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�J�' _ " �r�.rR.��+�-- '-'-� "� ._ _•_.. <br /> __ ���K . . `�^;a. •S.:/�`�`1 . ,� _ <br /> � . . , �_._. . _ _ __ -_ .. <br /> . � <br /> .�... ..�---__ . � __ <br /> — � �• .. - . . . --'_- <br /> .-. �:' .�" _ .:.-_ <br /> '���'� — — t��r <br /> , Y4� ' ' _. .__--. ._ __ �s <br /> � , 92-. i�i.g 5 9 ----- <br /> - _ _ ��..,+,._ . -- <br /> �_ .,-t.;��:p�F�•�, <br /> -�u�'a� ?� —__ <br /> �:: d�a —__._... <br /> .,��,��, .,,. periods that Lender require9. Thc intiurance cuRierpruviding the inr;uruncc shull be churen by Barrowcr�ubjcct to Lender?s <br /> :�.".�,�.�._:.t�r.e•;a .,; upprovol which shull nat ix:unrearonnWy withheld. If Barrower fails to m•rimain coveruge dexrit�rd ubove.Lender muy,at �:'"���'=.-: <br /> -�=ti-�--�:�=��='�'?'� Lender a aplon.obtuin coverage to protect Lender R dgh�a in ihe Property in ucconiunce with purngrAph 7. <br /> �''a�'` '''•";�h°�'w�:•, •:ri All insurance policiex and rentwuls xFwll he ucceptable�u Lender und shall include u�tandord mongugc clautie. Lender <br /> ;� ..�..." •. shAll hnvc the right to hold U�c policiex wx!renewLls. !f Lender reyuirex.Borrower+hnll prumptly givc t�i Lendcr ull receip�h <br /> ;� af paid premiums and renewul notices. In the everM of luss,Borrower shall give prompt notfce tu tix insurunce currier:u�d �t::,._�=�TM�=�- <br /> .., ,. ��• ..,_..r <br /> -- b►��. � Lender. Lender may make praof af losc if not madepromptiy by Barrowe�. �"-- <br /> .�:a�u.�`_'d"`: .:. <br /> Unless Lender und Borrower ahenvise ngrre In w�iiing,in�urance praceed�;►hull he upplicd to re.turutiun��r repair af _. <br /> ��*�� �?�,."_1��..�-'. the Property damaged, if�he rewtarAtion or repuiris economicully few;ible und Lender; sccuriry is n��t lessencd. If the �_�_-- <br /> �` � ':�r':�y restorAtian or repair is not econamicully fen.gible ar Lendr�'s security wauld be letikoed. �he insurance proceed.r• shull be � _,_ ,_ <br /> •��'�'w.:�,�:..�.,• upplied to the sums recurcd by thix Security Instrumenl,whelher or not then due, wi�h uny excesx puid ta Born►wer. If � ;:,_..-_-=. : <br />- �.j�`�,,,�;:;;�,.,u � Borrower abanduna the Property,ar daes not su�swer within 3U Jayx n na�ice from l.ender th�t rhe in�urunce currier has "��:�;�����;�_ <br /> ° .. offered to xeule n rinim,then l.ender muy cullect �he in�urance prac:eeds. Lender moy use�he praceeds to rcpuir or retiture "` "•'•''� '' <br /> �:�>;:�.;,,,_�, <br /> r, • : �he Property or to ps►y sumx xecured by�his Security Ins�rument.whether or not then due. The 30•day periai will begin when ; .,�.:_;i.''::L <br /> the notice is given. -- - <br />��; ." 4,.,,,,, ., Unless Lender and Borrowe�otherwise ugrce in writing,uny upplication of proceeds to princip•rl xholl not extend or �l�:�-:=-�..�: <br /> ,, , . poxtpone the due date of Ihe monthly puyments referred ta in par.�graphs I und 2 or change�he umount of the puyments. If �---,_„_,w�_.-, <br /> under parngraph 21 the Propeny ia ucyuired hy Lender,Borrower's right to uny inxurance policies und proceeds resulting <br /> ° ,,_ fram damuge to�he Propeny prior to the acquisition tihall pag�to Lender to the exlent of the sums xecured by this Securiry �°�'`:.