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<br /> - r�.,""�`'4�'J'�'�"� applicable law mr+y apecify Por reingtatementl befare sale of the Prupchy pursuant lo uny power oi'�ulc con�uir�ed in �his �►=�-��
<br /> '-� .tim=.--�.���
<br /> ��'*���i�� pnys�Lender�a�l�u�msrwhich hen w1auld be duerundeg�hie Se urily'In Iniment d�the Nute�o�if no uccelerotion hud �� ��
<br /> �'�:,�:�. ,. ,.
<br /> `�:�Plf��+'r•�•-'' ,S� occurred:lb)cures any defuult of uny aher covenams ur ugreements;(r)paya All expen�ex incurred in enk�rcing�his Security �_
<br /> "•'� "�" '�' lostrument, iocluding, but not limited to, rea.�annble uitomcys'fees;and(d)tukcx such uc�iun a� Lender may masonubly
<br /> '��`� �:... � require to ussure that the lien oi'Ihix Sccurit 6�strumenl,Lender x�i hts in Ihc Pro rt und H��m�wcr+ubli uticm ta r thc "'-:�:,,..---
<br /> •� .ay,�%j�.�r:,�: Y B P� Y 8 P'Y �i�-=
<br /> '� F" sums secured by Ihis Secu�ity Inxtrument 4hnll continue unchunged. Upon rein�iotement by surtawer, �hiw Securily
<br /> „__., ---�•�• • � Ins�rumen�nnd Ihe obligafions secured hereby shall remuin fully cffective as if na ucceleration haJ�xcurreJ. Huwever,lhis �.�.__�____
<br /> �, ,_ �;' dght to rcinctate shall not apply in the cuse af occelerutian under purAgmph 17. �'"�'�'�"ry-�- �
<br /> , 19. 3We of Note;Chan�e ot lawn Servker. The Notc or u puAiul imcrest in�hc Notc Itugc�hrr wilh ihis Sccurity _�.___
<br /> �� . �• Instnrment)may be sold ane or more limes without priar notice to Borrower. A sule muy rc,uU in u rhonFr in Ihe cnli�y �-::---:��,,.;,,
<br /> �• (known as the"L.oun Servicer")that collects manthly payments due under the Nate and�his Security Inslrument. Thcre also �=""�'
<br />_j,'�, ,� � � • may be one or mare chaages of the Loan Se[vicer unrelated io a sale of the Note. If dx re is u change of the Loun Scrviccr, -�-�
<br />-��: • , Barrower will be given written natice of the chr+nge in accordunce with parugruph 14 ubove and upplicable luw. The m��ice ti=�="='_�=t, �
<br /> • will stnle Ihe name nnd address af the new Loan Servicer und�he address io which payments�hould t�e made. 7'he notice will �"�''"--"'-'�
<br />_ �- ,. ``� ulso cantain any other infarmwion required by applicable luw. �,�;::�.r
<br /> � • 20. HAiwrdous SubsWnces. Sorrawer shull nat cuuse or permit�he presence,uxe.dl+poxal,storuge,ar release of uny _._. _..
<br /> ' � ,';,,, Hazardous Substunces on or in Ihe Pro n . Borrower tihull na da, nar ullow nn one elsc to du,uny�hing uffec�ing thc --
<br /> Pe Y Y �.;.���_ : ---
<br />- � � PrupeRy tha[is in violatian of any Environmentul Law. The preceding ewa sentences shall not opply ta�he prc.ence,utie,or .�E.--,
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Huziudous Substancec�hat are generally rccognized�o be apprapriute to normul ��:_-- ' •`
<br /> ' residential use�and to main�enance of the Propeny.
<br /> ' Borrower shnll prompUy give Lender wrilten notice uf ony invesiigutian,cluim,demand,lawsuit or other uctian by uny ���
<br /> �� ' - � -�J governmrntal ur rcgulutory ngency or private party involving the Propeny und any Hn�ardous Substance or Envirnnmentul i��k:- .
<br /> Law of which Bw�rower has uclual know•ledge. If Borrower leurns, or is noiifieJ by any gavemmemul or re�;ulatory i-,.
<br /> • � ,�' authority.�hu�Any removal or aher remediotion of uny Huxardou,Subsance nffecling the Propeny is nece�sory,Borrawcr � �
<br /> • , shall promplly luke ull necex�ury remedial actions in uccordance with Enviranmental Law.
<br />; As utied in Ihis parngruph 20."Huzurdaus Substances"ate those subsluncex clefined as toxic or h�ardoux tiubslanres by ��_c.,��rt• �-
<br /> ' • Environmentul l.uw und the foltnwing ruhstances: FASOIine,kemsene, nther flammuble or toxic petruleum product�.toxic
<br /> _ ��� perticidas wid herbicides, valatik solvenl�, materiuls contuininF uzbe+tos or formalclehyde,und rudivartive mulrriads. As ��
<br /> • used in this pnragruph 20,"EnvironmentAl Lu�v"�txuns federal luws and luw�of the jurixdiction where the Propeny ix lacuted �`""�
<br />- _`_ ��-�: -. thAt relate to hculth,safety or environmcntal protcction.
<br /> NON-UNIFARM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender 1'urther covcnunl und ugrec ux fullow,: '�'_—�`
<br /> �y-.....,,..
<br /> 21. Acceleratlon; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to accek�ation faUuwln�Borrower's `-•------
<br /> • brench of an covenAnt or u �eement in this Securll Instrumenl lbnl not rior to uccrlerallun under Aragraph 17 �"'"���`--
<br /> .. . , y B Y P P v-•.••-:,--
<br /> �' unles.g applicable law provides otherwisel. The notice shell specii'y: lal the dePAUlh 1 bl the action required to cure the �'-�-�''"'�=
<br /> -- -� defAUlh Icl a date.nat less than 311 days I�om the date the notice is giveo to Horrower.by whici�ihe defauii muit be
<br />