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.;; � �r' 1.i" �f��¢ �'�� ��{C:. ��:{it ��h�='' ��`L,1:. '� ' � _. — <br /> . +•;' � i <br /> (l��.'S°+'�' . . ,t ..��w}�� t �nL �� ---•--��9l�l�h7 _. <br /> .• <br /> F' " - �. . <br /> • - � r..,�� . �_ -;'1�d�`lr7S�} -- � �.._._. � _ .�._ <br /> ' � <br /> �..Gi r1� ' - n a�'n`c°: � ... . I l•«-_ <br /> �.f.r-.•�: . ,�` .-�"- � ' � . .-- <br /> � -_ ------ rl:�._...__..-. . <br /> �jCV('ALc.""__,.— <br /> - - 92— �o�$s 8 �:::___-_-- <br /> h .�7.. . � �•. � _-_--- <br /> 1 • ti ti •• <br /> . -. •,n`"'" condemnu�ion nr othe�lal:ing uf uny pun ot thc Pro�rty.ur li�r cunvcyuncc in licu ol con�kmna�iuo.un IuRby u.�igiKd ancl =_==- <br /> '.►.��:�,=,',rr?�;,�f;�;°^:• uhall t�pnid�a l.ender. �`v�- ---- <br /> � . In �hc event af u iorol takmg ot'ihr Pro�rty. �hc pnwrrd� +hull tK upplicd �o thc .um� .rcur�J hy Ihi, S4curi�y - <br /> .,x „" :�,s Instmment.whelher�r aut thcn duc. wilh uny rxuc,+pniJ �o f3om►we�. In�hc evcm ��I u p,�niul iLkin�e��t'd�c F'roperty in <br /> • ,, whi�h the iuir murkc�vrluc of thr Pa��ny immediatcly Ix:ti,rr thc�uking i�cyuul tu ar�trenicr�hun thc amoum of ih�tium. <br /> � ,Q'. �„.,y,:;,:,. o ,ecured by thir Securiry In„trumcm immcJiutrly lxli►re the�uking.unler,BuRUa•cr und I.cnder uthrrwi,c agr�c in wri�in�t. <br /> ' ' - Ihe rum.r• ,ccured by thi� Security Inyuumcnt+hull i+c rcdurcd hy�hc unmunt uf tik pr�Kr��l* muUipli�J My Ilx Ii�Uowing <br /> fraction: la1 the total amaunt nt'�he�um��c�•ured immediutcly Ixi'on the iukin�:,dividcd by Ih)Ux 1'uir mark�t v•rlur��f Ih�: �___ � <br /> - . -�"•.;,�,_;��•.� .. Propeny immediutely bePore �he wking. Any t+alunre �hull be paiJ to Borrnwcr. In�hc evrm ut a puniul tul�inE ol'ilic — <br /> --— . •. . Propeny in which the fuir murket vuluc of the Propeny immrJiately Ix�l'orc�hr tukin�i.Ir+��han �he umuuot��f ihr rumti _ <br /> ���. " •• ucured immediutely t�ef�ra Ihe �uking, unle++ B��rmwer o�nd l.endcr othenvi�� +igree in wri�ing��r unle+• :���u�uni� luw _. <br />'':, . , � atherwine pravide�,the pr��ceeds shull be Applied to the sumn xrcumd by tbi�Security In+m�ment whc�h�r or no��hr�um+urc ��-- <br /> � �hen due. tI,:LL--_•-. <br /> .a,,..,._- <br /> . d • , • �. .. If Ihe Pro{►crty ix ubundoned hy Iinrrnwcr.�►�if.aftar naiirc By I.endcr t��f3��rmwer�h:�i Ihc runJemnor��flrn Iu muke �_;::,___� <br /> un uwurd or�eul�u cl:�im fi��Jumuge�.t3nrrower fnil+t�re.��nd�u Lcnder within �0 duy.alirr ihr dair ihe nntirr i,given. �-- <br /> . Lender iti:�uihorizeJ�a collcct und apply the pmc:eeds,u� i�s�pdnn,either w re.�orati�►n��r rrp:�ir al lhe I'ropeny��r to thr <br /> ' ' • sum��ecured by Ihis Securi�y Intitrumem,whethrr or not thrn due. <br /> Unlews l.endcr and BoROwer ahcnvise agrer in Writing, uny applicu�ion ul'pnx��ed.