-'1� <br /> '' ' ' � n , Instrument immedi��ely prior to the ncyuisitian. �,;:',��.__ <br /> � ' 6. Occapancy, Preservatlon. MAintenance and Protectlon oP the PropeMy: Borrower's Loan ApplicAtion; -�-_=-- <br />'.` ° � Leaseholds. Horrower shall accupy,eslublish,und use the Property as BoROwer's principul retiidence wlthin sixty duys ufter �=�k'�-- <br /> - , - - the execution of this Security In�trument:uid shall continue to cecupy the Propeny as Borrower's principal residence for et �-�="-�;;� <br /> least une year afler the dute of occupuncy. unless Lender otherwise ugrce+ in writing, which canzent shall not be 'r�;:r=_— <br /> � ' • ' unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuating circumstzu►ces exist which ure beyond Borrow�r's control. Borrower shall not � ,, ...:'- <br /> ., destroy,dumuge or impuir the Pr��pcny,ullow the Pmpeny to deteriorate,ar commit wutite on the Property. Borrower,hall �^��'��°'" <br /> , • � '' be in default if any forfeiwre nction o�proceeding,whethe�civil or criminal, is begun thut in Lender's gaad foith�udgment •-��+a.�«.-�" <br /> � cauld result in forfeiture of the Property or othenvise muleriully imp•rir the lien created by this Security Inxtrument or _ _____ <br /> t ' Lender'.s security interest. Borrower muy cure such a defuult und r�einstute.a.provided in ps�ru�raph I A,by causing Ihe uction ��, ,�`�.: <br /> or proceeding to be dismissed with a rulin�e Ihat,in Lendcr's gaod fuith determinntion,precluJes forfeiture�f thc Borrowers �.��*�'�'�-`�'_ <br /> _ interest in the Property or other mnteriel impuimient of the lien creuted by thi. Security Instrwnent or Lender's security �^�-=^='�' " <br /> ��','; interest. Bortower ,hall altio be in default if BaROwer, during 1he loan application process, gave muterially fAl.�e or " ����T' <br /> ,. �uti��::' <br /> • . inaccumte informution or stutements to Lender(or failed io provide Lender with uny material infamation►in connection with d�,.__�..-.- <br /> � the lonn evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representnlions canceming Borrower; occupuncy of the �""'""�"'�. <br /> �.�::,,�.�.:_. <br /> Propeny as n principal resider.ce. If thiti Securiry lns�rument is on a leusehold,Borrower shull comply with All�he provisions �. ,.•_ <br /> - = uf thr leusc. li 8urrower zayuires iee[ide to�he Pmpeny,�he ieuschoid un�i�hn i'cc tiUn.iwii nu�u�ergc uulr:�,Lcu�kr+p:rc�, ���- .�°�- <br /> to the mer�er in wri�ing. ---- <br /> 7. Protectton of I.ender's Rightx in the Property. If Borrowcr failx to pertorm�hc covenAnts und ugreements '� <br /> ' contained in �hi. Security Intitruinent,ur there i,� legrl proceeding ihat may xigmficantly uffect Lendrr's riRht, in the �:;. ' '�i` <br /> . Propeny(surh s�s a proceeding in bnnkrup�cy,proha�r, f�xcondemnatiun ur furteiture or lo enfuRe lawx or regulutionzl,then -'''-�-`5`'�`--- <br /> l.ender muy do and puy for whutever is nece.sary b prwert�hc vulue of�he Propeny and Lendcr:rights in�he Propeny. <br /> • � ' Lender:uclions muy include puying�ny sums,ecured by u lien which hu.prioriry ovrr this Security Instrument,uppearing �'L��3� <br /> • ' in coun,pnying rea,onublc uuorneyr'feey and entering an Ihe Pmpeny to mukc repairx. AUhaugh Lender may take uction ___�U?' <br /> , under this purugruph 7,l.cnder dcex not have t��do+u, �..