_+� �r� . . ��t,.r. • .va•,�;,• n_ ;�,_. . , .sn. ��s,raA+ r >i.r.��= _
<br /> . � i+I.a ��}�'�+' rw ��r,,. �,.ic..r"' �..��.ylius,� �,rh•�x =
<br /> t ti �`..ft
<br /> ` "�r'`•'� }..'l,��f� , .. � irni� ���- �.-.«�.� _ '"_. ._. ' _ ;__ .
<br /> ' . 1.�1.'.. -..-�
<br /> � ,�klec'.f1��:.`�..�._y ..* vi..:'...:--
<br />_ .'_ . • � _ _"" ' „ __—- _- — —_ _. . ��
<br /> _r_,,.� ..� 92- 1�194'�
<br /> :.� _-��: _ � -
<br /> � ��,'•1�� �:-.u*` ruudrmnu�ion��r uthcr lukin�t ul'uny part uf�hc 1'ro�ny.or Ii�r coirvcyuikv n►licu nl rundrmn�Ni�N�.urr Ik�rchy u�ri�arJ un�l =�---
<br /> ._... . . . @t�s:°.°';_':x��r-:_-
<br /> f �hull tx puiJ�o IAnJcr.
<br /> �. .:;,;,.:� `.
<br /> �. . In �hc evrm of a t��tul wkinF c�f thc 1'�o�ny. �hc pr�kcc�lti ,h:dl Ix upplird iu �h� ,um+�ecwcd by tha ticcurily
<br /> .�..,n-
<br /> ..
<br /> " ...',S.P,,�.�'a�;a.,' � In+�rumen�.whclhcr ur nnt tlxn Juc, wuh uny cxcc.�puid to Hurn�wrr. b�Ihc r�eni of a purtiid R�kin�of Ihr I'ru�xhy in
<br /> ,;,�.,_:; ,;:.,�,,,�,-... ` whirh�hr fuir markc�vulw�uf�hr 1'�u�xhy innnr.liu��ly hcli�rr�Ik t;i{�inE i,r��ui�l u�nr�treulcr than ihr�nnuum nl�hc,um, �u�----
<br /> - ...�•.• .•:: . �crured hy thi.Securiry Im�rumcm immediu�cly ixti►rc�hr tul.inE. wdr.,Burruwrr anJ L.iidrr utl�rr«i,c,�gnc in ��ri�in�t. �:�-__�---- -
<br /> r:�.a Sr'.;���a.,,�:_.
<br /> Ihc.ums ucured hy ihi.Sccurily In,trunirm�hull Fx:redurrd hy �hr ainu�uw ot the pr�xerd. muhipli�d by ihc liillu�ving ��
<br /> -- , I�r;ktiuu: (al thc tutal umounl��I'Ih�+um+�rrured in►ntedi�Uely helim Ihc i,il�inE.Jividcd I�y Ih1 1hc 13�ir marl.cl v:ilur nilhr �"n-- .
<br /> • ' ' . , , • Q ,:• Pm�xny immcdfutcly ba:ti►n thc �ukin�!. Any bulancr .hull Ix puiJ �n HurruN•rr. In Ihe cvem u1.i p:�rl�ul �uhmg ul thr �_
<br /> ,.,� � , 1'ro�xrty in which thc fuir murkr� vulu� �d'ihe F����xny immediuirly Ixti�re thc uilin�i. 1�+,than ihr umoun�u(�hc.um, �__�_—
<br /> - . .rcunJ immeJiuicly fkti�rc �hr �akin�. unlc,. I;urn�wer amd Lrr,�kr uthrr��i,c u�rce in wri�ing ur uulr,� ;�rrr.:�ni� luw - -___-
<br /> , ' �ithcrwi.c prnvide�.the pr�KCrd.+hull iw upplird�u Ihr.um,tierurcc!by�hi+Srcurii�• hi,�rumem whcther or n�n�hr xum►c�r� ::�-
<br /> . ''.� . � �hen due. 6�_�,•,��::.—.:
<br /> If thc 1'nq►crty I.uhundonrd hy Bi�nuwcr.ur il'.uf�cr m��ir�b�Lander i�,H�Kruv►•er�hu�th4 crniJcmnnr utlrn��►mah. ��_=.._.-
<br /> ' un uwur�i itt,cttlt u cluim liir Jumagr+. Burc�,wrr fuil,ta rr+�mJ���l.�nd�r��ithin 311 J�iv.ufl�r Ihc da�c Ihe ni�licc i.Ei��rn. r;_--„-__ -
<br /> ' . • • . Lender i�uulh��rir.rd to cullec�anJ:��ly thw pnkecdti.ui il,uplion.rilher tc�re,toruti�m��r rr��ir ut'tFw Pn��krty or lo Ihr __- - _
<br /> sum++erurcd by�hi.Srcuri�y In+uument,whelhcr ar nat then dua. �-
<br /> Unle.� Lrixl�r and Burcower uthenvi,c aKrec in wri�ing. ,��y �rri��u����n�►i���x«a,u►prinripal ,haU nul rxlrnd �►r
<br /> . . ..�. . po.rtp��ne th�Juc dau ul'ihu monlhly puymrm.n IiR�d lu in parugr:�ph�I :mJ 2�,r rhun�!e thr+on�,unl iH,uch pay�mem.. ��N_,.--