�n principa� �h•rll nm cx�end or <br /> . • � � post�ne�he due dnte��f�he monthly puymcm�referred�o in purng�uphs I und 3 nr chun@e�hr umoum ol'�uch puymentti. �,_�,�«__ <br /> 11. Barrower Nnt Releaced; Fnrbearance By Lender Not u Wafve� Extcn+ion of thc timr for puymr.m ur �,����:- <br /> ` � � m�xlificu�ian of umunizution of�he tium�tiecured t►y�hi�Security In�:tnimeni gran�eJ by L�nder�o any tiurcc.+ur in intema� <br /> ut"8orn+wer shull not opera�e to relcu�e thc Itabiliiy nf thc originul sorrowrr or Bnrmwer:tiucceti:�on in intcrc+t. l.rnder ��__s <br /> ' • � ' sh•rll n�►t t� requin�d ta cummenec pr�:eeJin�+ ugnimt uny succes�;or in i�terest ur relU.e t�� ��Ktend timc for p•ryment ur :�z.._._ __ <br /> "•�:�'•, . �,thervei.r mcxlify umortixution of�he wms.ecureJ by Ihir Security In+lrumcnt by reuscm at'uny demunJ muJr by thr uriginul j v <br /> ; ti';;�r,.;��i.'�:-.�4. - _ - <br /> . � ,��j�;";;G.,:=:.•• .��?• Barca���e�.�r BaROwer+succes,on in imere,t. Any 1'orbeurunce hy Lende�in excrcir;ing uny righl or remrd)�,hull not he u '•�" - <br /> .:�l ' ;�l5�i���� w•aiver��6 or pmclude the excrcixe of any rigM or remedy. <br /> _,�' .. • r ;. � 1«. Succe s.5 o r s a n d A�.g l�n s B o u n d;J a i n t a n d S e��e r a l L i a b i l i t y:C u-x i s ners. The covenunt+and ugrcrmrnt+of thi� �;•<==-� <br /> ;;,,,i Securi�} lnstmmcnt .hal(bind und lxnctit thc.uccc.s�ir.anJ u++ign+ot'Lendcr und Burrow�r, tiubjcct to thc provi.ions of s�:-.t�'•'- � <br /> . �_•�•= pzuaFraph 17. Borcower:rovcnam. und ugreement. .hall hr join� and �everal. Any Borrower who c��-.i�n. �hi� Sccuri�� o f,� <br /> ' „ Instnimrnt but exrru�r�he Note: �u�i.ra•�igning�hi.Securi�y In�trumem anly to monga�c,grunt and c�mvey iha� `��++u,F}:�_�- <br /> • Bortower'.interrst in thc Pro�xny undcr ihc�crms af thi+Security In+trumcnr. Ib1 i.nui�xrumully u�ligu�cd lu pay Ihc�um. <br /> . •� " securcd h} tfii+Sccurity In.tnimcnt:anJ lr1 ugne.ihut Lendcr anJ uny uther Borr�►wrr muy a�ru a�extrnd,m�xlify.fortxrur _ . �� -_ <br /> �� , • �r mukc nm•uccamnuxlati�m. wi�h rccard �a the tem�� 01'ihi+ Scrurity�ment nr th� Notc wi�hout thut Bnrrower� _ _ <br /> . ,. <br /> . •• •• . � consent. ��- <br /> r� ____= li. l.oan Char�tes. If thr loun .ecurcd hy Ihi� Security In+trument i+ .uhj�ct to a luw which .et. mnximum lonn __ <br /> �`'�'�- �: eharges,und thut law i. hnally interprelcd�0 lhut Ihe interc+i nr other loun churge+cuiic-�tcd��i to t�co!le�ird in ronne:cEeK: _____ <br /> ;:`�;;`,;_;�:-, ' ��iih thr laun exceeJ the pemiitted limit,.lhen: (u��iny such loan churge+hall tx:reJuced hy thc amuunt neresznr�co reduce = <br /> ..'��5��.�, . , the churge to ihc�xrminrd limit:and Ihl;id}�collecled from B��rn�wer which rxcrrJed�rniilteJ limits will be �`rt�:r.:`;'.,_::;� _ <br /> ' r'::'1��; refunded io Hormwrr. Lendrr may chiK�,c to mal.e�hi,rcfund h} reducing the principul uwed unJrr Ihe Nol�or by muking;� � <br /> hi.�..:: �: <br /> ,� �.