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(. ti .. ..A. 4. :1:.,.tf::� r��a �:.rWey �t°.'> 1�(�}7:�j!n:il'-. !.,I 4:�.';�i� ! ! 1 t:`" a,)de'u <br /> i, t,: :4 �F"S'•r t, t !w �K , t' , o , 1 r/� 1, �.,�a' . h�ct^`: -- - <br /> . . � �-- ��`:+�r s F ;� . , . 4�t!„�:74 4. '�iif �1..t� � pA� ��i��,t� :S. �, <br /> �i•'I� !, �, - ti d+rr�;'l.i`�7�.K '�� w 1 'f:'v~ �v� .1 ��J �{2�yyy!�. ..4~'..�i�. �.—���-- — . <br /> r�1 �� 'l'�:� ��.v..s,�. _ <br /> .�,.. ....,.a. .r....�'_'...�. . . <br /> ��:��_,. . �; <br /> � `.:_;,::r�m�nw-_. <br /> . <br /> r;}�`'.�.'. � . . _ L. ..�.�_ <br />—- — �_ —�� --- --- �.-.�.-. .�.._._--_-_ <br /> �� .e..nri"•" "'.,�iNLEft<r-ieri� . <br /> _: ;..� � .��. ._�_�- . 92- 101845 �-�=_-- _ <br /> ' y^. �' °''��' �� peri�xlY thut Lendcr reyuireti. 7'Im in,ur�mcc currier providing�he innurunce tihull Ix hy H�►Rnwcr,uhjec�tu I.cndrr; � -- <br /> �°__-- <br /> ���- �: uppruvul whi�h�hall nut he unrcu,onuhly withhclJ. If sarn�wc�I'uil+to maimain ruvrruEr d�.rriFxd utxwc. I.enJrr muy,ut �'ya�=-�- ------- <br /> .��I o.,,.a•"'.."''.,,' . Lcndcrr op�ion.uMoin�uver•rgc to pra�cct I.end�r; thr I'ru�xny in i�ccordunc�wi�h parugruph 7. ---.- <br /> �• , All in�u�unce pe.licie�unJ rcnewul.r ,hul l he ucrcptublr lo I,endrr unJ.hull inrlud¢u+�undurd mungugc rluu►e. l.rnder <br /> � ��� Y �hull huvc the right��.hi�ld thc�x+liric,and mnewul+. If Lci�lcr rcyuir.,. Burruw•cr,hull pmmp�ly�ive tu l.cnder nll rcccipt� °"'-..�_. <br /> .�::�..�,.�,r.,,,,.,,:,_ � ��f paiJ premium+und r4ncwnl noticc+. In ihc cvent uf lu,., H��RUwcr.hull giv�pmmpt nuticc In Ihc intiurunrr rui�fer und -t :;,�:--- <br /> , Lender. Lendcr muy mukr pnM�f oi'li►ss it'not made prnnipU� by Born�wcr, �=�`�"---= <br /> ._ " Unlrs, Lcndcr and B�►rn�wrr i,thenvi+c :�grcr in�vriting. imuruncc pr�k�wd�,hull Fx A(��llkll 10 RltilltfdllOO tl�R�1A1�O� — <br /> _ c--:r-.----.—___.�._. <br /> thc Pra ny dumuged. if the rrswr:uian ar �epair i�rcunomirully Ieu.iMe und Lcndrr'. .rrurity i. nut Ic,+cnrd. 11 ihc �,_�_-=-- - <br /> .i41�.��.e�:. : � M <br /> res�orutiun or rcpair i, not ec�mumicully feusible ur Lendcr� ticcuri�y woulJ tx Ir.�rned, thr imurunrc pnxe�dti +hull tx: �� <br /> . . , .. upplied to the tium� .ecured hy thi, Securiiy In+trument. wh�tlxr ��r nut �hen dur. with uny rxrr., pai�l w fi�►rru�vrr. If ����-.- <br />��} . Borcower ub:mdon� the F'ro�xrty.