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1 'F"•' ¢S . t4t 1, 1 - - - �'.'+ �:v�.r. <br /> __��'� �, ' .,5�� .Ss.�� � ��?��;�iY t, . �.� 7}^C�� _ �. 4 J.� !�ti . Q[y.��'* — __. <br /> 1 •,I�' n � �� `f�'��f� '�4 1�� i. _P_�=�^- .Y,� � <br /> ���ra. .Vy H�js �.ru ,e.t:-t..>..�. . .. .,_____—_�_ ���_"-- <br /> ► -'�:'�i' <br /> q„ . .�..Y-,� r,._»�•. . - <br /> .. .�,p.ti'.rFic��:�"!�' — <br /> L . .__. �sr i-�i1. '�+s�r,: _ �. - - -- - <br /> . � . _ <br /> �_ �,,, ':;;c�^��d��..o.... . - - -- � � --- __-- - _ � == -- <br /> 92- 1U194� <br /> �.�s�-:i�.:..:s�•;��.�� _- - - -- <br /> �/� a:� -:' � � <br /> ''''�*�''�"'`° � applicable law may specify for reinstutementl bet'aro sale of Iha f'�upeny purouunt to uny puwer uf �ale contained in this ��•�-- <br /> =� "��1i���'� Secur�ty insltument;or(b)entry of a judgment eni'a�cing�hi►Saurity Inslrumcnt. Thase conditions ure thal Borrawer. (u) �,�_,,•__•;,E�;:,.-�:. <br /> ?'�:'-��`'+.��" pays Lender all sums which then would be due under �hiF 5a�urity Instrument und the N�de Ax if na ac:celeralion had _ _ <br /> - .. cecurred;(b>cures ony default of any ather covenanis ar ugreentenln;lc)puys ull expenxc�inrurrcd in rnfurcing thig Secudty i <br /> � �� � Instrument, lncluding,but not limited �o,reasanuble ult�mey>1'oes; und Id) wketi such uc[ion us Lrnder moy rearanubly � <br /> � �"� require to assure ihat thc lien uf thiK Scwurity ImtrumeM,4onAcrt right�in ihc Pm�xny und Borrawcr's obligation to pay�hc �''`'�`�--��—�K <br /> .`;`.�:t��• �,r•�"' Ruma secured by this Security Instrument shall continu� unehAnged. Upon reinslatement by Bomuwer, thfs Securiry _,�==� '��'°� <br /> ''�:�. ° .- lnsuvment and the ahligntinn�+ecured herehy chall rzmuin full��aCfc�:tive as it'na accelerotion hud�xcuRed. Howrver,lhix �� <br /> i ', • . ' " ' right to rcinstote shall not apply in the case af uccelerulian undar para�mph 17. ��_�''�'�- � <br /> . l9. Ssde ot Note;Chpnge of Loan Servker. The Nrno ot.u {u�rliul incere.t in Ihc Natc Itogether with Ihis Sccu�ity _..�_`�_�, <br /> � ' :, • Instrumenq may be sold ane or mare time�c withoul priar natiao In Aonower. A .ule muy rexult in u chunge in Ihc entity •�.. �.;���_,:-•_-:- <br /> (known as the"Loan Servicer'1 thot callecls monthly payment�.dua under Ihe Nate und this Security Inalrument. There ultio =;,:��d= <br /> '��� ' �� � may be one or more chunges of the Loan Scrvicer unrclulod io u sala nf Ihe Nutc. If ihcre is u chunge of ihr l.oan Scrvicer. ,.,__�"s='°�__ <br /> � Bomower will be given written notice of Ihe change fn accardAnca wilh puragrAph 14 utwve und upplicuMc luw. The n��tice ���--- <br /> will stnte the name sind address of the new Loan Servicer und�ha uddr�ss ta which pu��menls should 6e made. The naicr will ��yw�_—= <br /> n �' <br /> � � � also contain any other informatian rcquir��d by appUcubla la+v. `--r{-�-�--^r�^�'-=- <br /> ., 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrowcr shull no�cAUSp or�x+miit the prcunce,use,di+p�nal,,ioroge,or releu,e uf any . - <br /> � � Hozardous Substences on or io�he P�ropeny. soRC►war shall nat Aa,m�r etlaw :u�yone elsc to do, any�hing aFferling Ihe ��. ;�,�.��w� ;- <br /> ' • Propeny�hAt is in violutian of any Environmemal l.uw. Tho procoQing two semoncex shall not upply tu�hc prczenrc,usc,or � . .�_.;��?--- <br /> • "" � stomge on the Pro�:hy of smull yuantities of Hwnrdaua 9uhxtAnoac thpl aru generully recagnizcd to bc uppropriate to normal � � __ <br /> •� residentinl uses und to main�ensmce of the Pmpeny. =_'=`="`-�..._ <br /> � '. Borrower shull promptly give Lender M�rillen n�tio�of nny inve�ligution,cluim,demund.lawsuit ur other ac�ion by any °'— <br /> ;, , gavernmental or regulutory ugency or priva�d par���inv.iN�in�the 1'ropeny and any Nui.�rdous Sub+t:+nce or F.nvimnmentul �;��; , __,_�__, _ <br /> � Luw of which Bortower has ucluul knowledge. If Be►Rmvcr Ieurnr, or iti n��tified by any govemmcntal or regulutory � �•� r , , . <br /> °"'n •� Aulhorily,thai any rcmavAl ar ather remediatian of any Hazardauc Substunce u8ecting�he Propehy iti nece.rary. Borrower �' �' , _ <br /> . shall prompdy take all nece.sary remediul accardancc wi�h Environmentnl Law. �_�_.