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<br /> ,';�:J�W rundemnu�ii�n or o�hcr ml�ing at�w�y puh of�hr Pmp�ny,ur i'ur conveyiuu;c in licu ui'ronJcmnation,um I�reby u�rign��J and �'"'-� —
<br /> _ • -�••�--',:�'.��° xhall Nc puid tu Lendcr. �`',''�'�
<br /> � a�' � � � '' ' In Ihc �vcnt �►f a► �owl tuking uf�hc Pru�xny. thc prcr.eed, �hall Ixr npplicd to thc +um�Kcurcd by thir S��curity
<br /> '=. .�;^� ` In+trumrn�,whcther ur no�then Juc.wi�h uny excez,paiJ to p��rmwcr. In ih�evem of u paniul�uking ol'ihe Pmpeny in
<br /> , .�^ ' —
<br /> .. ' + whirh�he fuir murket valuc�►f dic Pru�xrty immeJiulcly Ixfi�re�he tuking i.cyu•rl�a or greuter�h;ui�hc umoun�uf the sums __
<br /> „ _ ,_.. ;�,�• xecured by thi�ticcuriry In+�n�mcm immediatcly heforc thc tuking.unletiy Borruwcr unJ l.cnJcr oihcrwi.c ugrcc in writing, ___
<br /> ' ° the tium� +ecurcd My�his S��urily In+trument xhull tx r�durrJ by �he um��um ��f thc pnxced.multiplicd by thc following —
<br /> ° ,- -----�:.;; fraction: fa1 the tatal amount��f�hr.um..ecunJ immrJiutely Ixfom�he�ukinµ.divWeJ by Ih1�he tuir murkel vulu�of ihe _
<br /> '' ,,�. . ° • Pn�pcny immcdiately t+afan �hc taking. Any haluncc shull lx� puiJ �u B��ROwer. In the even���f u puniul iuking ot' thc b_,=�=--=� _1--�
<br /> ' Propeny in which �he fai�murkrt vulur i►i'ihr Prapeny immcdiutrly heforr�he tuking iti Icti��hun�hr umoun�of�hc wms _._
<br /> �� Mcured immeJia�ely ixfurc the wkin�. unle.. Borrower unJ Lrnder othcrwirc aEree in wri�ing ur unlu+. applicabk luw ,y.._. �__
<br />_.� -, ' otherwise provide,,the pr�K���d.xhull Ix upplird m�he.um��ecureJ by ihi,Sccurily Imirumem whether or nnt�he zum�are �•v���Y
<br /> ' • then due.
<br /> - If the Pra�xny i.uhandcx�rd hy Bnnowcr.i►r if.atter n�Nice by Lcnder to BnRUwrr thul lhe condemnar ui'i'en lu make �.'��=--�� --- -
<br /> . • un uwurd or,etUe u cluim fur Jamuge,.BoRawer fuil,iu re,pond tu l.rnder within;0 duy.after the dute tlx notice i+gi ven. � _� : ^
<br /> `� .. Lender is authori•r.ed to ce►Ilect and upply thr pr�xecd+.ut il�op�ion.ri�her t��re+tormion ur repair oi'thr Propcny<►r�o�hc _------ -
<br /> . •- +um+uK:ured hy this Security Instrum�m,whether or nnt thcn due. -- -
<br /> , Unless Lender und BuROwer othcrwi�c:�gmc in writing, uny upplicution of pakeeds ti�principal yhall ncH c��tnd or —
<br /> �t ne�he due du�e ot'�hr manthl n mem+rel'ercrJ�u in uru ru hti 1 und?or chun �ih�umaun�ol'+uch u meni�. "^s"�-::;=_=
<br /> ,. � � po.�pu Y P Y P B P •' g' P Y �•u_-_=
<br /> e : 11. Borrower Not Releaced; Furbearance By Lender Nat a Waiver. Exten+ion uf ihc �im� for paymcnt or ���:..
