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<br /> �'"`� . ' ,.�• �,:. ' p:�riodx�h��Lendcr requirc�+. 'I'he insuran�r caRicr providing�he inwrunce�hull be chu.en by Borniwerlbl j�tifl�n�r'x �-�.:�==_-
<br /> "��'��`' '-' -�=.'•-' w rcwAl whkh chull nw be unreuronably wl�hheld. If scxrower fuil.r�a muintain�:overuge de.crihed uhnvr.l.en�fer trwy.at —�-�•---
<br /> .��..:,�c�r,ve�,:-�.w PP
<br /> _y�9�t�� ,�;,�^' �' l.e�uler K apion,ntHoin rnvcrage tn pmtect Lcn�r.right+fn�he Propeny in uccurduncr wi�h pur+►graph 7.
<br /> �'�s�.��;,-. All intiuru�ue{x�licies und r�enawul�+hull be urcep�uble�o Lender und„hall include u+�undarJ murlgage cluutie. l.rnder
<br /> ,r;. ' : • �hull huvc Ihc right�o hald Ihe pulicie�and rcncwuly. If Lendcr rcquirea.Burrower shull prompUy�tivc u�Lcndcr ull nwciptx
<br /> � i►f puid premiums und mnewal naticen. In�hc evcm of los�.Surrower shall give pr�►mpt nntire�a the in�u��ncc camer and ����__
<br /> `• -�`�':.-��";'• Lender. Lendcr may mukc pnwt'uf lo.x if not mude pn�mplly hy Burn�wer. �.. .�.
<br /> � �•-�-� �•- •• � Unle.,l.rndrr and&►m�wer�Khenvinc aprcr in wriling.insuranre prixerd�+hall be applied to rcstorution nr repair nf ._.___
<br /> __ _._ ,,..._.,.... �=-_ _— --
<br /> :�ti::.;.,,,.,, .J ihe Propeny d�nwged, if thc rc�tora�iun or rcpuir i�eronumicuU�� tea�ihle unJ Lendcr+ �ccunry i, not Ic+rcned. If the _-.
<br /> � `' ' ,. '.A::��. re�taratian or�epair i.not ecnn��micully feu.�iblc or l.ender��ecu�ity woulJ be le+r�ened,tha insurunce praceedF rhall be
<br /> . upplied �o the xum� +ecured My this Sccurity In�trument,whe�her or not ihen due, wilh uny exce„ puid to Bamnwar. If _
<br /> '` Borrower ubandonti the Propehy,ur Jues noi anrwer wilhin 3D duyh n natice from L.ender thut ihe incumnce enrrier ha� _
<br /> ';w� � - .. ' �� affered to u�Ue a cluim.then Lender muy culln:t�he inwr:uice pnxe��d�. Lender may u+e the praceeds to r�puir or mstore �=,�-.-�-
<br /> ,,�--,
<br /> �_.���� ° � � �he PrapeAy�►r to pay sums Krured by thi�Sc�urity Instrumem,wh�lhrr or not then dua The iU•day�riad will t+egin when �;�:a:�'=
<br /> _��;�' . .. . .,:,;;, • �__ ,�_�.___
<br />_ ., �;''"'� �he notice ixgiven.
<br /> s�. .,, ,;,...
<br /> �%;,,_;,,,;__:•.� Un1es5 Lender und BaRower othenvine ugree ln wming,uny applicution of proceeJr�a priacipul nhall nut eatend ar �
<br /> �� � � .�'�� • poslpone the due dute of the m�mthly puymen�ti refermd�a in p�rugraphti I und 2 or change thc mm�unt nf the puymentr. li _ ___
<br /> , �� ,� ,� ' under parogruph 21 the Propen is acyuired by l.ender,Bormwer;ri�eht �o any inr�urnnce pnlicie+unJ prcxeeds resuUing �
<br /> � ° --� ,: , • from dumage ta�he Pmpeny p�or to the acyuizitian�hall pasr w Lender la Ihe extent of the,ums secured by�his Securily �"`""-'-
<br /> ��
<br /> ��` ' � �. .. Inrtn�ment immediutely prior w�hc urqui�ition. =_____
<br /> p:� • , 6. (lccuponcy. Prese�vation. Mpintew�ace aad Praection oP the PropeHy: Borrower's I.os�n Applicatiant -
<br /> ° � Leaseholds. Barmwer shull acu ex�abli,h,and use ttre�n�prny uh Barrower�principul re,idence whhio afxty days afler ""�`-
<br /> P>•
<br /> , - � -.. � �he exeeution of this Securi�y Im�rumrnt urx!+h�ti«xuinuc tuckrupy tt�c Pmperty as Borrawer+prinripal residenee fcx a� �� --.- ..
<br /> � Ieust one year uf�er Ihe dute af occup:u�ry, unless Lender o�hen�i,e agrees in writing, which conxnl xhall not be
<br />• .�a, unreusonably wiihheld,or unletis eatenurting circumtitnnces exist whirh;ue beyund Hormwer:control. Borraw•er shall not �'-
<br /> ., destroy,dumu�e or impair the Propcny.uUow�hc Propeny �o deteriorate,or commit wu,te an the Propeny. Bormwer shuU �,,_w_.
<br />- , • ° be in defnult it any farFeiture aetion or praceeJing,whether riril nr crimin•rl,ix begun thut in Lender's gaxi fuith judgment ��.=�v�-
<br /> ,�;��'�i: • cauld result in forFeiturc o!tFk Praperty or otherwi�c mutenully impuir �hc lien rreuted by �hix Sewrity lnstrument or �a^k;'��
<br /> �5�,�'a"� -,
<br /> � • � ��-;�� Lender's security imemst. Bum�wer muy curc such u defuult uiul reinx�ute,a..provided in p•rrngruph IK,by causing ihe Action �„�.;�;
<br /> � ' ' or pmceeding to be dismi.sed with u niling that,in Lender'x gooci fvith de�erminatian,prccludes forFeitum�f�he Borrower's _�_---—
<br /> �� intercst in Ihe Property or other muteeiul impairmem uf the lien crcated by �hi� Security Inxtniment or Lender's securiry
<br /> '.,�.. ,�.�; interest. Borrower shall ul+o bc in defnult if Borrower, Juring the loun upplicution prceess, gave muteriully ful+e or �.__--�-
<br /> ,. ° .. �.'• in,a�.rurate infomiation or statementx to Lender{or failed to provide Lender with uny mnlcriul inl'ornwtionl in cannecti�►n with
<br /> .. � . • ti�e toan evidenced by the Nae, including, but nw limited w, reprexenta�ions concerning Borrower+ occupancy af the ��.
<br /> .... ... ._r .
<br /> ., _�',„.__,_; .: Property as u principal re�idencr. li this Securiry Instn�ment is on u leux:hold,Barrower�hull comply with ull Ihe provisions ��
<br /> ����•r •� of tlie lease. lf Bc�rmwe�acyuires fea title 10�he!'rnpeny.thc leusehnid und the fee�i�ie+haH nut mrrNr unie„Lc��kr agrces =
<br />