�54.';�'i=_ <br /> �';�a�-�._ <br /> Any amounh disbuned by LcnJcr under�his purugruph 7 .hull lxcumc udJitiunul debt of Borruwcr tiecured by this *,�„4�ta�.�. <br /> - Security Imlrument. Unless Borcowcr anJ Lender agrcr la uther Icnn+oP paymcnt,�hese umourn�shull brur interetit from the . � <br /> date of dixhurscm�:nt at the Nnte rale w�d ,nun ne�uy;�ni�, with intercsl. up�m notice from Lender to Borrower reyuesting . . - <br /> .. puyment. <br /> „ S. Mort�age Insurance. II'L�nJrr n�yuired mixlEuge in.ururxc a+a cunJitiim��f making tlk loan tiecured by this x _ <br /> , � Securiry Inslrument, Borrower+hall pay tlx pre�nium,reyuireJ tu maintuin Ihr mohgage in�urunce in effect. If, for uny �° <br /> reuson. �he martguge in+urunce rovrrugr rNyuir�J by LenJer laptic. or cru�e. k► t►r in eftect. Borrower tihull pay the -° <br /> �' � prcmiums rcyuimd to obwin covcragc�uh.tunliully�yuiv:�l�nt t�► thr motlgagc inwruncc prcviiw.rly in rt'icct, a1 a riixt " ' - <br /> ' substantiully equivalent to the crn��o Bmrower ot'�hc nx�ngugr in.urunr� in et'fect.Frum an ulternatc murt�euge ,, `s._ <br /> • , • insurer upproved by Lender. If suh.tumially cyuivaknt mortgage imur•rncr ruvrragr i�nc�t avuiluble.Borrower.hall pay ro . ;.:��;..;r,;;;, — <br /> ��n.,. , Lender each mon�h u sum cyu•rl to onc-twrlith ui'�hc ycarl� mongagr in+urance pnmium Ixing paid by Burruwer when the __�<�.'�==" <br /> insuruncr coverugr lapxed or ceusrd ti�Ix in�f'1'ec1. Lrndrr will uccrpt,u�r und retuin thr,r paynknt+n�u lass rcserve in I ieu "''i:`:':r,,.: <br /> . , of mong�gr in.uranre. Lo,s re.ervc p•rymenh muy no longcr lx rcyuired,u�thr uptiun uf LcnJer,if murt�agc insurunce .. - — <br /> • coveruge(in the umounl unJ for Ihe Exri�xi that LctMler reyuirc.l provideJ My an imurer approveJ by Lrnder uguin become, � • - _ <br /> � � . uvuiluble und i�obluined.Borrower+hull p:ty thr premiwn.rcyuir�d ti�muintain nwngu�r insurunce in effect,or to pmvide u <br /> ' � .: los.reservc,until thc reyuirement far inung�ige in.urance accunlunre wi�h any wriuen:i�:rcemem lxtw•cen Bormwer � � <br /> und Lcnder or upplicablr law. <br /> ` 9, Inspection. LcnJcr or i1s;��;cnt rna} makc rc•r+onuhlr rmrir�upun :md in+p�rti��n+uf thc Pruperty. Lcndcr�hull � <br /> give Burrowcr nolice ut Ihe tim�ul'or p�ior tu an in.�cti��n.�xcifying rea.onaMr cau,e li�r�he in.�xrtion. "' <br /> , 10. Cundemnallon. The pnxred.��f any a�►att1 ur�lairo tur d:una�!e+,dirrr�ur ron.eyucmial,in runnectioo with uny , <br /> Smglr F•rmllr--Funnle�fue/F'nddfc\fuc l'11FIIR�t I\ti"fRl'�fEVl' 1'nrtunuc'o�rnam, VP111 ���der?n►n�ai���u { <br /> - - urc.�l 1�1n IWwin�a�hqm..I�r� � . <br /> . d��pM�'all 17MMIS1149;197 :FA\IiUL191•I1.11 . <br /> } , <br /> k <br />' Z -r--'_ <br /> .t <br /> 1 <br /> I <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> , � � <br />� { _ <br />