a:<<- i j.%" ;}{ I!✓=Y.��� ,��j,�'i�nl�'(��' Y1'''CiV'S+��'��c�i4.{ .. _ , �^ ly}` l°��'�_,�l�:`j,.5kic..
<br /> ? iZ� �n' -',c+k�i-� f,j .::iF':��.� � .'?S",'Z.'N; �fy+� 'S�.�J,;:j�l,x2...--...:_;�,�:,'i�:�. �:�_.� „:. .,s.i_. t:l�i.•- � -
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<br /> ��;,,:��.k.,.,.:'?'t- `"� - -� ' ',t:.':}°�'`�,�;�;�-_�
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<br /> . ._ �,s:�`-
<br /> , _
<br /> . ._. ._ .._
<br /> _ _ • __--_. _ , I� � ,'i�_r-.,..�
<br /> — . _- .i�� - �='"--tr�y �....� — -- _- �n•- ..�_�.��_.._.
<br /> � , -- �2- 1�188 4 �:;;�v- _ _
<br /> � _ � ,. . _:_
<br /> : .� . �;�-��-�
<br /> � -. � :.-� . __
<br /> � "`'��"°�"� condemnu[iun��r uther wking of uny pan of the Pruperty.ur lar runveyunce in hru ut�uud.nmuliun.um Iknhy urtiigned und �,.-�::_.._._
<br /> ,,�f.•:`�• .'^ .•���,. MFP.vT.J[7dQ�YR._..
<br /> " :;�'��'"�_�'.`�,;�t '."= shull he paid ta Lender. �'.�'--
<br /> � In the evem �►f u iotul �aking ol' the Pru�xrly. Ihe pr�Kred, tiI111II Ik nppbed ��� Uk ,mn, tirrurrd hy Ihi� Srcuriry �*:,_.a �
<br /> .. ' • °. In+trumcnt,whether�x n�H Ihen duc.wilh uny excr„ paid lu N�irraN�r. In di�� evenl ul �i ��,nlud iu{,inµul Ihr I'ra�xriy in �:,,:�v.�:—
<br /> s • a � a which�hc tuir murket vuluc uf�hc Pro�xhy i�unmdiu�cl�•Ix�t��r.Ih�lalinµ�.c�piul lu�n �t��+Urr�Imn I hr:u►unmt n f I hr wm�
<br /> ��:s:;:;�"_"�.:
<br /> � . � :• secured by this Security Imtrumem immediut��ly hrlurc ih�wlin�!,unlu�.Hunuwri ;o�d I.euder u�hrn�i,r;igtec in writing. ���_�;..��,;�.;-
<br /> - . thc,umx tiecurcd hy�hi+Sacurity In,trumem.hall Ix redured by thu.�mu�um��1 �ho pi�Krcdr muhiplicd hy �hr foUuwin� �`"��.
<br /> �- f�uctiun: fu)th�tutal arnaunt of thr,um����cuird i�mnediu�el� Ixli�r�the Iubing.�livi�ted by 11»Ui�lair mnrhut vuluc ut'ihe a.r�,���_,�_
<br /> _l-- ---.- , . pir�peny immediutcly Ixeforr ihc tuking. Any halunrc �hull Ix puid w B��r�+��•r►. In Ihc rvrut ul u pnniul �ul�ing ul'the �wR�,:__�-=-__
<br /> • Prupeny in which thc 1'uir murkrt vuluc ut'�hc Pru�xny immcdintrly I+rli�r� thc ia6iug i,1�,.ilmn tliu unurunt ul'thc +umti .t;�:�s�i;..:;�_-w
<br /> tiecun:d �mmeJiutely hufora the tukinE. unle.. li�irrnwcr und l.rnd�r iNhanviM• aµrer in uriiin�� ur w�luh. applicubl�: law ,JJf���;�����--
<br /> �,i{ i� - ��l.f[l��11iLY1 -
<br /> , .. uthcrwitic provides.the pnx:ecJ.,hull t+e urplicd�u�h�.um,Kcurcd by�hi�tiecurny bi.m�mm�t whribrr�rc nui th��um+um �•:ym�.�'�:•:
<br /> Ihen duo. ez��urrr�ou, -
<br /> 'y:.. .., �
<br />,-��:` .,.;,i: ..... If thc Propeny is ubunduncJ by Horruwcr.or if.iUi�r nulicr hy Lrndrr�o liurru��rr Iluu Uu�rundrmm�r uiirr,ta mukc '��� rfL
<br /> -.:., . ' an uwunl or,etUe u clnim tiir Jumn�;c,.Hurrowrr li�il.lo m�pund�u Lrudcr��ilhin�II d�i�.ullrr�hr d;u�Ihe mnirc i,given. .�t'�a}�,�1:�� �..
<br /> - � • "' ' � L.ender ix uuthorized to coUect and upply the pnxrrd,.+n il,upiiim..ilher�u re.lor:uion ar npuir of Ihc I'�u�xny��r lo Ih�s ��:��,`;.;�,��—_
<br /> � �•. sums secured hy this Security Ins�rumcnt,wlkthr�or nw�hcn due. �' '"��������
<br /> Unlex,Lender and B�,rr��wer otlx:nvi.e u�!r�e in �vriii:ig. u�,y��ri��,u������r�r�x.►�i, lu pnnrip;d •hull nu� rx�rnd or '..��1�;>,�',�:, �.::-
<br /> ., � • ' .t nt thc duc du�c of thc m�mthly paymcn�.rcl'rRCd�„in puru�eruph, I and 2 or rhunN�ihc�mnHmi�►1 ,ucl�pa��m�ut.. �;i;;l:yRr�� t�.�::'
<br /> .. ' � po_�po �I..=
<br />- • 11. Bor�ower Nat�ReleA�ed; Murbearance By I.ender Not u Wui�•e� lirtrn,iun ul �hr timr liir puymum �►r �5;;;'=';�?f�T3;u;:s._.�=-:
<br /> ' ;.. V H;f;�.�.��wu-..
