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, 1"f'ca. ' _' ' +'ali�i�ilY,e ._ <br /> !I <br /> 6 V'�_ �.+ ' ,�:�'�� <br /> .. . i ...�i.. ... �1.' <br /> ... ._..� - � �1�__ . ._...._ - - . <br /> .. �.e •... _ <br /> _ . _� _ ..__ _ ...� ._. ,l . _..__ <br /> '���'V� � _, - � <br /> : - �.� <br /> . .♦ . ". _ __ _._"_..—.�__,_. <br /> �'.��t .w r r - .���- ---. -- <br /> . �� 92-1018 5 2 -- _ -____ <br /> _ - �-;°��,�-_� ..� . ��__-_ _ <br /> - ._e�.�y�_:...�a:�x.�.� • <br /> ..�''.: �W����V.•.uW <br /> J���''��4��i;; npplicablc Iww muy Rpccify iar rcinslalemenU IxWrc xalc ai!hc Pn�peny pursuant to any pnwer of hule cantuincd ln this <br /> ,�.'�.�.•�� , ..�� : Sccurity Instrumenl;ar Ib)enuy of u judgment enf�rcing�hix Sccurfty Inx�rumcm, Thase conditionx are�h�t Borrower: (a) <br /> �� � f ''� payn Lender all suma which then wauld be due under �hia Secudty Inslromenl un�l the Note a� ff na eccelerotion had <br /> �^ ��� �xcuRed;(b1 curcti uny defuult of uny�wher cavenunl�ur agrcementx;lc)puy.r all eapen+eg incurred in enforcing Ihix Security <br /> '.,, E�'��•�''.. Instru�nrnt. itkluding. twt no� limi�ed�a, muwnublr nn�meyx' fces; und WI �ukev yuch uction ax Lcnder may ncu�onably _^ <br /> : ,,...... ..., rcyuitt la a�tiurc Ihul thc licn of'lbis Sccurily In.lrumrnl,Lendcr K righls in dic Pirop�:ny und Barrowcrk ubligulion to puy thc �,; <br /> �;Y�:: ,� '' Kume rwcurcd by thix Securlly In�trumcnl xhnll ronlinuc ix�rhanged. Up�m reinstatcmcnt by Barruw•cr, Ihlx Security 3°"-----.--- <br /> �;,�...t. <br /> •a ' . �- Insuumenl und�he nbliRulionx xccured hereby.rhull remuin fully ctfective ur if no uccalerulian hud necuRed. However.lhic __ _ <br /> �A-�_--- �:r.�`�"`^'. ri ht to reins�otc r;hall niK apply in Ihc cu+►c af urcclrration undcr purug�upb 17. _ _ <br /> t�[.�.Y)4l.,�n.:3' y <br /> �° .. . :.���' 19. SAIe ut Note=ChwaRe of l.oan�ie�vke� 'Phr Notc or A purtiul interc�t in Ihc Nntc Itogctlxr with ihi�Security <br /> � " InstrumenU muy be wld onc�r ma�c timr+wilhout priur n��licc to BaRUwer. A tiulc muy rcrull in u changc in 1he enlity <br /> " (knawn as the"LoAn Seivicer")thul collrct,manlhly puymemw due under�he(Vute und thiM Security InKuumena. There ulso <br />,��� , moy be one or morc chamgcw af�he Loun Servic��r unreluted p►u r.ule��f the Nute. li there i�;u chunge of Ihe Laun Servicer, <br /> a Bortower will be given wriuen nc►lice uf�he rhunge in ucr��rdunrc wi�h purugruph 14 ulxwe und uppliruble luw. The notice <br /> • ", - will Rtate U�e numc und uddress uf thc ncw l.uan Scrviccr und�he oddrcxx to which puymentx should bc madr. Thc nodcc will _. <br /> " � also contain any other infbrmali�m reyuircJ by npplkuhle law. �' ^� '� `�— <br />° " 20. H�rdous Substaaces. Burr��wer�holl no�ruuK or pertnU thr presencc.uac,di�powl,x�oragc. ar rcicusc of uny <br /> . • Hnzardou. Substances an or in �he Properry. BuROwer�huU �rn da. nar ullow unyunc elxc ta do,unything uffecting the <br /> ° Rroperty thui n in violation of uny�nvironmcntul Luw. The prercding two scmcncc��hull not vpply to thc prescnce,use,ur <br /> � •: stornge oa the Property af smull yuumitic�uf HuxurJouw Subxu�nces�ha�ure senernlly��ecagniud ta be appropria�c�a nortnul _ <br /> residential uses and to mnintennnce��f the F'roperty. <br /> " Borrower shnll pmmptly give l.ender written nutice of uny invr,ligution,cloim,demund,luw,ui�ur other actian by uny _ __. <br /> - " � guver�mcntnl or regulAtory agency or privatc puny inv��lving Ihe Propeny und uny Hvxurdous Substunce ar�nvimnmentul --- <br /> � � Luw of which Borrowcr hus uctuul knowledgr. If Bormwcr leurn�, or is no�iGed hy uny guvemmernul or regululory `,''r�� <br /> � , uuthority,that any removul or other remediution of liny Hur.arJou,Subslunce affecling Ihe Property is necex+ary, Bcxrower �'A�;r� <br /> shall promplly tuke ull necessnry remediul uctian�in uccordnnce wi�h Environmemul Luw•. ��-,=:....._;- <br /> � . • � As used in this puragruph 20,"Hu•rurdous Subxtunce�'ure th��se�ubstanrc.detined a�toxic or hut�rdouc "`�•4- <br /> . . ;w..c, <br /> Environmentul Law and�he foUowing�ub�tancc.: gu+olinr.kero�enr,otlxr tlummuble or toxic petroleum praduct.r•, wxic , �.,,�.:,._ <br /> a � perticidcs und hcrbicidrs, volutilc solvcnts, mutcrials n�ntuining astx,t�n or iixms+ldchyde,und ruJiouctivc rnutcriul+. Ax •_.