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<br /> -�•�•�y .. TcXIETNER WITN ull lhc impuwcmcn�n naw ur Iwrruf�a cr��:�ed r,�n tlul pr��xny,unJ ull cu+rmcn�ti,uppuncnunccti. �==~�- ---
<br /> � und fixturcx iN�w ur hu�uf'��r o pLn��f�hc pn��uhy. All rcpl;�:unw:ntw um!a�t4l��un+ �h•rU aIM� lk covcred by ihi�Serunty
<br /> , . ' In�urumrnt. AU��f thc 1'urc�uing i�.rrteRCd�a in�hin S��:uri�y Innlrunu:nr;�ti ihu `Proprrty."
<br /> . BORRUWER('UVE:NANTS�hu�Nnrrnwrr iti luwfuliy ui.ed��t�U�:e,l,fin hcmhy r�.meycd und huti�he right t�i grunt —
<br /> • und cunvcy Ihr Rupeny und Ihu�Ihe Pnqxny i+unencumtw:reJ.excopt tin cne;urnhrance�uf ncard. H�►rtuwer ww�runls und �'"` -
<br /> ° ` will drfc�xl grncrully Ihr�Ulc w�hr i'ro�xny aguinxt�II rluimn urul�km�ndv,nut�j�rcllo uny�n�umhruncc+of rccurd.
<br /> - 'fHlti ti�CUfiITY INSI'R1111ENT curobinc, unilunu cuvanrnt, li•r n+u+�v�al u,e ui�J nun-unitimn covcn+�nh with °- - _ . - --- -
<br /> � e `� limikd vu�fution.by juri,Jic�ion tu rum�itutc u unilam�Mcurny inrirunwnc c�►v►ring rcnl propcny,
<br /> __ .�� „�"�• UNIFORM COVCNANTS. 8nrruwcr und l.rnJcr rav4nunt unJ u�r��ur tidlaw.r:
<br /> "" 1. Payment of Princlppl a�d Inlcresl:Prep�ymenl pnd Lpte Ch:tepttH, B�ttrc►wcr ylu�l l prump�ly pay when Juc Ihe —
<br /> . ` prinri�l��f und inten�l on�hr Jch�evidcnrcd hy�hc Nute und uny pr.paynu:nt�uid la�c rhargc,due undcr the Ni►te. _- --_
<br /> Funda far 7i�zeg�nd Insur�nce. Subjrrt tu upplicubt�law uc�u a w�iv�sn wuiver by LenJrr.Burrowcr tihall pay to
<br /> � ` . Lemkr un ihc Jay munthly p�ymcnt+:arc duc und�r Ihc Nutc,untfl�f�Ncwo iy p•rid in full.u.um 1"Fundi'1 ii�r:lal ycurly --- _ _ _ _
<br /> " � �ux�.und a„c�+mrm.which muy uuain priori�y ovcr thih Securit) Inalrum4nt..�K u lien on thc Pmprrty:lbl ycarly Icu�chold � -----
<br /> - . �uymcnt. i►r gn►unJ mm, un th. PiruFxhy, if any: Ir! yr+►rly huzcvd nr prc�:ny insun+n�c prrmium+; (d) ycurly fla�d ,�,.
