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<br /> e�"�+sb'"'`'°` pericxlx Ihu�Lcnder reyuires. The insumnce curricr proviJing t8c insurunce xhull t+e chosen by Bc�rn►wcr+uhJert tu l.cncicr w _=
<br /> ' �,. :�!n��y;��. ` appmvul which sholl not be umrusonubly withheld. If f.��rmwe�Fuilg to muintain caveruge descdbed ubove.Lencler nwy,u� --
<br /> �"�� l.emier�option,abtui�coveruge to praect Lender z righ�x in�he Prapeny in uccord+mce with purc�groph 7. _.--
<br /> ��'�:
<br /> ' „- „ ' All in�urance polfcies und renewuls tihull t�e ucceptable�o Lender und shull Include u slundnrd morlgagc cluuse. l.ender ___.__
<br /> , � • ,hull huvc ihc�iuht tu hold the policieti und renewuls. If l.ender rcquirex.BnROwer tihall prompti}•�ivc 1�►Lender ull mceiptti --
<br /> ' �`' ' of puxl pmmium�und rencwul notices. In ihe cve�t of'lows,Burrower sholl givc prumpt naticr w�hc insurance currier und °'�'°
<br /> �..'k:; ,t •
<br /> n^- '�i . �•' � l.cndcr. l.ender mc►y mukc pn►of'of losy if not mude pramptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unlc,s Lender und Borrawcr othenvise ugree in writing, in+urnncr pr�xeed,shnll he applicd io re,torution or rcpair of r__ ___- _ ___
<br /> `. 't;;:;���""0 -�' Ilx Propeny dumaged, il'the restaru�ion ar rcpnir is ecanomicully fea+ible und Lenderti,ecurity i� nu1 lerxracd. If the
<br /> � • rc�tur�xiun or rcpuir ir� not economicully feuxible or Lc�xicr's sccurity wauW be lesscncd,thc in�urunce procceds shull hc —
<br /> upplicd to�he xums secured by ihi. Sccurity Instrumem, whether or ix►t �hen due, with uny rxce+s puid t�i BoROwer. If �--
<br /> ,�,, -�— � ';" . 8o�nwcr abundonx Ihe I'roperty,or daati not answer within 30 duyw u natire fmm I�ender ihut the insurunce cunier ha�c —
<br /> ��' ; offered to x:ttle u rlaim,then l.ender may callect the inxurunce proceeds. Lender may utie�he pnxeed�to repair ur re�Wre __ ___
<br /> .._ Ihe Prapeny ar lo puy sumz,ecured by thi,Security Ingtrumrnt.whether ar nrn Ihen due. The 3l1-day pedod will begin whrn —
<br /> .., thc nrnicc ic givcn. "',:w;-..-__�
<br /> � Unles� L.ender und Borrower otherwise ugree in writinK, uny upplicali�m uf pr�x:eed+to princip•rl,hull not uxtend�r �����---
<br /> , pustpnnc ihc due dutc af the monthly puymenls mferrcd to in purugruph� I and 2 ar chAnge thc umount uf�he puymcnts. If r,
<br /> . uad�r purrgroph 21 �hr Pruperty is:uyuired by L�nder, Borr��wer� right Ia any insur:mre�licies und prcxeeds rexultillfi —•�
<br /> � " from dumuge ta the Piroperty prior to ihe acquicition ahull puss ta Lender to the extenl of Ihe sums uecured by�his Securily =�
<br /> , . "� Inxtrumcnt immediu�cly priar t���hc ucyuisitian. ";�_�:_
<br /> _ . ., ' � 6. (kcup�ncy. Preservalion. Maintenance and PrntecUon of the Propertys 8urrawer'R Loan Applicationi —
<br /> �� ' Leaseholdv. Bnrmwcr shull cKCUpy, estubNsh,und uxe the Pm�ny us Borcowcr's prin�:ipul r�sidcnce wilhin xixry duyr utier
<br /> ., � the execu�ion of�his Security In,�rument und 4hu11 mntinue lo accupy Ihe F'iropeny ax Bnrtower's principul residence for u� = '° ---
