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��i., �:i�[ � ,ry i. ..e' - .. .. �. . .: . �s:ic!�..'...��._....__�� - --_ . .�-�� <br /> lw'• fir•... ��r'12rTw-� <br /> t .,� � /�YR�}� ' ...' .-.. _-__-._ <br />;:•.c.. ""fE� ' -_ �,.'� <br /> .:,:- <br /> --xMrafrYa�rrswyrdy.v __ - <br /> _ -__ ... _. �w-_W� <br /> . 92- lUi9�•i _ - <br /> e._.�,_�:ru�` �-- <br /> - — —�-;; :;:;�._�,�. .� ; _ <br /> �ym! �;:tr.Y:.'ti-.� <br /> ` r:°•."""'� ��' ^. �. TOCj6THElt WITN aU�hc imprnvcrn�ntM n��w on c�rcuftrr crccicJ on Ihr pru�xhy.und rU ru.cuk�i��,u��punenunccs. _._____ <br /> '�;4�r�'��-^,;; and fixwres now an c�nuper u pu�t ��!tiK pmpcny. All rcpluccmcnu cuid u�klilium shull ulvu l+o covcred hy thiw S��rurity _ � <br /> ���•, � Inxltumenl. All uf thr timg�iing i�rol'emJ to in this.ticcu�ity In.lrument u.r IFk"Pru{xny." •-`- <br /> ' '`�"r�- -S� �°� BORROWER COVENANTS ttwi RuROwcr i,luwfully uiard uf Ihc r,wtn c�nhy convcycJ anJ hu,�hc righ�to grunt � • <br /> • , and convcy thc Pmperty und ihut ihc Pm�xny i�uncncumt+cred.cxccpt li�r cncumhruncr�nf�rc�►rJ. Bi�rcuwcr w•rrrunta und <br /> 'a,rc�+�� 'fi�..._ will defcnd generolly�hc titic!u 1hc Pn�perty uguintit ull cluimx And�kmanJs..ubj��t w any cncumhr•rncc,uf recurd. � .��__:__ <br /> i�:.��:- � ...,.Y <br /> 1i,, ., '�'�' TNIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cumhfneti unifurm covenuni. fi�r nu�innal utir anJ non-uniForm covenuntc wilh _ <br /> ��� i - - -- � � limited v�uia�ionti by junsdiction w c�xi.�itutc u unifurni+cwrity in�trumrnt cuvrnng rc�1 pru{xny. �_;L_--__- _ _ <br /> �:��.,,,R..----- <br /> ' ' ` UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawcr and l.cnde�covcnant unJ a�enw ati fullow�: -� __ <br /> ., , 1. Payment oP Princlpal And Inte�esti Prepayment ynd Lpte ChArges. BuROwcr.hull pn�mpdy puy whcn Juc�hc '�����•- <br /> , ' . � p�incipal of und interetit on the debt evidenced by Ihe Nntc und any prep•rymrnt und late cbargcr duc undcr the N�KC. �',y_�„�_a= <br /> . 2, Funda for 71�xes�nd Insurance. Subject�o upplicublc luw ar to u wriucn wuivcr by L.cndcr.BoROwcr shall pay lu � <br /> • Lender on the day monthly paymcnts nrc Juc undcr ihc Note.unlil Ihc Nate i+paiJ in full,a tium 1"Fund.r") ti�r:lul ycudy �•�_ <br /> tuxes and assecgments which may uuain pnority uver this Security Instrumem u�u lien un the Pmpcny:(b1 Ycvrly leu+ehold <br /> �. :, .., -, puymeots or grcwnd rents on the Propeny. if uny: lcl ycurly ha�ord ar pr�►perty imuraik� premium�: Idl yeurly floal __ - .�---------- <br /> insurance premiums, if uny;Ie)ycculy mortgugc insurnnce premiums, if Any; und In uny +um.r puyable by B��rrower to _ <br /> Lender, in nccardanee wilh�he pmvisionx of p•rragraph R,in lieu of�he payment of mongage in+urwue premium,. The�r _ <br /> items are called"�scrow Items.' Lender may,ut any�ime,collect wul hold Funds in un umuunt not to exceed�he maximum p�4�� <br /> " umount a lender fbr u federally relnted muAgage laan muy reyuire for Borrawer's e�crow accnum under tiu federal Real �`_:A—_- <br /> Estate Senlement Procedures Act of 197d u,amcnded from timc to timr,12 U.S.C. #2(�l►1 e�se�q.l"RESPA"1,unlcss unother <br /> lnw that upplies to the Funds sets u lesser amount. If eo.Lender muy,u�any time,collect und hold Funds in un amount nat to <br /> ' �" exceed the Ira�er omount. I.ender may estimaie the umo�m� of Funds dur on the basis of cu�nl duta und reuwnuble �.��;,..��;:. <br /> } , • es�imutes af expenditures of future Escrow Items or othenvise in uccordunce wilh applicablc luw. ,��`�.: � _ <br /> ' The Fundx shull be held in an ins�itwion whosc dcpositx urc insured by u fcderul aRency. i�sin�mentulity, or cntity ��� "` <br /> �� (including Lender,if Lender is such an intitilution)or in uny FeJeral Home Lo•rn Bank. Lender+hull apply Ihe Funds to pay .�t 'T <br /> ;�.'.ti , the Escrow Items. Lender muy not churgc Borrower for holding mxl app�yinR thc Funclx,annuully anulyxing the escrow �;�,�,,,-:�°, <br /> uccount, or verifying the �.r•rrow Items, unle�, Lender puys Barrower intere�t on�he Fundti und upplicuble law pe:rmils �� <br /> ' . � Lender to muke such a churge. However. Lender muy «quire Bortower to pay a �m�-time churge for an indspendent reul �14�_ <br /> • estate tnx reporting service used by Ixnder in connec�ion with this loan,unle+s applicable law providcs othcrwire. Unless un ___ <br /> agreement iti made or applicable luw rcquires interest to 6r paid,Lender shall not hc mquired w pay Borrowc�any interest ar �;;,,:.