�►r d�ks ncn un+wer within ill Juyr u natice Irum l.ende��ha� ihr in.ur.�nre rarrier hu. �.�N'"���.. <br /> i �d ' offerrJ t��,ellle u rluim.�hrn LrnJrr mu c��Uert thr in+urunrr r�xcrJ.. Lrnder ma uu thc r�K�erd.tu r� air ur rc�lorc �'='w"'`"`"""`- <br /> y r Y 1' P �-.s— - <br /> � the Propeny or w pay,um..�YUrcd hy thi.Security In*�rument,whrthcr ur nut thcn dur. Thr;11-day�x ri�xl will Ix gin when _ .� •� <br /> . , the notice iti Fi�•en. — - - -- <br /> . � , � Unlr,� l.cndcr und Bom►wcr o�herwi�c ugr��c in wri�ing. un>' uppliraliun ol'pnxcrd� to prinripal .hall nut cxtend��r <br /> � postpiMr the due date ul'Ihe monthly paymen�s rrfernd to in par.�graphti I und�or rhange the umoun� uf ihr puyment.. li' - <br /> und«parugruph 31 tfk Propcny is acyuired by Lendcr. Borr��w�r; righl lu any in.urunrc �xdicir,anJ prcxccd� rc,uUin�; -- — - - <br /> " i'rum dumuge lo the F'roperly prior to ihr arcyuitiition rhull paxz to Lendrr w thr cxtcnt of Ihc.umx+ccurcd hy ihi.Seruriry =---- -_— <br /> " Inzln�menl immcJiatcly pri��r�o thc ucyui�i�iun. _ ___ <br /> .. 6. tMcupancy. Presen�tiun. Maiatenaoce ynd Protection uf the Property: liorruwer's Luun Applkatiun; ML ,... <br /> ' . Lcascholds. Bonuwcr tihall�xcupy.c��abli+h.anJ usc thc Pru�xny u�Burrow•rr;Exincipal re,idcncc wi�hin�ixry day�.aQcr „.��� <br /> . „ - the rxeruli�m uf this Security In,�rument und .hall cantinue�o cx:rupy the Prnpem•a�Bom�wer:priixipul rr,idrncr li,r ut '�`�---- <br /> _ �.-. ._ <br /> . " , Iru�t onr year af�er the dute ��f �xcupanry. wile„ Lendcr iHhrrwi.r a�mrs in writing. whirh ronknt �hall not hc �•-- �;: <br /> .. � unreusonubl withhelJ,or unleti,extenuatinc circum��unrc,exisi�vhirh am tx�ond Ron�iwrr:control. Bnrruwrr rhull nrn ��' '� � • <br /> _ y > � �,.,�� <br /> • . detitruy. Jamagr or iinp•rir thc Pru�xny.allu�v thc Pruprny to dcicrioralr.ur contntil wu,lc un Ih�Pru�xrty. Bi�rc��wcr vhull '.;ti: �yQ,��•,,:�,� <br /> " t►c in dctuult if un forfri�ure arlion or r�xcrJin whrthcr civil ur criminal,i�he un�ha[in Lendcr; �xxl I;iith 'ud mcnt r�' '���"' <br /> Y P €. F !� J F '4;;�t,`.