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<br /> R• �..�rl��yCA'u:
<br /> �4,,,,���::,;�' condemnuti�►n ur otlkr wking ul'uny part ot'�hc Praperty,or far comcysmcc in licu��f rondcmnution,um hcreby axsi�neJ und
<br /> ' ���-•�'n �hull 6e uiJ la l.cnd�r. —
<br /> �`��T'��`�.�.������ In he evrm uf o tatul �uking of the Property. the praceeda shull i+e applied to thc sum� ucumd My thia Securily
<br /> _ Imtrumem,whelhcr or na then duc, wi�h any cxrevs paid to Bnrrawcr. In�he event of u puniul�aking ol'�he Propedy in
<br /> � . � , ��� :, which the fair murkct vulue��f�hc Prupeny immediutely before thc�uking ix equ:�l ia ur grcaicr�hun Ihc amoum af thc�um�
<br /> • sccumd hy this Securiry Inti�rumrnt irnmediutrly bc:l'ore�hc tnking,unlcsti Surrowcr und L.cndcr othrrwihc u�rcc in writing. _
<br /> � ^ �' -� . . . the aumx�cumd by �his Scwuri�y In�irument +hall be reduced by�he um��um ui Ihe �+r�x��ed,muUiplied by thr tolluwing
<br /> __,.��_•..•�^�. . f'racti�n: Iul the totul amuunt��f�hc�umx scrunJ immediatcly Ix:G�rc thc tukin�,dividcd hy Ibl�he fuir murkct volue af the ` ` __
<br /> "� Pmperty immediu�ely befare �he tuking. Any bAlanre shall bc paid io Bortnwcr, In Ibe evrnl ul�u pani:�l luking of thc
<br /> , � ' . Property in which thc fuir murket vuluc of�he Pirapeny immcdiu�cly h�:forc ihr �uking i. Ic�� ihun thc umuunt��f�hc zumx -_
<br /> --- °. � �ecured immediutely 6efore thc laking, unlen� Bi�nuwcr and LenJcr i�thenvi�c uRrer in writing ur unkx. upplicublc luw
<br /> . � •, „ o�henvise pmvidex,ihc prncecds shal l hc upplied to ihe+ums xerured hy �hi�Securiiy InKtrument whc�he���r n��i tlx�xumx u►e
<br /> ,, then Juc.
<br /> y�r e" • If the Property ix uhandoned by Bnm►w�r,or if,uper ni�ticc hy Lendcr la Boru►wcr that the r�mJcmnor uffen to mAkc _ __
<br /> • .. un uw:ud or settle u claim for dumuge..Bormwer fuik to respond to LenJc�wiihin i(1 duy�aflcr�hc datc thc notice ir given. _ __
<br /> � �� ' _�` Lender is uuthorfied to collrct und upply the praeeds,ul its option,either to rr+torutinn�x rrpair nf Ihr Pruperty or lo the °°•°-
<br /> '�� �'' �' � b '� sums,ecured by thir Security Instrument,whether o�not then due.