- <br /> � � As used in Ihis parngraph 2U,"Huzatdau�Substunces"uro those subslunces defined us taz;c ur huiardaus substunce,by �,T�_�"��` <br /> �� •• Envimnmemul Law and Ihe following .uh.tunces: Ra�oline.kerosene,other flummah'�•or toxic petroleum praluclx, toaic <br /> �.—;� <br /> pexticidcs and herbic�de.,volulilc tiolventz, materials coMuining utilxstos or 1'umiul�:.� ,Ae, und radiuuclive matcri•rls. A� — ti�•`�;��u�= <br /> used in�his parugruph 20,"Envirommntul Luw"mcam fedeml luws und Inw�o(the junr-I':tinn where thr Propcny ix locuted ' <br /> �::c;�.��, thnt rclute ta heulth,safeq•or environmen�ul pnxerdan. :. • - <br /> • x},;�:,:;; " NUN-UN1FnRM('O\'FNANTS. Horrnwer a�xl Lendcr funher cavcnunt und ugrce ux follows: .:i � <br /> •�''�;'��;`�`'�'� 2l. Accelerallon; Remedies. Lender shAll give notice to Borrower rfor to�cceleralion iollowing Borrower's `° t4�� _ <br /> . P :�.� :,�'.�+:� <br /> � `` '"�,• � - � •�;�'• breach of any rnvenant or ngreement in tbis Securlty InstrumeM(but not prior W acceleration under paragraph 17 i <br /> `��� ��••• '••• • = unless applicabk law provides otherwisel. The noUce shall xpeci`v: Ia1 the default;lbl the Actiun required to cure the ���� _ <br /> - =--r~=��- <br /> �: ,1: • default;lcl a date.not kr�s thnn i0 ds�ys from the dAte Me notice is�iven io Su�rower.b3�Kh3ch ihe defauli mus!!st ��� ._:— ------ <br /> cured;und Id)tbat tailure lo cure Ihe deiault on ur befbre the date specitied in Ihe notice may result in accelers�tiun ot �;;����-:� <br /> � the 4ums secured by thi4 Security InstrumeM and saM nf the Property. The nnUce shall iurther inform Borrower of �.��:_ <br /> the right to reinstale ailer acceleralion and Ihe riRht to brin�a caurl actiop to ur.tieM the non-exi9tence oP a default ur �_ <br /> �...,.... —.-;,...T._ <br /> any other dePense ui RMrower to ucce leral im u n d su le. If the deiault is not cured on or be i'are the date specitied in . ��A�:�•:: <br /> the nutice.I.ender at il.c uption may require immediate puyment in full of ull sums secured by this Security lntitrument • ���'=���_` <br /> , ��: . .,. <br /> without iurlher dem�nd und mav fnvoke Ihe power of 9ule and uny ot6er remedie4 pnrmilted by applicable luw. �, ;?�� <br /> Lender shall be entilled lo collect ull rxpenses incurrrd in pursuinR the remedies provided in thi� para�raph 21. �s:_;;;r;:�� <br /> includinR.but not limited to.reasonable atturnevc'Pers und a�sts oP tille evidence. <br /> . IP the Power of Sule is invuked."Iruslee tihall rccurd L nutice of dePault in euch count�• in which any purt of ihe � -����S <br /> .a • � <br /> Property is located and shall mail cepie+�►f quch notice in Ihr munner prescribed by appUca6le law to Bnrrnwer und to , <br /> � the other persuns prescribed by upplicuble luw. Aner Ihe timc reyuind b}• upplicuble law.7Fuytee.rhall uive public :;;,, <br /> notice of wle to the persons und in the munner prescribed bv upplicublc lue•. 7ti'ustee.withoul demand on Borrower. <br /> shall sell the Propert�at publir aucliun to Ihr hiRhest bidder ul thr time und plucr and under thr lerms deslRoated in <br /> ' the notke of wile in one or marc parcels and in um•nrder 71rus1er drlrrmines. Ilrustee mu�•pogtpone�le of all ar uny , , ,—___� <br /> ,. parcel oP tUe Property b��public unnouncement�t the timr and pluce i�'un�•preriouxh•�cheduled wde. l.ender or its ",;:;;,,'= <br /> , ' desi�nee mar� purchasc thr Properl}�ut um�xsde. . • <br /> , Upun receipt of paymenl oi'the price bid.TrushY shull deUver In the purchu+er Trustee's deed conveyin�the i <br /> � ° Propert,v. Thr recitals in the 7'rusler'�deed shull be primu Purle e�•idence oP Ihe Iruth oP Ihe stutements made Iherein. <br /> �,'��•. • 'Itustee shall upply the proceeds uf Ibr salc in Ihr firll����•in�;�Kder. lu�lo ull costs und expenKw of exerrising the power E yv <br /> . . - '�}�v== <br /> '�: <br /> �1�'���q U <br /> Y �} � :�y Ya:i:� <br /> � , <br /> O � ' ..�. <br /> i � <br /> ':��. <br /> � . , <br /> Fi�rm M128 4'411 �p�ier c,�l��p.+e�•u <br /> ,' <br /> I <br /> i • <br /> ` <br /> i <br /> . � <br /> • d� � -, - _ <br />