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<br /> ; -d::.� .�:... 92- ��1959 `---
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<br /> � X '° • --'...,..
<br /> • a-�9`"'� ;?':;�, TOQEPHER WITH ull thc improvemcntz nuw on c�rcaftcr cr��ctcd an thc propeny,und ull caticmrn�s,uppuncnunces; ----.•.-
<br /> - �-��;�,,�.�,���;�r•'• and fixwres naw or hereaflcr u purt of�hc property. All rcRlaccmcn�x AnJ uddilions shall ulso bc covcred by ihis Security �.�?:-;:-;_.._
<br /> . ,,��`" Inatn�mem. All of the faregoing iK referrcd lo in this Security Intiirument us thr"Property." _v
<br /> ,6• -� •� BORROWER COV�NANTS thu�BuROwcr iti lawfully�cised af thc cstu�c hcrehy c�mvcycd und ha�Ihc right�o grant --
<br /> . and comey the Property und thut the Property is u�cncum6ereJ,excep�far encumbnmces of record. Rorruwer warrunls and �=___
<br /> , �' •' :•�.,M, will defend generally the tiUe ta the Property u�tuinxt all cluimc und demund�,subiect ta un encumbrunce�af rc�:ard. �'�;.'�=: _
<br /> Y ���,:_�_,=_-
<br /> �• °°�`' �-"� • TFIIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT comhines uniform covenant� for nuii�nc�l usc und non•uniform cavenunts with
<br /> • • limited variations by jurisdiction tu wn+iiw�c u unifomi+ccurity in.trununt covcrin�t rcal property. �"='_ -----
<br /> ''����''^'� ��• ` ''`� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawcr and Lender covenam und uHrce u+fbllawx:
<br /> '� �� � " - ' " 1. Payment ot Principal and Inleresti PrepAyment and Late('hprges. Barcaw�r shull promptly puy when due the
<br /> .;� " . � principul of and interest on the debt evidenced By thc Notc und uny prepuyment und lute chargez duc under the Note. �'_-=�=_'''�'----
<br /> - •• d ����' ��- 2. �unds Por Ti�xes and Insurs�nce. Subject to upplicable law or�o u wriuen wuiver by Lender,Borrower�hnll pay to
<br /> " • . - Lender on thc dey monthly puymenty:ue duc under the Nwe, until the Notc is paid in full,u sum C'Funds")for: lul ycurly :�-".=--
<br /> r d �axes and asse�sments which mny uttuin priority over Ihis Security Instniment�s a lien�n the Property:(bl yearly leaschold -�.__
<br /> Qayments or ground rents on 1he Property, if uny: �c) yeurly hs+ziud or propeny insurnnce premiums: (d1 yeurly flexxl E___-=______
<br /> , � � ,,•� � � msurance premiums. if any; 1e) yeurly mongage insurance premiumx, iP any; nnd(fl uny sums puyable by Borrower to _
<br /> Lender, in accordnnce with the provisions of purngraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mohguge insurunce premiums. These _
<br /> � a•• items ure culled"Escrow Itemx.' Lender ms►y,ot uny time,collect und hold Funds in an amount n�►t ta exceed the muximum �:';;�.�_�--
<br /> ' �' u . ° umount a lender for a federally reluted m�xtgs+ge loan may requirc for Borrower's escrow uccount under the federi+l Reul _ --
<br /> " Esture Settlement Pracedures Act of 1974 as nmended from lime to time. 12 U.S.C. $2601 et sep.l"RFSPA"),unless unother "�•�'�-;"'
<br /> ,,,; t i�'!-:n;---
<br /> lew thut upplies ro�he Funds sets u lesser amount. If so.Lender may.At any time,callect und hold Funds in an umount not�o ��� •
<br /> •,.S �� • � exceed the lesscr umount. Lcnder muy estima�e the amount of Flmds due on Ihc bu.is of currenl duta And reasonuble �___ _
<br /> ; ° estimate�af expenditures af future E.crow Itema or othenvise in accordunce with applicuble luw. �"'°�'°' _—.
<br /> � •• The Funds shall be held in nn ins�itution whosc deposits are insured by a federui ngency,instrurnentaliry,or entity ;e:
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such nn intititution)or in uny Federal Home Loun Bank. Lender shull upply tfx�Funds to puy ��'
<br /> Ihe Escrow Items. L.ender muy nol churge Borrower for haldin� and applying�he Furxls, annually analyzing Ihe e.crow �'� �" "�•.-
<br /> uccount,or verifying the Escrow Items, unlexs Lender pays Borrower ioterext on �he Funds und upplicuble luw pennils `'�== �
<br /> �►•_::
<br /> � �' I.ender to muke xuch a churge. However,l.ender may require Borrower to puy u one-time churge for un independent reul ��..,�;,
<br /> e�tate ts�x re rtin service used b I.ender in connectian with this loan,unlexx upplicuble law provides othenvisc. Unlexs un �-•�'°'"-'�=-
<br /> . p� 8• Y �_�'-:':��-:_.
<br /> �• ugreement is mude or upplicable luw rcyuires interes�to tx:paid,Lcnde�shull not bc required to puy Borrowcr any interest or �;:_ --
<br /> eurnin ti on the Funds. BoRawer und l.cndcr moy ugree in writing,howcver.thut interest shall bc�paid on the Funds. Lender ��=•_=�=�
<br /> � �� �v=��.
