs+ll rcyucsl 7tustec to <br /> ,,�,� °'�� reconvey�he Piraperty and tihall wumender this Securiry Ingtrumem and all not�..evidencioR debt xecured by this Security <br /> -- ��R Instrument to'Ituatce. 7Fustee shnll rccanvey the Propeny withuut wuttanty u�ul without charge to the penon or p►:rsons <br /> �_;_�'�- `` • � legally entiUed to it. Such per.con or persans shall puy any recordntian costs. - <br /> - •�• ' �•,. 19. Substitule 7tustce. Lcnder,ut itK option,muy from timc to�imc ren»vc'Ihrstce und uppaMt u xuccessar trustec <br /> ._._,�._-���s��,;:: to any'itustee uppointed hereunder by an imlrument recarded in thc counly in which thi,Securlry In+trument is recorded. <br /> - i'" 'k",` �e`�'n�: Without conveyunce of the Prapeny,the succesxor trustee shall suceeed tu ull ihe title, puwer and duties ronferred upon _ <br />-�-''%�!�±�_ .� , y 7lustee heeein and by upp�licublc luw. <br /> ��'•'!;,�} . E0. for NoNces. Barrower rcyuexls that copies of the notices of defuult nnd rauule be �en� to Borrowerk <br />:;,��:-:�;,�; a d d ress which ix the Pr o p ert y Address. <br />--�;�:.;�� ° ..•, � - <br /> �'���r��.•� r°�:;+�:�� �. Riders to this Seeurlty Instrument. If one or mare rickrs ure execuled by Borrower und recorded io�ether with this <br /> ,,,,�,�������X.�f�Y1�.� Security lnstrument, the cuvenAnts ot' euch such rider shnll be incorporaled into und shnll umend und supplement 1he <br /> _��-��''� ' covenunts and aRreements of this Secu�iry Ingtniment as if thc rider(s)were in a pan of'Ihix Security Inslrument. <br /> �:i��;i��r.���,� � �Check applicablc box(es)�. = <br />"'r���,=�,:r�±,. 1_ ..,-,:' Grawin ui Rider <br /> -•��'�'�'r:{.� ���`Y�x����.�,��F • �Candaminium Rider �Graduuted Paymenl Ridcr � 8�1 �Y _ <br />-•-a��w''�,�;ti-��:.'.:' <br /> T;��;��l�}�a?+Y°�n7rNi'sir�_.�:* <br /> . •�< <,al:: ; ..� <br />''i. �(�•:'�_ • ' , �PlAnned Unit Development Rider Othcr(Sp�:cify� <br />_f � 1• � <br /> .L�_ . <br />-;it <br /> � BY SIGNING BELOW, Bcxrowcr ucccpt.r• und ugrccs to thc tcmn con�uincd in pugcs I through 4 of this Sccurity <br /> .�o--�•t�� " . , Inswment and in any rideRs)exkuled by Borrower nnJ r�:orded with it. _ <br />,:-^�[t .. , <br /> __''�M, �➢u. ;n.!� . 5.4C'R: �v <br />_ `'�� •A�"' , . ~;`� • � � 1`L- .. ----- -�.c-ZO_,.�c� �.2 ��u�=�' (Scall - <br /> -_ ,,'�. ..- �Yn - - LAURENCL J WlCNT qurmwcr <br /> __ ' ' _ .. 01� r� ��_L�1�— (Seall <br /> ,._' ° DE.BRA A WICHT Hom+wer <br />_ � . • (Scuh <br /> -. �+ • � Bonowc. <br /> �:.� <br /> _ , � .' l$Call <br />-_ •• .�.' . Bortowcr <br /> t". ( ..... ... . . <br /> - � ' � � STATE OF NEBRASKA. FIALL c'��untv..: <br /> ' J ,, On this �t h ��y o1' Mar ch. 1992 . Ixfore m�,lhc undersig�x:d.d tiotsvy <br /> Public duly commi..ioncd and yuulilird tirr.uid county,peruxtally camr <br /> ,� LAURENCE J W[CFI1 ANU DEBRA A W ICFIT NU5[IAND ANU W f I'[� i�, mc hnuwn to he thr <br /> � �� idcmicul person(s►whosc namrl+�an,uN.rrilkJ 1u�hr lirrrgoing in.�nimcn�and arkno��•IcdgrJ thr cxccntian�hcrcut'to lxx <br /> " t he i r voluntary ucl and dccd. <br /> . � Wilncs,my hand and at GItAND I SL ANO in �nid riwnly. thc <br /> dutc ufoww' <br /> � '' � �GE�MI�iAN�,Stib YI r�lt� <br /> Ml , ? <br /> 4 ROBEi1fA L REED � <br /> � <br /> o � . ��,;: .M/6o�I1�.f1t0.111tf 30�1894 1' �"j...- � '[c�l.... _ <br /> � � JUI.Y 30. 1994 RO[3ERTA L I21_ELl • Na�un wh�ir <br /> • ' RE(1UH57'F()Ii ItEC()NVI:YANCfi <br /> _ �. ° TOTRUSTEE: <br /> •� ' The unJer.igncJ is thc holdcr af tlk nutc ur notc�.crured h�� �hi.Decd at'1'ru.1. 5aid niNr ur n��te+. Ingethcr with ull � <br /> . ��•, : , , . othcr irxlebt¢dncsx sccurcJ by Ihiti lhtid ul'7tu�t. ha�r Ixrn paid in full. Yuu arc hrrcby dircrtrd �c,canc�l .aid nntc i,r <br /> � n�tes unJ thix Ckcd of'1'ru.ri.which arr dcliwrrrd hrrrh�•,anJ tu rcrunvr�•.��•ilhnui �arranty.�+II thc r��a�e nou h.ld hy pnu <br /> � ,.'�;`,:�." +�, undcr Ihiz Dccd of'IYuxt M thc per.nn or�xn�xi�Ir�:dly enudcd Ihrrclo. <br /> . Uvtc: -------- ----- <br /> �p,a�•1�d a�ti�e��,� <br />