�1��-L <br /> rnuld ��ull in ti�rfri�urc at'thr {'ro�xny��r �Nhrr�vi.c matcriully impair ihc lirn rrratrd hy thix Sccuriry In,tnimcrn ur ;�+�•�-�:� <br /> •�%'.ih;'�•�— <br /> � Lendcr;,ccuriry in�crrs�. BuROwc�may curc.urh a drfuull und r�in�lulr,ay pruvi�kd in purugruph IK,hy the ac�ion �� ��� <br /> _ ur pr��ccedinF lo lxx dismis+ed with a ruling l.rnder'�g�x�l 1'uilh dctenniniuion.pncludc, li�rteiturr ut'�ik B��m�wer: '"•t'�"`�a - <br /> inlcrc+t in thr Pro�x;ny or u�hrr mu�rriul im�imxm uf Ihc licn crcatcd by thi.r Security Imlrumcm ur L�n�kr'+ �ecuriry •-'� •�-��� <br /> imcre,t. Burrowcr .h:dl ul,o Ix in Jrfuult if Borto�crr. Juring thr luun npplicutiun prcxc,., �avc matrrially luh� ur � <br /> , inuccuru�r intiirmu�ion ur.tutcmrnt.a�L�ndrr lur fuilyd t��pruviJc l.rndrr«•iih vny matcriul inti�mm�iunl in connrciian with ,�;�"!!�!t'�,�. �. <br /> �hr luun cviJcnced by Ihc Nntc. including. hm not limitcd �o, rc�.rntution, concrrning Barrowcr', �wcupancy of�hc • .:���'� <br /> Pmprny a+u principul resiJiner. If�hi,5ecurilv Imwmrnl iti un ai Ira,rhol�i.Bi►rruwer,hidl comply wi�h ull tlk pruvi.ion+ `�.' . �` .- - <br /> _.. . __-. - . r,�.�� <br /> uf the Ira,e. If Bom�wcr uryuirc�I'ee tiilc�o thr I'ru�xrly.Ihr Iru+chokl and the tcc tidc shull�xa mergc unlc�.Lrndcr ugrces � _- — <br /> to Ihe mcr�cr in��riling. :..,. `' ':��� <br /> 7. Prutectbn of I.ender'ti Ri{�htr+in the Propert,v. II' Borrow�r t'ail, �i� perti�rni Ihc ru�•en:mt.:uul agrecmcntr: ;i;,�^^;•�'-�ng;"_=.� <br /> ' c�mtainrd in Ihiti Scrurily In�trumrnt.ur ih�rc i. u Ir�al pnxc�ding that nuiy �iEnil'irunUy ;dlcrl l.cnikr: right+ in ►hn �'+��-' � „ <br /> Pro�;rly I+uch a�u procecJing in hankru��r�•. probr�c.liir cundrmn:uion ar tiirlcuuru or la rnli►rcc law.ur rc�ululiunsl. Uicn. � • , <br /> l.cnder m:►y Jo und pay ti�r whahver i, nr��,tiary lu prutat Ihc valu��d'�hr PruFx��y und l.rndcr; righ�� in�hc 1'ru�ny. '' .. ,; <br /> � Lcndcr; :ktion,may includr pa}�ing any +unn ticrurcd hy a lirn ahich ha,rriurily o�•cr thf� Sccuritv bt,tmmrnt.a�carin� ; <br /> in court. paying rca.onuhlc auurnry,'fcc,an�l cntrrin�on the Pn►�xny lo mak�rcpair�. Allhuugh Lcndcr nn�y lukc uctiun ;, ___ �'` <br /> ' uncier ihi�puragraph 7.Lendrr d�xti n�,i hare tu du,o. � � <br /> Any anwun�s by Lrnckr uixlcr�hi. paratrnph 7.N:dl 1►rronk nJdilional JrM ut'Hurn►��•rr ,rcur�d by Ihi� , '~��- <br /> , ' Srruriry In.trumrnt. Unlr.,Hnrr����rr and l.rn�k r a�rcr iu ulhcr Irnn.uf p:iymrnt.ihr,r um��unh.hall ix ur in�rnst t'r�im Ihr ':•%= <br /> . � Jatc uf ditihunrmrnt at thc Note r:ur:ind,hall Ix pu�•aMr.��ilh intrm�t.u�wn nutirr t'rum Lrndrr u� liom�wrr reyuc�ling ��'•�. ; ':';:` <br /> -•`F'r'c„ <br /> , , paynl�nl. „� <br /> . 