<br /> '' � • 11. Borrower �ot Releuhed; Forbeurance By l.ender Nat v Huf��e� �x�rn+ion uf ihe iimr ti�r puymcm ar �,�_
<br /> mudiiicutiun ot'umoni�ulion of the.um..ecure�l by thi+Scrurity Imtrumem gramed hy LcnJrr la any,ucrr.,ur in intcr+rtit ���.-�-
<br /> � of Bnm�we� •h;�'� nW op,�utr to n•I�ii�r Ihr li:ibiliry ot'�he originul fiixrowrr or Bi�rruwer;wcce.,ur. in interc��. LenJ�r ---_
<br /> ' .. ,hull n��t lk rryu�rcd Iu«�mmencr pn�..�rdin� ��euin.� uny .urre„nr in interr.t or rcl'u.e �u rucnd timr li�r pi�ymrm ��r -_
<br /> . otherwi,r malify am�mir.u�iun of ihc tium�.ccurcd by thi+Scruriry In,trumem hy reu,un��I':my dcmunJ madr by�hr�►ri�inul �-�;___-
<br /> . • • �' Bnrrower or Burrow�r'.,ucrrx,un in in�crc��. Any ti�rtxaruncr hy Lrndcr in excrri�in�uny ri�ht u�rentrdy+hull �wt Ix a ��
<br /> � waiver��f or precludc Ihr�xcrci.c�il'any right��r rcmcJy. '.''�~r'
<br /> .,.,.`
<br /> � � l2. tiuccecsorx�nd As.gi�os Buund;.luint and tie�erul LlabiUty:Cu-�i�ners. Tlu cuvrnun�.und u�!reenun�.�►f thi. _-
<br /> � . Scrurily Instn►mrnt+hall hind and Ixncli� �hc.uccc�.nr.:md u+.i�m ot'Lcndcr und Nurruw�r. ,uhjrc� �o thc p�uvi,ion, uf `,-',�;,��. �._
<br /> • p•rrugruph 17. B�rmwrr�covrnunl�unJ u�nements ,hull Ixr juint anJ �r�•rr:d. Any Nurro��•rr �vhu ru-.i�!n,thi. Serurilp �. . ' .�_
<br /> • In.trument hut dck�not czcrute the Note: lu1 i.co-.igning thi.tirrurily In+�rumem only tu munga�;r.griml:md ronvey th:n ��=,��_,_.•
<br /> ° Borrawer's imcrc.t in Ihe Pro�xny under thc temi.of thi,S�curiiy In.trumrnt: Ib1 i.no��xr��mully uhligu�eJ tu pay�he,um+ __�=_
<br /> . '. �ecured by thi�Securi�y In,trumenC anJ Ic 1 ugrcr,lhut Lrnd�r•rnd uny other Borru���cr miq•agrcr tu rxirnd.nuxlily.litttk ur ��
<br /> �� . ,•' ' or mukc uny :kcommcxiati�n. wi�h re�:urJ lo thc Icnn� of ihis Securny In.�runmm or thr NiNr wilhou� �hul Horcowrr± ---�--
<br /> , • � cunaent. �mc,�.s.-
<br /> ._ li. Loan CharRec. If Ihr loun �ecunJ by Ihi, Securi�� In.lrumrm i. whjerl w .► luw whicl� �ets muximum luan _.�_,
<br /> • . � churge.,und�hut luw i+finnlly intcrpretcd�o thiu�hr intcr�.��►r uthcr luan chur�rs roiicctcd or io ix coUcctcJ iu cu�ti+i«ti.�n ���+*�
<br /> ;,''� � � with thc Inun exceed the�xnnil�cd limit,.thrn: lal nny�uch luan rhurgr+hall Ix rrdured hy Ih�amuunt n�cc,sury�u reJuce _
<br /> � thc chargr to Ihc FwrmiucJ limil:imd lhl uny�um.ulr�uJy rullur�rd 1'nmi liorn»vcr which rxrrrJed�xrmiurJ limit.will hr ��,
<br /> , t,; :::•':_ refunJed to eorn�wcr. LenJcr miry rhao�c to makc thi,rrl'und h�•��Jucin�e ihr prinripal uwrJ undcr Ilx Nu1r ur li��mukm�!a �"�J;+F+"�:-__t_
<br /> Jirec�payment�o Barcower. If a refunJ rrduce�principal.�hr reduction will lx trcutcJ a�.►pahiul prepuymenl wilhow auy L�.__�_.
<br /> ,:,. �..;.r1',.n.!Jsr•` ..�.
<br /> • , pr�paymem churgc undcr thr Nu�r. • _
<br /> ' .� � 14. Notices. Any noticc to Burruwrr pruvidrd for in �hi. Serurity 1m�rum�nl ,hull M: �:ivrn by iklivcring i1 or by, �;Y--=r���c:.