<br /> shall give to BoROwer,without rhurge,un annuul uccounling oi�he Funds, showing credils und debits to�he Funds und the _ ___ _
<br /> � ' • ° purpose for which euch debit to the Funds wus mude. The Funds:u�c pledged ns additionul.r•ecurity for ull sum.,ecu�ed by ���-`-=-
<br /> + Ihis Security Instrument. �"—'r�A-�-"-'-'"
<br /> - -- , ----- It the Munds heid by Lendcr exceed 1hc •ruwuot, peruutizd to b�: held by applicablc law, Lender�:hs!! account to �'�"-'��"-
<br /> ' ° Borrower for the excess Funds in ncrorJunce with tlx� requirements of upplicuble lAw. li'thc umount of Ihe Fundz held by �'� ' _--_
<br /> Lender at ony time i,not sufficicnt to puy ihe Exrruw Items whcn due,Lendcr may tio notify Borrower in writing,s�nd,in �'-.`-�- �_`�
<br /> such cnse Borrawer xhull puy �o LenJer thc umount nece�sary to muke up the dePiciency. Borrower shull make up the ' ''°`•
<br /> ��,;`--
<br /> , deficiency in no more thun twelve monthly payments,ut l.ender's tiole Ji,cretion. `""�"'`'
<br /> Ml�., —�
<br /> ' Upon puyment in full of ull �um��ecured by thi.r Sccurity Inxtrument, Lender shull prompdy refunJ to Borruwer any ��--54�t='�•,'"'
<br /> n N
<br /> '+>�r°�-�-_
<br /> y P' 8 P 4 p� Y• P N '"`�
<br /> 1=unds held b Lender. If,under rru ru h 21.LenJer .hall uc uire ar xeD the Pro n Lender, rior to Ihe ac uitiition or ,.�.-:r:
<br /> ' tiale of the Properry,tihall upply uny FunJs h�ld by Lendcr ut ihe time oF acquisition or sule ns u credit ugainst Ihe sums �"�is�;�,:� _
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. ��"'�"R '�=
<br /> " . 3. Applkation of Payments. Unless applicublc luw provides �xhrrwisc, all puyments mceivcd by Lcnder under f r
<br /> • puragraphx I anJ 2 shull be applieJ:tin�,to uny pr�payment churge+dur under�he Nule;second,to:�mount.r•puyAble under � ��
<br /> puragruph 2;Ihird,to intere.rt duc;founh,to principal Juc:und lu+t,io i►ny late charge.due under the Nae. _
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrowcr�hull puy ull luxcs,as,esxmemz,churges, tine, und impositiuns uttri6utuble ro the
<br /> � Propeny which may uttuin priority ovcr thi,Security Imtrum�nt,und leusehold p�yments or ground rcntx,if�uy. Borrower _
<br /> shall pAy these obligulionx in thc manner proviJed in purugruph 2,�ir if not puiJ in tha�manner.BoROwer shull puy them on �• :
<br /> time directly to�hc person oweJ paynunt. Borrowcr,hull promp�ly fumish tu l.cnJ�r all nuticc.of amuums Iu t�paid under � '�� _
<br /> • this paragraph. If Burrower mukes Ihese paymem�JirecUy, Borrowrr shull prompdy i'uroish to Lender receip�s evidencin� �,; ,
<br /> • • • the payments. 4 .. ". ' -
<br /> .� Borrower shall pmmplly dischur�!c any lien which hu,prioriry over thi�Scruriry In.trument unle,s Borrowcr:(ul s►grees � .. ___
<br /> in writing to the payment of the obliguti�m ucurcd by�hr lien in u munner accep�able tu Lendrr,(n)cumr�t+in good faith the � - __
<br /> lien by,or defenJs aguimt enfurcement of thr licn in.Icgul proccedings which in thc Lrnder�opinion operute to prevent Ihe i ' �
<br /> o • enforcoment of�hc lien;or(cl secures I'rom thc holder uf thc licn an agnemrni.ati�factory to Lender sutwrdinuting the lien �;,:
<br /> � to this Securiry Instrumem. If LrnJer detertnineti tha�vny pun nl'the Prop�rly ix subject w a licn which muy uttuin prioriry _
<br /> over this Securiry Instrumcnt.Lender may givc Borrower a nuticc idrn�ifyin��he lien. Borrower xhull wtisfy the licn or take
<br /> " { one or more of thc actions sct forth aFxwc within It1 Juy,i�f Ihr givin�ot'noticc.
<br /> 5. Ha�ard or Property InsurAnce. Burrower shull krrp thr impruvrmrnt,now rxi,tinE on c�reaftc�rrccted un the !
<br /> ,Y Propeny inaured uguimt lox+by I'irc,haiurds inrludcd within thr trnn"rxtcnJrd c���rrag�"and uny ulhrr h•rtarJs,inrludin�
<br /> , tloads or flooding, for which Lcndcr rcyuircx intiurwuc. 1'his in�urancc shull tx m•rinwinrJ in thc umounts •rnd Yor the ,
<br /> Fi�rm 102N 4�90 ��wv�•-��1 n/wx�•��
<br /> �
<br /> 1�
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> _ __ _ � _ _ _ - —
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