<br /> • ' • madifics►tion of umonixution at'�he.um�xccured by�hix Srcuriry Inxtrumem Erumed My Lenckr�o•rny.ucrestior in inierext -_,�,ry
<br /> ' of Borrower shall not operute �o rclea.c Ihe liubility oi'�hc oriFinul Borrower�x Bcxruwer:.ucre+xorti in inlerest. Lendcr iyt"=-;-
<br /> " " � ` • shull nat be reyuircJ to commcnce priKecdings uguintit uny +uccrti.ur in in�era+� �r refutie to rxtend time for paymenl or �, - ---
<br /> h othcrwi.e mcxlit'y umonir.ation��f the.um.�ecurcd by thi+Serurity Imtrumrm by rru,on of any demunJ madc by Ihr ori�inal "-
<br /> 1.' '�-•.
<br /> � � Borrower or Borr�iwer+�uccessor+in imere+t. Any for6euronce by Lender in rxcrrisin�uny righl or remedy shull nM 1x u ��;',._
<br /> ' wuiver of i�r precluJe Ihr excrci�c ot any right or remcdy. .},ti`,-',�'�. .
<br /> " 12. Successurs und Assiqns Bound;Joint and Several l.iabilitv;Caxi�ners. Thc cuvenunts and ugmemcntx at'thiti �. � '• �
<br /> .su
<br /> ° Sccurily In�:trumem.hull hind und hrncfit thc .ucrexsun and u.xiEnr of L.endcr unJ B��m�wcr. �uhjcct to thc provisianx of
<br /> ' paruFraph 17. surrowcr's covenums und ugrcrmcnts shull Ix joim und ticverul. Any Borrowcr who cu-siEn. Ihi+ 5ccuri�y �`"�'"'�="r
<br /> In+wment but does nnt executc�hc Notr. lul i+co-signing thi.Srcurity Instrument�►nly lo mortgugc.grunt and c�mvey thut ' '�i-�.„,..
<br /> " BnROwer+iniere.t in thc F���peny undrr the iernis of thi+Security Intitrumrnt: lhl iti no[prnonully obligutcd tu pay the.um,
<br /> � „ tiecured N thi.Security Imtrun�rm;und 1�:1 u�!ree+[hu�Lender und uny o�hcr Horrower muy u�rcr tu cx�cnJ,ni�xliFy,ti�rbear �.T '��'� ,.'•';T,
<br /> Y �''�'
<br /> • . or mukr uny accommixlati�ms wilh regurd io �he Iemiti ��i'this Secunly Inswmrnt ar Ihe Note wi�h�ul thut Bnrrawer'. .�,.__�- -
<br /> . ^ con�ent. • -__ -
<br /> - -- la. I.aan Char�¢es. If the loan �ecured hy thiti Srcuriry In+trununt is .uhject to u luw which .��y muximum loan —_-- _
<br /> ',.,;� churge�,and ihut law ir tinully imerpreted,o thul the intere��or o�her loun churge,coUecied�x to ix coUcc�cd in cumrc�tiuu ���}_
<br /> : •'�; . with the loun exceed tlk penniued limi�..�hen: lul uny`urh loun churge ahall Ix reduceJ by�he umoun�nrce.sun�a�rcduce �,,.,,_
<br /> • Ihe rhar�!e ta Ihe(krtnitted limil;unJ Ihl uny.um�ulreuJy collrcted irom Borcower whirh rxcerded�xrmitted limits���i II tx "1-°''-`==
<br /> � �� rcfunded lo Borrower. Lrnder may rh�x�.r io ma�kc�hi+rct'und hy reduring thr principal ow�d undcr the Nutr�x hy mukinE u r-=
<br /> Jirect paymem to Bonower. If u refund reJucr.prinripul.the reductiim will lx�rcuted ati•r partiul prepaymem without uny �-_--__-..----� `
<br /> prepayment churge und�r�he No�c. � �
<br /> 14. Nalices. Any n�►tice lo Borrowrr rrovided ti►r in thiti Securiry In.tnimrnt ,hull {x givrn hy delivcring i�ur by �_�`.:���'y-