<br /> ,• muilin�it by tir�l rlus.mail unlr�+applir+ihlr luw rr��uirc+u�r ul un��ihrr mc�h�xl.Thr notic�+hall Ix direcicd a��hc Proprrt�• •.�A�,ua;�.
<br /> Addm.+or uny otlxr uddrc.� B�xruH-cr dc,ignutc,b� nulirr t�i L�ixlrr. Any nnlirr tu Lend�r,I�ull Ix�:ivcn by tini clu+. �r,. :�._.,�,,,_._
<br /> muil lo I.endcr's c�dJr�,.�tiucd hcrein�►r any ulhrr uddre,.Lrnd�r dc+ignalc+I�y natirr 1��H��rrowcr. .4ny n�nirc proviJrd ti�r - .���rt...—
<br /> is��' in thi, Security In+�rurncnt tihull lx decmrd lu hsrvr ixrn given a� H��rrowrr or Lernkr when givrn a.r r«,����a ���n�� �,.,,,� y,,.,ti,:.;
<br /> � purupruph. , ,a�;:---
<br /> ,• K
<br /> 15. 4uverninR I.uw: tieverubUit}. Thi+ tircuritv In.U�umco� ,hidl hr gu�•rrnrd hp I'edcr�d L•�w ;md thc law uf�Ix .
<br /> � � jurisdiction in�vhirhthc F'rn�xrty iti I�xu�eJ. In Ihr.vcn��ha�am• lm�vi.iun urrls�u.c ol'thi,ticrurily Imtrument iir thc Nu�r
<br /> ronflictx wi�h up�lir.�hlr law.tiurh riNitlirl�hidl nut nfl'crt u�h�r pn�vi.iun.nt�hi.Srrurily In,u•umrnt ur Ihr N��IC�shich c:m
<br /> ., ' Ik glvcn efte�l withi�ul lhe contlictin� pruvi+ion. 'li,�hi.rnd du p�ovi�lom of Ihi+ Scruriry Imlrumrm:1nd IhC Nolc un � . :<.�..�r ^.
<br /> Jeclured u►Ix,evcrable.
<br /> � :"' . 16. Borrowcr's e'opy. 13orru�aer+hull Ix gi�cn unr r�mti�mud rup� al Uk hutr and ul ihi,Scrurity In,lrununt.
<br /> 17. 7YunsPer�►�thc I'roperl�•ur n 13encliciul Inlerest in Borro��rr. II'all ur am�p:�rt uf thc 1'ro�xny ar uny inlcre�l in • � �_
<br /> it i.u►IJ nr iran.tcrrrd�ur if a Ixnclirial imrrc,l in Hurru�+�rr i. .uld��r Ir;in.t�rrcd and Burru�ecr i.not u natural �xr�anl �. -_-
<br /> withoul LenJcr± priur ��•riucn r�mticnt. Lrnd.r mav.a� it.upiiun. reyuirc inmirdi.nr paymcnl in full ot'all,um.,rcund h y� ; '`
<br /> � �hi,S�rurity In�irumcrn, Hu��rvcr.Ihi�upiion tihall not Ix rx�rci�rd hy I.�ndcr il rxcrri.r i.pruhihiled hy teJrrul law u�uf ---
<br /> , . � Ifk duic uF thi�Scrurity In.trum�nl. �.. ,
<br /> `� ;:�.�;
<br /> r'•,,;•, If Lendcr ercrci��.�hi.optiun.l.rndrr,hall give 13�irru��•rr nutirr��f acc�lrr:ui�,n. 1�hr nu�irr.hall pruvidr,i�xriud uf
<br /> � � not le.,thun 311day,lYum�hc datr thr n�,ticr i,d�lirercJ or m:�ilyd��ithin��hich Bun•o��rr nu�,1 pay all,uon.ccurcd h}�Ihi+ � �
<br /> ��,•.
<br /> � Srrurity Imlrum�m. II' kiurruwer (ail.to pay Ihr.r .um. priur �u �hr c�pir;uiun ��f Ilii, prri�xl. Lrn�kr ma�• imulr amy �
<br /> rcmcdic��xnnillyd hy thi,Srcurin•Di.lnunrnt a ilh��ui lunhrr nunrc��r drm:mJ un li„rru��rr.
<br /> 1K. Borro�►•er'ti Riuht to Rcinxtule. I( N„rn,��•rr merl, cenain cancGiinn�. Rurrua.r .h;�l) havr Ihr righl la havc
<br /> • enliHrrtmnl ol tlii+tirrurit� IntiUtuncnl di.�•untima•d:il :m) timr pri„r i�,ihr r:�rhrr�H: �:u S �la�.��n•.urh allirr�xrial a� '• ...
<br /> ��
<br /> . tim}Ic I�.nuih Fnnnic SI�N�Mrcddi�•�Iw•1 VIFIIR�t I\�I NI�II•:\I 1 annnn t,��rn.mn 4%911 �p��;r�,•1��p��v..� , .
<br /> {
<br /> �
<br /> — �
<br /> �
<br /> ' � _
<br />