<br /> ., ,. m,urancc prcmium�, ii' •rny: Ic1 ycarly mongugc innur,mcc premiumn, if nny;unJ ltl uny+um+ payablc b�• Borrowcr ta =. "`":---_
<br /> ° l.cndcr. in nrcordance wi�h Ihc parvi+ion�uf puragraph 8, in licu M�thc ps�ynTant ��f mon�xagc in,urunre prcmium.. Thesc °-�
<br /> •• , i�em.ure cullrJ"E,rmw Ilrm+." L.ender muy,al:uiy Iime,collect and hntJ:�nJs in un umuunt not 1u ezcccd th�;maximum �!`'�-�—
<br /> ' ,. � umoum u Icnikr li�r •r irJrr�lly n1u�eJ mun�ugr luun muy require lix Ba�rwer:e,cmw;x:count unJer the firclerul Real ���""�'
<br /> • . E�+lule Setdemem Pmxedun.Ac�ol'1974 u�•rmended 1'ram time lo tims, 1«UaS.C.8?lilll e7sry.1"RESPA"1.unletis vnolher ��y�r,"-�
<br /> -- • law�hat applie,�o�he Fund.ut,u le�scr umuunt. If tio.LenJer m+�y.�d.my 1iwr�1,rolleci and hc�lcl Fundc in un•rmaunt not to
<br /> � rxcred thc Ics,cr :►maun�. l.cnckr muy r+�ima�e Ihc amuunt af Funds duu on thc hasis nf currern d•rtu und reasonnble
<br /> „ e+timule+of cxpendilurc.ut 1'uture F.xraw Ucros�ir olherwi,e in i�ccorclunce wi�h applicable law. �
<br /> Thc Fund. .hull t►c hrld in un in+�ituiinn whux dr�nitw urc insur4d hy u I'cdrrul agcncy. in+trumen�ality. ar cntiry ��.`.---
<br /> ^ lincluding l.rnd�r,il'Lendrr i,.urh an in+ti�utiunl w�in uny Fcdcral H�xn4 L.o:m Bank. Lendcr shull apply the Fund.�o pay �r__ -
<br /> ' ' ' � the E�emw 11rm�. Lender maq no� churgr Bunow�r t'�K holJinu anJ u�lyi�� the Fund,.annuully unalyzing �he ercrow -��
<br /> • � �� urcount, itt vrrifying Ihc F.xm►v Ucm+�, unlr.+ l.cnJcr pny+ BoRnw�r inturesl �m tln Fuml�. und applirablc law prrmit� �_-�
<br /> ••• l.cnder to mahc.uch a ch•rrgr. Hmvrver. Lcmler muy r��uin B��Rnwcr tu puy a unc•iimr ch:ugc for an independent mal =
<br /> s e,tutc�ux rcFxming�ervicc u,rJ hy L�nder in cunnrrlion wi�h thi,li►�n.unlun�upplicaMe luw p�ovide,uthcrwixe. Unleti+un -""�-
<br /> . .. ugrecment i.muJr or appliruMr laa•rcquir�.imeR+t to M�puid.L�nJ�r►htUl nut tx rryuircd to pay Bomiw�r uny inteR,t or r-_
<br /> . curning+on the FunJ�. Bnrrnw�r imd LunJrr muy ngrcc in wriling.Fx�w�v�r,thut intcre+i.rhall tx puid on Ih�Fund�. Lcndcr
<br /> . .hall givc�a Burruwcr.wilh��ut chargc,an unnuul accoumin�of ih��FunJn:tihuwing credits and dchitti io thc Fund.und thc ��.i i'.,-�
<br /> pu�ne fm whirh r•rrh dehi�t�►thc Fund.wa.mu�. Thc Fund�:uR plodgad as additiunul sccuriry for all.umr secured by E="i��'
<br /> —�u ------- - Cd.V�tns._°
<br /> this S��s:uril�•lmtrumrnt. v,_•� •
<br /> t : II' thc Fund.r h�ld b�• Lrndcr�xr�wd thc um�wnt,�xrniined lu Mt huld by applicublc law�. LcnJ�r .hall ucuount to _ _
<br /> � • Bormwer for�he racc.rti FunJ.in urcurdunrc uith Ihe requiremcnls ul'upnliuuble law. If �h�umuunt of the Funds hcld by
<br /> � l.en�r ut un�•�imc i,ni���ul'licicnt �o p•ry ihc E.rrow Item,whcn duu.l.�nJcr may ,o n��iify Burr�wcr in writing.anJ. in `'` ` ,.;'-°
<br /> wch cose Burrowcr �h�►II p�)� lu LenJer thc amuunt ncecti.•rn tu muk�� up lhe ektiriency. Borrowrr tih•rll makc up lh� �t_ �
<br /> dclicicncy in no m�xc ih•rn����clvc munthl��puymcnl�,u�L�ndcr4,ula discretiun. `�'^'�:�.'" _—
<br /> Upan paymcnt in full ol'ull ,um..rcur�d My thi,Scruriiy Instruni�ro:LcnJcr�hall �tumptly rclund to B��rrowcr uny , '''s"
<br /> Funds held by Lcn�kr. If,und�r para�ruph!I,Lendrr.hidl aci�uiiti ur�ell�hc Prapeny,Lend�r,priur to th�•rcyui,itiim or • •
<br /> ' +ule of th¢ Propeny, tih•rll appl�• any FunJ.hrlJ hy l.rndrr u1 Ih4 timu�N'urqui.ilion�K +nle as u rredi� uguimt the.ums t�., --
<br /> sccureJ by thi.Sccurily Imtrumcnt. � '��:`�`:'-
<br /> 3. Applkation oP P�ymentx. Unk.. applicuhlr la��• p�r,vide�,uthrrwi�c. ull p�yrncnt, rcccivcJ by LcnJcr undcr °�"`°:�, �
<br /> puragrrphs I •rnJ 2�hall tk a�licJ: lini.tu�uiy prepuymcnt rh��rKrti duc undcr�hr Naic:.ccund.ta anx�um+payublc unJrr ''�-
<br /> , purugraph 2:thlyd.w imrR,t Juc:li►urlh.to primipal dur::lnd lut�1.lo uny lat¢rhargc.duc unJcr Ihc Notc. .; w, �.:._:,;;
<br /> . 4. Charseg: Lieng. Bunowrr +hull pay all �axr+, u,.r�.nhn�a. ch�irgc�. line+and im���ition.attributablc to thc " , _ --
<br /> , . Prop►�ny �vhirh may au:�in priurn��over�hi,ticrurity In.irumcm.:uiJ I�u�chidd paymcnn urgra�und rent.. if uny. Borrowcr `z--.
