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.���.. �'4: ' :� f4r `tn� t r{'<� ��,`�": , ,til. P .�•� _.__ . _ -_-- <br /> ly, �" t�.�.+j�:ft ryt•�ij)f. e. �. ., n y- c. — _ _ <br /> 'M 'r <br /> ,JL�� �k„ .1-`iU/M^a�7'� .—__ <br /> �R2 � <br /> 4i�.:.,hr.� ({�M ny• . <br /> " _ ___t.J __- <br /> - � _�� <br /> . <br />.. _ � "--s--e-^t�T�G lrv�.r t'�.-.. . �— . __ _ ._. _ _- _ �. <br /> - .:L:�_.. ~\��JM •N �� <br /> ` ---� : R � -- -- <br /> c�,�nF:�a�. ;.�k�" 92, 141900 <br /> -� " � 31;�w� .��-. cundemnotion or��thcr tukin of un arl of Ihc Pn� n ia iur cunvc ancc in liru ut'r�xKirmnulHm,urc hcrcb u�si ned unJ <br /> �'� � 8 Y P P' Y• Y Y Y <br /> :�r=�-a._.,..�:.� .e � �.hull be puid lo Lrndcr. " <br /> =-�''�`�'�`+�- '� •' In �hr event of u t��tul luking of �h�Pmpeny. �hc pnKeeJ, ,hull hr upplkJ to thr +umti �ecurrd by Ibi+ Securi�y <br /> ��� In�lrumcnt.whether ur nu�then duc,with any cxce..puid to Snnowcr. In�hc cvenl ot'u parlial luking��f Ihe Pmperly in <br /> a ��.��!`.' <br /> � ° ,F►,rssflt '.. whirh thc fuir market vulur uf Ihc Pro�xrty immeJiutely hefc�re the� i.eyu►d ta ur grcu�er thun ihr amnunt af ihc,urn+ <br /> 3 " ° ; +ecured by ihiti Security In�ttument immrdiatrly hef��re Ihe tuking.unlc.� Hnrn�wcr und l.cndcr n�hcrwi+c ugrcc in w�i�ing, <br /> , •��• •�•r � • •,, <br /> Q_ ��,:c�w=:='��; the sums+ecured by thi� Security Imtn�ment +hall hc rrdured By�hr um.wnt nf thr prixecd+muhiplicd by �he fidlowing <br /> �' fructiun: 1 a��hc uiial umuunl of thc tiums tiecurcJ immcdiutely lxtiirc thc t•rkin�:.Ji��iJed by Ib)Ihe fuir n�arket valuc of tltc _ <br /> �` .� '�„•�:•� Prapeny immrdiutcly heli�rr the tuking. Any h•rluncc.hul) ik puid tu Bonawcr. In the cvent �►f u paniul �uking of tlx �-- - <br /> ° � Properly in which �hc fvir m:uket vulue��f the Pr�iprny immrdiutcly heiiirc�he�uking i� Ic�.r�hun thc umuum of�hc�urn. _— <br /> ' �� "` �ecured immediulrly hrfore �hc iuking, unlc+, BurruWer und Lend�r olhcnvi,e a�ree in writing .�r applicuMle Is�w =__ <br /> '�- .��. c�therwise pn►viik:..the pnkred..hall tk:u�lied ia lhe+ums secunJ by�hi.Security Instrumunt whethrr ar not�he sumr ure ----- <br /> ,r � ,x',��•� ,, then due. �_.<,--- <br />�_;;y ; If the Pra�xny i.uban�iancd hy B��Rowcr.or if.ulier no�ice hy Lrndcr ia Bum►wer thut Ihc cund�manr oi�fc�w mukc �- <br /> =.. . Q un uwa���r Kidr u cluim Yor duma�ers,Bnnow•er fuil.�o re�pimd u�l.�ndcr wi�bin 30 Ja�+ufter�hc:•Jutr�hr nuiire is�iven. . E ,__e <br /> ',p' }" • � • L.ender i�awhorir.eJ t��r��ll�cl anJ u I�thc rcxecdti,ut il+o tion.eithcr in rc.tnrutKm �►r te uir of the Pm n or to�hc m�_ <br />>•_� ; ' PP) P p P P� Y e�_: ' <br />�•.