<br /> Icatit anr yeur uf�cr the dule of occupuncy, unlexs Lender othcrwixe ugnsew in writinF, which conxent zhall not lx �=`�=-�
<br /> � " , unrrutionubly withhelJ,or unles.cx�enuuting circumstancex exist which urr t�yond Bormwert mntrol. Bormwcr shull nut ��°�
<br /> ' • dcstmy,dumuge or impui�Ihe Property,ullnw Ihc Propeny lo deteriorntc,��r a�mmit wu+tr an thc Pro�ny. Bonower shull �`:�"•�•
<br /> �' �, be in detuult if'uny forteilure uctian or pnxceding,whr�her civil or criminul,is Ne�:un thut in L�nder+g�xxi iuith JuJgment _��
<br /> rnu1J mxult in I'orfeiwrc of thr Property or othcrwise mtueriully impuir thc lien creutcd by this Scrurity Inxtrument or �,.,,.�,..,,
<br /> ; Lender: +ecuriry inlercst. Hurrower may cure.uch u defuuU und reinstute.i�ti provided in pnrugruph 18,by cau.ing�hr uc�ion _�
<br /> ' , or proce�ding ki tx di��mis.ed wi�h u ruling thut.in l.enJcrk Fcxxl fuith dcierminution,prcrludcti forleiture uf'thc Borrowerk — �—�—
<br /> � `��`"�'� in�cres� in�hc Proprrty or ci�her muteri��l impuirmem of tlx lien creuleJ by this Scrurity In,trument or Lcndrr� xecurity
<br /> ' ., inlerest. Born�wer shull ul,a he in Jefiiult ii Borrower. Juring thr loun uppliriniun prcxc�ti. guve mulcrially fulxc or __.
<br /> ' • inaccurutr informuiinn ur stutement.to Lender lor fuiled lo proviik Lender wi�h uny mutcriul inPorn�utionl in connection wi�h —
<br />_ • thc loan evidenced hy the Note, including, hu� nM limited to, rrprc�enlutiom ro�xcrning B��rcower; cxrupunry ot' �he =°—°
<br />_ _._ Pmpeny ue u principul residrnce. li'this Securily Imtrument is i�n a Icu�rhold,Borrower+hnll camply wilh ull the provisionx =
<br /> , ' "' of the Icu,r. It'Borcowcr uc��uires fec litle tn the F'roperty,the IrnscholJ und thc I'ce�itla shaill nnt merFc unlrs.l.endcr u�rcex _
<br /> ��� ta the merger in wrilin�z.
<br /> 7. Protection �P Lender's Rightti in the Nropc�ty. If Borto���cr fail. �o �xrti�rm the covenunt. und a�rccmrn�+ �m{T:A�WS±.
<br /> • cnntained in thi� Securiiy In��rumern.or Iherr i. u IcEid �xur.eding �hu� muy .igniliranUy i�ffact I.enderti righ�. in �Fk � � J��'-�
<br /> .`' '• Pm�xny I.urh ax u paxecding in hanhruptcy.proh:ne.fur rondenm:ui�m�,r ti�rl'ei�urr i�r�o cNiircr luwr or regula�iom�.�hrn ���.,,°"°�`-".:
<br /> LcnJcr m•ry do and puy tiir whcnevcr i. �kcc�,.iry �n prulccl the valuc ol'thc Properly unJ Lcndrr: righl. in�hr Pro�rly. - —
<br /> Lender� action+muy include pi�ying any sum�srrurcd hy a lien�►•hirh hu.priuriry�wrr thi.Security In.trumen�.��ppruring """
<br /> in ci�un. p�ying rcu�anuhlr uu��rncy�'I'cr.�md rntcrin�un�h� Pn��xny to mukr repairs. Althou�h Lcndcr muy tukr ariiun =----
<br /> undcr Ihix purugroph 7.Lcndrr d�x.not havc I�i dn,i�. "°��-=�,
<br /> Any umounts di+Muncd hy Lendcr umlcr�hi.p:�ragra�li 7.hall t+ecomc i�dditi�Hwl �kht of Borrowrr ucurcd Hy thi.
<br /> � .. Scrurity Instrumcnt. Unle.s Barro�vrran�l LrnJrr agrrr lu ulh�rlerni,ul peymrnt.�hetir xmuuna shall Ikur intere•t fram thr �'�'°'��:; •,�.