<br /> shull pay Ihc+c obligatiom in�h�mamnr pro�•ukd in pura�raph?.�rc if ni►�p;iid in Iha�mnnikr. Rnrruurr.hall p:iy thcm un � °'.":--
<br /> time direcdy tu�hc per.un u�vcJ pa�ment. Hwr�►a•cr,hall prumpUy Iumiyh tu l.cnder ull n�,ticc.nt amuunt,�u tk pa�d undcr r �
<br /> thix paragraph. II'Burrowcr makc.Ihex p.q•mcnl,directly. Rorn�wcr .hull pmmpUy I'umi,h tu Lcmkr rcrcipt.cvidrnrin� � . _
<br /> . . the paymcnts. � '� -
<br /> . Borrawcr xhall pri�mptly di:char�c an�•licn which ha�priurity uvrr tNiv tierurity In.ln�nunl unlc,.Borruwrr:Ir►agrcc. '�:'--
<br /> in writin�t to�hc paymcni�il'�hc abli�aiiun,erurcd hy thr li�n in a m+mnur�rr�ptahlc ta LcnJ�r. �h1 contcst�in gaxl faith t hc t ' -
<br /> , lien by,or defends uguimt rnforc�mrnt��t'dk lien in.Irgal pnx•erdin�e�w hirh in�h�Lrnd�r+opiniun uperatr�o preven��hr _
<br /> , �. . . enf'urcemc�n�►f thc licn:ur lr�.ecurr.1'rom ihe ix�IJer ul'thu lien+m��g�rmrm.uti.lar�ory lu LcnJcr,uM�rdin•rling thc lirn i . ..
<br /> �,;�.: . ' to thi.Security Instrumrn�. II l.cnd�r drterniinr.Ih�u,my pnn�►f d�u Pm�xn�•i+,uhjrci w a lirn��hich muy attain priuriry
<br /> ' over tbis Security�Inxtnmienl.LrnJcr may giv.•B��rri�wrr a nrnirr idrntil�in�thc licn. R�xrox•cr.hall satitify thr lirn or tukc �,
<br /> ' ?� • onc nr mcxc of�hc acliun,.rl tiirth alw�re within 10 Jaiy,of�hr�ivin�t uf notirr. �
<br /> �ti � 5. Hay.ard or Prnperty lnrurunre. Burru��cr.hall I.cep ihr impru�•rnxnt.nu�r cxi,iinE�ar hercafter crcctcd on thc
<br /> y . Proprny inyurcd aguim�lu..by�firr.hatard.inrludcd wi�hin ihr�cnn"�xtcnJrJ r��vrrag�"an�f uny��thrr har.urd..inrluJin� ,
<br /> floods or tlaxlin�, 1'ur which Lcndcr rcyuirc. in+urunce. 1'hiw mwrunrr �hull Ix muinluin�d in Ihc amountx and tiir Ihc
<br /> Fi�rm 102R 9�911 ��e�e.•',7nrx�e�•.�� .
<br /> ,11 • , .
<br /> I
<br /> ,� :,• .
<br /> �
<br /> y �.L . __ — - -
<br />