<br /> ' muiling it by iint clo,.mail unlc..upplicublc luw•rcyuirc,usc uf anuthcr mcth�xl.Thc nolicc.hull Ix�dirccicJ to�hc Pm�xrty �'0t:3�:��-�' �•
<br /> -�...,;...�.;:; ,
<br /> , • Addrcs�or:my othcr s►ddre,� Borri�werdr+i�nutc.b�• notic�w Lendcr. Any nutirc�u Lcndcr�hall Ix �iven hy iir+t rlu„ '-��{.�:;�-
<br /> muil lo Lcndcr's uJdre...�uted hrrcin or uny othcr addrr+.l.endcr dc�ignatc�hy notice tu Horruwer. Any notice pruvided tiir Y."��.,,_-T -
<br />• in Ihis Seruriry Instrumen� +hall he dcemed to hiwr lucn givrn to Borrower or Lrnikr when given u� proviJrJ in Ibi. •, �•. :��s•,---
<br /> paru€roph. `�.,- .,.�;-;
<br /> � I5. l:overnins l.aw: tieverubilhy. 7hi+ticrurit�� Imtrumrm .hall Ik govrrncd by Irder.d lau• :md �hr I,�w��t'thc "-
<br /> ,�•
<br /> ' jurisdiction in�vhich thr Pro�xny i.I�kiurd. In Ihr rvrnl Ihiu uny pruvi+ion or rluu,r ul'thi,Srrurily In,lrumcm or tlx Natc _ -_
<br />, � contliclti with upplicublc I:�w.,urh ri,ntlirt.hull nut affrr�othrr pravi,ium��f thi,Scruriiy In.�nmicnt or�hc Notr which cun =-
<br />' • be�iven effec� with��ut ihr r�mtlicting pro��i.iun. To Ihi+end Ihe provi�iun.�►1'thi.Securi�y Imtrument and the Nntr urc '_.-. __ --
<br /> " decltued lo he��vrruMr. z
<br /> 16. Borrower'ti('opy. Rorruwcr�hall Ix gi�•rn�mr runiurnuJ ci�p����I�hr Nutr anJ ul�hi�Srcurity lm�rumem. � '.',�..�
<br /> • � 17. 'IYansfer oP the Property or u Heneficiul Inlerc�t in Horrower. II aU��r uny pan of�hr Pra�xny or uny intere+t in ,•
<br /> , it i�,old or tranxfrrrcJ I��r il'a Ixncticiul intrm,� in l�urr���vrr i, ,uld ur Iran.l'rrrrd:�nd Burra.vrr i�nut a natural �x rsanl , ,
<br /> ��•ithout LrnJcr:prior wriucn r�►n.ent.l.rndrr mt��,a�itti up�ion.rcyuirr nnnudiatr pa�•mrnl in 1'ull u(all .wm.ecurcJ ny
<br /> ; ' this Security Im�rumrnt. Hu�vcvrr.lhi�oMion.hull nut Fx rxrrci.ed hy Lrmi�r if�rcrriu i.prohihilyd by 1'eJerul law a+��f � --_
<br /> "` • � thr dutc�►f thi.Securily In.trumrnl. �'"":'
<br /> � . ' II'LenJer cxrrci.r+thi,optiun.Lrndcr.h:ill gi�•c{iuRU��rr n�Hicc ot':irrrlera�i�,n. The n��tire,hall pru�•iJ�u�xri.xl of .
<br /> • not Ie+,ihun�0 day.Trom�he da��ihe no�icr i.dclivrrrd ur mailed��•ilhin��liirh R�,rn►��cr mu.�pa)•:dl.um„crarrJ by thi. �. .
<br /> � Serurily In.tn�mrm. If Born,�vcr I:iil. tu pu�• thr,r .um. prinr tu Ux �rpira�iun ot ih�. �xri�xl. Lcndrr muy im•�*� uny �, '.
<br /> ttmedir.�xnnillyd h�•thi.ticruri�� hi.uununt u i�houl I'ur�hrr n�dirr„r dcm;md an liorro��rr. �
<br /> IS. Borrow�cr'� Riuht to Rcinstutc. If B�,rrawcr mrrn r�n:�in rnndi�iun.. 13urr����cr .hall havr th� ri�ht to ha�•r
<br /> entimrmcnt��I'�hi.Sccurity In,irunum.li,r��nnnurd ai.m� unu pn��r tu thr r:�rlirr nt`. nu�.la�,u�r.urh ulh.r�cri�xl:i.
<br /> tim}Ic I•.�uul� F'annle�luc'Frrtldk�\luc 1\IFIIR�I I\N?NI�1F:\'I' l nd�nm l'o�.n.ml. 4 411 y���¢r J.,I n���i¢r.�
<br /> I
<br /> J _ ..___.--
<br /> �
<br /> . 1 � .
<br /> E
<br />