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<br /> '�; ,�,_• �.:,.;;���� �� TOGE7'HL'R WITH aU �he improvemem�s now ur hereaf�er cr��led un Ihe propeny,und oll c�semcntfi,uppunenunccs, �,;+.:,,v..,�
<br /> �'_;; 4�� �y;;�s and Gx�ures nnw or hercuf�er u part�f�he propeny. All replucemenls anJ�dditi�m.vhull Al�n tx covered by thi�Se�.urhy Q.,__..� _�_..
<br /> :�'�•�,'��•�;},-�� ;�s Ins�rument. All af the foregaing ia referrcd ta in thix Security Inatrumcnt us�hc"Pmpeny."
<br /> �'�' • �- • ' BORROWER COVfiNAN'fS thut B�R��wcr is ILwfully sci�cd af Ihc cx�utc hcrehy runveycd and bux Ihc right u►giunt ��°_____
<br /> :' -��:'��-• �� �'�`'��s. und wnvey the Propeny und 1ha��he Propeny is unencumbered,exeept fur rncumbrnnce+ot'mcorJ. &�rrower wurrums und =�-_
<br /> . - , will defend genemlly�he�iUe ta the Pmpeny ngainst ull clnimx und demands,.uhject to any encumbruncr�oi recard. �.�---
<br /> . �'�����"'•�'-��~' THIS SBCURITY INSTRUMENT cambinec uniform cavenants far nuiinnal u.e und non•uniForm covenan�s wi1N
<br /> .. ._�:. - o--�-. �,. limited variations by jurisdiction ta conxtiwte n tmiform+ecurity inswment ravering real propertY• �__ ,._._,_.__
<br /> "�` � � n �' UN iFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer und Lender covenant und ugree uti follow.;
<br /> � ^ � 1. Payment of Prlacipal and laterest=Prepaymeal and Late Charges. BoROwcr shall promptly pay when duc the =
<br /> � � principal of and interest on the de6t evidenced by�he Nae and any prepayrr►ent and latc charges due under the Note. �-
<br /> �� � . ��`#�_�:-' 2. Funds for'IY�xes and Insurance. Subject to upplicable IAw or to a written waiver by Lender.Horrower shall puy to =-'_—
<br /> ��: , ' l.ender on the day monthly payments arc due under the Note.until ihe Nate i� paid in full,a.um("Fund�')for: lu)yeArly �'-
<br /> l' �:'---
<br /> '� taxes uod a4sessments which may attain prionty over[his Security Inslrumen�as u lien on�he Prapeny:(bl yearly leaschold --__
<br /> '� payments or graunJ renta on the Praperty, if aoy: (c) ye;uly h:uauJ ur pcoperty in�urnnce prcm�umti; (d) yearly tlood =-==-=o �-�-•=�
<br /> �� • � � � ' � insurance prerniums,if any; (el yearly mortgage insurunce premium�, if�ny; nnd 1� any xums pay�ble by RoROwer to ---
<br /> • : ' L.ender,in uccardance with the pravisianx of pnragraph K,in lieu af the payment oi morlgage in�urance premiums. The,e _
<br />' , • ' items ure called"Escraw Items." Lender may.ut Any time,rollect smd hald Funds in an nmount ad ta exceed the maximum ---
<br /> • �+mount a lender for a federally related rnoRgage loan may require far 8orrower's escrow account under�he federAl Real __,
<br /> ' �� Estate Settlement Pracedures Act af 1974 us umended from lime to time, 12 U.S.C.§2601 er sey.("RFSPA"),unless another --
<br /> ' �. „. law that applies to the Flmdw sets u legser amount. If so,Lender may,At uny time,callect anJ hold Funds in un umount not to �`�_"--
<br /> ; ' _ _ , exceed thc le, �r amou•t. l.endrr may eslimate the umount of Funds due on Ihe hasis of currem data and reasonable �
<br /> , � � e�timules of expendiwre,uf fwurc�tiu ow Iteu, or otherwise in accardance with appUcnble law. C�`°' _
<br /> , � . • The Funds shall be hcld in an institution whase depoxits are insured by u fede�al agency,inslrumentnlily,or entity
<br /> ' (including Lender,if LenJer is such un in�tilution)or in any Federul Hame Loan Bank. L,ender zhall apply�he Funds ta pay ���'"
<br /> ° � the Escrow Items. Lendcr may not chargc Borrowcr for holdin� and applying Ihc hUnd+,annually unulyzing the escrow �—
<br /> . . . accaunt, or verifying the Escmw Items, unless Lender puys Borrawer interest on�he Funds and applicable Inw permits =�
<br /> � Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may reyuire Borrower lo pay u ane-time churge for an independent reul
<br /> , • estute tex reporting service uxed by Lender in cannection wi�h this loan,unless applicuble law provides wherwise. Unless un ���
<br /> ' , ugreement is made or applicable law rcquires imerest to be paid,Lendtr shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or _
<br /> ' cvrnings on�hc Funds. �arrawer and Lender mny ugrcc in writing,howevcr,Ihat interest shall bc paiJ un the Funds. Lender ,.,,.,_,._
<br /> � ' shall rve to Borrower,wilhout char e,un annuul ucrountin�of Ihe Funds,showin credit�und debi�s to�he Funds and the ,9�%�``:i
<br /> g A 6 R ��t�*-��.