�'•• . •x rl ri al.thr reduclinn will he trrutcd ar a purtiu) prc{�ayment withnut uny �'+�•:mr,n•- <br /> j:,;•;� dirc�t p•ryment to Born�wcr. It�u rrtund rcduc� p n p ,�,,,_ _ <br /> . " prepuyment rhur�c unJer ihc N���c. W'�T-,- <br /> 14. NMices. Any noticc ti► Burr���ver pro�•idrel fnr in thi�Security In�lrumcnl ,hull Ik givrn by deli�•cring it or M• _"ry�;-- <br /> a,�- <br /> mui ling it hy fin�cla,�mail unlctis ap plicublr law mNuirc+u+c uf unothcr mrth�xt.'i'h�n�dicc�hall lx Jircrtrd to thr Pn�perty �4.;:��t�:�,�. <br /> Addre.�nr uny olhcr aJJrc�.B��RU�vcr dc�ignatr.b�� iK+ticr to LcnJrr. Any noticc to Lrn�kr.hull t►c �ivcn hy lint rlu.� �" '�r�'- <br /> • ' mail to Lender::nlJrc..,tutrd herein ur any uthcr uddrr„L�nder nutice to Burrvwcr. Am•no�ice pruviJeJ for "' <br /> ' � ' ,.,,;�, ��� in this Srrurily� In.trumrm +hull Ix �krmcd to havr Ixr�n �ivrn �u B�►rrowcr ur Len�kr whcn ��i.en u+ providcJ in this . . • - <br /> � puragruph. ; ' - <br /> IS. (:overnin� l.uw; tie��erobi0t��. Thi. Sccurit�• In+�rumcnt +hull tk gurrmed h� I'rdrral la�v anJ thr law uf thc : :_ <br /> jurixJktion in which�hr Propeny i,kxu�rJ. In the rvenl thal un�•pnwi.i�m ur clau�e uf thi+Srcurity In,uumrnt ur thr Note r . <br /> cnnllic��with app lira h lr luw.,ur h r�,n l lic i,h•r l l n�x u t ter��n l�r r p r o��i,i u n�o f�h i�ti rcurit y hi,�rumcn�ur�hr Nu1c which can <br /> � � he given et'fect wilhuul �h�contli�linE provi�ion. lii thi,�nd ihr provi+iun.of�hi,ticruriiy In,trumrnt anJ thc Piule:1R i �� <br /> declarcd to Ik.cvcrahlr. �. . _ <br /> , 16. Borrow�cr's('opv. liiirr����.r,h:dl Ix gi�en unc runti�nnrd rop���f thr'���t�•rnd��1�hi,S�rurit�(nscrument. �-, <br /> � ' 17. '�unsfer nf the Properly or u Benefkial Interest in BiMrox�er. 11':dl or am pan ul'�he{'m�krtg ur any intrr��t m j � <br /> ' „ it i� .old ur tran+fcrrcJ lur if a txn�liri:d im�rc,i in liurruwrr i,.old ur tran,lirnd anJ Burr�����er i. nut x n:uural {xr,un► � - <br /> � ` wilhout LrnJrr;priur�vri�ten r�m.ent. l.�ndrr ma). at ih�q►tian.r�yuirc imnudiulr pu��ment in 1'ull of alt �umti.ccureJ hy <br /> ' this Sccurily Imlrumcnt. Hu��•rvrr.thi,uption,hall nut Ix c!ccrci.rd hy l.rndcr il'c�rn:itir i�pn�hibilcci hy fedcrrl luw ati of � ., <br /> the dutc��f thi.Scru�ity Imtrumcni. � <br /> �� If L�n�kr rsrrci,cs Ihi.uptiun. Lcnder tihcill gi�� Norn��ver n�►tire ul arcrlrrali�m. Thc nuucr,hall pruviJr a�x�i�Kl��f <br /> � noi Ir..�hun 311 Jay,1'mm�Ix di�tr�hr noiirr i.drli�-cred ur maikJ��iihin��hich liarru��rr o►u,l pay:dl .wn..rruRd h�•Ihi. ; <br /> Srrurit�• In+�rumrnt. If BuRCi��rr t�ail. w p:�y �hcu .um. priur u� �hr c�pirati�m �,1 ihi. �xri�xl. L�nder ma� imuke any <br /> rrmcdi�,�xnniltcd hy thi�ticcuril� In+trumcm a i�h��ut furthcr nanrr ur dcmun.l un Kurn���cr. <br /> 18. Bnrrower's Ri�ht to Ncimluta It H�,rmarr mr�l. rcnam amduiun•. linrro�.cr �hall ha�c thc righ� w h�cr <br /> rniixr�mrrn��f thi,5cruril} In.�rumrnt dnr�,ntinurd:u am ti�rn���ri��r�u thr rarlicr nl: i:u S Ja�.wr .uch uihrr�xru�f a. <br /> SmEle I�amd� Funnk�fuc FYY�ddk lfuc l'\IFtIR�t I��i'Rl�ff:\1 1 nia�rm i a� v911 ��..rc.•.1��►n�a��,•.� � <br /> ..r .,,. , . . - ' .. . � <br /> l <br /> � <br /> A . <br /> j �. <br /> 1 . . . __. . . �-- - � <br />