<br /> ' ',r•;, Unles+ Lender und �nrrower othenvise agree in writing, any upplicalian of prcxecd+lo prir�ipal tihAll not extend or _ —
<br />, " , postpnne�hc due da�e oi�hc m��nthly paymen�,referred tu in purugruph+ I und:ur chUnge�Ix amount of'.uch payments, _—
<br /> • • • ' 11. Rarrower Nnt RelenRed; Forl►ew�ance By Lcnder Nut a Wuiver. Extension of �hc time ior puyment or
<br /> R
<br /> � modifirvtion of umoniiati�n of�he tiumy s��cured by thix Securiry Instrumenl grun�cd hy Lendrr ta uny,uccr+sor in intereti�
<br />' of Borrowcr shull not operatr to rcicatic thc liubility of thc originul Horrower c�r B��nowcr+ wcre�uir��n intere.rt. Lendcr
<br /> - " ° shall not bc rcquimJ �o commence pnxeeding.ugai��t +�ny �uccez.nr in inierc,�or ml'u�e to cx�end time ti�r payment or _____
<br /> •' oihenviu maiify amoniration of�he �um++ecured by thiti Sccurity Instrument by rcuson of any Jemund madr by thc��ricinal ` '
<br /> • •� Bormwer or Bormwcr:.ucce.r•son in imere�t. Any forbeuranre by Lender in exercisin�uny riEM ar rrmedy shull not tx a �
<br /> � . . wuiver ot'ur precluJr�hc rxcrci,r of:uiy right��r rt:medy. -
<br /> ' . l2. Successors und As+si�ns Bound:Joinl and Severall.iabiUty:CasiRners. Th�covenunt�und ugrcement.af�hi. �r=�°��--
<br /> • Security Inxtrumem vhull hind nnd I+enetit ihc.ucce+�on and astiign+of l.ender und Borrawcr.+ubjecl u�thr provisions uf ��'��
<br /> . paragruph 17. Born►wcr;rovcnunt. unJ �igreementti tihall he joint und tirverul. Any Rorrnwer N�ho ru•+i�nti thia S�curity ���:•i•�*` ���.�
<br /> �.3`�•a�� In�trument but dixs niN rxecule�he Nnte: lu)is co-zigning�his Security Inztrument onl��tci m��ngu�e,grunl und convey thut
<br /> Borrower's inlerext in�he Propeny undcr thc temis of'this Srcuriry In,irument: Ihl i�no�pennnully obligutrJ a�puy Ihc.ums ....y.,�__�
<br /> �� securcJ by�hir�Srcurity In�trumem;und�cl ugree,thu�l.ender und any other Bc►trowrr wuy rgrc�to extend,m�xiify,t�ortx nr k� ""•`y'":
<br /> ' or mukc uny occommcKlu�ions with rcgurd to thc Icmtti of Ihi� Securi�y Instrument ix thc Notc wi�hnut thut Rorrowcr's "'�-�'�
<br /> . , ,,; consent.
<br /> _ ::� l3. Loan C'harges. If ihr luun.ecured hy thi. Sccuriry Inxln�rnent i� tiubject to u!uw• which �ets muximum loan
<br /> •• . --- �� charges,and�hat luw i.finuiiy in�cq�re�rd,��tiiui i�i�ioieretit or esthcr toan charg,es rs�!lersed!x tn k�rolle!•�!•�.1 in�•nnnectinn ___
<br /> } � „ with�he loun rxceed�he pemuned lirnilx,�hen: lal uny such loun char�c shall lx reduced hy thc um�wn�necc..ury�o rcducr -�__,�n,..'
<br /> • the churgc to�he permilled limit:und Ibl uny �um,ulnudy roll�rtcd From Born�wcr which excecdcJ�xnniued limi�+will he
<br /> rcfundcd to Burrowcr. Lender mny clw�►.r to mukc thi,rcl'und l+y rcducin�thc principal owed under the Nolr ar hy making u �,,,-.�y, � •
<br /> , duc�ion will I►e treuted ns a artiul re uyment w•ithc�ut uny ��,�•:••',e;;,•
<br /> Jirec�paym�n�to Borrowcr. If a rei'uncl reduces princ�put,the re P P P _ __
<br /> .:. ' pmpuymem rhur�c under thr Note. A;y-r,
<br /> � 1�1. NoNceg. Any nnticr to Bom�wcr providcd li�r in thi+ Srcuriiy In.irument�hull Ix�!ivro by drlivrring it or by ` ' �, , _
<br /> ' mailing i�by tint cluss muil unlc.,a{�plicuhk law rcyuirr.use uf unolhrr m�th�xi.Th4 notice.hall ix�Jirected to tlx Properrty „��;�,,v,,,;�'
<br /> . AddRZ+or uny��tlx� addrr�, Burtowcr dchignatc,hy noticc tu Lendcr. Any nuiicc tu Lrndrr shull Ix givrn by tir,�rlu.r•. �}r`,�f�t„
<br /> ..... muil to L�ndcr:udJrcrx.tateJ herein ur an�•�ahrr addm,.Lender�k tii�nule,hy nuticc tn Bnrrc�wrr. Any notice pmviJeJ tor ' !