- � , � ,.,:�.; . +ums ticcunJ by�hi.Scruriry In,�rumen�.whc�hcr nr nat Ihen duc. -�•�-�-==° <br /> .�.: <br /> , 9; . Unle+,Lender und Borrmvcr n�herwi�e u�rcc in writing, uny upplicution��f pr�wced.tu principal .hnll no�rxtend or ��,��� <br />',��,�, i pn.rtp�me the Jur du�e i�t'�Ite monthly paymrnt+referrrd lo in parxgr�phti I�nd�ur rhungr�hr+�mount ot'�uch puyment�. �---- <br /> , b . . a• ,,� 11. Borrower Nut Released; Fnrl►earance By Lender Not u Wafver. Ez�entiiun of�hc timc li�r puymcnt cx �::_-- <br /> : � _ ^'�: malilicu�iun oF umorlizu�inn oP�he,ums,erured by�his Security In.trumem grumed hy L.ender�o uny wccc.�or in iMeresl =-=_� <br />' �,����.t of Bonawcr,hall no�operutc to rcicu+c�he liubiliry uf�hc originul Horruwer or B��rrowc�. wcre++��r+in intcrc�t. l.ender ��;�R: <br /> - -� tihull not bc�yuiRd to rnmmcncc pnxccdings against any xucce�tior in imcre.t or relu�e ���rxtcnd timr fur puyment or �,,,n,_ - <br /> , •� otherwi+c rnudify umortiiu�ion of ihe sumti xcured by Ihi�Scruriry Imtrumcnt by mu��m��f any dcmunJ madr by thc oricinal �"- .,_ <br />' ' .''�-• Burrower ar Borrower:tiuccexson in intere�t. Any fortkurrnce by�rnder in exercising any riEht or rcmedy shull not be a ��y''' � <br /> . • wuivcr of ur prrcluJc thc rxcrci.r af:my right ur rcmcdy. �'�~�" <br /> • ' 11. Succ�ssors and As.visnx Buund;J�int and Seve�all.iAbility:C��signers. Thc rovcnunt+und ugrecmen��ol'�his �.__--_ <br /> Securi�y In.trumern,hull hinJ vnJ Fknrtit ihr,ucrr,sor. anJ u�.igm uf Lencler und Borrowcr,tiuhject w�he provision. of <br /> . `" , paragruph 17. surrowcr:covcnum. und ugrcrmenl+ .hall Ik joini and sevcrul. Any Burr�►w�r who ro•sign+thiti Scrurity - ------ <br /> � In.�rument but d�k,nui rxecute the N�ne: Ia),igninE this Securiry In.irument only to munguge,grum anJ cunvey Ihut <br /> • • HoROwrr;intcre+t in thc Pruperty undcr thc terni+of this Sccurity In+trumenr, Ib1 iti not per�i►nully ut�i�u�ed to puy the,umy - <br /> secureJ by thiti Securiry Im�nimenr,imd Ic 1 ugrcrs thul Lender and any oth�r Bunowrr muy ugrer to extenJ,m��lify,furheur �-�-�,.,{c�"',;�-_ <br /> or make uny nrcummixlu�ions with mgunl to Ihe Icrm, ��I'thi� Securily Instrunxnt or Ihe Nae with��u� �hu� B��rcowerz -'-�'"`-°''°-' <br /> . �:t����_-. - <br /> ����' can+em. - - <br /> ' 13. I.uan Churp�es. 11'1hr laun .rrured hy �hi. Srcurity In.lrunxnt i� +uMjec� �o a lua which xis mutiimum loun <br />