<br /> . , modificutian of umortir.u�ion at the.umti•ecured by thi,Srruri�y In.lnnnrnt�!amtcd h�•l.rudur�a imy .urce..ur in inteR�� �,;;;;�,;:;�,:;,�..__,�_
<br /> ° . .. . •.li;'�•;.�u= oF sormwcr+hull n��t operu�r�a rcicu+r thc liabiliry uf Ihr ori�;in+d Hurrowcr ar Hurru��•rr:,urrc„��r, in in�rrr+t. l.�ndrr ,;,a�ris��:�;��.�.-
<br /> + �,{i��%!?''.': ,:' shall no� Ix�requireJ to c��mmcnce pnxccJin�,u�!uiml uny �urrc.�nr in in�cre+�ur rrlu,� tu ru.nd �imr li�r puymrm ur ':,:�.r:.�.,��t�. .,_.. .
<br /> . `::,:';,�,..'.• atherwise mcxlify amonizmion of�hc wm,+�cureJ hy�hi+Srcuriry In+�rumrm hy rra�on ul':my drnu�nd nwdc hy thr originul f��;v�;;,,;':�
<br /> ." �"��..��`" Burrower or Borr��wer;�ucr�.+�x.in imrrc,t. Any ti�rtkuruncc hp l.rixkr in rxrrciving uny n�h���r rrincdy.bull nn�Ix u „�r• �.:_::-
<br /> . . ,.:.�,: ��.,.�,r�...-=
<br /> " �i%�:`•�l;;t • wuiver of ur prcrludc thc excrciu ol'uny ripht ur rcnudy. t';;'::;;- -
<br /> . 12. Successors and As�isos Huund:.lufnt und tieverul LiaBllity:l'o•sl�ner�. 'I'hr cuveiwn�,mul;�Er�cmcnt.ot'ihi. --:.,,��,=,''`,�ir,-==;
<br /> „ " . Sccuriry Instrumcnl ghull binJ unJ ix�ncli� Ihr ,ucrc.tiur,und u,.ign,uf L�ader auKl Hurru��cr.�uNµrt Io Ihc pruvi.ii►n�of =-__,,_
<br /> � ,� purugruph 17. BoRawcr's covcnunt.unil ugrcenums shull Ix.�uinl +�nd.everul. An� Hurra��cr whu cu-.i�!n,thi, tirruri�y ;�;`�,;�;;.4:=
<br /> �' �;I'::�;':;.�•; ' '+i "
<br /> ,� ' • ; ',::''�,,. Instrumcnt hu�darz not cxccmc thc No�c: lu� i.co-tii�!nin�!U�i+Scrurity In.lrumrnt�mly w mun�::��!e.Efu�U:Uld cullvcy tl�tU ,�.�.�:�_
<br /> � Borrowcr;intcrest in�hc P�o�xny undrr�hc�cnn+uf thi+Srruriiy hi.�rumrnc �hl i,nui�xr.unully ohGE+�tcd�u pay�hr,um. „ ,�;:�ti?;.;-
<br /> '���.:�;,;.i• •:� . •
<br /> �.'', :� . xccurcJ by�hi�Security Inti�rumcnt:unJ Ir 1 ugrc�+th:u l.endor and mry uth��r N��rru��r�mny+��nr lu c�lrnd.nuKlily.li�rlxar ',�.,,t:;,L,-,. ,,,:�-_.
<br /> � ;, or muke uny arccommadution� wilh retiurd to Ihc tenns ot'thi. Sccurity h�.trumcm ur Ihe N�Ne wilhixu Ihut N��rroacr+ _�����=.
<br /> . o .r.'i.-.� -- -
<br /> . � consent. -
<br /> _ �i, I.oan Chur{�es. If Ihc loun ycrured by thi.Scruriry In,irumrnt i. .uhjrct �u a I11K NI11CI) .rt. w+���mum luun ��� -�-
<br /> •� '� churges,smd thut luw is finally interpro�eJ �o thiu U�e imerr,t i�r uUxr ivan ciiurgr+cullc�ic�i��i i��tk.ci!lccsrc!ii:cnn�serlicm ���_v
<br /> wi�h the I�,un exceed the Fx:miiuccl limits.lhen: lul uny.uch lu�m cliurge,hall ix rrdured by d�e 7Ui1�N1111 IICCCr�ill')'lu fCdUCC ��,`,.,Y,�,-x---
<br /> .. � the chargc to thc�xrmiueJ limit:and Ihl uny�umx idreaJy cullrcteJ 1'rum Nurrmver��hinc��rrcJed�xnniUrd limit.wil)i�• __
<br /> ' rcYunded ta Borrower. Lrnder mi�y chao�c to make Ihi�rel'uud hy rcducin�:�hr principid owrd undrr Ihr Nulr ur h� mul�inp�� '����• :�•
<br /> . dircct puyment to 8orrnwrc IP i►rcl'und n�Jucr.prinripul,tlx rcduction will Ixr�reu�cd:i.i�p:irliul prrpa>inrm w•ilhuul nnp ��++��►^•.
<br /> . . prcp�ymen�churgc undcr thr Ni,tc. �,.._;�":�-�:.'`'"'-
<br /> � ' � W. Notices. Any niHKr la Horrnw�r provid�d liir in U►i, tircurily In.trumcni .li;dl tx given h� drli�rrin�; il ur hy � ,•x.,�.r�=
<br /> ; I Y w�_:,�•=-.n:=�
<br />