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<br /> �''�'`"��'�u=-� tbe principal omount ot the note al tne time af tbe declvrotlnn uf de�wult�wnd rensoaoble wllarneys'tee9 09permttted
<br /> Y =�-- ��— by IAwt(bl to dl ww secured by thl�Securhy laclrumeali w�d Icl any exca�r lo thr pen�on or pe�oa�k�wlly eaUtled
<br /> �����, •.,�; ' t
<br /> +�'��.:: lo i�
<br /> ^�'��r"="=•.�'� �• Z2. Reconveyance. Upon paymcn� �f all Kumy uxurcd by thix Secu�Uy Imtru�mnl, i.andcr xhull reyucxt 7tuslcc w
<br /> ���g��'�`'"• reconvey Ihc Propeny and sh�ll sumnder ihis Securiry Inxwmcnt unJ ull na�cz rvi�cncing drht +ccured by Ihis Sccuri�y
<br /> '= ";� y'`% .' • '` Instrument to 7ivstee. 7tu.rtec xhull reco�vcy �hc Piruperty wi�huut wurrunty w�d without rhurYc to the perwr► or per�ons
<br /> /���q.^.i.i.'�}1�+..
<br /> ���:�=..� -•- • . legally cmiUed to it. Surh person or pen�om xhall pay uny recardution rostti. L - -y -
<br /> :;� -=�`.,���A���-�•� �� 23. Substitute'IY�ustee. Lendcr.01 ils aptian,may fmm timc to timc remnvc 7ius���nnd uppuim u.uccc,.ur tru,tcc tu -- - -
<br /> �� '�'�`-�`�°"'�'•�'�� any'Th�stee appofnted hereunder by an instnrment recurd��d in thc ruunty in whirh thix S��uri�y In+trumcnt iti rcwrdcd. _
<br /> ` Without wnveyance of the Propcny. the succeswr iruxtec �hall succcrd tu oll �he tidc, pc►wer und du�icr confem�d upon
<br /> �:�.;�:�v�`�F• 7tustee herein and by npplicublc law.
<br /> � .o��-�'� ��- • 24. Request far Notices. Borrower royuesic tfwt c�►pics oF the noiicex nf default nnd tiule lx+rnt tn 8orrawer�uddreas
<br />� , � • which is the Propeny Addre4�.
<br /> 1S. Riders lo this Security Iostrumenl. If onc or more ridrr�urc excculed by BoROwcr and recorded m€cthcr with __ _
<br /> � `: • " this Security In�tn�ment,the covenants and ugrcements of each +uch ridcr shull t+c incorpnrutrd into and,hall amend und
<br />_;� � :• „tk . supplement the covenuntw und ugreemems nf thix Sccurity Inw�rument as if the riderls)wece u purt oi'�his Securily Inwrument. __
<br /> �.,.�•.. (Check ugplicable boxles)I
<br />-'•�� . ':,.�•�:"A...
<br /> '=� ��� �`"°'�"" ,• C Adjustuble Rute Ridcr �Condaminium Ride� �I-�3 Fumily Rider --
<br /> �!,:��r . •��'+i:.':;x"�.. ��'
<br /> _. . . . � ,:-.:' - � �
<br />"-.�" _.. �' --.: ° . �(imduuted Payment Rider �Plunned Unit Devc.lc►pment Ridcr Biweekly Puyment Rider _ -
<br /> ,^'-.-8'a"'° `
<br /> _ �'���:�'"^:�::�a. ' �Bulloon Rider �Ra�e Imprmement Ridcr �Se�und Home Ride� �"
<br /> ,,��i:�:�� . . , �� •
<br /> •,i �` .." ,°y .,;;�:�� X�Other(sll`�P�cify� ACKNOWI.EDGIrIENT �'�':.w�,--_
<br /> � SY SIGNING BELOW, Borrowcr accept�and u�reeti lo!he terms und covenam�coMUined in this Security Imtrument �"'`��'�` P
<br /> . ,;,,. ---
<br /> - , � `''•r�`� and in any rkier(sl executed by Borrower und rewrded wilh il. —�°-�•
<br /> •� • ,.
<br /> "' ... � Witnesxex:
<br /> . . .�. � lSeah --
<br /> M ' -. _-- --_�
<br /> ° - - TH01�'IRS E. HEPNER -s�+�""r' -
<br /> ., Sociul$ecurity Number 562-44-5121 __
<br /> ,. ' \ l�)/��A3� ���� �ClL �il� Seall =---_.—
<br /> . ���� Narowcr .�-
<br /> • ' Sociul Sccurity Numbcr 506-46-14G8 __�`,s1";'`;�,•�y-
<br /> „ � � STATE OF NEBRASKA. HALL Cnunry�s: �•- �,
<br /> ,.
<br /> . . � s ', On�hix 6TH ��y of �IqRCH 1992 .hetorc me.thr undenigned.a Notary Public � ;�,::;r,';' -
<br /> .�, duly commixsiuned and yualiticd for�uid caunty.Exnunally cumc THOMAS E. HEPNER AND '
<br /> SHARON I�. HEPNER� HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to me knc�wn ro bc the .,
<br /> �� Identicul person+ly) who.r namc(s1 ure.ubscrif►ed io �hr tiirrgnin� im�n�ment und ucknow edged the rxecution Ihereof to �;��K��:::
<br /> �� t,c THEIR voluntury uc�urxl Jecd. �"''-'"`
<br /> � �
<br /> m hand und naariol seul u� GRAND ISL , in said county.�h� �''��'�`• '
<br /> • � ° d af y �'a'�+.-r` �P.�.�1'�'M�
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<br /> . dly �GIM �Qr •..�`.':'-R;�:=°=
<br /> � ��f;�MC���� REQUES'1'HUR ItECONVEYANCE �;_"`"``�'�'
<br /> � . " A� �J t;^'==°�=-�y_
<br /> TO TRUSTEB: �9�'`�4ry .. ..
<br /> . , 't'he undcrsigned . �1q+1 r of ihe nntc��r nntr..ccurcJ by thi,DcrJ uf 7�u.t. SuiJ noic or notes,to�ether wilh all f
<br /> ' alher indebtedncss secured tiy IW�x Iked of Tru,l.havr txen puid in t'ull. You urc hrrrhy Jirccl�d tu canccl�aid note or notes ,
<br /> und this Decd of 7ivst,which urc dclivcrcd hrrcby,and t��rcranvrc.ui�huw��:►rran�y.all thr c.tatr now hcld b� you undcr �
<br /> , this Dced of'flual to Ihe penon cK perrum legully�nlitleJ tlkreio. �
<br /> Dute: —�--- - - -- �
<br /> turmJO211 s/9e �pa4�ra,ye�w.ves, .'
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