�, <br /> ., _ � • �:..1�:��;..° : <br /> ' used in�hi�purngruph?0,"Environmentul l.uw' mean.federol Inw�und luws of ihc jur�sdictian where�he Prnperty is located __ <br /> �•� ••��- • thut rclalc ta heuUh,safc�y or cnvironmentul prrncction. ==- <br /> ��,; �� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwcr und Lendcr funhc�covrnun�and uHic�u.fullowti: ir.,___.- -z-T== <br /> 21. hccelerallon; Rewedicw. Lender shall Sive nutice to Bt►rrower prinr lo acceleration folbwMg Burrower's g��,=�"'-'� <br /> . breach uP any covenant or a��eement ia thls Securily Inslrument Ibut nut priar tu AcceleratMn under paragrs�ph 17 � ��'M::' <br /> unless applkable IAw provldes otherwlsel. The notice shgN specify: lal the defauU;lbl the pcllon reyuired tu cure the �'�rfY - <br /> " ° • • dePault;Icl A date,not fess than 38 day+irum iire daie ii�e noilct IS�!t•est!a�vhich th�tlefsuls mus! be ��;'' <br /> • ,.:;,,. <br /> ^ cured;and Idl ths�t f�ilere lo cure Ihe dei'ault on or bePore Ihe dute specified in the nutice may result in acceleration oP T.:;�;;;f..:,,�"=—� <br /> �,.,.�_ <br /> � the sumc secured by thls Security lostrumenl and sale oi the Property: The nutice shull furthe�inP��rm&�rrower of __ .��,,;.— <br /> . . , ' ' tbe right to reMstAte after Acreleralion und the ripht to brin#a court uction to ac5ert the non•existence of u defuull ur '.;,;�;�.r�,r;;;:: <br /> : .,;� ' • , any othe�defense of Borrower lo ucceleration and sale. IP the default is not cured on or beiore Ihe date speciiied in .;';=��.x. .;f��,-: <br /> • / the notice.Lender at its oplN►n may require immediute payment io Pull uf ull sumti tiecured by this tiecurity Inslrument ".':t.`• ,r:"` <br /> ;,•.; . . <br /> ' without Further demand and mey invukc the po�ver uf sule and uoy other remedies pe�mitled bv�pplicable IAx•. .t1,.. . <br /> � � �� Lender shall be entitled tu collcrt ull expenseti incurred in pursuinu the remedlev provided in Ihix paru�ruph 21. . •� ' .,,-. . <br /> includlns.bul not Iimitecil tn,rea�onuble uUurneyti'Peew und costx oP litk e�•idence. . • <br /> d 71�ustee tihull record u notice uP dePuuU in euch rountv in which unv pyrt oP the � <br /> , IP Ihe puwer of sale is im•uke . ,. <br /> Property is Iceated ond tihull mull cupieti ol'such notice in Ihe munner prescribed by upplicuble law�to liorrower und to ��.�. _-__ <br /> the Mher persons pre�cribed by upplicublr luw. After Ihe time requirrd M•upplicable law.'IYuslee shall�i�•e public �" , :.�r__. <br /> . notice of sale to the penunz und in Ihe munner prescrihed by upplicuble luw�. "Ilruslee.«•ithout demrand on Hurrnwer, __ <br /> shall sell the Properly at public auction lo Ihe hiuhext bidder at the time und place und under the terms desiunated In � - � _ <br /> � � ttie notice uf sale in une or more pvrcels und in um•order 71�utiler determines. 'IYustce may pntilpune sule oP aU o�an}• �-� _ <br /> ��_;.:: <br /> ' parcel oP the Proper/y by public unnuuncement ut Ihe lime und pluce uf um•pre�inusl}•ycheduled suk. Lender or its �• <br /> � , .. .. - . ;- � desiRnee may purchase the P�opert�•ut an�•xulc. . ., �'�.�. <br /> .;t Upon receipt uf puyment oP thr price I�id.'IYu.r•Icr�hall deli�•er tn the purchuzrr'IY�u.r•t�r's deed cnm•eyin�!tbe ` �i�r•� <br /> Property. The recitals In thc 7Yustee'r de��d zhull be prirnu Fucie e�•idenre ai the truth of thc+tatements made therein. ; <br /> � � 7Yestee shall apply 16e pruceeds uP the.r•uk in thr f'uQowink ordrr: �ul lo ull c��+tti und e�penses uf'exercising the pu���er � <br /> �:;�-: - <br /> � , ` .••�.::;_, <br /> � . �°�; <br /> � i ,f�_- <br /> ; ', <br /> Mi�rm M128 Yi4p 1�41N'S�dn►m��•�i <br /> . i . . . <br /> � . . <br /> S <br /> . � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> . <br /> . <br /> � ` <br />