8. Mort�qo�;c Inwruncc. If Lrndrr rcywrrd mung�►�c in.ur:mcc a. a runditiun„1 makin�thr I��an .rrurcd hy Ihiti a�rn�,.�,.- <br />' Srcurity In�trumrnt. BuRO��•rr .hall pa� ihc premiwn. rcyuirrd 1�� mainiain ihr m��n�::��.� in,w•anrr in rltrrt. If. li�r un�. :..r�.•.:`- <br /> . rcawn, thr mungu�r imurunc� ruv�ra�.c rcyuired hc Lrndrr la��.r. i�r c�a,c, lu Ix in rltecl. Nurr�,a�rr .hall pay ihr • . <br /> , prcmium, rcyuirrd �u ��htain ruvrr:igr ,uh.tumiully rqui�•:ilrm t�� �hr nwr�gu�r m.ur:u�rr prr�i��u,l� in el'I'ert. at a ru.� �. �•ti��,M;�` <br /> .. � � �uh�timti•rlly eyuivulcnt lo thc cu�l �o B��rr����•cr ul'�h.mun�:i�r�n,ur:duc�ir.�•iuu.l�� in rtlrr�. t'rum:m allrrn+uc m�Ktgagr � '+`�,_�;_;. <br /> ' in.urer.��n��,��«i hy LrnJrr. If.ul,.l+m�iully rqui�•:dcni m�mEaL��in�urunre.i,��rrag� i,n��i avaiL•�Mr.Horrm�rr•hadl p:�y a� � •- <br /> ' Lender rarh nwnth a ,inn rqual lu une•t���lt'th nf Ihr��rurl� nwn�:a�:c inwr.mrr prcmium Ik in�puid hy liurro�vcr���hrn Ihr <br /> � ���; <br /> •:,.,:; in.urancc cuveragr I:�p�rd��r cea,cd lo tk in ct'1'ect. Lrnder�sill;urrpi.u.r and rrt:un ihr.r�,a�mrm.a.a lu.,re,rrve in hru � �.%c�•�`n <br /> - . ... �►f nu�rl�a�r in.uranrr. l.u.,rr..rv�p;�rmcnt,m;ir nu IunE�r Ix reyuin•d. a1 Ihr uptian ol Lrnder. �f nwrtpagr in.ur:mrr k.. •: x;: " <br /> ! ;',,• cavrniEr�in Ux an►uun�and liir�hr�xriuJ�h:d l.rndrr ir��uira•v pru�idr�l h� an in,u�rr appru�e�l h� Lrnder a�;uin Ixrumu� � <br /> j � � . i1VJ1IaMc and i���btainrJ.Nurro��er.h�dl ��ay lhc���uirr�l Iu m:�int:mi muilLa}�.m.uranrr�in rltir�.ur lu pru�iJc a . <br /> :, • k lu,� rc.rrve.unlil�hr rryuirrmrnt ti,r m��npu�c in,in•cmrr accnrdanrr��nh;m� ��nurn acrecmrnt Ixt��ren Horruacr � <br /> . iuxl L�n�lrr��rapplirahlrl:n�. <br /> 4. Inspection. Lcndrr ur il�:�Eent ma� mal�r rra,unahlc�:nln.•, u�Hm an�l ro.�xrnun.uf thr Nnq.en}•. Lender .hall <br /> �iv�B��rrw�rr rn�tirr;u Ihr lim.•ul ur pri.�rh�:m in.�krlinn.�,rrit�in}:r�.�.unahlr rciu.e(ur Ihr ut.�xrliun. <br /> . III. 1'undemnuliim. �fhc�,ro�•rrd. ul:�m aaard��r cl,un iur Jcnn:�tc..dnrri��i .un,r.�urmial.m cunnrcuun«•ilh nn� <br /> �melr I.nud� Fnanie\lu¢FYeddle�luc t\IFI/R\I I\\IRl\Ih:\I 1 nd�niul'���,•n.m�. 4•411 �la�¢r+.�/��/•��erv � <br /> . . �nr.i�1.�►r.11u.�n..Iwm..In� � • <br /> ' . 1��IM.Mt 1.111 I IYIIFiYI'�YI I. I\\t�IL.l'll�ll 41 <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � ! <br /> • � . . . .. . . . . . . __ � . . _ . <br />