<br /> �.z..�-�"
<br /> - �� in ti�i+ Securily In+lrument ,I►ull Ik JccmeJ to h:rvr Ixrn givrn tu Borr�iNer ar Lcndcr when givcn us provided in thi� 4°",",`'�
<br /> !�,�„�bre-,
<br /> , parugruph. k:... . .
<br /> • 15. lioverninR I.ow: tieverubiNty. Thi. lcrurily In+uUment .hall lx�uvemcd hy 1'ederul luw and U�r law uf thc
<br />' juriulirtion in which thc Propeny i+ l�kalyd, !n lhe evrm�hul uny prrrvixion i�r clnu.e o(�hi+Securi�y In,irument or thr Nutc
<br /> 'i � ron(licls with applKUblr luw.wnc�untlirt yhull nut all'�ct othrr pru�•i,i�m.ul'Ih i.5rcurity In.lnimrnt or IFx Notc which c•rn
<br /> ' Ix given efi'ecl wi�hout �hc contlicting provitiion. 10 this end the pruvisinn.�.1 ihi.Srcurit�• In,�rumrnl .md Ihe Nale un i.ti:.�.1::
<br /> declured tu lk+cvcraMc. � �����'�
<br /> ' 16. Bnrrmver's Cupv. Burrowrr�hall Ix�:i�•en onc contimned a�p��uf Ih�Ni►tr;md uf�hi.Security In.tniment. ��.^�,,��� ' ,-_
<br /> "' 17. 7Yansfer of the Property•�r u Beneficiul Inlerest in Burrower. II aU��r un�•pan of'ihc Propcny or uny intcrost in � ;
<br /> ' ii iti wIJ ur�run.IcrrrJ lor il'u Ikn�tiriul intcrc.� in I���rr�,arr i„��Id or tran.fcmd and Burr��wcr i� nu� u nuturnl per.onl E
<br /> withoul Lendcr: priar�vrit�rn ronw rn.Lrndrr ma)•,a� ii�up�iun.rryuirc immraliair paymcnt in fuU��f all�um.ucurc�l by ! �=
<br />• thi�Scrurily In+trument. Nuwcvcr.thiti o�xiun�hull n��t tx exrrci.rd by l.rndcr if�x�rcisr i�prahihi�rd by Icd�rul la�v t►s of �. .f�•
<br /> • Ihc dutc of this Srcurily Intitrum�nt. � -
<br /> ' If LcnJer crcrci.c:lhi.optian. Lrndcr,hull�ivr Rurn��crr na�irr uf uccclrri�i�,n. Tlx nallr�,h:�ll pnwiik a(xrrHxl uf
<br /> ' � nnt Irs.Ihan 30 dayti fmm Ihc datr thc noticc iti drliver.d��r mailrJ��ithin��hirl�Borrrn�cr mu.�pa}�nll+um�,rcurrJ hy thi+
<br /> • . Srrurit Instnimem. II'Burro�ver t:ul. tu pa}� �hrx �um, pri��r i�►ihc�•xpiratiun „I dii.p�ruxi. Lender nr,�y invoke any � .
<br /> :':;� y y ,
<br /> ,:j rcmedir��xrn�itt�d by Ihi.tirrurilv 1 mtrumcnt��•ilhuut I'urthcr nolirr��r dcmand un Bi�rto��er.
<br /> . 18. Borrmvcr's Ri�!M to Rcin+ts�lc. II' 13��m�NCr nurt� crhain r�axlitiun.. H�,rnm•�r .hall havr Ihr right tu harc
<br /> cntiircrmrnt��f thi�Srcuri�} Imtnmicnt�li.r�,niinurd at:iny timr prinr tu ihc c:�nc�r ol: l;u S da�.��,r.urh��Ih�r�xri�xl a. ,
<br /> , tiinNlr I•amil� Funnlc�1uc�Frcddk�1uc l\IFIIR�t 1\ti 1 R1�tE\'I�- l nU�nn l'���rnanh 4�411 �p����•��•1 r�P��¢�•��
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