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vrau• y, .�, ,�•.::;:rc;;:r <br /> L«. ..b .ti' _ .. . -' � � _.—. <br /> � ....y��� ' � :f1t�. • _ <br /> � •�•1! 1't - I - •�IA.`.r..Y. _ <br /> �-� ;� .:�`��----- y� �_--- _ <br /> ;{ . . _ 10f884� - <br /> �:��.�od�-..... �.�.,_,_ <br /> ""` "'"' '"'' '� TOCiETH6R WITH all Ihe improvemcnts nuw ur hen:vflcr cr��c�ed un thc properly,und ull cascments.uppurtenunres, ------ <br /> •� • � and fiaturs�no,w or hereuf'tcr a pm of ihc prapeny. All replaccmeniti uixl uddilions tihnll also be covcred by this Sei:urity �.,-,;�,_.-_r_�---- <br /> y, ,' ' ': Insuument, At{vf�hc foecguing ix refcrred tu in this Secudry Inr�Mmcnt ns Ihc"Propcny:' — <br /> ' „�'�' BORRn�R COVENANTS that Borrowcr is lawfully�cised of thc estA�c hcrcby convcyed und hax the right a�gronl <br /> ti <br /> �' and canvc;y Ihq,Pruperty und ihut ihe Pmperty i,unencumbr:rcd,e+cccpl for encumbrunce�af rerord. Bc�rrowcr wurrunlx tuxl ___ <br /> . � � ,,� will defend generol�y the tiUe ta the Propeny uguinst all cluims nnd demundx,subjec�to uny c�xumbrnnceti of'rerurd. !_ <br /> � THIS S6C:URITY INSTRUM�NT combines uniform covenunls for nationol use unJ non-uniform covenuntr wilh <br /> • limited vurialivn�.r by ju�isdiclion�o con�titu�e a unifarm securi�y instrument cuvering real praperty. _-�-------_- <br /> � ,. o .; UNIFQRM COVENAfYTS. �orrower und Lender covenAnt und agree us follows: <br /> - � ' 1. Payment aP Principal and Interest;Prepayment and Late(:harges. Barrower Shull pramptly pay when duc ihc — <br /> - , principal of and,intcrcst an the debt evidenced by thc Notc urxl uny prepuyment and late churgcti duc under thc Notc. ��� <br /> 2. F�n�dv for'I�xes and Insurance. Su6ject to upplicublc law or ta u writ�en wAiver by Lender.BoROwer xhull pay to �„�-- <br /> " � Lender on tha,duy manthly payments ure due under the Note,until Ihe Nae is paid in full,a sum("Funds")far. (u)ycarly �•�����,_ <br /> � . " . 'n wxes and usses�menis which muy attain priority over this Securily Instrument ur u lien an thc Pra�xny;(b)ycu�ty leutiehold __ <br /> payments ar $mund rents on the Properly, if any: lcl yeurly hs+z+ud or pmperty insurAnce pn:miums; (d) yeurly flood �._-�--�_-�---_ <br /> `._._�.�.,.,..._.�.,... <br /> insumnce premium5, if nny: le)yearly monguge insuruncc premiums, if nny: and(f1 any sums puyuble by Bormwe�to <br /> "� ' Lender, in accordance with the provitiiom of pa�grnph 8, in lieu of ihe payment af m�x�tgoge in+urunce prem�ums. These <br /> ° a�.:.•=••��? • i�ems a�e culled°�«row Items.' l.ender any time,collect und hold Fundx in un amount not ta exceed the muximum ��::.�.-�-�---- <br /> .�,� nmaunt u lender for u fedcrully relatcd martguge loan muy rcyuirc for Borrowcrt escmw uccuunt under the i'edcral Real _I __ <br /> ^ ,�"l�� Estute Senlement Procedureti Act oF 1974 ns amended from time ta time. 12 U.S.C.§2601 er sey.("RESPA").unle�s unother <br /> law that npplie�;lo�hc Funds sets u le�scr amount. li so,I.endcr m►�y,ut any time.colk�.t and hold Funds in+ui sunount nol to ��.., ...__ - <br /> . • �' .:-. ,m <br /> • excecd 1he Icxu:r ,unuunt. Lender muy cstimatc thc umount uf Fundti due on the basis uf current datA und reusoaable ,r�",,-.a _�----- <br /> ' estimates of expe�ditures of future Escmw Items ar atherwise in uccordunce wi�h�pp���Lble law. t�I Mk.'�► �,_� _ <br /> � The Fundx.shall bc hcld in un institution whose depotiits nrc insured by u Pederal ugency, insmimentaliry.or entity � �''''�, ��;�'- <br /> (including LenJer_if Lender is such an in�titulian)or in uny Federal Hame Lonn Sunk. Lender shall apply the Fundv to pay �,�4_�. <br /> �- th� 6scrow hemti. Len d er muy not c har�c Barrowe r for holdin g and a p pl ying the Funds,unnually unalyzing the c�cmw Q��,_ <br /> •• � uccount, or verifyin� the Escrow Items, unles� Lender p�+ys Horrower interest on the Funds and upplicuble law permits �__- <br /> Land��ta mukc such a churge. Howevcr,Lender mny myuim BoROwcr ro puy�onc-timc churge for an incicpendcnt rcul ���, <br /> " estalG,tax teportia,�nervicc used by Lender in cnnnection with this loan,unless upplicuble law pravidex rnhrrwise. Unlexh un �'�„��_.