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;r.,. _ <br /> �:�. .. ; �, .T. ..�.,�.. . . .�.�;��;r:r,':=_ <br /> Er- �ri.4�j AP�u�YM,Y� - - -_- °--.___...� - — _�_ . <br /> - ��.� . .�ch�.p.p ., __ . <br /> ./�sR�_. . . :1- � ��.. <br /> _"_'-.� ..u_ �'u��!�Si4�ai..'. � � _ .. -- ._... <br /> i <br /> :,. K " .���� �� �,82_ � �1goo -- _- <br /> „�,,��;���aE+4►•�;. ...; <br /> '�"`..°'-.,°l�� '• perinda ihat l,endrr reyuim�. '1'ha inxuruncc curricr providing Ihe in�u�uncc�hull Ix chuKn hy Bormwcr�ubjcrt�u Lcnder'+ <br /> �'"��«."q'.�l'�'�"�;°; --- <br /> :r: ' ,,,;,;- s r� � upprovul which�holl not I+e unreutionubly wilhhcld. If Bcxrowcr fuflr a►muimuin covcragc dcuritnd Lt�wc,4cnder muy,ut <br /> �£���+� � Lenckr�option.oMuin caverage��+prutect LenJtr',righ�y in�he Pr�.�peny in uccurJunce with paagruph 7. _ <br /> � ..,., � All in.urnnce�liciex unJ rcncwulx�hull 1�ucceptable u�I.enJer u�ui.hall includc u+lundurd nwnF+�Fe cluu�. Lender <br /> ,�„�,,,;. s.; �•: r;hall have thc right tu holJ ihe pulicie,anJ renewul�. If Lerakr reyuirr,.Bnrn�wrr,hull prumptly�ivc tu Lrndcr uU rccriptr _..._ . -- <br /> '��'� ' '�'� � ' of puid prcmiumti And rcnewul n�tice�. In�he evem of lo.rc.B�xrawer�hull givc pmmpt n�uice tu�hc in�uranrc cLrricr und <br /> `� ` „°'�. . .,.�" � Lendcr. Lender mi�y makc pr�x�f of lu�.if nut madc pn•mplly by Bunowrr. <br /> .....; �..� <br /> - .... . ,.. . .:�"_. � — <br /> Unless Lender+uid Bnrcowcr�dhenvi,c ugr��in writing,inxuran�:c prcx:ecdz+hull he upplird a�rc.�ura�iuu ur r�pa�r o <br /> ��, .. • „ ' thc prc�rty dumu�cd. if�hc n�torrtiun or repuir i�economicuUy feu�:ihle :u�J LcnJcr: ucurity i. m►t (ctixncd. If Iltr �.� <br /> restorrtfon or mp:+ir i� ni►t ec�M��micully feuyiMc or Lcndcr.xecuri�y wnulJ tk Ics.rned, the imurance prcxecdy +hull 1� -- <br /> ��°""' � ` �'� upplied lo the sum�+ecumd by Ihi+Securiry Inr�n�mrnt, wheih�r ur na then Jue. with uny cxce.. puid lo Bc�rn�wer. If ,��,�t <br /> ,31�yr��:�- <br />�' ' �� Borrc�wer uhanJonx thc PropaAy. or duc. nut umwer wi�hin 31►d•rys a nnticc fr��m LcnJer Ihut Ilx: in,uranre cumer huw �;,____ <br /> ..',,. � offered lo retNe u clnim.�hen Lendcr may c��ll�ct the in.urance procceJs. Lcndcr may u+e�hc pnx��d,tu npair ur re+��re :�a:;;r;;;,:.._r <br /> ' ' thc Pr�peny ur to pay sum+�ecured Ny�hi�Secu�iry Ins�rument,whethcr or nM then duc. Thr 311-day�rial will brgin when i' 4w�'`���� <br /> �hc noticc i�given. :�J��:r—_, <br /> ' Unle�x l.ender und Borr��wer othenvise ugrre in writin�,any applicaliun of prcxc�J.u�principal.hull not extend or =�,__ <br /> pc�xtpone the due dutc of�he momhly paymemr rcfcrtrJ to in parugr.�phti I anJ 2 or chungr thc,�moum uf Ihe puyments. If __. <br /> n . � under parugraph �I �he Pro�n�� i+ucquin�d by Lender, Horrower�right u�uny in.urance �x►licic+und pr� �° T <br /> • f'rom dumugr�o the Pm�xny pno��o the ucquivition xhull LenJrr a�thr catcnt of by Ihix Secu�ity „ ��--• <br /> . Intitrument immediutely priar u�the ocquitii�ion. �`'''�- <br /> �'. b, Occupancy. PreservAtion, Maintenance aad Prute�Kion oP the Properly: Burrmrer's Lo�n Applic�lion; ��,..,., <br /> S. . . . .. . . . a�r:,.,,. <br /> Leasehotds. Borrower�hull occupy,cstablinh,and uxe the Property u,Burcower+prinrip�il re.idcnce wi�hin sixry dayc aftcr _^�,+' <br /> " •� • the execution of thi+Security Imtrumem and shuU cominue�a�xcupy thc Pirop�:ny as Surc��wer:principul re�iJrnce for ut _ <br /> ' '.