<br /> �� � purpose for which euch debit to the FLnds wus muJa The Funds sue pledged us uddilional xecurity fo�ull sums secured by r.,-.�:_,:.;.;__
<br /> this Security InslrumeM. r - ---
<br /> _--- --_ !f she Fands held by Lender exceed the amoem� �rmiu��i io be hrld by upplicublc luw. Lcnder shall accaunt to ��:.,tii _ __
<br /> � , ��,.•..�� Borrower for Ihe excess FUnds in accordance with thc rcyuircmentx uf applicublc luw. If the amount of the Funds held by -_�_�
<br /> � Lender at any iime is not sufficient to puy the Eticrow Itcros when duc. Lenckr muy�u notify Borcowcr in writing,und, in .y,�.._.----
<br /> such cnse eu�rowcr�hull puy to Lender�he amount necessury to muke up the deGcicncy. Borrower xhull make up thr r,�,•���
<br /> �-.- .° -..._..
<br /> . •a,�„ . deGcienc in no more thun twelve munthl u ments,at Lenderti sole discretion. ���----
<br /> y Y p Y �,r�-,��,-.-_
<br /> ,;:.�'�" Upon pnyment in full of all.umv xecured by thiv Securily Insirument,Lender shull prx�mptly refund to Bortower uny T_.--___
<br /> Funds held by l.ender. If,under pam�Zraph 21.Lendcr tihall ucyuirc or scU the Propeny,Lender.prior to Ihc ucyuisition or '`�"'s''`-�-
<br /> sale of the P�nperty,shull upply uny Fundx held by Lender ut�he iirr� of ucyuisi�ion or +ale ax a credit against the xumc 'J '������
<br /> : . .�,�,
<br /> , �`' secured by this Securiry Instrument. a�_
<br /> 3. AppNeation oP Payments. Unle,x upplirahlc luw providex u�herwise, all payments rcceived by l.cnder under _.__
<br /> '� '� arn m h5 1 und 2 shall lie u lied:tir�t,to un r� a ment chur�t�due under the Note;,ccond,to umounts a Able under �ti --
<br /> P S P • pP Y P 'P"Y b'� P'Y .'>,•`1'�'4:'_1:. ._,:—
<br /> ' pumgruph 2;[hird,to interest duc;fourth,w principul duc;�nd last.lo any latc churgex duc under the Note. ' ' '° `,.
<br /> 4. Cbwrqes: Liens. Bnrrowcr xhall puy ull taxr,, v„cs,mcnts, churgr�, fine� und impositions attributublc to thc � �•'�'.-
<br /> .'i,r,. Propeny which muy uttuin priority over this Sccurity In�trumem,und Ica,chuW puyments or Fmund rents,if uny. Borrower �=~-�:`.'
<br /> �'_�. shull pay these obligations in thc manner provideJ in paragruph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Bortower shall puy them on M �=•":
<br /> • �imc dircctly to thc person uwed paymcnt. Borrowrr�hull pmmptly fumi,h tu Lrndcr all no�iccs af amounts�o he paid undcr � `"="
<br /> � this parugraph. U Bo�rower muke.thesc p•rymentx dircctly. Borrower shull promptly t'umish to Le�der receipls evidencing �
<br /> • the pAyments. �' �,^;�
<br /> Borrower shall promptly Ji,chargc any lic�whi�h has priuriry uvrr thi,Scrurity In�lrument unleys Borrower:(al agrres .,r.,�._
<br /> •• ' �• . in writing to the puyment of the obliga�ion�rcurcd hy�he lien in a munner ucceptablc�o Lendcr.(b1 ronte�ts in sood�aith�he . -�:•
<br /> . " i �':. .
<br /> � licn by,or defends ugainst enforcement uf thc licn in,Ic�ul prikrrding, whirh in�h�LcnJrr�opinion operutc to prevcnt thc , °,}j'`
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or Ic)secure.from Ihc holdcr of Ihc lien an aFrre�tnnt a�uisfacuxy to Lendrr.ubordinating the lien �tl:�
<br /> `' ro this Securit lnstrumeat. If Lender determine.thut uny part uf Ilx�Pro�xn} is suhjec�t�i a lirn which ma��altuin prioriry ,:: --
<br /> ,��,�.,,.�';�.::; . .: y . . ,. . --
<br /> � ':�• ' over this Securiry Instrument,Len�kr muy give Borr<►wer•r miticr identifying Ihe lien, Horrower�hall xati�fy the lien ar take ��',��•,;• �� ,�:±'
<br /> � '' .. . „ one or more of the uctions rct li�rth utxwc within lu duyti ul'Ihc giving of nolicc. '. . .
<br /> ' . `�� 5. Hazord or Praperty Insurance. Burn►wrr shull krcp thc improvrnxnt.nnw rxi+ting or hercuRcr cRC�cd on thc `
<br /> '�'�' Property insured agaimt lu�s by firc,h�r.:��Jx inrludcd within thc temi"cxtcnJrd rrncrugc" und:my oihrr har.•rrds,includin�t
<br /> floods or tlooding,for which Lender rcyuin. in►uruncc. This in+uranu tihall he maintainrd in the amounts und for the •
<br /> �: '
<br /> . , ,
<br /> .. fo�Rl�� 9/� IJW.pP:.r/A�NI�(CSl �.���'_;�
<br /> • ,�, 1
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