-.�_ <br /> .=;:.�r::_ <br /> • eammgs on the Funds. Bortower and Lender may agrec in w�riting,howcvc:r,that intercst.hall bc ps+id on�hc Fund.. Lrnder __. <br /> . shall give to Bortower,without charge,an :�nnual Accouming af Ihe Funds.,howing credilx und debits tc�the Funds and the . _ <br /> • ' • purpose for which euch debit to the Funds was made. Tlte Fundx ure pledged as ndditionul cecurity For all sums xecured by _-- <br /> Ihis Securiry Instrument. _.,�a.. u� '- <br /> -� -- - - If �he Funds held by Lender excc�c�i ti�c aoiounis permiticd io he t�lc! 6y applicaMP law. Lender shull account to ___ ___ <br /> Borrower fbr the excess Funds in uccordnnc�wi�h�he reyuirements af upplicable luw. If the amount of the Funds held by �+ � -� <br /> � Lender at uny time is not sufficientendcrihecamuunt necc s ry ro dmalcc up d the defc rnc��f YB rrowerrsha Inmuk p �hc <br /> � `�.-_ °__` <br /> such c�sc Borrower xholl pay to L Y �t�::�_--i <br /> deficicncy in na more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole diticretian. �.•_-s�e;_ <br /> � Upon payment in full of all sums +ecu�ed by thia Security Instrument,Ltnder shall prornptly rcfund to Borrower uny ; �� --•-Y <br /> Funds held by l.ender. If,under pnragraph 21.Lender shull ucyuire or tiell the Propeny.Lender,prior to thc ucquisition or :�=`_ <br /> sele of the Properly, shall upply uny Funds held by Lendcr ul the time of ucyuisi�ion or tiule us a credil ugainst the �ums qr;;�,�,�;-j;. <br /> .,k..._ <br /> secured by this Sccurity Inslrumcnt. � ��� �~�,R��-� <br /> J. Applicalion oP Payments. Unles� uppliaiblc luw providcn othcrwi+c, all payments rcceived by Lender undcr ��'�' <br /> parogrnphx 1 and 2 shAll be npplied:firtit,tu an�•prcpaymrnt churges due under the Note; amounts payuble under �. ...,.--- <br /> • puragraph'!:�hird,to interes�due;fuurth,to princ�pal duc;und lutil,to uny late ch�uge+due under the Nae. , . "�`,�;___ <br /> • ' 4. Charges: Liens. Bortower tihull puy all laxc�, aascssments, churges, fines und impositions aaribumble to the � "��--i-- <br /> _;'�: <br /> ' � • Prpperty which muy uuain priarily avrr thix Security Intitrument,and lea,chuld puyments ar�round rcnts,if uny. Borrower : �A;�__ <br /> ..�,,..:: : shall puy thesc obli�±ationx in Ihe manncr providcd in parugraph 2,ur if not p•rid in that manner.Borrnwer shull puy them on y <br /> • � �•• time dimctly lo the penon oweJ puymeni. Borrowcr shall promptly furnish to Lender ull noliceti of amoums to he paid under : `� <br /> ' this paragraph. 1f Bonawcr makes Ihese payments direcUy,Borrawcr shall pmmpNy furnivh to l.ender reccipts evidenring . ,�,___ <br /> • ;,.' :�':•,;, • the payments, _ -- <br /> , � ' Borrower shall pmmptly discharbe any lien which hu.prioriry ovrr tbi.Security Instrument unless Barrower:(vl s�grees . :•.,.�,a;; � <br /> ..._.+.�+ �,; .1 . ri: <br /> in wriling�o the payment of thr ubligution sccurcd by the lirn m u manner acccptublc�o Lender;lb)conte.iti in ga�d faith the ,.•. ,. <br /> licn by,or defendx:�gainst enfi�rcernent of thc licn in.lcEul prcxceclings which in:h�Lendcr's opiniun uExrute to prevent the �;�::•�•Y__. <br /> ' enforcement of the lirrr,or Icl secure� from thc holder uf'the licn an a�srcement��ti.factory to Lendcr tiubordinating Ihc licn �, R <br />: . ' . to thiti Sccurity Inxtrument. If LrnJer�k�crminc. thul uny pan af thc Propeny i�suhjrc�i�►u lirn whirh may auAin prioriry ��' <br /> �f over this 5ecurity Instrumenl.Lendcr muy give Borrowrr a noticc idcnlifying�he licn, Borcowcr shull su�i.fy�hc lien or tukr •+�---_: <br /> ; � � one or morc of thc uctions,ct f'onh ulxwc within I(1 duyti of thr giving of notirc. � �•'�, ' <br /> 5. Haxard or Property Insurance. Burcowcr�hull I.cep thc improvemcnt+now exi.ting on c�rcai'icr crerted on the f <br /> � Propcny insurcd a�ainst luxs hy 1'irc,ha�ard�incluJeJ wi�hin thc tcnn"rxtcndrd co�rragr"anJ any athrr haxards,inrluding � , <br /> floods or flooding, for which I.¢ndcr rtyuires insuruncc. This in.uruikc .hall ix maintain�d in the amuunt+ und 1'or thc � <br /> Fnrm 30b{ 9PlU ��er 2 n(A�xierv , <br /> �. <br /> r� <br /> ,� <br /> t <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> . <br />