�,._ <br /> ugrecmem is mqder ar applicable law requireti interes�to be paid.Lender shnll nat he rcyuired to pay Borrawer nny interest or . . :' ��__ <br /> •� ° carningn on thu Funds. Borrowcr nnd Lenckr muy ugrcc in writing,however,thut iNcrest sholl lm paid on the Funds, Lcndcr <br /> � � shull givc to Borrawer,wi�hout churgc,nn annuul uccounting uf Ihc Funds,tihawing cnditx and debitr to thc Fundy und thc ,� <br /> •• purpose for whi4h�ach debi�to the Funds wus made. The Funds ure plcdged ax udditianal u:curity for ull sum��ecureJ by ,-", <br /> ' this Security ln.rtrum�nt. <br /> �R_...�. <br /> -'- --� If the Funds held by Lender excced the umounla �xiu�itied ta tx hcld by appllcable luw, !�•n�lr.r chall uccount �o _t_ :��J•��' <br /> k - -- <br /> ' Borrower for tha excess Funds in uccordunce with�he requirements uf upplic�ble luw. If ihc amount uf�he Fundx held by -'�'`"�"� <br /> � Lender ut nny timu i. nut cufficient to puy thc Escrow Itemti when due,Lender muy so notil'y Burrawcr in wriiing.und,in "�.'^ <br /> such cASe BoROwur shull pay to LcnJer�hc umount necc+sary to mukc up the det'iciency. Sonowcsr shull muke up.Ihe , -� ` <br /> �'�'•.�. ����°:._ <br /> " dcticiency i�no more ihan twelve monlhly puyments,ut Lendcr:.ulc discrction. • '�t:,_._; <br /> � .�r�.�= <br /> " Upon puymcn�in iull of all xums ticcured h ihi,Securit Inxtrument, l.enJer shull �romp�ly refund to sorrowcr any 1,:- ;,:•, <br /> Y Y � ��� :-��= <br /> � Funds held by I.cnda�. If,unJcr purugruph 31. LcnJcr tihull •rcyuire or�ell the Prape:ny, I.cndcr.prior to the ucyuitiilion or : . .„4,.,�_ <br /> " xalc of tNc Proparq�. shall upply uny Funds hcld hy Lcnder •rt �he time of ncyui�iiiim nr sale us a crcdi� u�uinst �he sums : � ��� <br /> secured by thia Securiry Instrument. � <br /> 3. Applkatfon oP Payments. Unlc�+applicuUk Imv pruvidc� u�hrrwi+c, ull p•rymenu reccived by LenJer undcr <br /> paragrnphs 1 ;u�J 2 xhull be upplied: fint,lu uny prepuyment churgcs due under ihr NcNC: tiecc� umount�payuble undcr i. ,;,,.... - <br /> puragrnph 2; third.w entcrc,l due:founh,to princ�pal duc;und I:� any lute churges Jue undcr the Note. � � <br /> 4. Charqes;Liens. Borcawcr shull pay ull tuxc., u�ticssments, charges, fincn and impo.ition. atMbutablc to thc ! ��`;.:':_;- <br />� Propeny which muy attoin priarity uvcr thia Security Instrumcnt,and Icuxchuld payments or�round rents,if uny. Borrowcr ! "•° <br /> " shall pay thesc oblipation,in the manner pruvided in pur��graph?,ar if not puid in thui munncr.Borrower,hall pay them on •:..�:�,�:,,,_, <br /> �ny�:�::_: <br /> �ime direc�ly to�hc p�:non uwe J paymen t. Borro wc r.h ul l pr��m ptl y furnish tu Lrnder ull no�ices uf umi�unlx to be p•riJ under �-�,�_ <br /> � this parugruph. If Borniwer makes �he�e paymentc direcUy.B�xrower shall promptly fumi�h �o Lci�dcr rereipts evidencin� , ' ' `�:{��--� <br /> � thepnytncnts. � �� �= <br /> Borrowcr shull prompdy dischnrgc uny licn which hu.prioriry ovrr thi�Suurily Instrumcnt unlex�Born�wcr.(ul:�grecs � ;.. �,_ <br /> ° in wriling lo thc payment�if the obliga�ion sccureJ hy thc licn m a manncr urrcplablc to Lcndcr;lMl contctitti in gcx�d fuith ihc -�_-�;ii <br /> licn by,cx defendh Againwt enforccmcn�of�hr licn in.Icgul pn►�ccdinti�which in thr Lendcr'>upinion o�rutc�o pmvent Ihc ; ,�.:..- � <br /> enforcement of th�licn:or(c)sccurc.fram thc holdcr of thc licn an agrcem�m salisf'uclory a�Lrnder sulx►rdinuling the lien � ,�: :d�`�,��� <br /> 1 tu this Securiry In.ruumem. If Lender de�erminr�thut uny pan nf�Ik Pr��prnY i� �uhject to a licn which may uttuin priority .,�.;.?' <br /> s'� over this Security lnatrumen�.Lcnder muy give Horrower a notice i�kntifying thc licn. Borruwrr+hull,a�isfy the lien ar tul:c [ ' <br /> one or mon:of ihe fonh alxrvc within 10 Juys�it'thc givin���f notira k <br /> � 5. Na�urd or Properly Insurance. Born�wcr.hall kcrp thc impruv�mentti nu�►•cxi+ling or hereultcr rrcrlcd on thc � <br /> �u <br /> -, Property intiured uFuinsi lo�ti by tirr,huiardti inrludcd�viihin the�rrm°eslenJcd cuvcratic"and:iny athcr ILUUrds.inrluding <br /> floads or floaling,tior which Lrnder reyuins insurancr. Thi. insurance �hall Ix nwintuined in Uk umounts und for�he <br /> Furm 367tl 9�911 qx�er:o/n�wwes� . <br /> � . <br /> h :� . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . � <br /> • � � <br />