<br /> Jatc of�lishurxrmcm u� ihr No�c rutr and,hsdl Ik piiyuhlr.with intcrc,t.u�m nuticc t'n�m Lcnder�o Borrower rcqur�ling '" '-�'""
<br /> . ' :i'"�:�' �uYment. � .:-b.r,►:,:
<br /> ' . 8. M�rlRake Imuvuncc. If l.endrr rcyuii�d mun�aEr imuruncr:i. :�c���xlitinn�►1'makin�thc Inan urured hy �hi+ ..' ''`"'`.--
<br /> . .. Srcurily Inxlrument. Burrow•cr tih:dl pay thr pnmium� rcyuired lo nwinlain thr mi,n�;agr irounmtt in effrr�. IL f'i�r uny '•--•-.;.-'l,-,_
<br /> . . ' �,�.', mux��n, the nuxtgage in.urance covcra�c rcquired hy l.endur lap�r. or rea,r. t�� h.� in eflect. I�i�rrowcr +hsdl pay Ihr '
<br /> , prcrnium�rcquimd to �ihtain cov�ragc �uhtiUlnllt�ll)' �quivalcn� w �hr murigagr inwrancc pr�vi��usly in eflect. u� u �o,� , _
<br /> ' . tinbtilantially cyuivulent �o tlx cu,���i Biirro�v�r ul'ihr m��nguge in,urancc prcviuu,ly in r(Irrl. from an idtrrnut� m�mgagr � '_{.:�.
<br /> , . in.urcr i�ppruvcd b� I.rnJrr. II',uMtuntiall�•rquiv:dcn�murt�i�gc in.ur:mrc cavcragr iti n�►�arailc�Mc. BoRrn�•cr shull p:iy��► ..%?:�J=.
<br /> i; �. . ' Len�kr cin;l� munlh i�.unt cyuul t��unc•tw�ltth uf tlx���url��nwngapc in,urancr����„�u�»n��„�raid by H�ttra�vrr when thr � �� � �:.,�:;'
<br /> intiurancc covcragr Iup�rJ ur cca�rd�o hr in rl'Icr1. Lrndrr���ill acrrpt.u,r:md irlui�i Ihr,e pu�mcnt.ii+�i I��.�rr.rr�•�in liru :�'-'��
<br /> . . ° i�f ntanguge in.ur+uirr. Lo+.rc,ervr paym�nh nr.►y nu I�ai�cr Ix reywrcd. a� thr��p�iun ol'l.rndrr. if m�mgugr insurance � t�"
<br /> I cnvrragr lin Uk umown nnd lin•Ihc�krii�d ihiil I.cndcr requirr.�pro�•iJ�d hy:ui in,urer:ippr���•cd hJ• Lrndcr ngain ixri�tnr. r
<br /> .. � : . " availahlc�md i,ublaiurd.8�►rru��rr.hall pny du pnmium.rei�uired lu m:iintain murt����e in+ur:uxr in��1'Icrt.or lo pro�ide a
<br /> Im. rc�rrve. until 1hc rcquircnknt liir m��n�upr m�urnncc rndti in ncrord•rncr ai�h i�m ��•rinrn:�Lrrcmenl Iktw•ern H�►rcowrr
<br /> nad Lcndcr ur applirnnlr lu��•.
<br /> � 9. Impecti��n. Lrndrr i�i�it.agcnt ma� mal.e rra.unahk cntrirti u�Nm;md in,prriiun,��I�hc I'ru�xm•. Lrndrr.hull �
<br /> �ivc Barrmvrr nu�irr ut ih.lim.•ul'or pri��r m un in,��liun.prcil'��ing m�i�onahl.•c:uiu lur ih.•imperliun.
<br /> . III. l'ondemnution. 'I�IK pnxreJ.ul'aui� :i��:ird or cl:ui�i lur dam.��cti.durrt��rrun�eque�ui:d.in runnrc�iun with tut)
<br /> timFlcl•.und� h'annk\Inv:F'rrddlv\1uc1'\IF(IR\11\�'1'RI'�Ih47' •14����xm1'���rnam. 9��M1 �p�rirt,dnp,�erv •
<br /> �ar,nl.i��Mu•ne•..F.�nu Ux � •
<br /> I��IM�4t I,III 114MIR�IIIIKi'All'I'.1tbI1�7'll�ll.11
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