�,:.•,;�, lea�+t one year ufler the daln of occupuncy, unleti� Lender Mherwise ugrees in wri�ing, which camcnt shnll not be 'r=-- <br /> • � ����;��:•�" unrenxonubly withheld.or unlesti extenuuling circum.lunces exisl which nre beyond Borrower:r�mtrol. Bortuwer,hull not %��" <br /> � destroy,dumuge or impuir thct Property,allow�hc Property to de�eriorate,or commit wu�lc on�hc Proprrty. Borrower,hall ;.�%;�;,,;.;,- <br /> . �� be in defuult if any fortei�ure uction or prceeeding,whethcr civil or criminal,is I�gun ihut in LenJer's gaxi fuith judgment =�,�,� <br /> cauld rcrult in forfeiture of Ihe Propeny o� aihenvise materiully impair the lien cmu�ed by thi� Security Inx�rument or �,� ,-; <br /> �lw� ''� <br /> ` � � Lender's zecurity interest. Barcower may cure such u defuult und reimtatc.Ati pnwided in purugruph 18,hy cuusing the urtion � <br /> , or proceeding to be di.misscd with;�ruling�hui,in Lender's gc►al fuith dctermination,prcclude�forfeiturc oi'ihe Burr�wer+ �t'�'���-� <br /> • in�ere+t in tl� Prc�pehY or other mu�eriul impuirmem oi'the lien created by thix Security Imtru�mnt o� Lender: .ecuriry ,�;c�,^. <br /> interetit. BoROwer ,hall alx� he in JefuuU if Barrowrr, Juring the loan upplicution pnxezx, guvr muteriully ful+c or �-�:+�'�;_: <br /> ' inaccurnte infanniuion u��lu�ements to Lendc�lor faileJ to provide Lendcr wiih uny muteriul inti►mia�i�m1 in ronnec�ion with �:�_. <br /> '`}:a{ '. - 1he loun evidenred by �he No1e, including, but nM limited tu, representutiom c��ncemin�! Borrnwcr's a:cupancy i�f Ihe �,�F;y <br /> :- � ;,: . . . - P�openy u.u principul resiJence. il thi+5ecuriry in,�rumrn�i,uu u iea.�hold.[3orroucr�.hall rompl;•L:ish:e!!the provi�ion, --���_ - <br /> . nf the leatic. If Borrowrr acquireti fer Iille lo tlx Pru�eny.�he Icu,chnlJ uixt the f'ee tiNc�hul1 ixn mer�r unlc�+Lender aErces ,�.;..r <br /> , • ���`'`�� ►o the mcrgcr in writing. .;:�-'��'' <br /> •', • 7. Prntection oP l.ender's RiRhts in the Property. U' Burr��wrr lail� to �xrfonn �hc rmcnun�+ anJ ugrrrmcmti ��;,�� ... : <br /> c�mtuined in thix Security In+�rument,ur Iherc i. a Irgul pr�xcrJing th:u muy +i�tnificaiitly ut"fert Lrndcr. righ�� in the _;=,,,�,;,�, <br /> Pmpeny l+uch u�a pr�xeeJing in bankruptry�.pmbuic.I��r conJrmnutinn�►r ti�rtcilurc nr lu�nti�rcr law.or regulali�,m�.thrn =- , <br /> Lendrr muy do•rnJ puy ti►r wha�rvrr i.nccr.,ury to prutrct the valuc ol'tlx Prn�ny and Lender: right, in Ihe Pnqxtiy. x{�!,,;�.. <br /> . LenJer:ur�iom rnuy inrludr payin�!uny wmti.rrumd by,�lirn�.hich ha�pri�,riq uvcr thi,Securiiy In.�rumrnt.up�xarin� �•:. _ : <br /> in court.puyin�[nu,anuMc uu��mcy.'Icr,and cntrring�m�hr Prupenp i��makr rc�iair. Allh�►ugh Lrndcr ntay takc urlinn =— <br /> • � . - under Ihis parugr.��l�7.l.end�r dixti nut huve to Jo�u. ` <br />